999 resultados para cristina periquito
Studies have shown the cariostatic effect of Er,Cr:YSGG (2.78 mm) laser irradiation on human enamel and have suggested its use on caries prevention. However there are still no reports on the intrapulpal temperature increase during enamel irradiation using parameters for caries prevention. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the temperature variation in the pulp chamber during human enamel irradiation with Er,Cr:YSGG laser at different energy densities. Fifteen enamel blocks obtained from third molars (3 x 3 x 3 mm) were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=5): G1 - Er,Cr:YSGG laser 0.25 W, 20 Hz, 2.84 J/cm², G2 - Er,Cr:YSGG laser 0.50 W, 20 Hz, 5.68 J/cm², G3 - Er,Cr:YSGG laser 0.75 W, 20 Hz, 8.52 J/cm². During enamel irradiation, two thermocouples were fixed in the inner surface of the specimens and a thermal conducting paste was used. One-way ANOVA did not show statistically significant difference among the experimental groups (a=0.05). There was intrapulpal temperature variation <0.1ºC for all irradiation parameters. In conclusion, under the tested conditions, the use of Er,Cr:YSGG laser with parameters set for caries prevention lead to an acceptable temperature increase in the pulp chamber.
The objective of this work was to evaluate biaxial-flexural-strength (σf), Vickers hardness (HV), fracture toughness (K Ic), Young's modulus (E), Poisson's ratio (ν) and porosity (P) of two commercial glass-ceramics, Empress (E1) and Empress 2 (E2), as a function of the hot-pressing temperature. Ten disks were hot-pressed at 1065, 1070, 1075 and 1080 °C for E1; and at 910, 915, 920 and 925 °C for E2. The porosity was measured by an image analyzer software and s f was determined using the piston-on-three-balls method. K Ic and HV were determined by an indentation method. Elastic constants were determined by the pulse-echo method. For E1 samples treated at different temperatures, there were no statistical differences among the values of all evaluated properties. For E2 samples treated at different temperatures, there were no statistical differences among the values of σf, E, and ν, however HV and K Ic were significantly higher for 910 and 915 °C, respectively. Regarding P, the mean value obtained for E2 for 925 °C was significantly higher compared to other temperatures.
This study aimed at comparing amounts of nickel (Ni) and chromium (Cr) released from brackets from different manufacturers in simulated oral environments. 280 brackets were equally divided into 7 groups according to manufacturer. 6 groups of brackets were stainless steel, and 1 group of brackets was made of a cobalt-chromium alloy with low Ni content (0.5%). International standard ISO 10271/2001 was applied to provide test methods. Each bracket was immersed in 0.5 ml of synthetic saliva (SS) or artificial plaque fluid (PF) over a period of 28 days at 37ºC. Solutions were replaced every 7 days, and were analyzed by spectrometry. The Kruskal-Wallis test was applied. Amounts of Ni release in SS (µg L-1 per week) varied between groups from "bellow detection limits" to 694, and from 49 to 5,948.5 in PF. The group of brackets made of cobalt-chromium alloy, with the least nickel content, did not release the least amounts of Ni. Amounts of Cr detected in SS and in PF (µg L-1 per week) were from 1 to 10.4 and from 50.5 to 8,225, respectively. It was therefore concluded that brackets from different manufacturers present different corrosion behavior. Further studies are necessary to determine clinical implications of the findings.
The objective of this study was to compare the completion rates and performance of the Brazilian version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP14) when applied as an interview or in its original self-reported form. A convenience sample of 74 adult patients was selected in a Dental Clinic (University of Araras, Brazil). One examiner administered the instrument in both formats to participants with an interval of 2 weeks between each administration. Data about dental health condition and socioeconomic status were collected and associated with total OHIP14 scores in both formats using linear regression analyses. No differences were found in the total scores and in each subscale of the OHIP14 according to the form of administration. Higher values of completion were found in the interview format. More severe impacts were recorded in the interview format than in the questionnaire format. Higher values of total OHIP-14 scores in both formats were related to the presence of dental caries. Total OHIP14 scores were not influenced by the method of administration. However, the use of the OHIP14 in the questionnaire format may result in lower completion rates and loss of data.
OBJETIVO: o propósito do presente estudo é avaliar o limite de resistência à flexão de um protótipo de mini-implante desenvolvido para ancoragem do aparelho de Herbst. MÉTODOS: após a realização de um cálculo do tamanho da amostra, quatro corpos de prova contendo os protótipos de mini-implantes foram submetidos a uma força de flexão por engastamento simples, utilizando-se uma máquina universal de ensaios mecânicos, sendo calculado o limite de resistência à força de flexão. RESULTADOS: após os ensaios mecânicos, os novos mini-implantes apresentaram o limite de resistência à força de flexão de 98,2kgf, que foi o menor valor encontrado. CONCLUSÃO: os protótipos de mini-implantes desenvolvidos para ancoragem do aparelho de Herbst foram capazes de suportar forças de flexão maiores do que as forças de mordida descritas na literatura.
Several studies have reported the benefits of sonic and/or ultrasonic instrumentation for root debridement, with most of them focusing on changes in periodontal clinical parameters. The present study investigated possible alterations in the tensile bond strength of crowns cemented with zinc phosphate cement to natural teeth after ultrasonic instrumentation. Forty recently extracted intact human third molars were selected, cleaned and stored in physiologic serum at 4°C. They received standard preparations, at a 16º convergence angle, and AgPd alloy crowns. The crowns were cemented with zinc phosphate cement and then divided into four groups of 10 teeth each. Each group was then subdivided into two subgroups, with one of the subgroups being submitted to 5,000 thermal cycles ranging from 55 ± 2 to 5 ± 2°C, while the other was not. Each group was submitted to ultrasonic instrumentation for different periods of time: group 1 - 0 min (control), group 2 - 5 min, group 3 - 10 min, and group 4 - 15 min. Tensile bond strength tests were performed with an Instron testing machine (model 4310). Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA and Tukey's test at the 5% level of significance. A significant reduction in the tensile bond strength of crowns cemented with zinc phosphate and submitted to thermal cycles was observed at 15 min (196.75 N versus 0 min = 452.01 N, 5 min = 444.23 N and 10 min = 470.85 N). Thermal cycling and ultrasonic instrumentation for 15 min caused a significant reduction in tensile bond strength (p < .05).
OBJETIVOS: avaliar e mensurar a sutura palatina mediana por meio de radiografias oclusais totais de maxila digitalizadas, antes e depois da sua disjunção. MÉTODOS: a amostra constou de 17 pacientes, com idades entre 7 e 22 anos. Radiografias oclusais totais da maxila foram executadas antes e depois da abertura da sutura palatina mediana, e digitalizadas em scanner HP Scanjet 6110 C com adaptador de transparências HPC 6261 6100 C, utilizando-se o programa Deskscan II. Para a avaliação e medição, foi utilizado o programa Radioimp® (Radiomemory, MG/Brasil). Na análise estatística, foram utilizados a média, o desvio-padrão, o coeficiente de variação e os testes "t" e ANOVA. CONCLUSÕES: após os resultados, foi possível concluir que (1) na região dos incisivos, houve uma abertura palatina mediana estatisticamente significativa; (2) houve abertura de diastema entre os incisivos centrais superiores em torno de 69,37% dos casos; (3) houve uma maior abertura da sutura palatina mediana na região a 10mm a partir da crista para posterior, em comparação com a região a 3mm para posterior do parafuso expansor; (4) na região a 3mm para posterior do parafuso expansor houve uma abertura de 35,97%, e na região a 10mm para posterior da crista uma abertura de 69,37%.
O tratamento convencionalmente preconizado para cães acometidos pela CMD consiste na prescrição de vasodilatadores, agentes inotrópicos positivos (digitálico), diuréticos, dieta hipossódica e, quando necessário, antiarrítmicos. O carvedilol é um β-bloqueador de 3ª geração, não seletivo, que bloqueia igualmente e competitivamente os receptores (β1, β2 e α1). Produz uma evidente vasodilatação periférica, exerce efeitos anti-oxidantes, removendo radicais livres de oxigênio e prevenindo a peroxidação lipídica nas membranas cardíacas, prevenindo a perda de miócitos e a ocorrência de arritmias e reduzindo a taxa de mortalidade em pacientes humanos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar clínica, eletrocardiográfica, radiográfica e ecocardiograficamente a evolução de cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada (CMD) tratatos com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Para tal foram avaliados 49 cães com CMD divididos em: grupo NT, tratado com terapia convencional, e grupo T, tratado com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Os animais foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e a exames complementares durante o período de um ano. Os resultados demonstraram que a terapia com carvedilol apresentou boa tolerabilidade na dose de 0,3mg kg-1 12-12horas, aumentou a sobrevida dos cães em 30,9%, não alterou as pressões sistólica e diastólica, reduziu a frequência cardíaca após três semanas de terapia, melhorou significantemente as frações de encurtamento e ejeção após seis meses de tratamento, não promoveu alterações radiográficas e da distância E-septo, diminuiu o índice de letalidade da doença, fato demonstrado pela melhora no escore clínico e na classe funcional dos animais, obtida após três semanas de terapia com carvedilol.
The aim of this work was to study the effect of the hydrolysis degree (HD) and the concentration (C PVA) of two types of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and the effect of the type and the concentration of plasticizers on the phase properties of biodegradable films based on blends of gelatin and PVA, using a response-surface methodology. The films were made by casting and the studied properties were their glass (Tg) and melting (Tm) transition temperatures, which were determined by diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). For the data obtained on the first scan, the fitting of the linear model was statistically significant and predictive only for the second melting temperature. In this case, the most important effect on the second Tm of the first scan was due to the HD of the PVA. In relation to the second scan, the linear model could be fit to Tg data with only two statistically significant parameters. Both the PVA and plasticizer concentrations had an important effect on Tg. Concerning the second Tm of the second scan, the linear model was fit to data with two statistically significant parameters, namely the HD and the plasticizer concentration. But, the most important effect was provoked by the HD of the PVA.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estudo do efeito do Grau de Hidrólise (GH) do poli(vinil álcool) (PVA) nas propriedades dos filmes à base de blendas de gelatina suína e PVA com dois GH. Os filmes foram produzidos com soluções com 2 g de macromoléculas/100 g de solução, contendo 23,1 g de PVA.100 g-1 de macromoléculas e 25 g de glicerol/100 g de macromoléculas. As propriedades mecânicas e térmicas, cor, opacidade, umidade e solubilidade, além de espectros de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR) dos filmes, foram estudadas. As soluções foram analisadas por reometria dinâmica. Os filmes produzidos com o PVA de menor GH foram mais higroscópicos e mais solúveis. Mas o tipo de PVA não afetou a cor, afetando a opacidade e o brilho dos filmes. O PVA com maior GH proporcionou filmes mais resistentes, e o PVA de menor GH produziu filmes mais resistentes à tração, embora menos deformáveis na perfuração. O GH do PVA não afetou a temperatura de transição vítrea dos filmes, determinada na primeira varredura, mas a afetou na segunda varredura. Os resultados das análises de FTIR corroborraram com esses resultados. As propriedades viscoelásticas das soluções não foram afetadas pelo GH do PVA, muito possivelmente por se tratar de soluções diluídas.
Avaliaram-se os efeitos de dietas com níveis crescentes de milho em grão moído (0, 22, 37 e 49% na MS) em substituição ao feno de coast-cross mantendo-se diferentes relações proteína:carboidratos não-fibrosos (PB:CNF = 1,01; 0,39; 0,33 e 0,27) sobre o metabolismo ruminal de búfalos. Utilizaram-se quatro búfalos fistulados no rúmen, mantidos em delineamento quadrado latino 4 × 4, para a coleta de amostras do líquido ruminal, colhidas em cada período experimental (de 28 dias) nos tempos 0, 2, 4 e 8 horas após a alimentação. Em geral, os bubalinos apresentaram boa capacidade tamponante no rúmen, com pH médio alto (6,70) e aumento da ingestão de milho em grão moído. O acréscimo nos níveis de milho na dieta promoveu aumento da produção de ácido butírico. Somente a dieta com 49% de milho promoveu melhor fermentação ruminal, com menor propoção de ácidos acético:propiônico. A relação PB:CNF de 1,01 indica deficiência de energia da dieta disponível para microrganismos no rúmen ao longo do dia, enquanto dietas com PB:CNF entre 0,39 e 0,27 promovem fermentações ruminais semelhantes, o que indica sincronismo na utilização de nitrogênio e energia pelos microrganismos no rúmen nessas condições.
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a widely spread zoonotic disease. In Brazil the disease is caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi. Peridomestic sandflies acquire the etiological agent by feeding on blood of infected reservoir animals, such as dogs or wildlife. The disease is endemic in Brazil and epidemic foci have been reported in densely populated cities all over the country. Many clinical features of Leishmania infection are related to the host-parasite relationship, and many candidate virulence factors in parasites that cause VL have been studied such as A2 genes. The A2 gene was first isolated in 1994 and then in 2005 three new alleles were described in Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum. In the present study we amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced the A2 gene from the genome of a clonal population of L. (L.) infantum chagasi VL parasites. The L. (L.) infantum chagasi A2 gene was amplified, cloned, and sequenced in. The amplified fragment showed approximately 90% similarity with another A2 allele amplified in Leishmania (Leishmania) donovani and in L.(L.) infantum described in literature. However, nucleotide translation shows differences in protein amino acid sequence, which may be essential to determine the variability of A2 genes in the species of the L. (L.) donovani complex and represents an additional tool to help understanding the role this gene family may have in establishing virulence and immunity in visceral leishmaniasis. This knowledge is important for the development of more accurate diagnostic tests and effective tools for disease control.
Gaseous N losses from soil are considerable, resulting mostly from ammonia volatilization linked to agricultural activities such as pasture fertilization. The use of simple and accessible measurement methods of such losses is fundamental in the evaluation of the N cycle in agricultural systems. The purpose of this study was to evaluate quantification methods of NH3 volatilization from fertilized surface soil with urea, with minimal influence on the volatilization processes. The greenhouse experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with 13 treatments and five replications, with the following treatments: (1) Polyurethane foam (density 20 kg m-3) with phosphoric acid solution absorber (foam absorber), installed 1, 5, 10 and 20 cm above the soil surface; (2) Paper filter with sulfuric acid solution absorber (paper absorber, 1, 5, 10 and 20 cm above the soil surface); (3) Sulfuric acid solution absorber (1, 5 and 10 cm above the soil surface); (4) Semi-open static collector; (5) 15N balance (control). The foam absorber placed 1 cm above the soil surface estimated the real daily rate of loss and accumulated loss of NH3N and proved efficient in capturing NH3 volatized from urea-treated soil. The estimates based on acid absorbers 1, 5 and 10 cm above the soil surface and paper absorbers 1 and 5 cm above the soil surface were only realistic for accumulated N-NH3 losses. Foam absorbers can be indicated to quantify accumulated and daily rates of NH3 volatilization losses similarly to an open static chamber, making calibration equations or correction factors unnecessary.
Dois experimentos foram conduzidos para determinar a composição química, os valores de energia e os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos aminoácidos, do farelo de arroz integral (FAI) e da quirera de arroz (QA). No primeiro estudo, foram utilizadas 144 aves, com 21 dias de idade, machos, linhagem Cobb, que tiveram suas excretas totalmente coletadas para determinação da energia metabolizável aparente (EMA) e energia metabolizável aparente corrigida (EMAn). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e seis repetições, com oito aves cada. No segundo experimento, foi utilizado o método de alimentação forçada para a determinação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade dos aminoácidos. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com dois alimentos e um jejum e seis repetições com um galo cada. Os valores de MS, PB, EE, FB, EMA e EMAn foram, respectivamente, para FAI: 88,6%; 11,8%; 15,3%; 10,2%; 2968kcal kg-1 e 2804kcal kg-1 e para QA: 93,5%; 9,1%; 0,73%; 0,45%; 3338kcal kg-1 e 3239kcal kg-1. Os valores médios encontrados dos coeficientes de digestibilidade de aminoácidos essenciais e não essenciais foram, respectivamente, de 75,9% e 73,9%, para FAI, e 77,9% e 76,5%, para QA. Embora tenham apresentado níveis inferiores de energia, FAI e a QA podem ser utilizados nas rações de aves em substituição ao milho, uma vez que tiveram níveis maiores de proteína bruta e aminoácidos digestíveis.
PURPOSE: Evaluate the bone tissue recovery following transplantation of ovine mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from bone marrow and human immature dental-pulp stem cells (hIDPSC) in ovine model of induced osteonecrosis of femoral head (ONFH). METHODS: Eight sheep were divided in three experimental groups. First group was composed by four animals with ONFH induced by ethanol through central decompression (CD), for control group without any treatment. The second and third group were compose by two animals, six weeks after ONFH induction received transplantation of heterologous ovine MSC (CD + oMSC), and hIDPSC (CD + hIDPSC), respectively. In both experiments the cells were transplanted without application of any type of immunosupression protocol. RESULTS: Our data indicate that both cell types used in experiments were able to proliferate within injured site providing bone tissue recovery. The histological results obtained from CD+hIDPSC suggested that the bone regeneration in such animals was better than that observed in CD animals. CONCLUSION: Mesenchymal stem cell transplant in induced ovine osteonecrosis of femoral head by central decompression technique is safe, and apparently favors bone regeneration of damaged tissues.