1000 resultados para Waterfronts -- Balearic Islands (Spain) -- Maó
Single-copy restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were used to determine the genetic structure of Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the cause of black leaf streak (black Sigatoka) disease of banana and plantain, in the Torres Strait, Papua New Guinea (PNG), and the Pacific Islands. A moderate level of genetic variation was observed in all populations with genotypic diversity values of 60-78% of the theoretical maximum, and gene diversity (H) values between 0.269 and 0.336. All populations were at gametic equilibrium, and with the high level of genotypic diversity observed this indicated that sexual reproduction has a major role in the genetic structure of the M. fijiensis populations examined. Population differentiation was tested on several hierarchical scales. No evidence of population differentiation was observed between sites on Mer Island. A moderate level of population differentiation was observed within the Torres Strait, between Badu and Mer Islands (F-ST = 0.097). On a regional scale, the greatest differentiation was found between the populations of the Torres Strait and the Pacific. Populations from these regions were more closely related to the PNG population than to each other, suggesting they were founded in separate events from the same population.
Apesar de oferecer uma série de vantagens, quanto à qualidade do produto final, a técnica de cultivo in vitro de plantas ainda é considerada dispendiosa, por causa, dentre outros fatores, da utilização de reagentes com alto grau de pureza no preparo de meios nutritivos. Entre as alternativas que podem ser adotadas para a redução dos custos relacionados com a produção de mudas, apresenta potencial a substituição de produtos PA por aqueles de menor custo. Baseado nestas informações, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do melado de cana-de-açúcar sobre o desenvolvimento in vitro de bananeira, cv. Maçã. Para tal propósito, plantas de bananeira foram inoculadas em meios nutritivos, formulados à base de melado de cana-de-açúcar, com quatro concentrações distintas (brix de 1,5; 3,0; 4,5 e 6,0), e os dados obtidos foram comparados com aqueles das plantas cultivadas em meio MS (controle), perfazendo um total de cinco tratamentos. Apesar de terem-se desenvolvido em todos os tratamentos testados, observou-se que, para as variáveis número médio de folhas e biomassa da matéria fresca, as plantas cultivadas no meio MS (controle) apresentaram valores superiores. Entretanto, para o número médio de raízes, não houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos utilizados. O melado de cana-de-açúcar não favorece o desenvolvimento de plântulas de bananeira, mas pode ser utilizado para o enraizamento dessas plantas in vitro.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da rapadura sobre o desenvolvimento, in vitro, de bananeira, cv. Maçã, visando à redução de custos de produção, por cultura de tecidos. Explantes de bananeira foram inoculados em meios nutritivos, formulados à base de rapadura, com quatro concentrações distintas (10, 25, 50 e 75% de solução de rapadura), e os dados obtidos foram comparados com aqueles das plantas cultivadas em meio MS 100% (controle), perfazendo um total de cinco tratamentos. Ao final de 60 dias, foram avaliados os números médios de folhas, brotos e raízes, bem como os números médios de explantes mortos e oxidados. Não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos para a maior parte dos parâmetros avaliados, exceto para o número médio de explantes oxidados, que foi maior no tratamento com 75% de rapadura. Concluiu-se que meios nutritivos com até 50% de rapadura em sua composição, sem reguladores vegetais, podem ser utilizados em substituição ao meio MS para o cultivo in vitro de bananeira.
Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o efeito de diferentes volumes de meio MS líquido estacionário, na taxa de multiplicação e desenvolvimento, in vitro, de explantes da bananeira 'Maçã'. Na etapa de multiplicação, utilizaram-se microrrizomas do cultivar Maçã (AAB), oriundos de plantas pré-estabelecidas em meio sólido, em estádio de multiplicação, que foram uniformizados quanto ao tamanho. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com sete tratamentos e dez repetições, sendo a parcela composta por quatro explantes. Os tratamentos foram diferentes volumes de meio líquido estacionário (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 mL) e 30 mL de meio semissólido (padrão). Mudas obtidas ao final do terceiro subcultivo foram transferidas para um meio de alongamento e enraizamento. O experimento foi composto pelos mesmos tratamentos e delineamento, sendo cada parcela composta por quatro explantes. Os diferentes volumes do meio líquido e semissólido não alteraram a taxa de multiplicação dos explantes. É possível produzir mudas de bananeira 'Maçã', in vitro, em meio líquido estacionário, sendo o volume ideal de 25 mL por frasco.
The international tourism system has deeply undergone structural changes in the last decades which not remain outside the subsystem higher education in tourism, especially in the European case. This article has two objectives: firstly, describes the European higher education area and the objectives, skills and subjects taught in the main Spanish universities that offer higher education in tourism. On the other hand, in the light of knowledge that researchers' descriptive models, provide experience of the implementation of European credit and thorough a deeply review of the literature on the topic higher education in tourism, to propose strategies that will enable other tourism higher education systems approach to the European reality. These policy proposals are aimed at agents and elements from higher education in tourism subsystem and they specifically include: the institutions providing education in tourism, the curriculum, the teaching methods, teachers and students.
Coastal areas are highly exposed to natural hazards associated with the sea. In all cases where there is historical evidence for devastating tsunamis, as is the case of the southern coasts of the Iberian Peninsula, there is a need for quantitative hazard tsunami assessment to support spatial planning. Also, local authorities must be able to act towards the population protection in a preemptive way, to inform 'what to do' and 'where to go' and in an alarm, to make people aware of the incoming danger. With this in mind, we investigated the inundation extent, run-up and water depths, of a 1755-like event on the region of Huelva, located on the Spanish southwestern coast, one of the regions that was affected in the past by several high energy events, as proved by historical documents and sedimentological data. Modelling was made with a slightly modified version of the COMCOT (Cornell Multi-grid Coupled Tsunami Model) code. Sensitivity tests were performed for a single source in order to understand the relevance and influence of the source parameters in the inundation extent and the fundamental impact parameters. We show that a 1755-like event will have a dramatic impact in a large area close to Huelva inundating an area between 82 and 92 km(2) and reaching maximum run-up around 5 m. In this sense our results show that small variations on the characteristics of the tsunami source are not too significant for the impact assessment. We show that the maximum flow depth and the maximum run-up increase with the average slip on the source, while the strike of the fault is not a critical factor as Huelva is significantly far away from the potential sources identified up to now. We also show that the maximum flow depth within the inundated area is very dependent on the tidal level, while maximum run-up is less affected, as a consequence of the complex morphology of the area.
The only Iberian lower Jurassic palcomagnetic pole come from the "Central Atlantic Magmatic Province"-related Messejana Plasencia dyke, but the age and origin of its remanence have been a matter of discussion. With the aim of solving this uncertainty, and to go further into a better understanding of its emplacement and other possible tectonic features, a systematic paleomagnetic investigation of 40 sites (625 specimens) distributed all along the 530 kin of the Messejana Plasencia dyke has been carried out. Rock magnetic experiments indicate PSD low Ti-titanomagnetite and magnetite as the minerals carrying the NRM. The samples were mostly thermally demagnetized. Most sites exhibit a characteristic remanent component of normal polarity with the exception of two sites, where samples with reversed polarities have been observed. The paleomagnetic pole derived from a total of 35 valid sites is representative of the whole structure of the dyke, and statistically well defined, with values of PLa = 70.4 degrees N, PLo = 237.6 degrees E, K= 47.9 and A(95) = 3.5 degrees. Paleomagnetic data indicates that: (i) there is no evidence of a Cretaceous remagnetization in the dyke, as it was suggested; (ii) most of the dyke had a brief emplacement time; furthermore, two dyke intrusion events separated in time from it by at least 10,000 y have been detected; (iii) the high grouping of the VGPs directions suggests no important tectonic perturbations of the whole structure of the dyke since its intrusion time; (iv) the pole derived from this study is a good quality lower Jurassic paleopole for the Iberian plate; and (v) the Messejana Plasencia dyke paleopole for the Iberian plate is also in agreement with quality-selected European and North American lower Jurassic paleopoles and the magnetic anomalies data sets that are available for rotate them to Iberia.
We investigate shareholder value creation of Spanish listed firms in response to announcements of acquisitions of unlisted companies and compare this experience to the purchase of listed firms over the period 1991–2006. Similar to foreign markets, acquirers of listed targets earn insignificant average abnormal returns, whereas acquirers of unlisted targets gain significant positive average abnormal returns. When we relate these results to company and transaction characteristics our findings diverge from those reported in the literature for other foreign markets, as our evidence suggests that the listing status effect is mainly associated with the fact that unlisted firms tend to be smaller and lesser–known firms, and thus suffer from a lack of competition in the market for corporate control. Consequently, the payment of lower premiums and the possibility of diversifying shareholders’ portfolios lead to unlisted firm acquisitions being viewed as value–orientated transactions.
The aim of this paper is to formulate an approximation of the US actuarial balance model and apply it to the Spanish public retirement pension system under various scenarios in order to determine a consistent indicator of the system's financial state comparable to those used by the most advanced social security systems. This will enable us to answer the question as to whether there is any justification for reforming the pension system in Spain. This type of actuarial balance uses projections to show future challenges to the financial side of the pension system deriving basically from ageing, the projected increase in longevity and fluctuations in economic activity. If one is compiled periodically it can provide various indicators to help depoliticize the management of the pay-as-you-go system by bringing the planning horizons of politicians and the system itself closer together.
The aim of this paper is to establish some basic guidelines to help draft the information letter sent to individual contributors should it be decided to use this model in the Spanish public pension system. With this end in mind and basing our work on the experiences of the most advanced countries in the field and the pioneering papers by Jackson (2005), Larsson et al. (2008) and Sunden (2009), we look into the concept of “individual pension information” and identify its most relevant characteristics. We then give a detailed description of two models, those in the United States and Sweden, and in particular look at how they are structured, what aspects could be improved and what their limitations are. Finally we make some recommendations of special interest for designing the model for Spain.
We present a palaeomagnetic study on 38 lava flows and 20 dykes encompassing the past 1.3 Myr on S. Jorge Island (Azores ArchipelagoNorth Atlantic Ocean). The sections sampled in the southeastern and central/western parts of the island record reversed and normal polarities, respectively. They indicate a mean palaeomagnetic pole (81.3 degrees N, 160.7 degrees E, K= 33 and A95= 3.4 degrees) with a latitude shallower than that expected from Geocentric Axial Dipole assumption, suggesting an effect of non-dipolar components of the Earth magnetic field. Virtual Geomagnetic Poles of eight flows and two dykes closely follow the contemporaneous records of the Cobb Mountain Subchron (ODP/DSDP programs) and constrain the age transition from reversed to normal polarity at ca. 1.207 +/- 0.017 Ma. Volcano flank instabilities, probably related to dyke emplacement along an NNWSSE direction, led to southwestward tilting of the lava pile towards the sea. Two spatially and temporally distinct dyke systems have been recognized on the island. The eastern is dominated by NNWSSE trending dykes emplaced before the end of the Matuyama Chron, whereas in the central/western parts the eruptive fissures oriented WNWESE controlled the westward growth of the S. Jorge Island during the Brunhes Chron. Both directions are consistent with the present-day regional stress conditions deduced from plate kinematics and tectonomorphology and suggest the emplacement of dykes along pre-existing fractures. The distinct timing and location of each dyke system likely results from a slight shift of the magmatic source.