933 resultados para cannabinoid drugs
In this study, fluid bed granulation was applied to improve the dissolution of nimodipine and spironolactone, two very poorly water-soluble drugs. Granules were obtained with different amounts of sodium dodecyl sulfate and croscarmellose sodium and then compressed into tablets. The dissolution behavior of the tablets was studied by comparing their dissolution profiles and dissolution efficiency with those obtained from physical mixtures of the drug and excipients subjected to similar conditions. Statistical analysis of the results demonstrated that the fluid bed granulation process improves the dissolution efficiency of both nimodipine and spironolactone tablets. The addition of either the surfactant or the disintegrant employed in the study proved to have a lower impact on this improvement in dissolution than the fluid bed granulation process.
The endocannabinoid system has been implicated in several neurobiological processes, including neurodegeneration, neuroprotection and neuronal plasticity. The CB1 cannabinoid receptors are abundantly expressed in the basal ganglia, the circuitry that is mostly affected in Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Some studies show variation of CB1 expression in basal ganglia in different animal models of PD, however the results are quite controversial, due to the differences in the procedures employed to induce the parkinsonism and the periods analyzed after the lesion. The present study evaluated the CB1 expression in four basal ganglia structures, namely striatum, external globus pallidus (EGP), internal globus pallidus (IGP) and substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) of rats 1, 5, 10, 20, and 60 days after unilateral intrastriatal 6-hydroxydopamine injections, that causes retrograde dopaminergic degeneration. We also investigated tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), parvalbumin, calbindin and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) expression to verify the status of dopaminergic and GABAergic systems. We observed a structure-specific modulation of CB1 expression at different periods after lesions. In general, there were no changes in the striatum, decreased CB1 in IGP and SNpr and increased CB1 in EGP, but this increase was not sustained over time. No changes in GAD and parvalbumin expression were observed in basal ganglia, whereas TH levels were decreased and the calbindin increased in striatum in short periods after lesion. We believe that the structure-specific variation of CB1 in basal ganglia in the 6-hydroxydopamine PD model could be related to a compensatory process involving the GABAergic transmission, which is impaired due to the lack of dopamine. Our data, therefore, suggest that the changes of CB1 and calbindin expression may represent a plasticity process in this PD model
Doctorado en Economía: Aplicaciones a las finanzas y seguros, a la economía sectorial, al medio ambiente y a las infraestructuras.
Introduction and aims of the research Nitric oxide (NO) and endocannabinoids (eCBs) are major retrograde messengers, involved in synaptic plasticity (long-term potentiation, LTP, and long-term depression, LTD) in many brain areas (including hippocampus and neocortex), as well as in learning and memory processes. NO is synthesized by NO synthase (NOS) in response to increased cytosolic Ca2+ and mainly exerts its functions through soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) and cGMP production. The main target of cGMP is the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). Activity-dependent release of eCBs in the CNS leads to the activation of the Gαi/o-coupled cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) at both glutamatergic and inhibitory synapses. The perirhinal cortex (Prh) is a multimodal associative cortex of the temporal lobe, critically involved in visual recognition memory. LTD is proposed to be the cellular correlate underlying this form of memory. Cholinergic neurotransmission has been shown to play a critical role in both visual recognition memory and LTD in Prh. Moreover, visual recognition memory is one of the main cognitive functions impaired in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The main aim of my research was to investigate the role of NO and ECBs in synaptic plasticity in rat Prh and in visual recognition memory. Part of this research was dedicated to the study of synaptic transmission and plasticity in a murine model (Tg2576) of Alzheimer’s disease. Methods Field potential recordings. Extracellular field potential recordings were carried out in horizontal Prh slices from Sprague-Dawley or Dark Agouti juvenile (p21-35) rats. LTD was induced with a single train of 3000 pulses delivered at 5 Hz (10 min), or via bath application of carbachol (Cch; 50 μM) for 10 min. LTP was induced by theta-burst stimulation (TBS). In addition, input/output curves and 5Hz-LTD were carried out in Prh slices from 3 month-old Tg2576 mice and littermate controls. Behavioural experiments. The spontaneous novel object exploration task was performed in intra-Prh bilaterally cannulated adult Dark Agouti rats. Drugs or vehicle (saline) were directly infused into the Prh 15 min before training to verify the role of nNOS and CB1 in visual recognition memory acquisition. Object recognition memory was tested at 20 min and 24h after the end of the training phase. Results Electrophysiological experiments in Prh slices from juvenile rats showed that 5Hz-LTD is due to the activation of the NOS/sGC/PKG pathway, whereas Cch-LTD relies on NOS/sGC but not PKG activation. By contrast, NO does not appear to be involved in LTP in this preparation. Furthermore, I found that eCBs are involved in LTP induction, but not in basal synaptic transmission, 5Hz-LTD and Cch-LTD. Behavioural experiments demonstrated that the blockade of nNOS impairs rat visual recognition memory tested at 24 hours, but not at 20 min; however, the blockade of CB1 did not affect visual recognition memory acquisition tested at both time points specified. In three month-old Tg2576 mice, deficits in basal synaptic transmission and 5Hz-LTD were observed compared to littermate controls. Conclusions The results obtained in Prh slices from juvenile rats indicate that NO and CB1 play a role in the induction of LTD and LTP, respectively. These results are confirmed by the observation that nNOS, but not CB1, is involved in visual recognition memory acquisition. The preliminary results obtained in the murine model of Alzheimer’s disease indicate that deficits in synaptic transmission and plasticity occur very early in Prh; further investigations are required to characterize the molecular mechanisms underlying these deficits.
Drug abuse is a major global problem which has a strong impact not only on the single individual but also on the entire society. Among the different strategies that can be used to address this issue an important role is played by identification of abusers and proper medical treatment. This kind of therapy should be carefully monitored in order to discourage improper use of the medication and to tailor the dose according to the specific needs of the patient. Hence, reliable analytical methods are needed to reveal drug intake and to support physicians in the pharmacological management of drug dependence. In the present Ph.D. thesis original analytical methods for the determination of drugs with a potential for abuse and of substances used in the pharmacological treatment of drug addiction are presented. In particular, the work has been focused on the analysis of ketamine, naloxone and long-acting opioids (buprenorphine and methadone), oxycodone, disulfiram and bupropion in human plasma and in dried blood spots. The developed methods are based on the use of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to various kinds of detectors (mass spectrometer, coulometric detector, diode array detector). For biological sample pre-treatment different techniques have been exploited, namely solid phase extraction and microextraction by packed sorbent. All the presented methods have been validated according to official guidelines with good results and some of these have been successfully applied to the therapeutic drug monitoring of patients under treatment for drug abuse.
Major depression belongs to the most serious and widespread psychiatric disorders in today’s society. There is a great need for the delineation of the underlying molecular mechanisms as well as for the identification of novel targets for its treatment. In this thesis, transgenic mice of the endocannabinoid and the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) system were investigated to determine the putative role of these systems for depression-like phenotypes in mice. In the first part of the thesis, we found that the endocannabinoid system was prominently involved in a brain region-specific and temporally controlled manner in acute as well as in chronic stress processing. Genetic deletion in combination with pharmacological intervention revealed the importance of a fully functional endocannabinoid system for efficient neuroendocrine and behavioral stress coping. Accordingly, cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor-deficient mice displayed several depression-like symptoms and molecular alterations, including “behavioral despair”, stress hormone hypersecretion and decreased glucocorticoid receptor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the hippocampus. However, the endocannabinoid system was dispensable for the efficacy of currently used antidepressant drugs. To facilitate future endocannabinoid research, a transgenic mouse was generated, which overexpressed the CB1 receptor protein fused to a fluorescent protein. In the second part of the thesis, conditional brain region-specific CRH overexpressing mice were evaluated as a model for pathological chronic CRH hyperactivation. Mutant mice showed aberrant neuroendocrine and behavioral stress coping and hyperarousal due to CRH-induced activation of the noradrenergic system in the brain. Mutant mice appeared to share similarities with naturally occurring endogenous CRH activation in wild-type mice and were sensitive to acute pharmacological blockade of CRH receptor type 1 (CRH-R1). Thus, CRH overexpressing mice serve as an ideal in vivo tool to evaluate the efficacy of novel CRH-R1 antagonists. Together, these findings highlight the potential of transgenic mice for the understanding of certain endo-phenotypes (isolated symptoms) of depression and their molecular correlates.
Nozizeptive Spinalganglienneurone detektieren mit einer Vielzahl liganden- und spannungsgesteuerter Ionenkanäle noxische Reize, d.h. Reize, die eine Gewebeschädigung bewirken können, wandeln sie in Aktionspotenzialentladungen um und leiten sie über das Rückenmark zum Gehirn weiter, wo eine Schmerzempfindung ausgelöst wird. Die pronozizeptiven transienten Rezeptor-Potenzial-Kanäle der Vanilloidrezeptorfamilie, TRPV1 und TRPV2, sind die klassischen Transduktionsmoleküle für noxische Hitzereize in den Spinalganglien und werden von Reiztemperaturen über 43°C bzw. 52°C aktiviert. Daneben finden sich auch antinozizeptive Membranproteine, wie z.B. der metabotrope Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1. Er koppelt an spannungsgesteuerte Kaliumkanäle, die neben Natrium- und Kalziumkanälen ebenfalls an der neuronalen Erregbarkeit beteiligt sind. Von den spannungsgesteuerten Kaliumkanälen könnte der Kv1.4, der einen schnell inaktivierenden A-Strom vermittelt, an antinozizeptiven Signalwegen beteiligt sein. Um die molekulare Physiologie der Regulation von Nozizeption und Antinozizeption zu charakterisieren, wurde die Expression bzw. Ko-Expression dieser Membranproteine auf der einen als auch die funktionelle Charakterisierung von TRPV1 auf der anderen Seite im Soma der Spinalganglienneurone und im heterologen Expressionssystem untersucht. TRPV1 wurde in je einem Drittel und TRPV2 in je einem Zehntel aller Spinalganglienneurone nachgewiesen. Das Expressionsmuster veränderte sich nicht zwischen verschiedenen Präparationsmethoden, die zur Aufarbeitung der Zellen für unterschiedliche experimentelle Ansätze notwendig sind. Somit können die aus Expressionsanalysen und funktionellen Untersuchungen gewonnenen Ergebnisse miteinander verglichen werden. Obwohl TRPV1 und TRPV2 in unterschiedlich großen Zellen exprimiert werden, überlappen dennoch ihre Größenverteilungen. Durch Ko-Expressionsanalysen konnten hier erstmalig TRPV1-TRPV2-ko-exprimierende Neurone detektiert werden. Mit dem neu entwickelten N-terminalen Antikörper gegen TRPV1 (3C11) konnte gezeigt werden, dass für TRPV1 verschiedene Splice-Varianten existieren. Neben den bereits bekannten Splice-Varianten wurde hier die neue Variante Vr.3’sv isoliert. Diese besitzt zwischen Exon 15 und 16 eine Insertion aus 104 Basen und exprimiert daher einen veränderten C-Terminus. Trotz dieser Veränderung bildeten sich im heterologen Expressionssystem funktionelle Kanäle aus, die im Gegensatz zu den anderen Varianten immer noch durch Capsaicin aktivierbar waren. Vr.3’sv könnte als Homo- oder Heterotetramer die Eigenschaften TRPV1-positiver Neurone beeinflussen. Bei der Bestimmung der Häufigkeit von TRPV1 in einem Gewebe ist somit die Wahl des Antikörpers von entscheidender Bedeutung. Für TRPV2 dagegen gibt es hier keine Hinweise auf Splice-Varianten. TRPV1 wird durch das Vanilloid Capsaicin aktiviert, wobei diese Substanz neurotoxisch ist und eine Degeneration von Neuronen und epidermalen Nervenfasern bewirkt. Hier wurde nun gezeigt, dass unabhängig von den Splice-Varianten nicht alle TRPV1-positiven Neurone bei langer Inkubationszeit absterben. Funktionelle Untersuchungen belegten, dass auch Capsaicin-sensitive Zellen unter dem Einfluss des Agonisten überleben können. Dieser Schutzmechanismus wird möglicherweise von den verschiedenen Splice-Varianten vermittelt. Ko-Expressionsanalysen zeigten, dass der spannungsgesteuerte Kaliumkanal Kv1.4 in nahezu allen TRPV1- aber nicht TRPV2-positiven Neuronen exprimiert wird. Desweiteren ko-exprimierten nahezu alle TRPV1-positiven Neurone auch den Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1. Diese fast vollständige Ko-Lokalisation von CB1 und Kv1.4 in nozizeptiven Spinalganglienneuronen spricht für eine funktionell synergistische Aktivität. Der Kaliumkanal kann unter der regulativen Kontrolle von CB1 als Vermittler von A-Typ-Kaliumströmen an der Kontrolle der repetitiven Entladungen in der Peripherie und der Transmitterausschüttung zentral beteiligt sein. Es ergeben sich daraus Ansatzpunkte für die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente. Mit Kv1.4-Aktivatoren und/oder peripher wirkenden Cannabinoiden könnten die Nebenwirkungen der Cannabinoide im zentralen Nervensystem umgangen werden.
The aim of this thesis was to synthesize multipotent drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), two diseases that affect the elderly. AD is a neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized, among other factors, by loss of cholinergic neurons. Selective activation of M1 receptors through an allosteric site could restore the cholinergic hypofunction, improving the cognition in AD patients. We describe here the discovery and SAR of a novel series of quinone derivatives. Among them, 1 was the most interesting, being a high M1 selective positive allosteric modulator. At 100 nM, 1 triplicated the production of cAMP induced by oxotremorine. Moreover, it inhibited AChE and it displayed antioxidant properties. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicated that 1 acts at an allosteric site involving residue F77. Thus, 1 is a promising drug because the M1 activation may offer disease-modifying properties that could address and reduce most of AD hallmarks. BPH is an enlargement of the prostate caused by increased cellular growth. Blockade of α1-ARs is the predominant form of medical therapy for the treatment of the symptoms associated with BPH. α1-ARs are classified into three subtypes. The α1A- and α1D-AR subtypes are predominant in the prostate, while α1B-ARs regulate the blood pressure. Herein, we report the synthesis of quinazoline-derivatives obtained replacing the piperazine ring of doxazosin and prazosin with (S)- or (R)-3-aminopiperidine. The presence of a chiral center in the 3-C position of the piperidine ring allowed us to exploit the importance of stereochemistry in the binding at α1-ARs. It turned out that the S configuration at the 3-C position of the piperidine increases the affinity of the compounds at all three α1-AR subtypes, whereas the configuration at the benzodioxole ring of doxazosin derivatives is not critical for the interaction with α1-ARs.
Water is susceptible to be used for numerous purposes, including edible, both for humans and animals. In the food animal production, drinking water is frequently used as a way to carry out the most common pharmacological treatments. In these cases, there are many variables which could degrade drugs dissolved in this mean, even when properly arranged pharmaceutical formulations are used. In fact, although a product obtains a Marketing Authorization through appropriate laboratory studies both drug stability and solubility, on the other hand the solubility of the same drug in natural water used as a drinking water is not documented. In the present study has been evaluated the dissolution kinetics (at 0 hours and 24 hours) of products, having oxytetracycline and tylosin as active ingredient, used in drinking water samples in order to see how the different physical and chemical factors that characterize the drinking water may affect therapeutic efficacy. In fact, multiple factors, also of little relevance if individually considered, are able to adversely affect the pharmacological treatment carried out in drinking water.
The aim of this work is to contribute to the development of new multifunctional nanocarriers for improved encapsulation and delivery of anticancer and antiviral drugs. The work focused on water soluble and biocompatible oligosaccharides, the cyclodextrins (CyDs), and a new family of nanostructured, biodegradable carrier materials made of porous metal-organic frameworks (nanoMOFs). The drugs of choice were the anticancer doxorubicin (DOX), azidothymidine (AZT) and its phosphate derivatives and artemisinin (ART). DOX possesses a pharmacological drawback due to its self-aggregation tendency in water. The non covalent binding of DOX to a series of CyD derivatives, such as g-CyD, an epichlorohydrin crosslinked b-CyD polymer (pb-CyD) and a citric acid crosslinked g-CyD polymer (pg-CyD) was studied by UV visible absorption, circular dichroism and fluorescence. Multivariate global analysis of multiwavelength data from spectroscopic titrations allowed identification and characterization of the stable complexes. pg-CyD proved to be the best carrier showing both high association constants and ability to monomerize DOX. AZT is an important antiretroviral drug. The active form is AZT-triphosphate (AZT-TP), formed in metabolic paths of low efficiency. Direct administration of AZT-TP is limited by its poor stability in biological media. So the development of suitable carriers is highly important. In this context we studied the binding of some phosphorilated derivatives to nanoMOFs by spectroscopic methods. The results obtained with iron(III)-trimesate nanoMOFs allowed to prove that the binding of these drugs mainly occurs by strong iono-covalent bonds to iron(III) centers. On the basis of these and other results obtained in partner laboratories, it was possible to propose this highly versatile and “green” carrier system for delivery of phosphorylated nucleoside analogues. The interaction of DOX with nanoMOFs was also studied. Finally the binding of the antimalarial drug, artemisinin (ART) with two cyclodextrin-based carriers,the pb-CyD and a light responsive bis(b-CyD) host, was also studied.
Bone metastases are responsible for different clinical complications defined as skeletal-related events (SREs) such as pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, hypercalcaemia, bone marrow infiltration and severe bone pain requiring palliative radiotherapy. The general aim of these three years research period was to improve the management of patients with bone metastases through two different approaches of translational research. Firstly in vitro preclinical tests were conducted on breast cancer cells and on indirect co-colture of cancer cells and osteoclasts to evaluate bone targeted therapy singly and in combination with conventional chemotherapy. The study suggests that zoledronic acid has an antitumor activity in breast cancer cell lines. Its mechanism of action involves the decrease of RAS and RHO, as in osteoclasts. Repeated treatment enhances antitumor activity compared to non-repeated treatment. Furthermore the combination Zoledronic Acid + Cisplatin induced a high antitumoral activity in the two triple-negative lines MDA-MB-231 and BRC-230. The p21, pMAPK and m-TOR pathways were regulated by this combined treatment, particularly at lower Cisplatin doses. A co-colture system to test the activity of bone-targeted molecules on monocytes-breast conditioned by breast cancer cells was also developed. Another important criticism of the treatment of breast cancer patients, is the selection of patients who will benefit of bone targeted therapy in the adjuvant setting. A retrospective case-control study on breast cancer patients to find new predictive markers of bone metastases in the primary tumors was performed. Eight markers were evaluated and TFF1 and CXCR4 were found to discriminate between patients with relapse to bone respect to patients with no evidence of disease. In particular TFF1 was the most accurate marker reaching a sensitivity of 63% and a specificity of 79%. This marker could be a useful tool for clinicians to select patients who could benefit for bone targeted therapy in adjuvant setting.
Introduction: Among all cancer types leukemia represents the leading cause of cancer death in man younger than 40 years. Single-target drug therapy has generally been highly ineffective in treating complex diseases such as cancer. A growing interest has been directed toward multi-target drugs able to hit multiple targets. In this context, plant products, based on their intrinsic complexity, could represent an interesting and promising approach. Aim of the research followed during my PhD was to indentify and study novel natural compounds for the treatment of acute leukemias. Two potential multi-target drugs were identified in Hemidesmus indicus and piperlongumine. Methodology/Principal Findings: A variety of cellular assays and flow cytometry were performed on different cell lines. We demonstrated that Hemidesmus modulates many components of intracellular signaling pathways involved in cell viability and proliferation and alters gene and protein expression, eventually leading to tumor cell death, mediated by a loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, raise of [Ca2+]i, inhibition of Mcl-1, increasing Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, and ROS formation. Moreover, we proved that the decoction causes differentiation of HL-60 and regulates angiogenesis of HUVECs in hypoxia and normoxia, by the inhibition of new vessel formation and the processes of migration/invasion. Clinically relevant observations are that its cytotoxic activity was also recorded in primary cells from acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Moreover, both Hemidesmus and piperlongumine showed a selective action toward leukemic stem cell (LSC). Conclusions: Our results indicate the molecular basis of the anti-leukemic effects of Hemidesmus indicus and indentify the mitochondrial pathways, [Ca2+]i, cytodifferentiation and angiogenesis inhibition as crucial actors in its anticancer activity. The ability to selectively hit LSC showed by Hemidesmus and piperlongumine enriched the knowledge of their anti-leukemic activity. On these bases, we conclude that Hemidesmus and piperlongumine can represent a valuable strategy in the anticancer pharmacology.
E2F-1 is a transcription factor that plays a key role in cell-cycle control at G1/S check-point level by regulating the timely expression of many target genes whose products are required for S phase entry and progression. In mammalian cells, E2F-1 is negatively regulated by hypo-phosphorylated Retinoblastoma protein (pRb) whereas it is protected against degradation by its binding to Mouse Double Minute 2 protein (MDM2). In this study we experimented a drug combination in order to obtain a strong down-regulation of E2F-1 by acting on two different mechanisms of E2F-1 regulation mentioned above. This was achieved by combining drugs inhibiting the phosphorylation of pRb with drugs inactivating the MDM2 binding capability. The mechanism of action of these drugs in down-regulating E2F-1 level and activity is p53 independent. As expected, when combined, these drugs strongly inhibits E2F-1 and hinder cell proliferation in p53-/- and p53-mutated cells by blocking them in G1 phase of cell cycle, suggesting that E2F-1 down-regulation may represent a valid chemotherapeutic approach to inhibit proliferation in tumors independently of p53 status.
Understanding the biology of Multiple Myeloma (MM) is of primary importance in the struggle to achieve a cure for this yet incurable neoplasm. A better knowledge of the mechanism underlying the development of MM can guide us in the development of new treatment strategies. Studies both on solid and haematological tumours have shown that cancer comprises a collection of related but subtly different clones, a feature that has been termed “intra-clonal heterogeneity”. This intra-clonal heterogeneity is likely, from a “Darwinian” natural selection perspective, to be the essential substrate for cancer evolution, disease progression and relapse. In this context the critical mechanism for tumour progression is competition between individual clones (and cancer stem cells) for the same microenvironmental “niche”, combined with the process of adaptation and natural selection. The Darwinian behavioural characteristics of cancer stem cells are applicable to MM. The knowledge that intra-clonal heterogeneity is an important feature of tumours’ biology has changed our way to addressing cancer, now considered as a composite mixture of clones and not as a linear evolving disease. In this variable therapeutic landscape it is important for clinicians and researchers to consider the impact that evolutionary biology and intra-clonal heterogeneity have on the treatment of myeloma and the emergence of treatment resistance. It is clear that if we want to effectively cure myeloma it is of primarily importance to understand disease biology and evolution. Only by doing so will we be able to effectively use all of the new tools we have at our disposal to cure myeloma and to use treatment in the most effective way possible. The aim of the present research project was to investigate at different levels the presence of intra-clonal heterogeneity in MM patients, and to evaluate the impact of treatment on clonal evolution and on patients’ outcomes.
In this thesis is described the design and synthesis of potential agents for the treatment of the multifactorial Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Our multi-target approach was to consider cannabinoid system involved in AD, together with classic targets. In the first project, designed modifications were performed on lead molecule in order to increase potency and obtain balanced activities on fatty acid amide hydrolase and cholinesterases. A small library of compounds was synthesized and biological results showed increased inhibitory activity (nanomolar range) related to selected target. The second project was focused on the benzofuran framework, a privileged structure being a common moiety found in many biologically active natural products and therapeutics. Hybrid molecules were designed and synthesized, focusing on the inhibition of cholinesterases, Aβ aggregation, FAAH and on the interaction with CB receptors. Preliminary results showed that several compounds are potent CB ligands, in particular the high affinity for CB2 receptors, could open new opportunities to modulate neuroinflammation. The third and the fourth project were carried out at the IMS, Aberdeen, under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Zanda. The role of the cannabinoid system in the brain is still largely unexplored and the relationship between the CB1 receptors functional modification, density and distribution and the onset of a pathological state is not well understood. For this reasons, Rimonabant analogues suitable as radioligands were synthesized. The latter, through PET, could provide reliable measurements of density and distribution of CB1 receptors in the brain. In the fifth project, in collaboration with CHyM of York, the goal was to develop arginine analogues that are target specific due to their exclusively location into NOS enzymes and could work as MRI contrasting agents. Synthesized analogues could be suitable substrate for the transfer of polarization by p-H2 molecules through SABRE technique transforming MRI a more sensitive and faster technique.