510 resultados para Woolly monkey


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This thesis is an exploration of the organisation and functioning of the human visual system using the non-invasive functional imaging modality magnetoencephalography (MEG). Chapters one and two provide an introduction to the ‘human visual system and magnetoencephalographic methodologies. These chapters subsequently describe the methods by which MEG can be used to measure neuronal activity from the visual cortex. Chapter three describes the development and implementation of novel analytical tools; including beamforming based analyses, spectrographic movies and an optimisation of group imaging methods. Chapter four focuses on the use of established and contemporary analytical tools in the investigation of visual function. This is initiated with an investigation of visually evoked and induced responses; covering visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and event related synchronisation/desynchronisation (ERS/ERD). Chapter five describes the employment of novel methods in the investigation of cortical contrast response and demonstrates distinct contrast response functions in striate and extra-striate regions of visual cortex. Chapter six use synthetic aperture magnetometry (SAM) to investigate the phenomena of visual cortical gamma oscillations in response to various visual stimuli; concluding that pattern is central to its generation and that it increases in amplitude linearly as a function of stimulus contrast, consistent with results from invasive electrode studies in the macaque monkey. Chapter seven describes the use of driven visual stimuli and tuned SAM methods in a pilot study of retinotopic mapping using MEG; finding that activity in the primary visual cortex can be distinguished in four quadrants and two eccentricities of the visual field. Chapter eight is a novel implementation of the SAM beamforming method in the investigation of a subject with migraine visual aura; the method reveals desynchronisation of the alpha and gamma frequency bands in occipital and temporal regions contralateral to observed visual abnormalities. The final chapter is a summary of main conclusions and suggested further work.


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A class of multi-process models is developed for collections of time indexed count data. Autocorrelation in counts is achieved with dynamic models for the natural parameter of the binomial distribution. In addition to modeling binomial time series, the framework includes dynamic models for multinomial and Poisson time series. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and Po ́lya-Gamma data augmentation (Polson et al., 2013) are critical for fitting multi-process models of counts. To facilitate computation when the counts are high, a Gaussian approximation to the P ́olya- Gamma random variable is developed.

Three applied analyses are presented to explore the utility and versatility of the framework. The first analysis develops a model for complex dynamic behavior of themes in collections of text documents. Documents are modeled as a “bag of words”, and the multinomial distribution is used to characterize uncertainty in the vocabulary terms appearing in each document. State-space models for the natural parameters of the multinomial distribution induce autocorrelation in themes and their proportional representation in the corpus over time.

The second analysis develops a dynamic mixed membership model for Poisson counts. The model is applied to a collection of time series which record neuron level firing patterns in rhesus monkeys. The monkey is exposed to two sounds simultaneously, and Gaussian processes are used to smoothly model the time-varying rate at which the neuron’s firing pattern fluctuates between features associated with each sound in isolation.

The third analysis presents a switching dynamic generalized linear model for the time-varying home run totals of professional baseball players. The model endows each player with an age specific latent natural ability class and a performance enhancing drug (PED) use indicator. As players age, they randomly transition through a sequence of ability classes in a manner consistent with traditional aging patterns. When the performance of the player significantly deviates from the expected aging pattern, he is identified as a player whose performance is consistent with PED use.

All three models provide a mechanism for sharing information across related series locally in time. The models are fit with variations on the P ́olya-Gamma Gibbs sampler, MCMC convergence diagnostics are developed, and reproducible inference is emphasized throughout the dissertation.


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OBJECTIVES: Three dental topography measurements: Dirichlet Normal Energy (DNE), Relief Index (RFI), and Orientation Patch Count Rotated (OPCR) are examined for their interaction with measures of wear, within and between upper and lower molars in Alouatta palliata. Potential inferences of the "dental sculpting" phenomenon are explored. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen occluding pairs of howling monkey first molars (15 upper, 15 lower) opportunistically collected from La Pacifica, Costa Rica, were selected to sample wear stages ranging from unworn to heavily worn as measured by the Dentine Exposure Ratio (DER). DNE, RFI, and OPCR were measured from three-dimensional surface reconstructions (PLY files) derived from high-resolution CT scans. Relationships among the variables were tested with regression analyses. RESULTS: Upper molars have more cutting edges, exhibiting significantly higher DNE, but have significantly lower RFI values. However, the relationships among the measures are concordant across both sets of molars. DER and EDJL are curvilinearly related. DER is positively correlated with DNE, negatively correlated with RFI, and uncorrelated with OPCR. EDJL is not correlated with DNE, or RFI, but is positively correlated with OPCR among lower molars only. DISCUSSION: The relationships among these metrics suggest that howling monkey teeth adaptively engage macrowear. DNE increases with wear in this sample presumably improving food breakdown. RFI is initially high but declines with wear, suggesting that the initially high RFI safeguards against dental senescence. OPCR values in howling monkey teeth do not show a clear relationship with wear changes.


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Frederick Douglas was a reader of and writer on the nineteenth-century political and social texts and contexts of oppression, which he experienced at home and witnesed while in Ireland and Britain, 1845-47. This thesis is unique in its identification of several surprising lacunae in the research and critical evaluation of Frederick Douglass’ activities of reading and writing and the texts and contexts that supported these activities. This thesis takes Douglass’ relationship with Ireland and the Irish as its starting point, and offers several moments in the transnational space engendered by Douglass’ readerly and writerly experience of the transatlantic axes of Ireland, Britain and America. This thesis draws upon archival research to recover information regarding Douglass’ trip and subjects his reading and writing on Ireland and the Irish to the critical rigours of narratolgical, cultural and discourse analysis. One lacuna is Douglass’ favourite and neglected school primer, the Columbian Orator, which Douglass signified upon across his autobiographical project. The speech by the Irish patriot and exile, Arthur O’Connor, included in the Orator, is crucial to Douglass’ understanding and expression of justice and equality. Genette’s narratological analysis gives theoretical traction to the ways in which, in his autobiographical representations of his British trip, Douglass recalibrates his autobiographies to reflect his changing perspectives on his life and work. Contrary to popular assumptions, Douglass did, in two letters to Garrison address and comment on Irish poverty. This thesis interrogates the strategic anglophilia of these letters. While the World’s Temperance Convention (WTC) refused to discuss African- American slavery, analysis of Douglass’ speech in Covent Garden and of the paratextual apparatus of the published proceedings of the WTC demonstrates the impossibility of separating these closely interrelated reform causes. When a newly discovered poem from Waterford that admonished the city for its disregard for Douglass’ message is juxtaposed with an uncomfortable moment in Cork, we understand that Douglass became a pawn to bolster sectarian rivalries between nationalist and establishment factions. Though Douglass believed imperial politics was the best vehicle for modernity, he recognised that it had failed Ireland: consequently, in Thoughts and Recollections of a Trip to Ireland (1886), he advocates for Home Rule for Ireland.


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Durante el siglo XIX el transformismo irrumpe en el panorama científico, una irrupción cuyas implicaciones filosóficas y sociales se traducen, entre otros, en obras teatrales en las que la temática refleja la difusión de estas nuevas ideas. Les deux Jockos, de 1825, ejemplifica ese grupo de representaciones que ponen en escena el debate transformista en una sociedad todavía dominada por los preceptos fijistas defendidos desde las instituciones y las élites sociales de la época. Así pues, el análisis de la obra permitirá desvelar aquellos elementos relacionados con el nuevo paradigma de naturaleza propuesto, al tiempo que evidencia la capacidad de influencia de la realidad histórica, social y cultural sobre el género teatral.


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Esta pesquisa faz parte dos requisitos do Mestrado Profissional em Sistemas de Informação e Gestão do Conhecimento e tem como tema central aceitação de tecnologia e prontuário eletrônico de paciente (PEP). Diversas inovações tecnológicas foram incorporadas no setor de saúde e, em especial, no controle e gestão de informações e ainda quanto à gestão do histórico do paciente. A partir deste cenário, buscou-se contribuir na descrição e análise das variáveis percebidas como geradoras de utilidade e facilidade de uso da tecnologia de prontuário eletrônico a partir do modelo de aceitação de tecnologia. Buscando atender as premissas propostas pelo modelo TAM, no contexto específico de gestão hospitalar, surge o problema de pesquisa: Como usuários de prontuário eletrônico de paciente percebem a utilidade e facilidade desta tecnologia em seu cotidiano? Pretendeu-se desenvolver estudo descritivo onde o objetivo principal foi descrever e analisar as variáveis que influenciam na percepção da utilidade e facilidade de uso de prontuário eletrônico de pacientes sob o ponto de vista dos profissionais da área da saúde da região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Especificamente, pretendeu-se: descrever a percepção de utilidade; descrever a percepção de facilidade de uso, e; analisar o perfil dos respondentes envolvidos com a tecnologia. Optou-se por utilizar o questionário original proposto por Davis Jr. (1989), somente sendo traduzido e contextualizado ao ambiente da pesquisa. O questionário adotado foi disponibilizado por meio da ferramenta Survey Monkey ® e os respondentes foram profissionais que atuam na área da saúde, sendo o critério de escolha dos mesmos, por meio da técnica de snow ball, a acessibilidade e disponibilidade. A partir das respostas dos profissionais pode-se perceber que a grande maioria relatou utilidade percebida com o uso da tecnologia, sendo que alguns profissionais indicaram que ocorre ainda algumas dificuldades de uso. Os resultados e discussões gerados nesta pesquisa, apesar das limitações, indicam a importância de novos estudos que envolvam a saúde e a importância da tecnologia para a sociedade.


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L’élucidation de la position qu’occupent les projections sérotoninergique (5-HT), cholinergique (ACh) et dopaminergique (DA) du tronc cérébral dans l’organisation anatomofonctionelle du globus pallidus externe (GPe) et interne (GPi) au sein des ganglions de la base chez le primate est primordiale à la compréhension de ce système neuronal hautement complexe impliqué dans le contrôle du comportement moteur. Les travaux de recherche consolidés dans la présente thèse rapportent les résultats principalement obtenus chez le singe écureuil (Saimiri sciureus) à l’aide de marquages immunohistochimiques et de quantifications stéréologiques servant à évaluer la distribution régionale et les caractéristiques ultrastructurales des varicosités axonales 5-HT, ACh et DA observées dans le pallidum. Nos données ont permis l’éloboration d’un nouveau modèle du neurone pallidal en tenant compte de la hiérarchie et des caractéristiques neurochimiques de ses entrées synaptiques. Ainsi, l’analyse quantitative en microscopie optique révèle que le GPe et le GPi reçoivent des innervations 5-HT, ACh et DA de densités variables et distribuées de façon hétérogène. Plus particulièrement, le GPe est innervé par 600 000 varicosités 5-HT/mm3 de tissu, 500 000 varicosités ACh/mm3 et 170 000 varicosités DA/mm3. En revanche, le GPi reçoit 600 000 varicosités 5-HT/mm3, 250 000 varicosités ACh/mm3 et 190 000 varicosités DA/mm3. De plus, la 5-HT, l’ACh et la DA ciblent préférentiellement les secteurs correspondant aux territoires fonctionnels associatifs et limbiques du pallidum, suggérant un rôle de ces projections dans la planification du comportement moteur ainsi que dans la régulation de l’attention et de l’humeur. Nos analyses en microscopie électronique révèlent que très peu de ces varicosités axonales établissent un contact synaptique, puisque plus de 70% des varicosités 5-HT, ACh et DA sont complètement dépouvues de jonction synaptique. Ainsi, bien que la 5-HT, l’ACh et la DA seraient en mesure de moduler directement les neurones pallidaux grâce à la transmission synaptique, leur plus grande influence s’opérerait par la transmission volumique, permettant d’influencer à la fois les neurones pallidaux et leurs afférences, principalement du striatum et noyau subthalamique. L’ensemble de ces résultats indique que les projections 5-HT, ACh et DA du tronc cérébral agissent de concert avec les afférences plus robustes en provenance du striatum et du noyau subthalamique. Ces nouvelles données neuroanatomiques positionnent le tronc cérébral en tant qu’acteur important dans l’organisation anatomique et fonctionnelle du pallidum chez le primate et doivent être prises en considération dans l’élaboration de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques visant à contrer les processus neurodégénératifs qui affectent les ganglions de la base, tel que la maladie de Parkinson.


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Tese de doutoramento em Farmácia (Toxicologia), apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2009.


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Depuis quelques décennies, la consultation en contexte organisationnel constitue une pratique professionnelle importante. L’efficacité de la consultation est l’un des enjeux de la pratique tant pour les clients que pour les consultants. Certains auteurs ont développé des modèles pour comprendre le processus de consultation et ses composantes. La documentation sur l’efficacité de la consultation fait ressortir la contribution de la relation client-consultant comme facteur explicatif. Toutefois, peu d’études se sont penchées sur le lien statistique entre la relation client-consultant et l’efficacité de la consultation comme pratique globale. Cette recherche s’intéresse à la relation client-consultant telle qu’exprimée par ses activités (variable indépendante) et à leurs portées sur l’efficacité de la consultation organisationnelle (variable dépendante) telle qu’évaluée par des clients. Les bases théoriques et empiriques en contextes clinique et organisationnel portent à croire qu’il existe une relation positive significative entre ces deux variables. Ainsi, pour cette étude, une hypothèse est posée : les activités de la relation client-consultant sont en relation de façon positive avec l’efficacité de la consultation telle qu’évaluée par le client. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 88 clients. Les données utilisées pour cette étude ont été recueillies en un seul temps de mesure avec deux instruments combinés dans le questionnaire CERCC-CL édité sur Internet, via Survey Monkey, et crypté pour assurer la sécurité et la confidentialité des données. Les résultats révèlent que la relation se décline en quatre dimensions : 1) entente professionnelle; 2) réciprocité; 3) soutien du consultant et 4) compatibilité personnelle. L’hypothèse est en grande partie corroborée; trois dimensions de la relation, soit (1) entente professionnelle, (2) réciprocité et (4) compatibilité personnelle, influencent la qualité d’une démarche de consultation, l’un des deux critères de l’efficacité et l’efficacité de la consultation dans sa globalité. La compatibilité personnelle (4) influence les résultats à valeur ajoutée, le second critère de l’efficacité. Le score global de la relation client-consultant permet de prédire de façon significative les deux facteurs d’efficacité de la consultation et l’efficacité globale. L’ensemble de ces résultats apporte un premier éclairage sur la contribution potentielle de deux nouveaux questionnaires permettant au client et au consultant de s’évaluer en cours de processus ou à la fin de celui-ci. Les résultats contribuent surtout à la considération et à une meilleure compréhension de l’importance de la relation client-consultant pour expliquer l’efficacité d’une intervention. La relation client-consultant selon la perspective du client, principal acteur à satisfaire, favorise une vision positive du mandat. Pour le consultant, cette étude fait valoir l’importance de miser et de parfaire ses habiletés relationnelles indépendamment de son domaine d’expertise s’il veut être efficace dans sa pratique de la consultation.


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O poema de Semónides de Amorgos sobre as mulheres (Fr. 7 West) é o mais extenso fragmento preservado da poesia iâmbica grega da época arcaica. Nele o poeta apresenta uma reflexão pessimista de cariz misógino sobre o carácter feminino, numa narrativa original que cataloga dez tipos de mulher, oito baseadas em modelos animais (a porca, a raposa, a cadela, a burra, a doninha, a égua, a macaca e a abelha) e dois em elementos da natureza (a terra e o mar). Pretende-se demonstrar, neste estudo, que essa caracterização tipológica era inovadora e respondia a uma dupla finalidade: satírica e humorística. Uma vez que o poema se destinaria a um contexto simpótico, um espaço tipicamente masculino, a mulher e a sua natureza constituiriam uma temática que levaria o homem a reflectir, de um modo simultaneamente sério e divertido, sobre a sua própria condição.


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FAULT LINE examines the fragile humanity connected to the themes of sexuality, violence, addiction, family dynamics, and death. The book is not broken into sections; rather, as poems build upon one another to explore a narrative arc, FAULT LINE tracks a single speaker’s experience from girlhood to the verge of independent womanhood. The speaker employs formal structures such as the prose poem, sestina, and particularly the list poem to examine the fluidity of inner experience and also the culture at large while challenging the narrow definitions of femininity and masculinity. FAULT LINE works to not only address the question of blame but also the literal breaks in lines of poetry. By looking at a single speaker’s struggle, the book, like life, is both humorous and horrifying.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar la naturaleza del Estado Islámico y su impacto en la estatalidad y soberanía de Iraq y Siria. Se estudia y explica cómo ha sido la evolución y expansión del Estado Islámico y el impacto que este proceso ha tenido sobre Iraq y Siria generando de esta manera la aparición de una estatalidad paralela a través de la construcción de un aparato institucional por parte del Estado Islámico, lo que contribuye al desarrollo de un “para-estado”. Siguiendo la línea argumentativa, finalmente se demuestra que en la evolución del Estado Islámico se logra crear una forma primitiva de Estado, adquiriendo poco a poco niveles de estatalidad, lo que lleva a que los Estados de Iraq y Siria pierdan atributos de estatalidad y de un Estado soberano.