995 resultados para aspahlt binder


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Atherosclerosis and vascular calcification (VC) progression in chronic kidney disease is favored by disturbances of mineral metabolism. We compared the effect of phosphate binder lanthanum (La) carbonate with sevelamer-HCl on atherosclerosis, VC and bone structure and function in mice with chronic renal failure (CRF). Apolipoprotein E-deficient (apoE(-/-)) mice were randomized to one non-CRF and three CRF groups, fed with standard diet (one non-CRF and one CRF) or diet supplemented with either 3% lanthanum carbonate (La3%) or 3% sevelamer-HCl (Sev3%). Both La3% and Sev3% supplemented CRF mice displayed a decrease of serum phosphorus, calcification at both intimal and medial aortic sites and atherosclerosis. This was associated with a reduction of plaque Type I collagen expression by both binders and of positive nitrotyrosine staining in response to sevelamer-HCl only. Increased mineral apposition and bone formation rates in unsupplemented CRF mice were reduced by Sev3% but not by La3%. The beneficial effects of La carbonate and sevelamer-HCl on the progression of VC and atherosclerosis in CRF mice could be mainly due to a decrease in phosphate retention and likewise a reduction of arterial Type I collagen expression. The effect of La carbonate differed from that of sevelamer-HCl in that it did not appear to exert its vascular effects via changes in oxidative stress or bone remodeling in the present model.


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Asphalt binder is used in the production of hot mixes asphalt (HMA) for paving and, due to the high temperatures used, generates fumes thatcontainn-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Asphalt mixes prepared at lower temperatures, such as warm mixes asphalt (WMA), may contribute to reduce the emissions of those compounds and save energy. This paper investigatesn-alkanes and PAH in the total suspended particles during the preparation of WMA, in comparison with HMA, in laboratory. The results showed that the n-alkanes of the WMA and HMA presented C-max at n-C-26 and n-C-28, respectively; also, the total content of n-alkanes was higher for the HMA than forthe WMA. Besides, benzo[b]fluoranthene and benzo[a]anthracene were the major PAH in the WMA, while the higher temperatures of the HMA were observed to volatilize all larger PAH, demonstrating higher potential of inhalation exposure.


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Melanins have been associated with the development of melanoma and its resistance to photodynamic therapy (PDT). Singlet molecular oxygen (102), which is produced by ultraviolet A solar radiation and the PDT system, is also involved. Here, we investigated the effects that these factors have on DNA damage and repair. Our results show that both types of melanin (eumelanin and pheomelanin) lead to DNA breakage in the absence of light irradiation and that eumelanin is more harmful than pheomelanin. Interestingly, melanins were found to bind to the minor grooves of DNA, guaranteeing close proximity to DNA and potentially causing the observed high levels of strand breaks. We also show that the interaction of melanins with DNA can impair the access of repair enzymes to lesions, contributing to the perpetuation of DNA damage. Moreover, we found that after melanins interact with 102, they exhibit a lower ability to induce DNA breakage; we propose that these effects are due to modifications of their structure. Together, our data highlight the different modes of action of the two types of melanin. Our results may have profound implications for cellular redox homeostasis, under conditions of induced melanin synthesis and irradiation with solar light. These results may also be applied to the development of protocols to sensitize melanoma cells to PDT. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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O poli (metil azoteto de glicidila) - GAP - é um material energético que pode ser utilizado como aglutinante (binder) e como plastificante energético em compostos explosivos e propulsores de foguetes. Neste trabalho, foi abordada a síntese do (GAP) através da conversão direta da epicloridrina (ECH) a GAP. Os reagentes utilizados foram azida de sódio, epicloridrina e vários álcoois extensores de cadeias, o etanodiol, o 1,4-butanodiol, o dietilenoglicol e o glicerol. Alguns parâmetros de operação foram avaliados, como o tempo de reação, a proporção entre os reagentes, dois tipos de solvente e a ordem de adição dos reagentes. A variável observada para a análise foi a massa molecular do GAP. Todos os materiais sintetizados também foram caracterizados por análises de FTIR, UV, RMN, DSC, análise elementar e TGA. Uma maior massa molecular, maior rendimento e uma melhor conversão do grupo azida a GAP foram obtidos com a adição de epicloridrina sobre a azida de sódio e usando DMF como solvente.


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O poli (metil azoteto de glicidila) - GAP - é um material energético que pode ser utilizado como aglutinante (binder) e como plastificante energético em compostos explosivos e propulsores de foguetes. O GAP de baixo peso molecular pode ser obtido pela conversão direta da epicloridrina (ECH) a GAP. Neste trabalho, é proposto um possível mecanismo para esta conversão direta, fundamentado em análises de infravermelho de espécies intermediárias.


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In this study rice husk ash (RHA) and broiler bed ash from rice husk (BBA), two agricultural waste materials, have been assessed for use as partial cement replacement materials for application in lightweight concrete. Physical and chemical characteristics of RHA and BBA were first analyzed. Three similar types of lightweight concrete were produced, a control type in which the binder was just CEMI cement (CTL) and two other types with 10% cement replacement with, respectively, RHA and BBA. All types of similar lightweight concrete were prepared to present the same workability by adjusting the amount of superplasticizer. Properties of concrete investigated were compressive and flexural strength at different ages, absorption by capillarity, resistivity and resistance to chloride ion penetration (CTH method) and accelerated carbonation. Test results obtained for 10% cement replacement level in lightweight concrete indicate that although the addition of BBA conducted to lower performance in terms of the degradation indicative tests, RHA led to the enhancement of mechanical properties, especially early strength and also fast ageing related results, further contributing to sustainable construction with energy saver lightweight concrete.


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In the past a change in temperature of 5°C most often occurred over intervals of thousands of years. According to estimates by the IPCC, in the XXI century is expected an increase in average temperatures in Europe between 1.8 and 4.0°C in the best case caused by emissions of carbon dioxide and other GHG from human activities. As well as on the environment and economic context, global warming will have effects even on road safety. Several studies have already shown how increasing temperature may cause a worsening of some types of road surface damages, especially rutting, a permanent deformation of the road structures consisting in the formation of a longitudinal depression in the wheelpath, mostly due to the rheological behavior of bitumen. This deformation evolves during the hot season because of the heating capacity of the asphalt layers, in fact, the road surface temperature is up to 24°C higher than air. In this thesis, through the use of Wheeltrack test, it was studied the behavior of some types of asphalt concrete mixtures subjected to fatigue testing at different temperatures. The objectives of this study are: to determine the strain variation of different bituminous mixture subjected to fatigue testing at different temperature conditions; to investigate the effect of aggregates, bitumen and mixtures’ characteristics on rutting. Samples were made in the laboratory mostly using an already prepared mixtures, the others preparing the asphalt concrete from the grading curve and bitumen content. The same procedure was performed for each specimen: preparation, compaction using the roller compactor, cooling and heating before the test. The tests were carried out at 40 - 50 - 60°C in order to obtain the evolution of deformation with temperature variation, except some mixtures for which the tests were carried out only at 50°C. In the elaboration of the results were considered testing parameters, component properties and the characteristics of the mixture. Among the testing parameters, temperature was varied for each sample. The mixtures responded to this variation with a different behavior (linear logarithmic and exponential) not directly correlated with the asphalt characteristics; the others parameters as load, passage frequency and test condition were kept constant. According to the results obtained, the main contribution to deformation is due to the type of binder used, it was found that the modified bitumen have a better response than the same mixtures containing traditional bitumen; to the porosity which affects negatively the behavior of the samples and to the homogeneity ceteris paribus. The granulometric composition did not seem to have interfered with the results. Overall has emerged at working temperature, a decisive importance of bitumen composition, than the other characteristics of the mixture, that tends to disappear with heating in favor of increased dependence of rutting resistance from the granulometric composition of the sample considered. In particular it is essential, rather than the mechanical characteristics of the binder, its chemical properties given by the polymeric modification. To confirm some considered results, the maximum bulk density and the air voids content were determined. Tests have been conducted in the laboratories of the Civil Engineering Department at NTNU in Trondheim according to European Standards.


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FIR spectroscopy is an alternative way of collecting spectra of many inorganic pigments and corrosion products found on art objects, which is not normally observed in the MIR region. Most FIR spectra are traditionally collected in transmission mode but as a real novelty it is now also possible to record FIR spectra in ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) mode. In FIR transmission we employ polyethylene (PE) for preparation of pellets by embedding the sample in PE. Unfortunately, the preparation requires heating of the PE in order to produces at transparent pellet. This will affect compounds with low melting points, especially those with structurally incorporated water. Another option in FIR transmission is the use of thin films. We test the use of polyethylene thin film (PETF), both commercial and laboratory-made PETF. ATR collection of samples is possible in both the MIR and FIR region on solid, powdery or liquid samples. Changing from the MIR to the FIR region is easy as it simply requires the change of detector and beamsplitter (which can be performed within a few minutes). No preparation of the sample is necessary, which is a huge advantage over the PE transmission method. The most obvious difference, when comparing transmission with ATR, is the distortion of band shape (which appears asymmetrical in the lower wavenumber region) and intensity differences. However, the biggest difference can be the shift of strong absorbing bands moving to lower wavenumbers in ATR mode. The sometimes huge band shift necessitates the collection of standard library spectra in both FIR transmission and ATR modes, provided these two methods of collecting are to be employed for analyses of unknown samples. Standard samples of 150 pigment and corrosion compounds are thus collected in both FIR transmission and ATR mode in order to build up a digital library of spectra for comparison with unknown samples. XRD, XRF and Raman spectroscopy assists us in confirming the purity or impurity of our standard samples. 24 didactic test tables, with known pigment and binder painted on the surface of a limestone tablet, are used for testing the established library and different ways of collecting in ATR and transmission mode. In ATR, micro samples are scratched from the surface and examined in both the MIR and FIR region. Additionally, direct surface contact of the didactic tablets with the ATR crystal are tested together with water enhanced surface contact. In FIR transmission we compare the powder from our test tablet on the laboratory PETF and embedded in PE. We also compare the PE pellets collected using a 4x beam condenser, focusing the IR beam area from 8 mm to 2 mm. A few samples collected from a mural painting in a Nepalese temple, corrosion products collected from archaeological Chinese bronze objects and samples from a mural paintings in an Italian abbey, are examined by ATR or transmission spectroscopy.


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The traditional lime mortar is composed of hydrated lime, sand and water. Besides these constituents it may also contain additives aiming to modify fresh mortar´s properties and/or to improve hardened mortar´s strength and durability. Already in the first civilizations various additives were used to enhance mortar´s quality, among the organic additives, linseed oil was one of the most common. From literature we know that it was used already in Roman period to reduce water permeability of a mortar, but the mechanism and the technology, e.g. effects of different dosages, are not clearly explained. There are only few works studying the effect of oil experimentally. Knowing the function of oil in historical mortars is important for designing a new compatible repair mortar. Moreover, linseed oil addition could increase the sometimes insufficient durability of lime-based mortars used for reparation and it could be a natural alternative to synthetic additives. In the present study, the effect of linseed oil on the properties of six various lime-based mortars has been studied. Mortars´ compositions have been selected with respect to composition of historical mortars, but also mortars used in a modern restoration practise have been tested. Oil was added in two different concentrations – 1% and 3% by the weight of binder. The addition of 1% of linseed oil has proved to have positive effect on mortars´ properties. It improves mechanical characteristics and limits water absorption into mortar without affecting significantly the total open porosity or decreasing the degree of carbonation. On the other hand, the 3% addition of linseed oil is making mortar to be almost hydrophobic, but it markedly decreases mortars´ strength. However, all types of tested lime-based mortars with the oil addition showed significantly decreased water and salt solution absorption by capillary rise. Addition of oil into mortars is also decreasing the proportion of pores which are easily accessible to water. Furthermore, mortars with linseed oil showed significantly improved resistance to salt crystallization and freeze-thaw cycles. On the base of the obtained results, the addition of 1% of linseed oil can be taken into consideration in the design of mortars meant to repair or replace historic mortars.


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The increasing use of Fiber Reinforced methods for strengthening existing brick masonry walls and columns, especially for the rehabilitation of historical buildings, has generated considerable research interest in understanding the failure mechanism in such systems. This dissertation is aimed to provide a basic understanding of the behavior of solid brick masonry walls unwrapped and wrapped with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix Composites. This is a new type of composite material, commonly known as FRCM, featuring a cementitious inorganic matrix (binder) instead of the more common epoxy one. The influence of the FRCM-reinforcement on the load-carrying capacity and strain distribution during compression test will be investigated using a full-field optical technique known as Digital Image Correlation. Compression test were carried on 6 clay bricks columns and on 7 clay brick walls in three different configuration, casted using bricks scaled respect the first one with a ratio 1:2, in order to determinate the effects of FRCM reinforcement. The goal of the experimental program is to understand how the behavior of brick masonry will be improved by the FRCM-wrapping. The results indicate that there is an arching action zone represented in the form of a parabola with a varying shape according to the used configuration. The area under the parabolas is considered as ineffectively confined. The effectively confined area is assumed to occur within the region where the arching action had been fully developed.


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Die Prozessierung von internalisierten Proteinantigenen und die Beladung von MHC Klasse II – Heterodimeren mit den prozessierten Proteinfragmenten in Antigen präsentierenden Zellen sind Schlüsselprozesse der antigenspezifischen Immunantwort. In dieser Arbeit wurden grundlegende Studien durchgeführt, um die Antigenprozessierung in Makrophagen und dendritischen Zellen auf molekularer Ebene zu untersuchen. Als Sonde für die Antigenprozessierung wurde das Modellprotein Ovalbumin verwendet. Dieses wurde hoch gereinigt und mit einem Fluoreszenzmarker versehen. In Kinetikexperimenten wurde gezeigt, dass unabhängig vom Aktivierungszustand der akzessorischen Zellen ein Großteil des intakten Ovalbumins in den Zellen persistiert. Der Abbau des Proteins beginnt in den späten Endosomen und führt zu einem distinkten 40kD Abbaufragment. Der weitere schrittweise Abbau des Proteins findet in den Lysosomen statt. Die Edmann – Sequenzierung des Fragmentes ergab, dass die initiale Spaltung des Ovalbumin in einem zweistufigen Prozess abläuft. Beide Prozessierungsschritte erfolgen schnell aufeinander. Der erste Abbauschritt generiert das dominante Ovalbumin – Epitop OVA323-339.LPS – Stimulation der KMMÆ hatte zur Folge, dass die gleichen in nicht stimulierten Zellen beobachteten Fragmente gebildet wurden, jedoch zu einem erheblich späteren Zeitpunkt. In Gegenwart der Proteinase – Inhibitoren Leupeptin und Pepstatin A war diese verzögerte Degradierung nicht zu beobachten. LPS induziert vermutlich weitere Enzyme, die an der Prozessierung von Ovalbumin beteiligte Proteinasen beeinträchtigen. Eine vollständige Hemmung des Abbaus konnte jedoch nicht erreicht werden.Mit Molecular Modelling –Studien wurde ein Molekülmodell des Ratten MHC Klasse II – Moleküls RT1.Bl entwickelt und dessen Bindungsspezifität untersucht. Wesentliche Eigenschaften der RT1.Bl – Peptid Interaktionen wurden ermittelt. Auf der Grundlage der berechneten Molekülmodelle wurde ein Wirkmechanismus für die durch DM-Moleküle katalysierte Peptidbeladung von RT1.Bl postuliert. Bei einer Kooperativität der Wasserstoffbrücken – Bindungen genügt die Lösung einer einzigen Wasserstoffbrücke zwischen Peptid und MHC Klasse II – Molekül, um die Dissoziation von schwach gebundenen Peptiden erheblich zu beschleunigen. Hochaffine Binder werden hierdurch jedoch nicht beeinflusst.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung von porösen Kieselgelen und ihrem Einsatz als Träger in der heterogenen metallocen-katalysierten Polymerisation von Ethylen. Im Vordergrund stand die Optimierung dieses Prozesses durch das Maßscheidern der Trägereigenschaften unter sonst identischen Polymerisationsbedingungen und das Erforschen des heterogenen Polymerisationsprozesses. Das verwendete Katalysatorsystem (Methylaluminoxan mit Dicyclopentadienylzirkoniumdichlorid) besitzt sehr hohe Aktivitäten und verbleibt im Falle der heterogenen Reaktionsführung im Produkt. Der Mechanismus verläuft über mehrere Phasen, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die Trägerpartikelfragmentierung gelenkt wurde. Es wurden zwei Synthesekonzepte für die Herstellung der Träger verfolgt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden monodisperse unporöse Kieselgel-Nanopartikel (Monosphere) zu Agglomeratträgern über einen Sprühtrocknungsprozess aufgebaut. Die Stabilität der Agglomerate wurde über den Zusatz von monodispersen Kieselgel-Binderpartikeln während der Herstellung variiert. Es wurden sowohl die porenstrukturellen als auch morphologischen Eigenschaften der Agglomeratprodukte untersucht und mit den physiko-chemischen Eigenschaften der Nanopartikel korreliert. In einem zweiten Ansatz wurden sphärische hochporöse Kieselgele mit abgestufter Porosität bei konstanter spezifischer Oberfläche hergestellt und als Träger in der Polyethylensynthese getestet.


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Questa tesi propone una riflessione critica sulle pratiche della pianificazione urbanistica attraverso l’analisi di un significativo caso di studio, costituito dalla Darsena di Città a Ravenna. Questo approccio di ricerca è dal nostro punto di vista una conseguenza della difficoltà di governare le attuali problematiche di sviluppo dello spazio urbano attraverso gli strumenti tradizionali della pianificazione e dell’urbanistica. La tesi ha lo scopo di far emergere temi di dibattito attuale sulle aree di sviluppo urbano, in particolare la complessità dei compiti decisionali riguardanti aree oggetto di interventi di rigenerazione urbana. La definizione “area di sviluppo urbano” si pone come prodotto di un’attiva collaborazione tra Stato, mercato e società civile e costituisce dal nostro punto di vista una vera “questione sociale”. Prenderemo come riferimento il caso della Darsena di Città di Ravenna, oggetto della sperimentazione urbanistica degli ultimi trenta anni, sul quale diversi “stili” e strumenti di pianificazione si sono confrontati, nell’intento di guidare un processo di riqualificazione che ha portato ad oggi a risultati concreti assai limitati. Attraverso gli strumenti consultabili e un rapido sopralluogo infatti, possiamo intuire immediatamente come la realizzazione di interventi sull’area si limiti a casi localizzati come la riqualificazione della raffineria Almagià, la nuova sede dell’autorità portuale e l’ex molino Pineta, oltre agli interventi residenziali riconducibili all’edificio progettato dall’architetto Cino Zucchi e ai nuovi isolati attorno alla parte centrale di via Trieste. Le problematiche di fondo che hanno creato conflitti sono molte, dall’elevata divisione proprietaria alla cesura del comparto con il centro storico data dalla barriera ferroviaria, alla questione relativa al risanamento delle acque e dei suoli, solo per citare le più evidenti. Siamo quindi interessati a capire il problema dal punto di vista del processo di pianificazione per poi concentrare la nostra riflessione su possibili soluzioni che possano risolvere i conflitti che sembrano all’oggi non trovare una risposta condivisa. Per meglio comprendere come rapportarci al caso specifico si è cercato di analizzare alcuni aspetti teorici fondanti del “procedimento archetipico” di pianificazione urbana in contrapposizione con metodi di pianificazione “non convenzionali”. Come lo studio dei primi ci ha permesso di capire come si è arrivati all’attuale situazione di stallo nella trasformazione urbana della Darsena di Città, i secondi ci hanno aiutato a comprendere per quali ragioni i piani urbanistici di tipo “tradizionale” pensati per la Darsena di Città non sono stati portati a realizzazione. Consci che i fattori in gioco sono molteplici abbiamo deciso di affrontare questa tesi attraverso un approccio aperto al dialogo con le reali problematiche presenti sul territorio, credendo che la pianificazione debba relazionarsi con il contesto per essere in grado di proporre e finalizzare i suoi obiettivi. Conseguenza di questo è per noi il fatto che una sensibile metodologia di pianificazione debba confrontarsi sia con i processi istituzionali sia con le dinamiche e i valori socio-culturali locali. In generale gerarchie di potere e decisioni centralizzate tendono a prevalere su pratiche decisionali di tipo collaborativo; questa tesi si è proposta quindi l’obiettivo di ragionare sulle une e sulle altre in un contesto reale per raggiungere uno schema di pianificazione condiviso. La pianificazione urbanistica è da noi intesa come una previsione al futuro di pratiche di accordo e decisione finalizzate a raggiungere un obiettivo comune, da questo punto di vista il processo è parte essenziale della stessa pianificazione. Il tema è attuale in un contesto in cui l’urbanistica si è sempre confrontata in prevalenza con i temi della razionalizzazione della crescita, e con concetti da tempo in crisi che vanno oggi rimessi in discussione rispetto alle attuali istanze di trasformazione “sostenibile” delle città e dei territori. Potremmo riassumere le nostre riflessioni sull’urbanistica ed i nostri intenti rispetto al piano della Darsena di Città di Ravenna attraverso una definizione di Rem Koolhaas: l’urbanistica è la disciplina che genera potenziale, crea opportunità e causa eventi, mentre l’architettura è tradizionalmente la disciplina che manipola questo potenziale, sfrutta le possibilità e circoscrive. Il percorso di ragionamento descritto in questa tesi intende presentare attraverso alcune questioni significative l’evoluzione dello spazio urbano e delle pratiche di pianificazione, arrivando a formulare un “progetto tentativo” sul territorio della Darsena di Città.


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Le problematiche ambientali e socio – economiche legate alla costruzione di nuove infrastrutture viarie, impongono la progettazione e costruzione di strade che combinino ad elevati standard prestazionali, la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale in fase realizzativa e manutentiva. Quanto detto avvalora il crescente utilizzo di materiali bituminosi modificati con polimeri ed additivati con cere. I primi conferiscono alla miscela maggiore elastoplasticità, incrementandone la durabilità e la resistenza a fatica. Nei secondi la presenza del materiale paraffinico contribuisce a ridurre la viscosità del bitume, il che consente il notevole abbassamento della temperatura di produzione e stesa della miscela. Numerosi studi inoltre hanno dimostrato che le caratteristiche meccaniche della pavimentazione sono fortemente influenzate dal grado di ossidazione delle componenti organiche del bitume, ovvero dal fenomeno dell’invecchiamento o aging. Risulta pertanto fondamentale affiancare allo studio reologico del bitume, prove di simulazione dell’ invecchiamento nel breve e lungo termine. Nel corso della seguente ricerca si provvederà pertanto ad analizzare leganti modificati ed additivati secondo la teoria della viscoelasticità, simulando le reali condizioni di carico ed invecchiamento alle quali il bitume è sottoposto. Tutte le prove di caratterizzazione reologica avanzata prevederanno l’utilizzo del DSR (Dynamic Shear Rheometer) in varie configurazioni di prova e si simulerà l’invecchiamento a breve termine mediante RTFOT (Rolling thin film oven test). Si proporrà inoltre una nuova procedura di aging invecchiando il bitume alla temperatura di equiviscosità o Twork , ovvero a quel valore della temperatura tale per cui, in fase di messa in opera, si avrà una distribuzione molecolare omogenea del modificante all’interno del bitume. Verranno quindi effettuate ulteriori prove reologiche sui leganti invecchiati a tale temperatura. Si darà infine supporto ai risultati della ricerca effettuando prove chimiche con la tecnica analitica FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), analizzando i cambiamenti molecolari avvenuti nel bitume a seguito dell’aggiunta del modificante e dell’invecchiamento.