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La percepción subjetiva de la movilidad social intergeneracional (ascendente, inmóvil o descendente) es un elemento importante para comprender la percepción que los individuos tienen de la sociedad en la que viven. De hecho, es al considerar las expectativas sobre el futuro cuando mejor pueden comprenderse las reacciones sociales en el presente.
The crisis affecting European Union, and especially Mediterranean countries, is both an economic and a political crisis. In a broad sense, we can look at the crisis as the result of an internal crisis of the neoliberal model, exacerbating the perceived subordination of politics to the economy, and therefore the deficit of legitimacy and involvement that characterizes both European and national institutions. The decline in support for traditional political organizations and reduction of conventional political participation is accompanied by a process of reinvention of politics, which takes form in grass-root, non conventional participation. New political actors challenge economic and political institution and claim for a renewal of democracy and for a new relation between economy and politics. The article, after comparing steps and dimension of crisis, explores the characteristics of anti- austerity movements in Spain and in Italy, analyzing differences and similarities. Finally, we locate the movilization occurred in these two countries within the context of the global cycles of protest.
This article considers an empirical approach to the relationships among three well known concepts: “Benevolence” (Schwartz), Solidarity and Resilience ("Subjective wellbeing scale" - SWB). The first concept refers to cultural values, the second one to social networks and the third to the ability to recover from crisis. The measurement of solidarity has been done from the point of view of supportive ties. The baseline hypothesis considers that the presence of a high value in Benevolence contributes to the involvements in solidarity networks. Participation in supportive relationships facilitates recovery from personal crisis. Using data from the European Social Survey (ESS6), we conclude from this structural analysis that the resilience reflected in a society is partly a consequence of the supportive networks shaped by the presence of benevolence values.
La incidencia en las políticas sociales es una importante función profesional de las trabajadoras sociales que precisa ser integrada en la educación teórica y práctica en Trabajo Social. Este artículo indaga sobre los fundamentos de esta función de incidencia en los cambios sociales promoviendo políticas sociales que reconozcan los derechos humanos. Partiendo de los referentes internacionales del trabajo social, se analiza el caso de España teniendo en cuenta los códigos deontológicos, los planes de estudio en Trabajo Social, la práctica profesional y los nuevos Grados en Trabajo Social. Se concluye planteando interrogantes sobre el grado de responsabilidad y de implicación de las universidades y Colegios profesionales en coherencia con los principios y valores del Trabajo Social.
Esta investigación efectúa una revisión de los proyectos internacionales de opinión pública que estudian, de forma comparada, las opiniones y valores relacionados con la provisión del bienestar social. Las dificultades metodológicas que plantea la comparación entre diferentes países es elevada. No obstante, de dicho estudio exploratorio se pueden extraer varias conclusiones relevantes. Así, la opinión pública entiende que la obligación de proveer de bienestar social es del gobierno y de la administración pública. No es una responsabilidad de la sociedad civil o de las organizaciones que la vertebran. El papel que se atribuye a las instituciones de caridad o del sector privado es mínimo. La reducción de la intervención del estado en el bienestar, es valorada de forma negativa en todos los países considerados. En la atención a la pobreza y la reducción de desigualdades también se atribuye el papel central al gobierno y el estado. En general, tanto los planteamientos individualistas, donde cada individuo debe resolver sus problemas por sí solo, como el planteamiento que traslada a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil la responsabilidad de la protección social, no tienen acogida en la opinión pública de los países considerados. La opinión sobre la necesidad de que el gobierno intervenga para reducir las diferencias en los ingresos, debe interpretarse en un contexto general donde la impresión más extendida afirma que la desigualdad se acentúa e incrementa en los últimos años. Una desigualdad considerada como un problema grave, e importante para la democracia en el país. En cierto sentido la desigualdad, la pobreza y la responsabilidad del gobierno para atenuar una y evitar la otra, son más que evidentes, así como su lectura desde la óptica de la legitimación democrática del sistema. Nos encontramos en una situación paradójica donde, si bien queda perfectamente claro que la responsabilidad de la lucha contra la pobreza es de los gobiernos, como veremos, en general la confianza en que estos gobiernos van a actuar e intervenir correctamente es bastante baja. La crisis iniciada en 2007 y el desmantelamiento del estado de bienestar que se efectúa en varias sociedades del sur de Europa se producen en este contexto.
A documentary examination of the causes of and responses to the civil war in Sierra Leone, as well as whether future conflict can be avoided in an environment of poverty and corruption.
O concreto, de um modo geral, apresenta um bom comportamento em situação de incêndio quando comparado com o aço, todavia em função da temperatura ocorrem algumas transformações químicas e físicas que podem comprometer esse desempenho. Apesar das alterações das propriedades mecânicas e térmicas do concreto quando sujeito a temperaturas elevadas e após situação de incêndio já terem sido avaliadas em vários estudos, ainda é um campo aberto onde é necessário muita investigação. O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo experimental sobre a avaliação das propriedades mecânicas residuais de concretos normais após incêndio. Para o efeito foram selecionados agregados graníticos e agregados calcários, dado serem os agregados mais utilizados na construção civil em Portugal e em muitos outros países. Os parâmetros testados foram: o nível de carregamento (0,3fcd e 0,7fcd); o processo de arrefecimento (arrefecimento ao ar e arrefecimento por jato de água) e o nível máximo de temperatura atingida (20, 300, 500 e 700ºC). As propriedades mecânicas estudadas foram a resistência à compressão residual, resistência à tração direta e resistência à tração por compressão diametral, resistência à flexão, módulo de elasticidade e coeficiente de Poisson. As temperaturas atingidas e o arrefecimento rápido do concreto apresentaram um efeito negativo sobre as propriedades mecânicas residuais. Este efeito foi mais notório na resistência à compressão residual do que nas restantes propriedades mecânicas estudadas.
Six letters regarding ongoing civil wars in the Argentinean provinces, peace negotiations, and Forbes’ implementation of the Monroe Doctrine, as well as diplomatic discussions with the provisional government in Buenos Aires, which sought American intervention. Forbes also includes a copy of a letter he wrote to the provisional government regarding privateering.
The political crisis in Ukraine, particularly the bloodshed seen on 18–20 February and the subsequent Russian intervention in Crimea, has sparked fears of another possible wave of immigrants heading to the EU. However, the country was partially politically stabilised (at least in its central and western parts), and this has made the scenario of a mass migration of people from Ukraine rather unlikely. If there is no civil war in Ukraine, any further development of the political situation in Ukraine may have only an indirect impact on the actual migration. Should the political instability continue, the Ukrainian economy remain in recession while jobs are available for Ukrainian immigrants in the EU, then an increase in the migration of Ukrainian citizens to the EU, including Poland, would be possible. In the short term there may be two characteristic groups of immigrants: (1) young people who will attempt to leave Ukraine for good due to the lack of job opportunities; (2) circulating migrants, mainly from western Ukraine, who will be looking for temporary jobs. Only if the economic downturn trend and political turmoil in Ukraine continues for a longer time, will settlement migration increase.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have been more active than usual since mid- -February this year, holding a number of previously unannounced military exercises aimed at testing combat readiness. They have also maintained, for many months, a Russian warship task force in the Mediterranean in connection with the civil war in Syria. Those activities stand out of the usual training routine of the Russian army. They have no precedent in Russia’s recent history in terms of the size of the forces involved, the measures employed, the territorial span, the number of exercises, or the scheduling and mode of carrying out the drills. The last combat-readiness tests on this scale were carried out by the Soviet army in the 1980s. The intensity of the Russian Navy’s activities in the Mediterranean and the military means engaged are comparable, in due proportion, with the activities of the Soviet fleet during the Vietnam war. The Russian leadership, including president Vladimir Putin, has been directly following the recent activities of the Russian Armed Forces and their evolution.
After a year of focusing on the nuclear deal with Iran, international diplomacy is returning to consider resolution of the civil war in Syria, with each side now a little less firm in their positions as the situation on the ground deteriorates further. In this new CEPS Commentary Steven Blockmans sheds light on the highly complex and volatile environment in the Middle East, concluding that failure to seize the new diplomatic momentum to resolve this conflict will likely mean that Syria falls into the hands of IS.
Civil aviation in Europe is one major area where landmark changes have taken place since the late 1980s – the liberalization and deregulation of the sector by member states in three “packages” in the 1980s has transformed an economic sector historically characterized by heavy protectionism, collusion and strong state intervention. Today, the European Union’s (EU) aviation sector contributes to 2.4% of European GDP and supports 5.1 million jobs. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has also eagerly taken steps to integrate its aviation markets as part of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. This background brief chronicles the changes made in the aviation sector in Europe through regional integration and examines how these changes have affected policymaking in member states, the airline industry and consumers. The brief also examines ASEAN’s own effort in the integration of its own aviation sector and, taking into account the EU’s strong interest in cooperating with ASEAN on transport and civil aviation policy, whether the changes in the EU are applicable in the ASEAN context.
In the context of the civil war in Syria, Turkey has been accused of intense co-operation with Islamic State. The accusations have been coming for some time from the West, and also from the Turkish opposition and the Kurds. The Russian government has also joined in the accusations over the past few months.
Since the Arab uprisings of 2011, European Union (EU) assistance has nominally targeted more resources to supporting democracy movements in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The EU has better equipped itself institutionally, financially and conceptually, by strengthening its bottom up grassroots approach to democracy support; resources earmarked for supporting civil society have been increased, the budget for the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) has been beefed up, and the strengthened EU Delegations have be come more empowered to reach out to groups at the local grass roots level behind democracy activities; The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) was created with the mandate to support individuals and organizations in neighbouring countries that work for democracy. Whether this translates into a more effective strategy for democracy support, however, remains to be seen. In this report, Rosa Balfour, Francesca Fabbri and Richard Youngs present a detailed overview of the support given to civil society in the MENA region by the EU, with a special focus on the various financial instruments used.
Tras una revisión diacrónica del tratamiento del tema de la guerra civil en la narrativa gallega, el artículo analiza la función performativa que en ese contexto han desempeñado una serie de obras narrativas de Manuel Rivas y su eficacia como factores de legitimación y dinamización del proceso de recuperación de la memoria histórica. Como conclusión se propone considerar a Rivas como un emprendedor de la memoria (Jelin) y sus obras como 'lieux de memoire' (Nora) por su condición de artefactos culturales de integración social.