605 resultados para aryl chlorides


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La utilización de barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable en estructuras de hormigón armado, se está mostrando como una alternativa con gran futuro en estructuras expuestas a ambientes muy agresivos o que requieran vidas en servicio muy elevadas. Estos aceros inoxidables cuentan con similares propiedades mecánicas que los aceros al carbono pero un comportamiento muy mejorado frente a la corrosión, especialmente frente a cloruros. Dentro de los aceros inoxidables, los del tipo dúplex tienen como ventaja una composición con una cantidad menor de níquel, reduciendo de esta manera el coste de estos y haciendo que su precio dependa menos de las fluctuaciones del precio del níquel. Este trabajo estudia la resistencia frente a la corrosión bajo tensión de estos aceros inoxidables del tipo dúplex (AISI 2001 y AISI 2205). The use of stainless steel reinforcing bars in concrete structures is proving to be an alternative with great future in structures exposed to aggressive environments or that are required to perform very long service lives. These steels have similar mechanical properties as carbon steels but very improved corrosion resistance, particularly against chlorides. Within stainless steels, duplex type ones have as an advantage their lower content of nickel in their composition, reducing this way their price and making it less related to nickel price fluctuations. This project will study stress corrosion cracking behavior for some of these duplex stainless steels (AISI 2001 and AISI 2205)


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El deterioro del hormigón por ciclos de hielo-deshielo en presencia de sales fundentes es causa frecuente de problemas en los puentes e infraestructuras existentes en los países europeos. Los daños producidos por los ciclos de hielo-deshielo en el hormigón pueden ser internos, fundamentalmente la fisuración y/o externos como el descascarillamiento (desgaste superficial). La España peninsular presenta unas características geográficas y climáticas particulares. El 18% de la superficie tiene una altura superior a 1000mts y, además, la altura media geográfica con respecto al nivel del mar es de 660mts (siendo el segundo país más montañoso de toda Europa).Esto hace que la Red de Carreteras del Estado se vea afectada, durante determinados periodos, por fenómenos meteorológicos adversos, en particular por nevadas y heladas, que pueden comprometer las condiciones de vialidad para la circulación de vehículos. Por este motivo la Dirección General de Carreteras realiza trabajos anualmente (campañas de vialidad invernal, de 6 meses de duración) para el mantenimiento de la vialidad de las carreteras cuando éstas se ven afectadas por estos fenómenos. Existen protocolos y planes operativos que permiten sistematizar estos trabajos de mantenimiento que, además, se han intensificado en los últimos 10 años, y que se fundamentan en el empleo de sales fundentes, principalmente NaCl, con la misión de que no haya placas de hielo, ni nieve, en las carreteras. En zonas de fuerte oscilación térmica, que con frecuencia en España se localizan en la zona central del Pirineo, parte de la cornisa Cantábrica y Sistema Central, se producen importantes deterioros en las estructuras y paramentos de hormigón producidos por los ciclos de hielo- deshielo. Pero además el uso de fundentes de vialidad invernal acelera en gran medida la evolución de estos daños. Los tableros de hormigón de puentes de carretera de unos 40-50 años de antigüedad carecen, en general, de un sistema de impermeabilización, y están formados frecuentemente por un firme de mezcla asfáltica, una emulsión adherente y el hormigón de la losa. En la presente tesis se realiza una investigación que pretende reproducir en laboratorio los procesos que tienen lugar en el hormigón de tableros de puentes existentes de carreteras, de unos 40-50 años de antigüedad, que están expuestos durante largos periodos a sales fundentes, con objeto de facilitar la vialidad invernal, y a cambios drásticos de temperatura (hielo y deshielo). Por ello se realizaron cuatro campañas de investigación, teniendo en cuenta que, si bien nos basamos en la norma europea UNE-CEN/TS 12390-9 “Ensayos de hormigón endurecido. Resistencia al hielo-deshielo. Pérdida de masa”, se fabricaron probetas no estandarizadas para este ensayo, pensado en realidad para determinar la afección de los ciclos únicamente a la pérdida de masa. Las dimensiones de las probetas en nuestro caso fueron 150x300 mm, 75 x 150mm (cilíndricas normalizadas para roturas a compresión según la norma UNE-EN 12390-3) y 286x76x76 (prismáticas normalizadas para estudiar cambio de volumen según la norma ASTM C157), lo cual nos permitió realizar sobre las mismas probetas más ensayos, según se presentan en la tesis y, sobre todo, poder comparar los resultados con probetas extraídas de dimensiones similares en puentes existentes. En la primera campaña, por aplicación de la citada norma, se realizaron ciclos de H/D, con y sin contacto con sales de deshielo (NaCl en disolución del 3% según establece dicha norma). El hormigón fabricado en laboratorio, tratando de simular el de losas de tableros de puentes antiguos, presentó una fc de 22,6 MPa y relación agua/cemento de 0,65. Las probetas de hormigón fabricadas se sometieron a ciclos agresivos de hielo/deshielo (H/D), empleando una temperatura máxima de +20ºC y una temperatura mínima de -20ºC al objeto de poder determinar la sensibilidad de este ensayo tanto al tipo de hormigón elaborado como al tipo de probeta fabricado (cilíndrica y prismática). Esta campaña tuvo una segunda fase para profundizar más en el comportamiento de las probetas sometidas a ciclos H/D en presencia de sales. En la segunda campaña, realizada sobre probetas de hormigón fabricadas en laboratorio iguales a las anteriores, la temperaturas mínima del ensayo se subió a -14ºC, lo que nos permitió analizar el proceso de deterioro con más detalle. (Realizando una serie de ensayos de caracterización no destructivos y otros destructivos, y validando su aplicación a la detección de los deterioros causados tras los ensayos acelerados de hielodeshielo. También mediante aplicación de técnicas de microscopía electrónica.) La tercera campaña, se realizó sobre probetas de hormigón de laboratorio similares a las anteriores, fc de 29,3Mpa y relación a/c de 0,65, en las que se aplicó en una cara un revestimiento asfáltico de 2-4cms, según fueran prismáticas y cilíndricas respectivamente, compuesto por una mezcla asfáltica real (AC16), sobre una imprimación bituminosa. (Para simular el nivel de impermeabilización que produce un firme sobre el tablero de un puente) La cuarta campaña, se desarrolló tras una cuidadosa selección de dos puentes de hormigón de 40-50 años de antigüedad, expuestos y sensibles a deterioros de hielodeshielo, y en carreteras con aportación de fundentes. Una vez esto se extrajeron testigos de hormigón de zonas sanas (nervios del tablero), para realizar en laboratorio los mismos ensayos acelerados de hielo-deshielo y de caracterización, de la segunda campaña, basados en la misma norma. De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que cuando se emplean sales fundentes se acelera de forma significativa el deterioro, aumentando tanto el contenido de agua en los poros como el gradiente generado (mecanismo de deterioro físico). Las sales de deshielo aceleran claramente la aparición del daño, que se incrementa incluso en un factor de 5 según se constata en esta investigación para los hormigones ensayados. Pero además se produce un gradiente de cloruros que se ha detectado tanto en los hormigones diseñados en laboratorio como en los extraídos de puentes existentes. En casi todos los casos han aparecido cambios en la microestructura de la pasta de cemento (mecanismo de deterioro químico), confirmándose la formación de un compuesto en el gel CSH de la pasta de cemento, del tipo Ca2SiO3Cl2, que posiblemente está contribuyendo a la alteración de la pasta y a la aceleración de los daños en presencia de sales fundentes. Existe un periodo entre la aparición de fisuración y la pérdida de masa. Las fisuras progresan rápidamente desde la interfase de los áridos más pequeños y angulosos, facilitando así el deterioro del hormigón. Se puede deducir así que el tipo de árido afecta al deterioro. En el caso de los testigos con recubrimiento asfáltico, parece haberse demostrado que la precipitación de sales genera tensiones en las zonas de hormigón cercanas al recubrimiento, que terminan por fisurar el material. Y se constata que el mecanimo de deterioro químico, probablemente tenga más repercusión que el físico, por cuanto el recubrimiento asfáltico es capaz de retener suficiente agua, como para que el gradiente de contenido de agua en el hormigón sea mucho menor que sin el recubrimiento. Se constató, sin embargo, la importancia del gradiente de cloruros en el hormigon. Por lo que se deduce que si bien el recubrimiento asfáltico es ciertamente protector frente a los ciclos H/D, su protección disminuye en presencia de sales; es decir, los cloruros acabarán afectando al hormigón del tablero del puente. Finalmente, entre los hormigones recientes y los antiguos extraídos de puentes reales, se observa que existen diferencias significativas en cuanto a la resistencia a los ciclos H/D entre ellos. Los hormigones más recientes resultan, a igualdad de propiedades, más resistentes tanto a ciclos de H/D en agua como en sales. Posiblemente el hecho de que los hormigones de los puentes hayan estado expuestos a condiciones de temperaturas extremas durante largos periodos de tiempo les ha sensibilizado. La tesis realizada, junto con nuevos contrastes que se realicen en el futuro, nos permitirá implementar una metodología basada en la extracción de testigos de tableros de puente reales para someterlos a ensayos de hielo-deshielo, basados en la norma europea UNECEN/ TS 12390-9 aunque con probetas no normalizadas para el mismo, y, a su vez, realizar sobre estas probetas otros ensayos de caracterización destructivos, que posibilitarán evaluar los daños ocasionados por este fenómeno y su evolución temporal, para actuar consecuentemente priorizando intervenciones de impermeabilización y reparación en el parque de puentes de la RCE. Incluso será posible la elaboración de mapas de riesgo, en función de las zonas de climatología más desfavorable y de los tratamientos de vialidad invernal que se lleven a cabo. Concrete damage by freeze-thaw cycles in the presence of melting salts frequently causes problems on bridges and infrastructures in European countries. Damage caused by freeze-thaw cycles in the concrete can be internal, essentially cracking and / or external as flaking (surface weathering due to environmental action). The peninsular Spain presents specific climatic and geographical characteristics. 18% of the surface has a height greater than 1,000 m and the geographical average height from the sea level is 660 m (being the second most mountainous country in Europe). This makes the National Road Network affected during certain periods due to adverse weather, particularly snow and ice, which can compromise road conditions for vehicular traffic. For this reason the National Road Authority performs works annually (Winter Road Campaign, along 6 months) to maintain the viability of the roads when they are affected by these phenomena. There are protocols and operational plans that allow systematize these maintenance jobs, that also have intensified in the last 10 years, and which are based on the use of deicing salts, mainly NaCl, with the mission that no ice sheets, or snow appear on the roads. In areas of strong thermal cycling, which in Spain are located in the central area of the Pyrenees, part of the Cantabrian coast and Central System, significant deterioration take place in the structures and wall surfaces of concrete due to freeze-thaw. But also the use of deicing salts for winter maintenance greatly accelerated the development of such damages. The concrete decks for road bridges about 40-50 years old, lack generally a waterproofing system, and are often formed by a pavement of asphalt, an adhesive emulsion and concrete slab. In this thesis the research going on aims to reproduce in the laboratory the processes taking place in the concrete of an existing deck at road bridges, about 40-50 years old, they are exposed for long periods to icing salt, to be performed in order to facilitate winter maintenance, and drastic temperature changes (freezing and thawing). Therefore four campaigns of research were conducted, considering that while we rely on the European standard UNE-CEN/TS 12390-9 "Testing hardened concrete. Freezethaw resistance. Mass loss", nonstandard specimens were fabricated for this test, actually conceived to determine the affection of the cycles only to the mass loss. Dimensions of the samples were in our case 150x300 mm, 75 x 150mm (standard cylindrical specimens for compression fractures UNE-EN 12390-3) and 286x76x76 (standard prismatic specimens to study volume change ASTM C157), which allowed us to carry on same samples more trials, as presented in the thesis, and especially to compare the results with similar sized samples taken from real bridges. In the first campaign, by application of that European standard, freeze-thaw cycles, with and without contact with deicing salt (NaCl 3% solution in compliance with such standard) were performed. Concrete made in the laboratory, trying to simulate the old bridges, provided a compressive strength of 22.6 MPa and water/cement ratio of 0.65. In this activity, the concrete specimens produced were subjected to aggressive freeze/thaw using a maximum temperature of +20ºC and a minimum temperature of - 20°C in order to be able to determine the sensitivity of this test to the concrete and specimens fabricated. This campaign had a second phase to go deeper into the behavior of the specimens subjected to cycled freeze/thaw in the presence of salts. In the second campaign, conducted on similar concrete specimens manufactured in laboratory, temperatures of +20ºC and -14ºC were used in the tests, which allowed us to analyze the deterioration process in more detail (performing a series of non-destructive testing and other destructive characterization, validating its application to the detection of the damage caused after the accelerated freeze-thaw tests, and also by applying electron microscopy techniques). The third campaign was conducted on concrete specimens similar to the above manufactured in laboratory, both cylindrical and prismatic, which was applied on one side a 4 cm asphalt coating, consisting of a real asphalt mixture, on a bituminous primer (for simulate the level of waterproofing that produces a pavement on the bridge deck). The fourth campaign was developed after careful selection of two concrete bridges 40- 50 years old, exposed and sensitive to freeze-thaw damage, in roads with input of melting salts. Concrete cores were extracted from healthy areas, for the same accelerated laboratory freeze-thaw testing and characterization made for the second campaign, based on the same standard. From the results obtained it is concluded that when melting salts are employed deterioration accelerates significantly, thus increasing the water content in the pores, as the gradient. Besides, chloride gradient was detected both in the concrete designed in the laboratory and in the extracted in existing bridges. In all cases there have been changes in the microstructure of the cement paste, confirming the formation of a compound gel CSH of the cement paste, Ca2SiO3Cl2 type, which is possibly contributing to impair the cement paste and accelerating the damage in the presence of melting salts. The detailed study has demonstrated that the formation of new compounds can cause porosity at certain times of the cycles may decrease, paradoxically, as the new compound fills the pores, although this phenomenon does not stop the deterioration mechanism and impairments increase with the number of cycles. There is a period between the occurrence of cracking and mass loss. Cracks progress rapidly from the interface of the smallest and angular aggregate, thus facilitating the deterioration of concrete. It can be deduced so the aggregate type affects the deterioration. The presence of melting salts in the system clearly accelerates the onset of damage, which increases even by a factor of 5 as can be seen in this investigation for concrete tested. In the case of specimens with asphalt coating, it seems to have demonstrated that the precipitation of salts generate tensions in the areas close to the concrete coating that end up cracking the material. It follows that while the asphalt coating is certainly a protection against the freeze/thaw cycles, this protection decreases in the presence of salts; so the chlorides will finally affect the concrete bridge deck. Finally, among the recent concrete specimens and the old ones extracted from real bridges, it is observed that the mechanical strengths are very similar to each other, as well as the porosity values and the accumulation capacity after pore water saturation. However, there are significant differences in resistance to freeze/thaw cycles between them. More recent concrete are at equal properties more resistant both cycles freeze/thaw in water with or without salts. Possibly the fact that concrete bridges have been exposed to extreme temperatures for long periods of time has sensitized them. The study, along with new contrasts that occur in the future, allow us to implement a methodology based on the extraction of cores from the deck of real bridges for submission to freeze-thaw tests based on the European standard UNE-CEN/TS 12390-9 even with non-standard specimens for it, and in turn, performed on these samples other destructive characterization tests, which will enable to assess the damage caused by this phenomenon and its evolution, to act rightly prioritizing interventions improving the waterproofing and other repairs in the bridge stock of the National Road Network. It will even be possible to develop risk maps, depending on the worst weather areas and winter road treatments to be carried out.


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La protección de las aguas subterráneas es una prioridad de la política medioambiental de la UE. Por ello ha establecido un marco de prevención y control de la contaminación, que incluye provisiones para evaluar el estado químico de las aguas y reducir la presencia de contaminantes en ellas. Las herramientas fundamentales para el desarrollo de dichas políticas son la Directiva Marco del Agua y la Directiva Hija de Aguas Subterráneas. Según ellas, las aguas se consideran en buen estado químico si: • la concentración medida o prevista de nitratos no supera los 50 mg/l y la de ingredientes activos de plaguicidas, de sus metabolitos y de los productos de reacción no supera el 0,1 μg/l (0,5 μg/l para el total de los plaguicidas medidos) • la concentración de determinadas sustancias de riesgo es inferior al valor umbral fijado por los Estados miembros; se trata, como mínimo, del amonio, arsénico, cadmio, cloruro, plomo, mercurio, sulfatos, tricloroetileno y tetracloroetileno • la concentración de cualquier otro contaminante se ajusta a la definición de buen estado químico enunciada en el anexo V de la Directiva marco sobre la política de aguas • en caso de superarse el valor correspondiente a una norma de calidad o a un valor umbral, una investigación confirma, entre otros puntos, la falta de riesgo significativo para el medio ambiente. Analizar el comportamiento estadístico de los datos procedentes de la red de seguimiento y control puede resultar considerablemente complejo, debido al sesgo positivo que suelen presentar dichos datos y a su distribución asimétrica, debido a la existencia de valores anómalos y diferentes tipos de suelos y mezclas de contaminantes. Además, la distribución de determinados componentes en el agua subterránea puede presentar concentraciones por debajo del límite de detección o no ser estacionaria debida a la existencia de tendencias lineales o estacionales. En el primer caso es necesario realizar estimaciones de esos valores desconocidos, mediante procedimientos que varían en función del porcentaje de valores por debajo del límite de detección y el número de límites de detección aplicables. En el segundo caso es necesario eliminar las tendencias de forma previa a la realización de contrastes de hipótesis sobre los residuos. Con esta tesis se ha pretendido establecer las bases estadísticas para el análisis riguroso de los datos de las redes de calidad con objeto de realizar la evaluación del estado químico de las masas de agua subterránea para la determinación de tendencias al aumento en la concentración de contaminantes y para la detección de empeoramientos significativos, tanto en los casos que se ha fijado un estándar de calidad por el organismo medioambiental competente como en aquéllos que no ha sido así. Para diseñar una metodología que permita contemplar la variedad de casos existentes, se han analizado los datos de la Red Oficial de Seguimiento y Control del Estado Químico de las Aguas Subterráneas del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (Magrama). A continuación, y dado que los Planes Hidrológicos de Cuenca son la herramienta básica de las Directivas, se ha seleccionado la Cuenca del Júcar, dada su designación como cuenca piloto en la estrategia de implementación común (CIS) de la Comisión Europea. El objetivo principal de los grupos de trabajo creados para ello se dirigió a implementar la Directiva Derivada de Agua Subterráneas y los elementos de la Directiva Marco del Agua relacionadas, en especial la toma de datos en los puntos de control y la preparación del primer Plan de Gestión de Cuencas Hidrográficas. Dada la extensión de la zona y con objeto de analizar una masa de agua subterránea (definida como la unidad de gestión en las Directivas), se ha seleccionado una zona piloto (Plana de Vinaroz Peñiscola) en la que se han aplicado los procedimientos desarrollados con objeto de determinar el estado químico de dicha masa. Los datos examinados no contienen en general valores de concentración de contaminantes asociados a fuentes puntuales, por lo que para la realización del estudio se han seleccionado valores de concentración de los datos más comunes, es decir, nitratos y cloruros. La estrategia diseñada combina el análisis de tendencias con la elaboración de intervalos de confianza cuando existe un estándar de calidad e intervalos de predicción cuando no existe o se ha superado dicho estándar. De forma análoga se ha procedido en el caso de los valores por debajo del límite de detección, tomando los valores disponibles en la zona piloto de la Plana de Sagunto y simulando diferentes grados de censura con objeto de comparar los resultados obtenidos con los intervalos producidos de los datos reales y verificar de esta forma la eficacia del método. El resultado final es una metodología general que integra los casos existentes y permite definir el estado químico de una masa de agua subterránea, verificar la existencia de impactos significativos en la calidad del agua subterránea y evaluar la efectividad de los planes de medidas adoptados en el marco del Plan Hidrológico de Cuenca. ABSTRACT Groundwater protection is a priority of the EU environmental policy. As a result, it has established a framework for prevention and control of pollution, which includes provisions for assessing the chemical status of waters and reducing the presence of contaminants in it. The measures include: • criteria for assessing the chemical status of groundwater bodies • criteria for identifying significant upward trends and sustained concentrations of contaminants and define starting points for reversal of such trends • preventing and limiting indirect discharges of pollutants as a result of percolation through soil or subsoil. The basic tools for the development of such policies are the Water Framework Directive and Groundwater Daughter Directive. According to them, the groundwater bodies are considered in good status if: • measured or predicted concentration of nitrate does not exceed 50 mg / l and the active ingredients of pesticides, their metabolites and reaction products do not exceed 0.1 mg / l (0.5 mg / l for total of pesticides measured) • the concentration of certain hazardous substances is below the threshold set by the Member States concerned, at least, of ammonium, arsenic, cadmium, chloride, lead, mercury, sulphates, trichloroethylene and tetrachlorethylene • the concentration of other contaminants fits the definition of good chemical status set out in Annex V of the Framework Directive on water policy • If the value corresponding to a quality standard or a threshold value is exceeded, an investigation confirms, among other things, the lack of significant risk to the environment. Analyzing the statistical behaviour of the data from the monitoring networks may be considerably complex due to the positive bias which often presents such information and its asymmetrical distribution, due to the existence of outliers and different soil types and mixtures of pollutants. Furthermore, the distribution of certain components in groundwater may have concentrations below the detection limit or may not be stationary due to the existence of linear or seasonal trends. In the first case it is necessary to estimate these unknown values, through procedures that vary according to the percentage of values below the limit of detection and the number of applicable limits of detection. In the second case removing trends is needed before conducting hypothesis tests on residuals. This PhD thesis has intended to establish the statistical basis for the rigorous analysis of data quality networks in order to conduct the evaluation of the chemical status of groundwater bodies for determining upward and sustained trends in pollutant concentrations and for the detection of significant deterioration in cases in which an environmental standard has been set by the relevant environmental agency and those that have not. Aiming to design a comprehensive methodology to include the whole range of cases, data from the Groundwater Official Monitoring and Control Network of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Magrama) have been analysed. Then, since River Basin Management Plans are the basic tool of the Directives, the Júcar river Basin has been selected. The main reason is its designation as a pilot basin in the common implementation strategy (CIS) of the European Commission. The main objective of the ad hoc working groups is to implement the Daughter Ground Water Directive and elements of the Water Framework Directive related to groundwater, especially the data collection at control stations and the preparation of the first River Basin Management Plan. Given the size of the area and in order to analyze a groundwater body (defined as the management unit in the Directives), Plana de Vinaroz Peñíscola has been selected as pilot area. Procedures developed to determine the chemical status of that body have been then applied. The data examined do not generally contain pollutant concentration values associated with point sources, so for the study concentration values of the most common data, i.e., nitrates and chlorides have been selected. The designed strategy combines trend analysis with the development of confidence intervals when there is a standard of quality and prediction intervals when there is not or the standard has been exceeded. Similarly we have proceeded in the case of values below the detection limit, taking the available values in Plana de Sagunto pilot area and simulating different degrees of censoring in order to compare the results obtained with the intervals achieved from the actual data and verify in this way the effectiveness of the method. The end result is a general methodology that integrates existing cases to define the chemical status of a groundwater body, verify the existence of significant impacts on groundwater quality and evaluate the effectiveness of the action plans adopted in the framework of the River Basin Management Plan.


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Factor Xa, the converting enzyme of prothrombin to thrombin, has emerged as an alternative (to thrombin) target for drug discovery for thromboembolic diseases. An inhibitor has been synthesized and the crystal structure of the complex between Des[1–44] factor Xa and the inhibitor has been determined by crystallographic methods in two different crystal forms to 2.3- and 2.4-Å resolution. The racemic mixture of inhibitor FX-2212, (2RS)-(3′-amidino-3-biphenylyl)-5-(4-pyridylamino)pentanoic acid, inhibits factor Xa activity by 50% at 272 nM in vitro. The S-isomer of FX-2212 (FX-2212a) was found to bind to the active site of factor Xa in both crystal forms. The biphenylamidine of FX-2212a occupies the S1-pocket, and the pyridine ring makes hydrophobic interactions with the factor Xa aryl-binding site. Several water molecules meditate inhibitor binding to residues in the active site. In contrast to the earlier crystal structures of factor Xa, such as those of apo-Des[1–45] factor Xa and Des[1–44] factor Xa in complex with a naphthyl inhibitor DX-9065a, two epidermal growth factor-like domains of factor Xa are well ordered in both our crystal forms as well as the region between the two domains, which recently was found to be the binding site of the effector cell protease receptor-1. This structure provides a basis for designing next generation inhibitors of factor Xa.


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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of isolated lignins from an Arabidopsis mutant deficient in ferulate 5-hydroxylase (F5H) and transgenic plants derived from the mutant by overexpressing the F5H gene has provided detailed insight into the compositional and structural differences between these lignins. Wild-type Arabidopsis has a guaiacyl-rich, syringyl-guaiacyl lignin typical of other dicots, with prominent β-aryl ether (β–O–4), phenylcoumaran (β–5), resinol (β–β), biphenyl/dibenzodioxocin (5–5), and cinnamyl alcohol end-group structures. The lignin isolated from the F5H-deficient fah1–2 mutant contained only traces of syringyl units and consequently enhanced phenylcoumaran and dibenzodioxocin levels. In fah1–2 transgenics in which the F5H gene was overexpressed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, a guaiacyl-rich, syringyl/guaiacyl lignin similar to the wild type was produced. In contrast, the isolated lignin from the fah1–2 transgenics in which F5H expression was driven by the cinnamate 4-hydroxylase promoter was almost entirely syringyl in nature. This simple lignin contained predominantly β-aryl ether units, mainly with erythro-stereochemistry, with some resinol structures. No phenylcoumaran or dibenzodioxocin structures (which require guaiacyl units) were detectable. The overexpression of syringyl units in this transgenic resulted in a lignin with a higher syringyl content than that in any other plant we have seen reported.


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CYP1B1-null mice, created by targeted gene disruption in embryonic stem cells, were born at the expected frequency from heterozygous matings with no observable phenotype, thus establishing that CYP1B1 is not required for mouse development. CYP1B1 was not detectable in cultured embryonic fibroblast (EF) or in different tissues, such as lung, of the CYP1B1-null mouse treated with the aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin whereas the equivalent wild-type EF cells express basal and substantial inducible CYP1B1 and lung expresses inducible CYP1B1. CYP1A1 is induced to far higher levels than CYP1B1 in liver, kidney, and lung in wild-type mice and is induced to a similar extent in CYP1B1-null mice. 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) was toxic in wild-type EFs that express CYP1B1 but not CYP1A1. These cells effectively metabolized DMBA, consistent with CYP1B1 involvement in producing the procarcinogenic 3,4-dihydrodiol as a major metabolite, whereas CYP1B1-null EF showed no significant metabolism and were resistant to DMBA-mediated toxicity. When wild-type mice were administered high levels of DMBA intragastrically, 70% developed highly malignant lymphomas whereas only 7.5% of CYP1B1-null mice had lymphomas. Skin hyperplasia and tumors were also more frequent in wild-type mice. These results establish that CYP1B1, located exclusively at extrahepatic sites, mediates the carcinogenicity of DMBA. Surprisingly, CYP1A1, which has a high rate of DMBA metabolism in vitro, is not sufficient for this carcinogenesis, which demonstrates the importance of extrahepatic P450s in determining susceptibility to chemical carcinogens and validates the search for associations between P450 expression and cancer risk in humans.


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Streptomyces lavendulae produces complestatin, a cyclic peptide natural product that antagonizes pharmacologically relevant protein–protein interactions including formation of the C4b,2b complex in the complement cascade and gp120-CD4 binding in the HIV life cycle. Complestatin, a member of the vancomycin group of natural products, consists of an α-ketoacyl hexapeptide backbone modified by oxidative phenolic couplings and halogenations. The entire complestatin biosynthetic and regulatory gene cluster spanning ca. 50 kb was cloned and sequenced. It consisted of 16 ORFs, encoding proteins homologous to nonribosomal peptide synthetases, cytochrome P450-related oxidases, ferredoxins, nonheme halogenases, four enzymes involved in 4-hydroxyphenylglycine (Hpg) biosynthesis, transcriptional regulators, and ABC transporters. The nonribosomal peptide synthetase consisted of a priming module, six extending modules, and a terminal thioesterase; their arrangement and domain content was entirely consistent with functions required for the biosynthesis of a heptapeptide or α-ketoacyl hexapeptide backbone. Two oxidase genes were proposed to be responsible for the construction of the unique aryl-ether-aryl-aryl linkage on the linear heptapeptide intermediate. Hpg, 3,5-dichloro-Hpg, and 3,5-dichloro-hydroxybenzoylformate are unusual building blocks that repesent five of the seven requisite monomers in the complestatin peptide. Heterologous expression and biochemical analysis of 4-hydroxyphenylglycine transaminon confirmed its role as an aminotransferase responsible for formation of all three precursors. The close similarity but functional divergence between complestatin and chloroeremomycin biosynthetic genes also presents a unique opportunity for the construction of hybrid vancomycin-type antibiotics.


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The 4-hydroxy metabolite of 17 beta-estradiol (E2) has been implicated in the carcinogenicity of this hormone. Previous studies showed that aryl hydrocarbon-receptor agonists induced a cytochrome P450 that catalyzed the 4-hydroxylation of E2. This activity was associated with human P450 1B1. To determine the relationship of the human P450 1B1 gene product and E2 4-hydroxylation, the protein was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microsomes from the transformed yeast catalyzed the 4- and 2-hydroxylation of E2 with Km values of 0.71 and 0.78 microM and turnover numbers of 1.39 and 0.27 nmol product min-1.nmol P450-1, respectively. Treatment of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells with the aryl hydrocarbon-receptor ligand indolo[3,2-b]carbazole resulted in a concentration-dependent increase in P450 1B1 and P450 1A1 mRNA levels, and caused increased rates of 2-, 4-, 6 alpha-, and 15 alpha-hydroxylation of E2. At an E2 concentration of 10 nM, the increased rates of 2- and 4-hydroxylation were approximately equal, emphasizing the significance of the low Km P450 1B1-component of E2 metabolism. These studies demonstrate that human P450 1B1 is a catalytically efficient E2 4-hydroxylase that is likely to participate in endocrine regulation and the toxicity of estrogens.


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The vaccinia virus early transcription factor (VETF), a heterodimeric protein composed of 82- and 70-kDa subunits, interacts with viral early promoters at both a sequence-specific core region upstream and a sequence-independent region downstream of the RNA start site. To determine the VETF subunit-promoter interactions, 32P-labeled DNA targets were chemically synthesized with uniquely positioned phosphorothioates to which azidophenacyl bromide moieties were coupled. After incubating the derivatized promoter with VETF and exposing the complex to 302-nm light, the protein was denatured and the individual subunits with or without covalently bound DNA were isolated with specific antiserum and analyzed by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Using a set of 26 duplex probes, with uniquely positioned aryl azide moieties on the coding or template strands, we found that the 82-kDa subunit interacted primarily with the core region of the promoter, whereas the 70-kDa subunit interacted with the downstream region. Nucleotide substitutions in the core region that downregulate transcription affected the binding of both subunits: the 82-kDa subunit no longer exhibited specificity for upstream regions of the promoter but also bound to downstream regions, whereas the binding of the 70-kDa subunit was abolished even though the mutations were far upstream of its binding site. These results suggested mechanisms by which the interaction of the 82-kDa subunit with the core sequence directs binding of the 70-kDa subunit to DNA downstream.


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Induction of cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) in the hepatoma Hepa1c1c7 cell line results in an elevation in the excretion rate of 8-oxoguanine (oxo8Gua), a biomarker of oxidative DNA damage and the major repair product of 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (oxo8dG) residues in DNA. Treatment of this cell line with 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-p-dibenzodioxin (TCDD), a nonmetabolized environmental contaminant, and indolo(3,2-b)carbazole (ICZ), a metabolite of a natural pesticide found in cruciferous vegetables, is shown to both induce CYP1A1 activity and elevate the excretion rate of oxo8Gua; 7,8-benzoflavone (7,8-BF or alpha-naphthoflavone), an inhibitor of CYP1A1 activity and an antagonist of the aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor, reduced the excretion rate of oxo8Gua. The essential role of Ah-receptor, which mediates the induction of CYP1A1, is shown by the inability of TCDD to induce CYP1A1 and to increase excretion of oxo8Gua in Ah receptor-defective c4 mutant cells. While there was a significant 7.0-fold increase over 2 days in the excretion rate of oxo8Gua into the growth medium of TCDD-treated Hepa1c1c7 cells compared to control, no significant increase was detected in the steady-state level of oxo8dG in the DNA presumably due to efficient DNA repair. Thus, the induction of CYP1A1 appears to lead to a leak of oxygen radicals and consequent oxidative DNA damage that could lead to mutation and cancer.


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Point mutations were selectively introduced into a cDNA for guinea pig estrogen sulfotransferase (gpEST); each construct was then expressed in Chinese hamster ovary K1 cells. The molecular site chosen for study is a conserved GXXGXXK sequence that resembles the P-loop-type nucleotide-binding motif for ATP- and GTP-binding proteins and is located near the C terminus of all steroid and phenol(aryl) sulfotransferases for which the primary structures are known. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that the GXXGXXK motif is essential for binding the activated sulfonate donor 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS). The present study was undertaken to ascertain the relative importance of each individual residue of the motif. While the mutation of a single motif residue had little effect on the interaction between gpEST and PAPS as determined by kinetic analysis and photoaffinity labeling, the mutation of any two residues in concert resulted in an approximate 10-fold increase in the Km for PAPS and reduced photoaffinity labeling. The mutation of all three motif residues resulted in an inactive enzyme and complete loss of photoaffinity labeling. Interestingly, several mutants also displayed a striking effect on the Km for the steroid substrate; double mutants, again, demonstrated greater perturbations (8- to 28-fold increase) than did single mutants. Unexpectedly, whereas the mutation of nonmotif residues had a negligible effect on the Km for PAPS, a marked increase in the Km for the estrogen substrate ( > 30-fold) was noted. On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that the sequence GISGDWKN within the C-terminal domain of gpEST represents a critical component of the active site.


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The solution structures of calicheamicin gamma 1I, its cycloaromatized analog (calicheamicin epsilon), and its aryl tetrasaccharide complexed to a common DNA hairpin duplex have been determined by NMR and distance-refined molecular dynamics computations. Sequence specificity is associated with carbohydrate-DNA recognition that places the aryl tetrasaccharide component of all three ligands in similar orientations in the minor groove at the d(T-C-C-T).d(A-G-G-A) segment. The complementary fit of the ligands and the DNA minor groove binding site creates numerous van der Waals contacts as well as hydrogen bonding interactions. Notable are the iodine and sulfur atoms of calicheamicin that hydrogen bond with the exposed amino proton of the 5'- and 3'-guanines, respectively, of the d(A-G-G-A) segment. The sequence-specific carbohydrate binding orients the enediyne aglycone of calicheamicin gamma 1I such that its C3 and C6 proradical centers are adjacent to the cleavage sites. While the enediyne aglycone of calicheamicin gamma 1I is tilted relative to the helix axis and spans the minor groove, the cycloaromatized aglycone is aligned approximately parallel to the helix axis in the respective complexes. Specific localized conformational perturbations in the DNA have been identified from imino proton complexation shifts and changes in specific sugar pucker patterns on complex formation. The helical parameters for the carbohydrate binding site are comparable with corresponding values in B-DNA fibers while a widening of the groove is observed at the adjacent aglycone binding site.


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The guinea pig estrogen sulfotransferase gene has been cloned and compared to three other cloned steroid and phenol sulfotransferase genes (human estrogen sulfotransferase, human phenol sulfotransferase, and guinea pig 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase). The four sulfotransferase genes demonstrate a common outstanding feature: the splice sites for their 3'-terminal exons are identically located. That is, the 3'-terminal exon splice sites involve a glycine that constitutes the N-terminal glycine of an invariably conserved GXXGXXK motif present in all steroid and phenol sulfotransferases for which primary structures are known. This consistency strongly suggests that all steroid and phenol sulfotransferase genes will be similarly spliced. The GXXGXXK motif forms the active binding site for the universal sulfonate donor 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate. Amino acid sequence alignment of 19 cloned steroid and phenol sulfotransferases starting with the GXXGXXK motif indicates that the 3'-terminal exon for each steroid and phenol sulfotransferase gene encodes a similarly sized C-terminal fragment of the protein. Interestingly, on further analysis of the alignment, three distinct amino acid sequence patterns emerge. The presence of the conserved functional GXXGXXK motif suggests that the protein domains encoded by steroid and phenol sulfotransferase 3'-terminal exons have evolved from a common ancestor. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that during the course of evolution, the 3'-terminal exon further diverged into at least three sulfotransferase subdivisions: a phenol or aryl group, an estrogen or phenolic steroid group, and a neutral steroid group.


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The dioxin (aryl hydrocarbon) receptor is a ligand-dependent basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) factor that binds to xenobiotic response elements of target promoters upon heterodimerization with the bHLH partner factor Arnt. Here we have replaced the bHLH motif of the dioxin receptor with a heterologous DNA-binding domain to create fusion proteins that mediate ligand-dependent transcriptional enhancement in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Previously, our experiments indicated that the ligand-free dioxin receptor is stably associated with the 90-kDa heat shock protein, hsp90. To investigate the role of hsp90 in dioxin signaling we have studied receptor function in a yeast strain where hsp90 expression can be down-regulated to about 5% relative to wild-type levels. At low levels of hsp90, ligand-dependent activation of the chimeric dioxin receptor construct was almost completely inhibited, whereas the activity of a similar chimeric construct containing the structurally related Arnt factor was not affected. Moreover, a chimeric dioxin receptor construct lacking the central ligand- and hsp90-binding region of the receptor showed constitutive transcriptional activity in yeast that was not impaired upon down-regulation of hsp90 expression levels. Thus, these data suggest that hsp90 is a critical determinant of conditional regulation of dioxin receptor function in vivo via the ligand-binding domain.


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Diversas classes de compostos orgânicos de telúrio foram exploradas neste trabalho. Inicialmente foi estudada a transmetalação entre teluretos alílicos e dibutil cianocupratos de lítio de ordem superior, levando aos respectivos cianocupratos alílicos de lítio. Estes, por sua vez, foram acoplados com triflatos vinílicos, importantes intermediários sintéticos preparados previamente a partir de teluretos vinílicos, levando a sistemas altamente insaturados em ótimos rendimentos (Esquema 1). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) Em seguida, foi explorada a reatividade de teluretos aromáticos frente a reagentes organometálicos. Cianocupratos arílicos, gerados a partir da transmetalação entre teluretos aromáticos com cianocupratos de lítio de ordem superior, foram adicionados a cetonas α,β -insaturadas, levando aos produtos de adição 1,4 em bons rendimentos (Esquema 2). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) Teluretos vinílicos funcionalizados de configuração Z também foram alvo de estudo visando a formação de ligação carbono-carbono. Reações de substituição entre estes teluretos e cianocupratos de lítio de ordem inferior levaram a cetonas e ésteres α,β- insaturados com estereoquímica defInida em ótimos rendimentos (Esquema 3). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) De agosto/20OJ a março/2004, a aluna realizou um estágio sanduíche na University of California, Santa Barbara, sob a orientação do Prof. Bruce H. Lipshutz, onde realizou estudos sobre a ciclização de Bergman, visando a síntese do fragmentobiarílico A-B da vancornicina. Diversas condições para a ciclização foram estudadas com um composto modelo (Esquema 4) (Ver no arquivo em PDF) e parte da síntese total do fragmento da vancomlcma, onde a ciclização seria a etapa-chave, foi realizada com sucesso (Esquema 5). (Ver no arquivo em PDF)