982 resultados para Wasp pollination


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The degree of flowering and fruiting synchronization is believed to have ecological and evolutionary relevance at several scales. Here we discuss some measures that have been used to estimate synchrony and propose an index that incorporates both the entire length of an individual phenophase and variation in the number of flowers or fruits over that time period. This new index describes more accurately the phenological synchrony among individuals and populations.


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The goal of this paper was to test the presence of mimicry in Asclepias curassavica L., Epidendrum fulgens Brong., and Lantana camara L. The study was carried out at the Parque Estadual de Itapeva, RS, southern Brazil, from 2004 to 2006. Flowering period of each of the three species was followed up; focal observations of butterflies visiting flowers, from fixed point and during random walks were carried out. We also estimated the frequency of pollinaria removal in the orchid, as well as its mode of reproduction. All these variables were important for testing the mimicry hypothesis. Despite some temporal coincidences in the flowering period of two plants in the system, there was no statistical association among the three plants as to flowering period. Twenty-nine species of butterflies, as potential pollinators, were recorded, particularly Agraulis vanillae maculosa, Dryas iulia alcionea, Urbanus simplicius, Tegosa claudina, and Heliconius erato phyllis, which were the more frequent visitors of the three plants. There was association between the number of visits to L. camara and E. fulgens, based on Pearson correlation (r = 0.4603; n = 19; P = 0.0473). Pollinaria removal of E. fulgens was low, as measured by the percentage of removal (range: 0 - 10%). The analysis of the mode of reproduction of this orchid showed its pollinator-dependence, since no fruits were formed by spontaneous self-pollination. In contrast, the percentage of fruit set that resulted from geitonogamy and xenogamy was, in average, 86%. The results here shown are not conclusive as to the occurrence of a mimicry system among the three plants.


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We investigated the reproductive biology of Protium spruceanum (Benth.) Engler in vegetation corridors of secondary Atlantic forest in Lavras, southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The reproductive phenology was investigated fortnightly over a one year period. Floral biology studies involved pollen viability analysis, nectar production, stigmatic receptivity, pollen tube growth, visiting insect species and visit rates. The small, pale yellowish flowers (0.3-0.4 cm diameter) are functionally unisexual and organized in dense inflorescences (ca. 45 flowers). P. spruceanum presented annual flowering between September and November. Staminate flowers supplied a high percentage of viable pollen (90.6%) and relatively abundant nectar (x = 4.5 μL). Pistillate flowers produced only nectar to flower visitors (x = 4.0 μL). The effective pollinators were Apis mellifera and Trigona sp. (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Pollen tubes of cross-pollinated flowers were observed entering the ovaries 48 h after pollination. The fruiting season is from October to March, with a peak in November, coinciding with the rainfall peak. Ecological implications of these findings, and alternative arguments to explain the high genetic diversity at regional landscape are discussed.


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Aulonemia aristulata (Döll) McClure is a lignified bamboo species endemic to Brazil. This species occurs in southeastern forests and can reach high density at forest edges, dominating the understory of canopy-disturbed forest patches. The goal of this study was to describe the flowering period, floral biology, fruiting and seedling recruitment of A. aristulata in natural conditions in two areas located in a segment of the Atlantic Forest. Data on the morphology of the synflorescences and florets, timing and sequence of the anthesis events and floral visitors were recorded. Natural pollinators (open pollination or control) as well as spontaneous self-pollination were also checked. Pollen viability was estimated using the acetocarmine technique. Aulonemia aristulata is monocarpic (semelparous) with gregarious flowering. All culms in both studied areas blossomed and fruited between August and November 2007, dying subsequently between December 2007 and April 2008. Two types of synflorescences and flowers were observed: terminal with bisexual and protandric florets, with the anthesis lasting for 3-4 days; and axillary, with morphologically bisexual, but functionally female, florets and anthesis lasting for 3-4 days. The latter were also observed in the rhizome of plants whose aerial portion had been removed. The presence of axillary synflorescences with pistillate flowers is described here for the first time in Aulonemia species. Moreover, this is the first report of gynomonoecy in woody bamboo. Fruiting from bisexual florets under natural conditions (35%) was superior to that obtained from bagged synflorescences (11.5%). Fruiting from functional female florets was around 20%. Pollen viability was on the average of 90%. The results suggest that Aulonemia aristulata is anemophilous. The massive bamboo seedling recruitment observed after dieback with the ability to colonize open areas could promote the regeneration of Aulonemia aristulata.


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This study aimed to characterize the reproductive system of Passiflora capsularis L. and P. rubra L. In vivo controlled pollinations, in vitro pollen germination and pollen-ovule (P:O) ratio evaluation were conducted. In self-pollination, intraspecific and interspecific pollination, P. capsularis showed means of 62.5, 68.7 and 48.4% of fertilized flowers, while in P. rubra, the averages were 67.2, 62.5 and 46.9%, respectively. For in vitro germination, 52.2% of P. capsularis pollen grains germinated while in P. rubra, the percentage was 64.4. The P:O ratio was 22.4 for P. capsularis, and 27.4 for P. rubra, which included them in the category of obligatory autogamous. Passiflora capsularis and P. rubra can reproduce both by self-pollination and cross-pollination, and crossings between the two species succeeded though the success rate was lower than 50%. The characteristics of the reproductive system of both species allow the use of greater range of options on breeding methods for production of ornamental Passiflora plants.


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The Cactaceae have morphological and physiological adaptations associated with their life histories that are reflected in different modes of reproduction and multiplication. The reproductive phenology, preferential reproductive mode, and the sexual and asexual multiplication of Opuntia monacantha were investigated between 2003 and 2006 in two restinga (sandy coastal) environment in Southern Brazil to determine the adaptive values of its reproduction modes. Flowering was annual and occurred continuous for approximately 100 days between the months of September and January, with a few flowers opening per day per individual (but many in the whole population). Facultative xenogamy was identified as the preferential sexual system, with the highest levels of fruit and seed formation following natural pollination. The seeds are recalcitrant and have high germinative capacities under laboratory conditions. Seedling recruitment and establishment in the field was extremely reduced. The skins of the fruits and the cladodes have high capacities for regeneration and clonal multiplication because of their areolas.


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Since the discovery of bovine insulin in plants, much effort has been devoted to the characterization of these proteins and elucidation of their functions. We report here the isolation of a protein with similar molecular mass and same amino acid sequence to bovine insulin from developing fruits of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) genotype Epace 10. Insulin was measured by ELISA using an anti-human insulin antibody and was detected both in empty pods and seed coats but not in the embryo. The highest concentrations (about 0.5 ng/µg of protein) of the protein were detected in seed coats at 16 and 18 days after pollination, and the values were 1.6 to 4.0 times higher than those found for isolated pods tested on any day. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of insulin was performed on the protein purified by C4-HPLC. The significance of the presence of insulin in these plant tissues is not fully understood but we speculate that it may be involved in the transport of carbohydrate to the fruit.


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The Amazonian region, the biggest rain forest of our planet, is known for its extraordinary biodiversity. Most of this diversity is still unexplored and new species of different taxa are regularly found there. In this region, as in most areas of the world, insects are some of the most abundant organisms. Therefore, studying this group is important to promote the conservation of these highly biodiverse ecosystems of the planet. Among insects, parasitoid wasps are especially interesting because they have potential for use as biodiversity indicators and biological control agents in agriculture and forestry. The parasitoid wasp family Ichneumonidae is one of the most species rich groups among the kingdom Animalia. This group is still poorly known in many areas of the world; the Amazonian region is a clear example of this situation. Ichneumonids have been thought to be species poor in Amazonia and other tropical areas. However, recent studies are suggesting that parasitoid wasps may be quite abundant in Amazonia and possibly in most tropical areas of the world. The aim of my doctoral thesis is to study the species richness and taxonomy of two of the best known ichneumonid subfamilies in the Neotropical region, Pimplinae and Rhyssinae. To do this I conducted two extensive sampling programs in the Peruvian Amazonia. I examined also a large number of Neotropical ichneumonids deposited to different natural history museums. According to the results of my thesis, the species richness of these parasitoids in the Amazonian region is considerably higher than previously reported. In my research, I firstly further develop the taxonomy of these parasitoids by describing many new species and reporting several new faunistic records (I, II, III). In this first part I focus on two genera (Xanthopimpla and Epirhyssa) which were thought to be rather species poor. My thesis demonstrates that these groups are actually rather species rich in the Amazonian region. Secondly, I concentrate on the species richness of these parasitoids in a global comparison showing that the Neotropical region and especially the Peruvian Amazonia is one of the most species rich areas of Pimpliformes ichneumonids (V). Furthermore, I demonstrate that with the data available to date no clear latitudinal gradient in species richness is visible. Thirdly, increasing the macroecological knowledge of these parasitoids I show that some previously unreported ichneumonid subfamilies are present in the Amazonian region (IV). These new insights and the results of the global comparison of ichneumonid inventories suggest that the previous belief of low diversity in the tropics is most likely related to a lack of sampling effort in the region. Overall, my research increases the knowledge of Neotropical ichneumonids highlighting the importance of Peruvian Amazonia as one of the diversity hotspots of parasitoid wasps.


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The application of VSC-HVDC technology throughout the world has turned out to be an efficient solution regarding a large share of wind power in different power systems. This technology enhances the overall reliability of the grid by utilization of the active and reactive power control schemes which allows to maintain frequency and voltage on busbars of the end-consumers at the required level stated by the network operator. This master’s thesis is focused on the existing and planned wind farms as well as electric power system of the Åland Islands. The goal is to analyze the wind conditions of the islands and appropriately predict a possible production of the existing and planned wind farms with a help of WAsP software program. Further, to investigate the influence of increased wind power it is necessary to develop a simulation model of the electric grid and VSC-HVDC system in PSCAD and examine grid response to different wind power production cases with respect to the grid code requirements and ensure the stability of the power system.


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One of the main features that confer high quality to the seed is its genetic purity, in which one of the major causes of contamination is the self-pollination of the female parent. Up to date, there is no accurate and fast methods for detecting such contamination. Thus, this work was carried out to certify the genetic purity in seeds of hybrid maize using different biochemical and DNA-based markers. Two single-cross hybrids and their parental lines derived from the maize breeding program at UFLA were evaluated by isoenzymatic pattern of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), esterase (EST), acid phosphatase (ACP), glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), phosphoglucomutase (PGM), 6-phosphoglucomate dehydrogenase (PGDH), catalase (CAT) and ß-glucosidade (ßGLU) and by microsatellites markers. The enzymatic systems that were able to distinguish the hybrids from their parental line were the catalase, the isocitrate dehydrogenase and the esterase. The esterase showed a Mendelian segregation pattern for UFLA 8/3 hybrid, that enables a safer genetic purity certificate. Microsatellites were able to differentiate the hybrid lines and the respective parental lines. Moreover, this technique was fast, precise and without environment effects. For microsatellites, the amplification pattern was identical when young leaves or seeds were used as DNA source. The possibility of using seeds as DNA source would accelerate and facilitate the role process of the genetic purity analysis.


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Determination of seed physiological maturity and ideal moment for harvesting fruits to extract their seeds are important aspects to produce seeds with high quality. To identify the best period for harvesting eggplant fruits, associated with ideal resting period of the fruit for extracting seeds, an eggplant production field was installed in municipality of Ijaci, in the State of Minas Gerais, Southwestern Brazil. The fruits were harvested at periods of 49, 56, 63, 70, and 77 days after pollination (DAP). The seeds of fruits harvested in each period were manually extracted immediately after harvest or after a post-harvest resting period of seven days, under a shed. The physiological quality of seeds was assessed by tests of: germination percentage; germination and emergence speed indexes; and electrical conductivity; which were carried out in the Central Seed Laboratory, Federal University of Lavras. Electrophoretic analyses of isoenzymes: catalase (CAT); esterase (EST); superoxide dismutase (SOD); and peroxidase (PO), were also therein performed. Results of germination and vigor of seeds have showed that the best period for harvesting the fruit is around 70 DAP; and that seeds should be extracted immediately after harvest. Electrophoretic analysis of enzymes has showed immaturity for eggplant seeds, harvested after 49 DAP.


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N'-coumaroyl spermidine (NlCSpd) is a plant derived chemical which is proposed to belong to a class of low molecular weight neuroactive substances called phenolic polyamines. NlCSpd is stnicturally similar to glutamate receptor blocking toxins found in certain spiders and wasps, such as JSTX-3 and NSTX-3 found in Nephila spiders. The goal of the present study was to determine if plant-derived phenolic polyamines act like other structurally related chemicals found in Arthropod venoms, such as JSTX-3, and whether they can be classified in the same pharmacological group as the spider and wasp toxins. A comparison was made to determine the relative potencies of various phenolic polyamines fi-om plants and insect venoms. This comparison was done by measuring the effect of various concentrations ofNlCSpd on the amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) elicited in muscle of the crayfish Proccanbarus clarkii. NlCSpd was also tested on L-glutamate induced potentials to determine if a postsynaptic component to sj^naptic block occurs. NlCSpd and an analogue with an a longer polyamine chain, NlCSpm, blocked EPSPs in a dose dependent manner, NlCSpd having an IC50 of lOOnM. NlCSpd also blocked L-glutamate induced potentials. The two main components of the NlCSpd molecule alone are insufficient for activity. NlCSpd acts postsynaptically by interfering with crayfish glutamatergic synaptic transmission, likely blocking glutamate receptors by interacting with the same site(s) as other phenolic polyamines. Certain moieties on the polyamines molecule are necessary for activity while others are not.


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An interdisciplinary approach is used to identify a new graphic novel genre, 'comics camet', and its key features. The study situates comics camet in a historical context and shows it to be the result of a cross-pollination between the American and French comics traditions. Comics camet incorporates features from other literary genres: journalism, autobiography, ethnography and travel writing. Its creators, primarily European rriales, document their experiences visiting countries that Europe has traditionally defined as belonging to the 'East'. A visual and narrative analysis, using theoretical perspectives derived from cultural and postcolonial studies, examines how comics camet represents the non-European other and identifies the genre's ideological assumptions. Four representative texts are examined: Joe Sacco's Palestine (2001), Craig Thompson's, Camet de Voyage (2004), Guy Delisle's Pyongyang (2005) and Mrujane Satrpi's Persespolis 2 (2004). The study concludes that the comics camet genre simultaneously reinforces and challenges stereotypical assumptions about non-European people and places.


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One of the most common bee genera in the Niagara Region, the genus Ceratina (Hymenoptera: Apidae) is composed of four species, C. dupla, C. calcarata, the very rare C. strenua, and a previously unknown species provisionally named C. near dupla. The primary goal of this thesis was to investigate how these closely related species coexist with one another in the Niagara ~ee community. The first necessary step was to describe and compare the nesting biologies and life histories of the three most common species, C. dupla, C. calcarata and the new C. near dupla, which was conducted in 2008 via nest collections and pan trapping. Ceratina dupla and C. calcarata were common, each comprising 49% of the population, while C. near dupla was rare, comprising only 2% of the population. Ceratina dupla and C. near dupla both nested more commonly in teasel (Dipsacus sp.) in the sun, occasionally in raspberry (Rubus sp.) in the shade, and never in shady sumac (Rhus sp.), while C. calcarata nested most commonly in raspberry and sumac (shaded) and occasionally in teasel (sunny). Ceratina near dupla differed from both C. dupla and C. calcarata in that it appeared to be partially bivoltine, with some females founding nests very early and then again very late in the season. To examine the interactions and possible competition for nests that may be taking place between C. dupla and C. calcarata, a nest choice experiment was conducted in 2009. This experiment allowed both species to choose among twigs from all three substrates in the sun and in the shade. I then compared the results from 2008 (where bees chose from what was available), to where they nested when given all options (2009 experiment). Both C. dupla and C. calcarata had the same preferences for microhabitat and nest substrate in 2009, that being raspberry and sumac twigs in the sun. As that microhabitat and nest substrate combination is extremely rare in nature, both species must make a choice. In nature Ceratina dupla nests more often in the preferred microhabitat (sun), while C. calcarata nests in the preferred substrate (raspberry). Nesting in the shade also leads to smaller clutch sizes, higher parasitism and lower numbers of live brood in C. calcarata, suggesting that C. dupla may be outcompeting C. calcarata for the sunny nesting sites. The development and host preferences of Ceratina parasitoids were also examined. Ceratina species in Niagara were parasitized by no less than eight species of arthropod. Six of these were wasps from the superfamily Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera), one was a wasp from the family Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) and one was a physogastric mite from the family Pyemotidae (Acari). Parasites shared a wide range of developmental strategies, from ichneumonid larvae that needed to consume multiple Ceratina immatures to complete development, to the species from the Eulophidae (Baryscapus) and Encyrtidae (Coelopencyrtus), in which multiple individuals completed development inside a single Ceratina host. Biological data on parasitoids is scarce in the scientific literature, and this Chapter documents these interactions for future research.


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This newspaper was published bi-weekly from June 1812 to September 1814 by S. Woodworth and Co. in New York. Editor Samuel Woodworth formed the content of the newspaper using official documents from both the American and British side with the intention to report the events of the war. Article topics in this issue include: Page 1: Letter from Maj. Gen. Van Rensselaer to Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn describing in detail the battle of Queenston; Page 2: Letter from Maj. Gen. Van Rensselaer to Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn describing in detail the battle of Queenston; report of U.S. war sloop Wasp capturing the British war ship Frolic and the subsequent capture of the Wasp by another British war ship, Poictiers; copy of statement by U.S. President James Madison detailing battles in Detroit, Queenston, and his plans for the war; Page 3: copy of statement by U.S. President James Madison detailing battles in Detroit, Queenston, and his plans for the war; Page 4: copy of statement by U.S. President James Madison detailing battles in Detroit, Queenston, and his plans for the war; U.S. President James Madison promotes Capt. Z. Taylor to rank of Major for his part in defense of Ft. Harrison; report of various Naval movements;