969 resultados para X-state
We calculated the frequency dependent macroscopic dielectric function and second-harmonic generation of cubic ZnS, ZnSe and ZnTe within time-dependent density-polarisation functional theory. The macroscopic dielectric function is calculated in a linear response framework, and second-harmonic generation in a real-time framework. The macroscopic exchange–correlation electric field that enters the time-dependent Kohn–Sham equations and accounts for long range correlation is approximated as a simple polarisation functional αP, where P is the macroscopic polarisation. Expressions for α are taken from the recent literature. The performance of the resulting approximations for the exchange–correlation electric field is analysed by comparing the theoretical spectra with experimental results and results obtained at the levels of the independent particle approximation and the random-phase approximation. For the dielectric function we also compare with state-of-the art calculations at the level of the Bethe–Salpeter equation.
Solid-state NMR and powder XRD studies of the structure of SAPO-40 upon hydration-dehydration cycles
It is well known that after the removal of the template many porous aluminophosphates and related materials are very sensitive to water.' Depending on the type of structure, reversible or irreversible phase transitions, loss of crystallinity and changes in the coordination of some framework A1 upon rehydration are observed. For example, solid-state NMR shows that the rehydration of SAPO-5 leads to the formation of octahedral Al. Subsequent dehydration restores the initial tetrahedral coordination of Al. Template-free SAPO-37 becomes totally amorphous to X-rays after exposure to water and stays so after subsequent thermal treatment^.,,^ In contrast, Barthomeuf and co-workers have shown recently, that, on hydration, template-free SAPO-34, an analogue of chabasite, shows the opening of some Si-0-A1 bonds, the effect being reversible upon dehydrati~n.T~h e hydrated distorted structure was found to be stable for months with no further modifications and the ordered material could be regenerated by removal of water. Here we wish to report that the structure of template-free SAPO-40 undergoes a similar reversible modification.
BACKGROUND: Cancer/testis (CT) genes are normally expressed only in germ cells, but can be activated in the cancer state. This unusual property, together with the finding that many CT proteins elicit an antigenic response in cancer patients, has established a role for this class of genes as targets in immunotherapy regimes. Many families of CT genes have been identified in the human genome, but their biological function for the most part remains unclear. While it has been shown that some CT genes are under diversifying selection, this question has not been addressed before for the class as a whole. RESULTS: To shed more light on this interesting group of genes, we exploited the generation of a draft chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) genomic sequence to examine CT genes in an organism that is closely related to human, and generated a high-quality, manually curated set of human:chimpanzee CT gene alignments. We find that the chimpanzee genome contains homologues to most of the human CT families, and that the genes are located on the same chromosome and at a similar copy number to those in human. Comparison of putative human:chimpanzee orthologues indicates that CT genes located on chromosome X are diverging faster and are undergoing stronger diversifying selection than those on the autosomes or than a set of control genes on either chromosome X or autosomes. CONCLUSION: Given their high level of diversifying selection, we suggest that CT genes are primarily responsible for the observed rapid evolution of protein-coding genes on the X chromosome.
BACKGROUND: Healthcare professionals regularly read the summary of product characteristics (SmPC) as one of the various sources of information on the risks of drug use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy. The aim of this article is to present an overview of the teratogenic potential of various antiepileptic drugs and to compare these data with the information provided by the SmPCs. METHODS: A literature search on the teratogenic risks of 19 antiepileptic agents was conducted and the results were compared with the information on the use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy provided by the SmPCs of 38 commercial products available in Switzerland and Germany. RESULTS: The teratogenic risk is discussed in all available SmPCs. Quantification of the risk for birth defects and the numbers of documented pregnancies are mostly missing. Reproductive safety information in SmPCs showed poor concordance with risk levels reported in the literature. Recommendations concerning the need to monitor plasma levels and possibly perform dose adjustments during pregnancy to prevent treatment failure were missing in five Swiss and two German SmPCs. DISCUSSION: The information regarding use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy provided by the SmPCs is heterogeneous and poorly reflects the current state of knowledge. Regular updates of SmPCs are warranted in order for these documents to be of reliable use for health care professionals.
The one-electron reduced local energy function, t ~ , is introduced and has the property < tL)=(~>. It is suggested that the accuracy of SL reflects the local accuracy of an approximate wavefunction. We establish that <~~>~ <~2,> and present a bound formula, E~ , which is such that where Ew is Weinstein's lower bound formula to the ground state. The nature of the bound is not guaranteed but for sufficiently accurate wavefunctions it will yield a lower bound. ,-+ 1'S I I Applications to X LW Hz. and ne are presented.
Silicon carbide, which has many polytypic modifications of a very simple and very symmetric structure, is an excellent model system for exploring, the relationship between chemical shift, long-range dipolar shielding, and crystal structure in network solids. A simple McConnell equation treatment of bond anisotropy effects in a poly type predicts chemical shifts for silicon and carbon sites which agree well with the experiment, provided that contributions from bonds up to 100 A are included in the calculation. The calculated chemical shifts depend on three factors: the layer stacking sequence, electrical centre of gravity, and the spacings between silicon and carbon layers. The assignment of peaks to lattice sites is proved possible for three polytypes (6H, 15R, and 3C). The fact that the calculated chemical shifts are very sensitive to layer spacings provides us a potential way to detennine and refine a crystal structure. In this work, the layer spacings of 6H SiC have been calculated and are within X-ray standard deviations. Under this premise, the layer spacings of 15R have been detennined. 29Si and 13C single crystal nmr studies of 6H SiC polytype indicate that all silicons and carbons are magnetically anisotropic. The relationship between a magnetic shielding tensor component and layer spacings has been derived. The comparisons between experimental and semi-empirical chemical shielding tensor components indicate that the paramagnetic shielding of silicon should be included in the single crystal chemical shift calculation.
The optical cross section of PS I in whole cells of Porphyridium cruentum (UTEX 161), held in either state 1 or state 2, was determined by measuring the change in absorbance at 820nm, an indication of P700+; the X-section of PS2 was determined by measuring the variable fluorescence, (Fv-Fo)/Fo, from PS2. Both cross-sections were 7 determined by fitting Poisson distribution equations to the light saturation curves obtained with single turnover laser flashes which varied in intensity from zero to a level where maximum yield occurred. Flash wavelengths of 574nm, 626nm, and 668nm were used, energy absorbed by PBS, by PBS and chla, and by chla respectively. There were two populations of both PSi and PS2. A fraction of PSi is associated with PBS, and a fraction of PS2 is free from PBS. On the transition S1->S2, only with PBS-absorbed energy (574nm) did the average X-section of PSi increase (27%), and that of PS2 decrease (40%). The fraction of PSi associated with PBS decreased, from 0.65 to 0.35, and the Xsection of this associated PS 1 increased, from 135±65 A2 to 400±300A2. The cross section of PS2 associated with PBS decreased from 150±50 A2 to 85±45 A2, but the fraction of PS2 associated with PBS, approximately 0.75, did not change significantly. The increase in PSi cross section could not be completely accounted for by postulating that several PSi are associated with a single PBS and that in the transition to state2, fewer PSi share the same number of PBS, resulting in a larger X-section. It is postulated that small changes occur in the attachment of PS2 to PBS causing energy to be diverted to the attached PSi. These experiments support neither the mobile-PBS model of state transitions nor that of spillover. From cross section changes there was no evidence of energy transfer from PS2 to PSi with 668nm light. The decrease in PS2 fluorescence which occurred at this wavelength cannot be explained by energy transfer; another explanation must be sought. No explanation was found for an observed decrease in PSi yield at high flash intensities.
Jet-cooled, laser-induced phosphorescence excitation spectra (LIP) of thioacetaldehyde CH3CHS, CH3CDS, CD3CHS and CD3CDS have been observed over the region 15800 - 17300 cm"^ in a continuous pyrolysis jet. The vibronic band structure of the singlet-triplet n -* n* transition were attributed to the strong coupling of the methyl torsion and aldehydic hydrogen wagging modes . The vibronic peaks have been assigned in terms of two upper electronic state (T^) vibrations; the methyl torsion mode v^g, and the aldehydic hydrogen wagging mode v^^. The electronic origin O^a^ is unequivocally assigned as follows: CH3CHS (16294.9 cm"'' ), CH3CDS (16360.9 cm"'' ), CD3CHS (16299.7 cm"^ ), and CD3CDS (16367.2 cm"'' ). To obtain structural and dynamical information about the two electronic states, potential surfaces V(e,a) for the 6 (methyl torsion) and a (hydrogen wagging) motions were generated by ab initio quantum mechanical calculations with a 6-3 IG* basis in which the structural parameters were fully relaxed. The kinetic energy coefficients BQ(a,e) , B^(a,G) , and the cross coupling term B^(a,e) , were accurately represented as functions of the two active coordinates, a and 9. The calculations reveal that the molecule adopts an eclipsed conformation for the lower Sq electronic state (a=0°,e=0"') with a barrier height to internal rotation of 541.5 cm"^ which is to be compared to 549.8 cm"^ obtained from the microwave experiment. The conformation of the upper T^ electronic state was found to be staggered (a=24 . 68° ,e=-45. 66° ) . The saddle point in the path traced out by the aldehyde wagging motion was calculated to be 175 cm"^ above the equilibrium configuration. The corresponding maxima in the path taken by methyl torsion was found to be 322 cm'\ The small amplitude normal vibrational modes were also calculated to aid in the assignment of the spectra. Torsional-wagging energy manifolds for the two states were derived from the Hamiltonian H(a,e) which was solved variationally using an extended two dimensional Fourier expansion as a basis set. A torsionalinversion band spectrum was derived from the calculated energy levels and Franck-Condon factors, and was compared with the experimental supersonic-jet spectra. Most of the anomalies which were associated with the interpretation of the observed spectrum could be accounted for by the band profiles derived from ab initio SCF calculations. A model describing the jet spectra was derived by scaling the ab initio potential functions. The global least squares fitting generates a triplet state potential which has a minimum at (a=22.38° ,e=-41.08°) . The flatter potential in the scaled model yielded excellent agreement between the observed and calculated frequency intervals.
The absorption spectrum of F2CSe in the 18800-21900 cm-1 region has been recorded at -770 C and 220 C under the conditions of medium resolution. The responsible electronic promotion is TI* + n excitation which leads to 3A2 and lA2 excited states. Progressions in vI', v2', v3" v4' and v4" have been identified in the spectrum and have been analyzed in terms of vibronic transitions between a planar ground state and a nQnplanar excited state. The - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 origins of the a A2 + X Al and A A2 + X Al systems were assigned to the bands at 19018 cm-l and 19689 cm-l . This has given a singlet-triplet splittl. n g lA2 - 3A2 P f 671 cm -1 The out-of-plane wagging levels were found to be anharmonic. 1 -1 Barrier heights of 2483 cm- and 2923 cm were obtained for the lA2 and 3A2 upper states from a fitting of the energy levels of a Lorentzian-quadratic function to the observed levels in the out-of-plane wagging modes. 1 3 For the A2 and A2 states nonplanar equilibrium angles of 30.10 and 31.40 have been evaluated respectively. i
Lead chromium oxide is a photoconductive dielectric material tha t has great potential of being used as a room temperature photodetector. In this research, we made ceramic pellets of this compound as well as potassium doped compound Pb2-xKxCr05, where x=O, 0.05, 0.125. We also investigate the properties of the lanthanum doped sample whose chemical formula is Pb1.85Lao.15Cr05' The electronic, magnetic and thermal properties of these materials have been studied. Magnetization measurements of the Pb2Cr05 sample indicate a transition at about 310 K, while for the lanthanum doped sample the transition temperature is at about 295 K indicating a paramagnetic behavior. However, the potassium doped samples are showing the transition from paramagnetic state to diamagnetic state at different temperatures for different amounts of potassium atoms present in the sample. We have studied resistivity as a function of temperature in different gas environments from 300 K to 900 K. The resistivity measurement of the parent sample indicates a conducting to insulating transition at about 300 K and upon increasing the temperature further, above 450 K the sample becomes an ionic conductor. As temperature increases a decrease in resistance is observed in the lanthanum/potassium doped samples. Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry experiment an endothermic peak is observed for the Pb2Cr05 and lanthanum/potassium doped samples at about 285 K.
Map (printed) of the state of Missouri issued by the State Board of Immigration (50 cm. x 58 cm.), n.d.
À travers cette thèse, nous revisitons les différentes étapes qui ont conduit à la découverte des isolants topologiques, suite à quoi nous nous penchons sur la question à savoir si une phase topologiquement non-triviale peut coexister avec un état de symétrie brisée. Nous abordons les concepts les plus importants dans la description de ce nouvel état de la matière, et tentons de comprendre les conséquences fascinantes qui en découlent. Il s’agit d’un champ de recherche fortement alimenté par la théorie, ainsi, l’étude du cadre théorique est nécessaire pour atteindre une compréhension profonde du sujet. Le chapitre 1 comprend un retour sur l’effet de Hall quantique, afin de motiver les sections subséquentes. Le chapitre 2 présente la première réalisation d’un isolant topologique à deux dimensions dans un puits quantique de HgTe/CdTe, suite à quoi ces résultats sont généralisés à trois dimensions. Nous verrons ensuite comment incorporer des principes de topologie dans la caractérisation d’un système spécifique, à l’aide d’invariants topologiques. Le chapitre 3 introduit le premier dérivé de l’état isolant topologique, soit l’isolant topologique antiferromagnétique (ITAF). Après avoir motivé théoriquement le sujet et introduit un invariant propre à ce nouvel état ITAF, qui est couplé à l’ordre de Néel, nous explorons, dans les chapitres 4 et 5, deux candidats de choix pour la phase ITAF : GdBiPt et NdBiPt.
The MgAl2O4 ceramics were prepared by the conventional solid-state ceramic route and the dielectric properties studied in the microwave frequency region (3–13 GHz). The phase purity and crystal structure were identified using the X-ray diffraction technique. The MgAl2O4 spinel ceramics show interesting microwave dielectric properties (εr = 8.75, Qux f = 68 900 GHz (loss tangent = 0.00017 at 12.3 GHz), τf =−75 ppm/◦C). The MgAl2O4 has high negative τf, which precludes its immediate use in practical applications. Hence the microwave dielectric properties of MgAl2O4 spinels were tailored by adding different mole fractions of TiO2. The εr and Q factor of the mixed phases were increased with the molar addition of TiO2 into the spinel to form mixtures based on (1−x)MgAl2O4-xTiO2 (x = 0.0−1.0). For x = 0.25 in (1−x)MgAl2O4-xTiO2, the microwave quality factor reaches a maximum value of Qux f = 105 400 GHz (loss tangent = 0.00007 at 7.5 GHz) where εr and τf are 11.035 and −12 ppm/◦C, respectively. The microwave dielectric properties of the newly developed 0.75MgAl2O4-0.25TiO2 dielectric is superior to several commercially available low loss dielectric substrates.
Soil erosion is more detrimental and affects the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil. Degradation of soil and water resources is a worldwide problem. Over the next two decades, it is expected that the world will need 17% more water to grow food for the increasing population in developing countries and that total water use will increase by 40%. The total land area subjected to human-induced soil degradation is estimated as 20 x 106 (km)2 Hence conservation of soil and water is essential for the subsistence of life. This can be made possible through sustainable watershed management. This thesis aims at investigating the condition under which sustainable watershed management is possible in Kerala, in South India. The research has been carried out in three stages. In the first stage a conceptual framework is formulated (Chapter 3) based on the relevant literature (Chapter 2) in the field of watershed management. In the second stage this framework is applied to two existing case studies in Kerala State (Chapter 4). In the third stage, the methodology is used to test out geo textile innovation (Chapter 5) in two field experiments (Chapter 6).
L - Glutaminase, a therapeutically and industrially important enzyme, was produced from marine Vibrio costicola by a novel solid state fermentation process using polystyrene beads as inert support. The new fermentation system offered several advantages over the conventional systems, such as the yield of leachate with minimum viscosity and high specific activity for the target product besides facilitating the easy estimation of biomass. The enzyme thus produced was purified and characterised. It was active at physiological pH, showed high substrate specificity towards L - glutamine and had a Km value of 7.4 x 10-2 M. It also exhibited high salt and temperature tolerance indicating good scope for its industrial and therapeutic applications