500 resultados para bivalve


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As a consequence of the end-Permian mass extinction, microbes proliferated in the post-extinction shallow marine ecosystems, in which they grew as various microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISSs) in siliciclastic settings. This paper reports, for the first time, the discovery of abundant MISSs from the lowest Triassic sandstones of shallow-water margin origin in the Zhihema sections of the southern Qilianshan region, West China. The sandstones are characterized by well-developed cross-beddings and ripple marks, and a Claraia-dominated bivalve assemblage of middle-late Griesbachian age. These sedimentary structures, together with the bivalves, suggest a high-energy peritidal zone of a shoreface setting in a clastic shallow sea environment. Seven types of MISSs are recognized and described here: pictograph-like sand cracks/crack-fills, polygonal sand crack-fills, erosional remnants, multidirectional linear grooves, sinuous crack-fills, fusiform sand cracks/crack-fills, and leveled ripple marks. Most of the newly found MISSs are morphologically comparable with their ancient and modern counterparts. Detailed optical microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses reveal that thin clayey laminae and filamentous mica grains are aligned parallel to bedding plane, and that the matrix-supported quartz grains, overall, are oriented; both of which are interpreted to indicate biogenic origin. The biogenic origin of these MISSs is reinforced by the presence of copious putative nanoglobules and filamentous biofilm-like organic objects in the interspaces of clay minerals in laminated layers. These nanometer-scale objects are interpreted as bacterial bodies or remains that have been replaced with inorganic minerals upon fossilization. The presence of MISSs on the northern margins of Paleo-Tethys indicates that the post-extinction microbial mats had expanded their distributions from low-latitude to moderate-high latitude regions. Moreover, unlike some previously reported microbial mats that contain very rare body and trace fossils, the southern Qilianshan MISSs were found in association with abundant vertical burrows and bivalves, suggesting that the MISS-forming microbial mats may have served as oases for trace-making organisms and opportunistic bivalves to flourish in shallow-marine habitats immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction.


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We present a comprehensive scientific assessment of the environmental impacts of an Antarctic wastewater ocean outfall, at Davis station in East Antarctica. We assessed the effectiveness of current wastewater treatment and disposal requirements under the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty. Macerated wastewater has been discharged from an outfall at Davis since the failure of the secondary treatment plant in 2005. Water, sediment and wildlife were tested for presence of human enteric bacteria and antibiotic resistance mechanisms. Epibiotic and sediment macrofaunal communities were tested for differences between sites near the outfall and controls. Local fish were examined for evidence of histopathological abnormalities. Sediments, fish and gastropods were tested for uptake of sewage as measured by stable isotopes of N and C. Escherichia coli carrying antibiotic resistance determinants were found in water, sediments and wildlife (the filter feeding bivalve Laternula eliptica). Fish (Trematomus bernacchii) within close proximity to the outfall had significantly more severe and greater occurrences of histopathological abnormalities than at controls, consistent with exposure to sewage. There was significant enrichment of (15)N in T. bernacchii and the predatory gastropod Neobuccinum eatoni around the outfall, providing evidence of uptake of sewage. There were significant differences between epibiotic and sediment macrofaunal communities at control and outfall sites (<1.5 km), when sites were separated into groups of similar habitat types. Benthic community composition was also strongly related to habitat and environmental drivers such as sea ice. The combined evidence indicated that the discharge of wastewater from the Davis outfall is causing environmental impacts. These findings suggest that conditions in Antarctic coastal locations, such as Davis, are unlikely to be conducive to initial dilution and rapid dispersal of wastewater as required under the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty. Current minimum requirements for wastewater treatment and disposal in Antarctica are insufficient to ameliorate these risks and are likely to lead to accumulation of contaminants and introduction of non-native microbes and associated genetic elements. This new understanding suggests that modernised approaches to the treatment and disposal of wastewater are required in Antarctica. The most effective solution is advanced levels of wastewater treatment, which are now possible, feasible and a high priority for installation. As a direct outcome of the study, a new advanced treatment system is being installed at Davis, effectively avoiding environmental risks.


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The effects of commercial trawling on the malacological communities (except for the Cephalopoda) were examined, based on a study undertaken between 1996 and 2000 on the continental shelf and slope of southern Portugal. More than 50% of species caught by trawling in southern Portugal were discarded, with molluscs representing about 19%. Forty-four species of molluscs (15 bivalves, 28 gastropods and one polyplacophoran) were identified from the discarded specimens. Crustacean trawlers accounted for 34 molluscs species, and fish trawlers for 24. Twenty species were only caught by the crustacean trawl, compared with 10 species by the fish trawl, and 14 species were common to both trawls. The bivalve Venus nux Gmelin was the most numerous species discarded in the fish trawl, accounting for 42.0% of the total number of individuals, followed by the gastropods Ampulla priamus (Meuschen) (7.8%) and Ranella olearium (L.) (7.3%). In the crustacean trawl, the most numerous species discarded were the bivalve Anadara diluvii (Lamarck) (19.4%), the gastropod Calliostoma granulatum (Born) (15.5%), and the bivalve V. nux (15.1%). The third most discarded species from fish trawls in Algarve waters, the gastropod species R. olearium, is a species listed in Annex II of the Bern Convention. The difficulties of managing the real impact of fisheries on the molluscan populations and in defining a conservation strategy are discussed.


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Sediment digging is an anthropogenic activity connected to the exploitation of living resources in estuarine and marine environments. The knowledge on the functional responses of the benthic assemblages to the physical disturbance is an important baseline to understand the ecological processes of the habitat recovery and restoration and to develop tools for the management of the harvesting activities. To investigate the effects of the digging activity of the bivalves on Zostera noltii seagrass beds a manipulative field experiment was conducted that included the enzymatic activity of sediments and the associated nematode assemblages. Four plots (two undisturbed serving as control and two dug to collect bivalves - treatment) with 18 subplots were randomly located at seagrass beds in the Mira estuary at the SW coast of Portugal. Samples were randomly and unrepeatably collected from three subplots of each plot in five different occasions, before sediment digging (T0) up to six months after disturbance (T5). Microbial activity in sediments was assess by determining the extracelular enzymatic activity of six hydrolytic enzymes (sulfatase, phosphatase, b -N-acetilglucosaminidase, b-glucosidase, urease, protease) and two oxidoreductases (phenol oxidase and peroxidase). The microbial community status was also assessed through the measurement of dehydrogenase, which reflects microbial respiration. The nematode assemblages composition, biodiversity and trophic composition at different sampling occasions were also analyzed. The fluorometric and biochemical parameters analysed of the Z. noltii plants during the experimental period showed a recovery of the seagrass beds, and it was detected an increase of the enzymatic activity of the sediments after disturbance. The nematodes assemblages were similar in all sampling occasions. The seagrass beds and the nematodes assemblages associated showed a high resilience to the stress caused by the traditional bivalves digging activity. The obtained results allow the development of a management programme for the commercial fishing activity to maintain the good environmental status and minimized the secondary environmental effects on marine and estuarine habitats through the establishment of a baseline for the regulation of the harvesting frequency.


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O presente relatório refere-se ao estágio curricular realizado na Estação Piloto de Piscicultura de Olhão, no período compreendido entre janeiro e julho de 2016, no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora. Este trabalho divide-se em duas partes. A primeira parte descreve as atividades e respetiva casuística desenvolvidas nas diferentes áreas de produção aquícola. Na segunda parte é abordado o tema “Produção Aquícola de Peixes e Ostras em regime Semi-intensivo”, onde são enquadrados os conceitos relacionados com aquacultura, sistemas de produção e pesquisa de biomarcadores na qualidade e bem-estar animal. São ainda descritas as ações de acompanhamento, durante o estágio, de um projeto de investigação em sistemas de produção em tanques de terra exteriores e um caso clínico. Este relatório atesta a importância da Medicina Preventiva em aquacultura; Abstract: Fish and bivalve aquaculture production systems: growth and quality indicators The following report was elaborated after the externship conducted at the Olhão Pilot Aquaculture Station, between January and July of 2016, in order to fulfill the requirements for a Masters degree in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Évora. This report is divided in two parts. The first part contains a description of the developed activities and the casuistic at the different aquaculture production areas. The second part will focus on the development of the theme “Fish and Oyster aquaculture production in a semi-intensive culture system”, with a theoretical framework about aquaculture concepts, production systems and identifying biomarkers in animal healthcare. At last, are presented and supported the monitoring actions taken in an investigation study case about inshore production systems and a clinic case followed during the externship. This report attests the importance of Preventive Medicine in aquaculture.