999 resultados para West (U.S.)


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Loxosceles laeta spiders were captured in the West zone of São Paulo City, this being the first record of the specie in this area. Since loxoscelism is an important public health problem in the South region of Brazil, it is necessary to investigate the presence of this spider in São Paulo City.


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O trabalho de estágio curricular desenvolvido na UCCLA, adiante apresentado, teve como desafio encontrar respostas para os fenómenos de fraccionamentos multidimensionais sentidos e diagnosticados nas cidades capitais luso-afro-américo-asiáticas de língua oficial portuguesa, resultantes do processo de globalização e seus modelos de desenvolvimento político, cultural, sócio-demográfico, económico e ambiental. A luta pela liberdade, comum a todos os povos das nações que incorporam o espaço lusófono, facilitou os entendimentos futuros, sem os quais não teria sido possível construir as alianças que deram origem ao bloco sócio-político da CPLP, hoje merecedor da atenção e respeito da comunidade internacional. A afirmação e a importância crescentes da CPLP no diálogo das nações à escala global têm sido a plataforma estratégica na afirmação do espaço lusófono no mundo. Refira-se a integração rápida dos retornados na sociedade portuguesa, como um dos factores que mais contribuíram para a consolidação de uma sociedade multicultural alicerçada numa vivência conjunta de realidades diferenciadas. Em face desta realidade, é pacífico aceitar que a UCCLA foi a grande precursora do nascimento da CPLP. As transformações económicas, políticas, sociais, culturais e económicas verificadas após o 25 de Abril, provocaram rupturas sociais, as quais constituem o nosso foco de investigação neste relatório. Uma reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável dos sistemas políticosócio- económicos encontra-se, hoje, na ordem do dia de todos os decisores políticos, económicos e sociais, como forma de alcançar a coesão social. Apontar soluções inovadoras para a resolução ou minimização dos referidos fraccionamentos é, também, objectivo final da nossa investigação. A globalização, o espaço lusófono e os fracionamentos ético-culturais existentes nas cidades capitais luso-afro-américo-asiáticas de língua oficial portuguesa, representam a nossa temática, sobre a qual se debruça o nosso projecto de investigação, visando essencialmente encontrar um modelo de intervenção pragmático que possa ser implementado nessas cidades capitais, por forma a diminuir as desigualdades promovendo uma maior integração social e económica.


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INTRODUCTION: West Nile virus (WNV) is a flavivirus with a natural cycle involving mosquitoes and birds. Over the last 11 years, WNV has spread throughout the Americas with the imminent risk of its introduction in Brazil. METHODS: Envelope protein domain III of WNV (rDIII) was bacterially expressed and purified. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with WNV rDIII antigen was standardized against mouse immune fluids (MIAFs) of different flavivirus. RESULTS: WNV rDIII reacted strongly with St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) MIAF but not with other flaviviruses. CONCLUSIONS: This antigen may be a potentially useful tool for serologic diagnosis and may contribute in future epidemiological surveillance of WNV infections in Brazil.


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Introduction Jailed populations exhibit high rates of tuberculosis (TB) infection and active disease. Methods A cross-sectional study was performed to estimate the prevalence of latent and active TB and to identify factors associated with latent infection in inmates. Results The prevalence of latent TB was 49%, and the prevalence of active TB was 0.4%. The presence of a Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) scar (prevalence ratio (PR)=1.65; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.09-2.50; p=0.0162) and the World Health Organization (WHO) score for active TB in prisons (PR=1.07; 95% CI: 1.01-1.14; p=0.0181) were correlated with infection. Conclusions The identification of associated factors and the prevalence of latent and active TB allows the development of plans to control this disease in jails.


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The former occurrence of the North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis on the Portuguese coast may be inferred from the historical range of that species in Europe and in NW Africa. It is generally accepted that it was the main prey of coastal whaling in the Middle Ages and in the pre-modern period, but this assumption still needs firming up based on biological and archaeological evidence. We describe the skeletal remains of right whales excavated at Peniche in 2001-2002, in association with archaeological artefacts. The whale bones were covered by sandy sediments on the old seashore and they have been tentatively dated around the 16th to 17th centuries. This study contributes material evidence to the former occurrence of E. glacialis in Portugal (West Iberia). Some whale bones show unequivocal man-made scars. These are associated to wounds from instruments with a sharp-cutting blade. This evidence for past human interaction may suggest that whaling for that species was active at Peniche around the early 17th century.


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Introduction This work presents the initial findings of a molecular epidemiological investigation of Trypanosoma cruzi in triatomine insects in State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Methods A total of 511 triatomines from different regions of the state were examined. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was extracted from the intestinal contents of the insects using phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers 121/122 targeting DNA kinetoplast (kDNA) was then performed to identify T. cruzi, and positive samples were subjected to PCR using the primer pair TcSC5D-F/R followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with the restriction enzymes SphI and HpaI (1 U/reaction), cloning and sequencing. Results One hundred samples were positive for T. cruzi, and three discrete typing units (DTUs) were identified (TcI, TcII, and TcBat). Triatoma sordida had the highest T. cruzi occurrence (83.3%), and DTUs were found in three samples: 58.3% of the samples were TcI, 33.3% were TcII and 8.3% were TcBat. There was a clear geographical distribution of the DTUs throughout the state, with TcI, TcII and TcBat located in the center, TcI located in the east, and TcII located in the west. Conclusions This study showed the occurrence of overlapping DTUs in State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The distributions of the DTUs were different, with TcI, TcII and TcBat in the center of the state, TcI predominantly in the east, and TcII in the west. Further studies may reveal a more defined mosaic distribution of DTUs in MS.


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ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:The mosquito Aedes aegypti has evolved resistance to pyrethroid insecticides. The present study evaluated Ae. aegypti from Goiânia for the resistant phenotype and for mutations associated with resistance.METHODS:Insecticide dose-response bioassays were conducted on mosquitoes descended from field-collected eggs, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to genotype 90 individuals at sites implicated in pyrethroid resistance.RESULTS:All mosquito populations displayed high levels of resistance to deltamethrin, as well as high frequencies of the 1016Ile kdr and 1534Cys kdrmutations.CONCLUSIONS:Aedes aegypti populations in the Goiânia area are highly resistant to deltamethrin, presumably due to high frequencies of kdr(knockdown-resistance) mutations.


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ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Serological screening in blood banks does not include all transmittable diseases. American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) has a high detection rate in the municipalities of the State of Paraná.METHODS:This study analyzed the presence of anti- Leishmania braziliensisantibodies in 176 blood donors who live in these endemic areas. The variables were analyzed with the χ2 test and Stata 9.1 software. RESULTS: Twenty (11.4%) samples were positive for the presence of anti- L. braziliensisantibodies. CONCLUSIONS: The high percentage of donors with anti- Leishmania spp. antibodies indicates the need to study the risk of ACL transmission through blood donors.


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Flow of new information is what produces price changes, understanding if the market is unbalanced is fundamental to know how much inventory market makers should keep during an important economic release. After identifying which economic indicators impact the S&P and 10 year Treasuries. The Volume Synchronized Probability of Information-Based Trading (VPIN) will be used as a predictability measure. The results point to some predictability power over economic surprises of the VPIN metric, mainly when calculated using the S&P. This finding appears to be supported when analysing depth imbalance before economic releases. Inferior results were achieved when using treasuries. The final aim of this study is to fill the gap between microstructural changes and macroeconomic events.


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Anti-U is a rare red blood cell alloantibody that has been found exclusively in blacks. It can cause hemolytic disease of the newborn and hemolytic transfusion reactions. We describe the case of a female newborn presenting a strongly positive direct antiglobulin test due to an IgG antibody in cord blood. Anti-U was recovered from cord blood using acid eluate technique. Her mother presented positive screening of antibodies with anti-U identified at delivery. It was of IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses and showed a titer of 32. Monocyte monolayer assay showed moderate interaction of Fc receptors with maternal serum with a positive result (3.1%). The newborn was treated only with 48 hours of phototherapy for mild hemolytic disease. She recovered well and was discharged on the 4th day of life. We conclude that whenever an antibody against a high frequency erythrocyte antigen is identified in brown and black pregnant women, anti-U must be investigated.


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The purpose of this project is to analyse and evaluate if the rural tourism cottage Quinta dos I’s will be profitable within the first five years of operation. It starts with a brief description of the business, followed by an industry analysis of the rural tourism market in Portugal and an intensive competitor analysis to evaluate Quinta dos I’s’ competitive advantages. The project then defines a marketing plan to generate awareness and establish the cottage in the market. Finally, a financial analysis is performed to examine the outcome of Quinta dos I’s’ recommended strategic activities. The results of this project show that the cottage is profitable after the first year of operation and expects to grow annually.


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We investigate the long-term performance of cross-delisted firms from U.S. stock markets. Using a sample of foreign firms listed and delisted from U.S. stock exchange markets over 2000-2012, we examine the operating performance and the long-run stock returns performance of firms post-cross-delisting. Our results suggest that cross-delisted firms have less growth opportunities than matched cross-listed firms in the long run. Moreover, firms that cross-delist after the passage of Rule 12h-6 of 2007 exhibit a significant decline in operating performance. In contrast, before the adoption of the Rule 12h-6, cross-delisted firms seem to be affected by the cost of a U.S. listing in the precross -delisting period. In addition, we provide evidence that cross-delisted firms underperform their cross-listed peers; cross-delisted firms experience negative average abnormal returns, especially in the post-delisting period.