983 resultados para Watergate Affair, 1972-1974


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Avhandlingen berör de turkiska operationerna på Cypern, som inleddes den 20 juli 1974 till följd av att den cypriotiska presidenten Makarios avsatts i en statskupp. Avhandlingen behandlar de turkiska förbandens stridsverksamhet under tiden 20.- 31.7.1974 med tyngdpunkt vid de tre första dagarna. Operation Attila genomfördes med trupper från alla försvarsgrenar, men huvudansvaret låg hos armén. Den turkiska fredsstyrkan, som utgjordes av den 6. armékåren hade en total styrka på ungefär 16000 man under operationens första skede. Den huvudsakliga forskningsfrågan lyder, hur genomförde Turkiet Operation Attilas första skede? Övriga forskningsfrågor som stöder huvudfrågan är: Av vilka förband var den turkiska fredsstyrkan sammansatt och hur såg dessa förband ut? Vilken roll spelade den turkiska marinen och det turkiska flygvapnet i operationen? Vilka var de turkiska truppernas största taktiska och stridstekniska problem under operationen? Vilka faktorer bidrog till att Turkiet lyckades med Operation Attila? Forskningen baserar sig på skriven litteratur i form av böcker, skriftliga utkast och artiklar. Som forskningsmetod används en kvalitativ litteraturanalys där ovan nämnda forskningsfrågor besvaras. De turkiska förbanden lyckades genomföra Operation Attilas första skede, men de nådde inte sina uppsatta militära mål förrän flera dagar senare än planerat. Turkarnas försening berodde mera på egen inkompetens än kraftigt motstånd från den grekcypriotiska krigsmakten, CNG.


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This paper analyses the effects on Brazil's trade indices of the rising share of industrial products in Brazil's exports in the period from 1964 to 1974. New price and quantity indices of Fisher for Brazil's exports and imports of industrial and non-industrial goods have been especially constructed for this period, in order to obtain methodologically consistent series of indexes from 1964 to 2005. The market-share-constant model was applied to analyze the effects of different groups of products on Brazil's export revenues between 1964 and 1974.


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Pictured here from left to right are: Dr. Allan Booth, Classics, an unknown faculty member, and Peter Burtram, Registrar.


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Back Row: Marsia Antolak (Manager), Marcia Liddycoat, Wendy Krasovev, Violette Lavigne, Elanie Keith, Jean Nairn, Kathy Kirkpatrickm Pat Hueston (Coach) Front Row: Beth Craig, Lee Bartley, Judt Trowbridge, Jeanie Dulewicz, Miriam Ganton


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The Horwood Peninsula - Gander Bay area is located at NE Newfoundland in the Botwood Zone (Williams et a1., 1974) or in the Dunnage Zone (Williams, 1979) of the Central Mobile Belt of the Newfoundland Appalachians. The area is underlain by Middle Ordovician to possible Lower Silurian rocks of the Davidsville and Indian Islands Groups, respectively. Three conformable formations named informally : the Mafic Volcanic Formation, the Greywacke and Siltstone Formation and the Black Slate Formation, have been recognized in the Davidsville Group. The Greywacke and the Black Slate Formations pass locally into a Melange Formation. From consideration of regional structure and abundant locally-derived mafic volcanic olisto- 1iths in the melange, it is considered to have originated by gravity sliding rather than thrusting. Four formations have been recognized in the Indian Islands Group. They mainly contain silty slate and phyllite, grey cherty siltstone, green to red micaceous siltstone and limestone horizons. Repetition of lithological units by F1 folding are well-demonstrated in one of formations in this Group. The major structure in this Group on the Horwood Peninsula is interpreted to be a synclinal complex. The lithology of this Group is different from the Botwood Group to the west and is probably Late Ordovician and/or Early Silurian in age. The effects of soft-sediment deformation can be seen from the lower part of the Davidsville Group to the middle part of the Indian Islands Group indicating continuous and/or episodic slumping and sliding activities throughout the whole area. However, no siginificant depOSitional and tectonic break that could be assigned to the Taconian Orogeny has been recognized in this study. Three periods of tectonic deformation were produced by the Acadian Orogeny. Double boudinage in thin dikes indicates a southeast-northwest sub-horizontal compression and main northeast-southwest sub-horizontal extension during the D1 deformation. A penetrative, axial planar slaty cleavage (Sl) and tight to isocJ.ina1 F1 folds are products of this deformation. The D2 and D3 deformations formed S2 and S3 fabrics associated with crenulations and kink bands which are well-shown in the slates and phyllites of the Indian Islands Group. The D2 and D3 deformations are the products of vertical and northeast-southwest horizontal shortening respectively. The inferred fault between the Ordovician slates (Davidsville Group) and the siltstones (Indian Islands Group) suggested by Williams (1963, 1964b, 1972, 1978) is absent. Formations can be followed without displacement across this inferred fault. Chemically, the pillow lavas, mafic agglomerates, tuff beds and diabase dikes are subdivided into three rock suites : (a) basaltic komatiite (Beaver Cove Assemblage), (b) tholeiitic basalt (diabase dikes), (c) alkaline basalt (Shoal Bay Assemblage). The high Ti02 , MgO, Ni contents and bimodal characteristic of the basaltic komatiite in the area are comparable to the Svartenhuk Peninsula at Baffin Bay and are interpreted to be the result of an abortive volcano-tectonic rift-zone in a rear-arc basin. Modal and chemical analyses of greywackes and siltstones show the trend of maturity of these rocks increasing from poorly sorted Ordovician greywackes to fairly well-sorted Silurian siltstones. Rock fragments in greywackes indicate source areas consisting of plagiogranite, low grade metamorphic rocks and ultramafic rocks. Rare sedimentary structures in both Groups indicate a southeasterly provenance. Trace element analyses of greywackes also reveal a possible island-arc affinity.


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This essay reviews the decision-making process that led to India exploding a nuclear device in May, 1974. An examination of the Analytic, Cybernetic and Cognitive Theories of decision, will enable a greater understanding of the events that led up to the 1974 test. While each theory is seen to be only partially useful, it is only by synthesising the three theories that a comprehensive account of the 1974 test can be given. To achieve this analysis, literature on decision-making in national security issues is reviewed, as well as the domestic and international environment in which involved decisionmakers operated. Finally, the rationale for the test in 1974 is examined. The conclusion revealed is that the explosion of a nuclear device by India in 1974 was primarily related to improving Indian international prestige among Third World countries and uniting a rapidly disintegrating Indian societal consensus. In themselves, individual decision-making theories were found to be of little use, but a combination of the various elements allowed a greater comprehension of the events leading up to the test than might otherwise have been the case.