916 resultados para WASTE OILS


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Le présent mémoire a pour objet les formes, les caractéristiques et les défis de la gouvernance des déchets électroniques. L’auteure explore les impactes socioéconomiques et environnementales de divers types d’instruments conçus pour mitiger les risques à la santé humaine et à l’environnement que présentent les produits électroniques en fin de vie, notamment: les traités multilatéraux qui visent à prohiber le transfert des déchets hasardeux au pays en développement, les législations régionales, nationales et provinciales mettant en vigueur des systèmes de recyclage obligatoire des déchets électroniques, ainsi que d’autres initiatives, publics et privées, basées sur le principe de la responsabilité élargie des producteurs (REP). L’objectif de ce travail est de comprendre comment les acteurs impliqués dans le commerce de l’équipement électronique peuvent modeler les systèmes de production, d’usage et du traitement fin de vie des technologies contemporaines pour que ces dernières puissent continuer à faire élever les standards de vie et à avancer le développement des communautés humaines, en respectant simultanément le principe international de l’équité globale, l’environnement naturel et la qualité de vie des générations futures.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Rampant increases in oil prices and detrimental effects of fossil fuels on the environment have been the main impetus for the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable energy sources. Amongst the many possibilities, microalgae have been proposed as a new alternative energy source to fossil fuels, as their growth is both sustainable and ecologically safe. By definition, microalgae are unicellular photosynthetic microorganisms containing chlorophyll a. These organisms are capable of producing large quantities of oils, surpassing that of traditional oil-seed crops, which can be transformed, through chemical processes, into biofuels such as biodiesel or bio-gasoline. Thus, recent research has gone into discovering high lipid producing algal strains, optimising growth media for increased lipid production and developing metabolic engineering to make microalgae a source of biofuel that is competitive to more traditional sources of biofuel and even to fossil fuel. In this context, the research reported here focused on using a mixotrophic growth mode as a way to increase lipid production for certain strains of microalgae. In addition, nitrogen starvation combined with mixotrophy was studied to analyse its effects on lipid production. Mixotrophy is the parallel usage of two trophic modes, in our case photoautotrophy and heterotrophy. Consequently, 12 algal strains were screened for mixotrophic growth, using glycerol as a carbon source. Glycerol is a waste product of the current biodiesel industry; it is a cheap and abundant carbon source present in many metabolic pathways. From this initial screening, several strains were chosen for subsequent experiments involving nitrogen starvation. Nitrogen starvation has been shown to induce lipid accumulation. The results obtained show that a mixotrophic growth mode, using glycerol as a carbon source, enhances lipid production for certain strains. Moreover, lipid enhancement was shown for nitrogen starvation combined with mixotrophic growth mode. This was dependant on time spent under nitrogen starvation and on initial concentrations of the nitrogen source.


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This work envisages the fermentation of prawn shell waste into a more nutritious product with simpler components for application as a feed ingredient in aquaculture. This product would be a rich source of protein along with chitin, minerals, vitamins and N-acetyl glucosamine. A brief description of the various processing (chemical and bioprocess) methods employed for chitin, chitosan and single sell protein preparations from shell waste. It deals with the isolation of micro flora associated with prawn shell degradation. It describes the methods adopted for fermentation of prawn shell degradation and fermentation of prawn shell waste with the selected highly chitinoclastic strains. The comparison of SSF and SmF for each selected strain in terms of enrichment of protein, lipid and carbohydrate in the fermented product was done. Detailed analysis of product quality is discussed. The feed for mulation and feeding experiment explained in detail. Statistical analysis of various biogrowth parameters was done with Duncan’s multiple range test. Very briefly explains 28 days of feeding experiment. A method for the complete utilization of shell waste explains with the help of experiments.


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The thesis entitled INVESTIDGATIONS ON THE RECOVERY OF TITANIUM VANADIUM AND IRON VALUES FROM THE WASTE CHILORIDE LIQUORS OF TITANIA INDUSTRY embodies the results of the investigations carried out on the solvent extraction separation of iron (III) vanadium(V) and titanium (IV) chlorides from the waste chloride liquors of titanium minerals processing industry by employing tributylphosphate (TBT) as an extractant. The objective of this study is to generate the knowledge base to achieve the recovery of iron, vanadium and titanium cvalues from multi- metal waste chloride liquors originating from ilmenite mineral beneficiation industries through selective separation and value added material development


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Natural rubber/isora fibre composites were cured at various temperatures. The solvent swelling characteristics of natural rubber composites containing both untreated and alkali treated fibres were investigated in aromatic and aliphatic solvents like toluene, and n-hexane. The diffusion experiments were conducted by the sorption gravimetric method. The restrictions on elastomer swelling exerted by isora fibre as well as the anisotropy of swelling of the composite have been confirmed by this study. Composite cured at 100°C shows the lowest percentage swelling. The uptake of aromatic solvent is higher than that of aliphatic solvent for the composites cured at all temperatures. The effect of fibre loading on the swelling behaviour of the composite was also investigated in oils like petrol, diesel, lubricating oil etc. The % swelling index and swelling coefficient of the composite were found to decrease with increase in fibre loading. This is due to the increased hindrance exerted by the fibres at higher fibre loadings and also due to the good fibre-rubber interactions. Maximum uptake of solvent was observed with petrol followed by diesel and then lubricating oil. The presence of bonding agent in the composites restrict the swelling considerably due to the strong interfacial adhesion. At a fixed fibre loading, the alkali treated fibre composite showed lower percentage swelling compared to the untreated one.


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Latex waste like glove waste was effectively modified using a new reclaiming agent, thiocarbanilide. This modified waste was blended with linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) to develop a novel thermoplastic elastomer. Both uncrosslinked and dynamically crosslinked blends were prepared and their properties were studied. The results were found to be comparable to those of conventional thermoplastic elastomers.


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A comprehensive overview of reclamation of cured rubber with special emphasis on latex reclamation is depicted in this paper. The latex industry has expanded over the years to meet the world demands for gloves, condoms, latex thread, etc. Due to the strict specifications for the products and the unstable nature of the latex as high as 15% of the final latex products are rejected. As waste latex rubber (WLR) represents a source of high-quality rubber hydrocarbon, it is a potential candidate for generating reclaimed rubber of superior quality. The role of the different components in the reclamation recipe is explained and the reaction mechanism and chemistry during reclamation are discussed in detail. Different types of reclaiming processes are described with special reference to processes, which selectively cleave the cross links in the vulcanized rubber. The state-of-the-art techniques of reclamation with special attention on latex treatment are reviewed. An overview of the latest development concerning the fundamental studies in the field of rubber recycling by means of low-molecular weight compounds is described. A mathematical model description of main-chain and crosslink scission during devulcanization of a rubber vulcanizate is also given.


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Waste latex products are converted to a processabto material by a novel economical process developed in our laboratory , It contains rubber hydrocarbon of very high quality and Is lightly cross -linked. Styrene-butadlene rubber is mixed with latex reclaim In different proportions . The mechanical properties are found to be improved up to 60 percent replacement of styrene-butadlene rubber by latex reclaim . The curing of styrene-butadiene rubber Is found to be accelerated by the addition of latex reclaim. The processablllty study shows that the blends can be processed similar to SBRINR blends.


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Latex waste products contain rubber hydrocarbon of very high quality, which is only lightly cross linked. Selected wastes such as thread waste and glove waste were modified into processable materials by a novel economic process and thermoplastic elastomers were prepared by blending these modified waste materials with high density polyethylene in various proportions. The mechanical properties as well as the rheological behaviour of these blends were evaluated and compared with those of the natural rubber-high density polyethylene blends.


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Poor cold flow properties of vegetable oils are a major problem preventing the usage of many abundantly available vegetable oils as base stocks for industrial lubricants. The major objective of this research is to improve the cold flow properties of vegetable oils by various techniques like additive addition and different chemical modification processes. Conventional procedure for determining pour point is ASTM D97 method. ASTM D97 method is time consuming and reproducibility of pour point temperatures is poor between laboratories. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is a fast, accurate and reproducible method to analyze the thermal activities during cooling/heating of oil. In this work coconut oil has been chosen as representative vegetable oil for the analysis and improvement cold flow properties since it is abundantly available in the tropics and has a very high pour point of 24 °C. DSC is used for the analysis of unmodified and modified vegetable oil. The modified oils (with acceptable pour points) were then subjected to different tests for the valuation of important lubricant properties such as viscometric, tribological (friction and wear properties), oxidative and corrosion properties.A commercial polymethacrylate based PPD was added in different percentages and the pour points were determined in each case. Styrenated phenol(SP) was added in different concentration to coconut oil and each solution was subjected to ASTM D97 test and analysis by DSC. Refined coconut oil and other oils like castor oil, sunflower oil and keranja oil were mixed in different proportions and interesterification procedure was carried out. Interesterification of coconut oil with other vegetable oils was not found to be effective in lowering the pour point of coconut oil as the reduction attained was only to the extent of 2 to 3 °C.Chemical modification by acid catalysed condensation reaction with coconut oil castor oil mixture resulted in significant reduction of pour point (from 24 ºC to -3 ºC). Instead of using triacylglycerols, when their fatty acid derivatives (lauric acid- the major fatty acid content of coconut oil and oleic acid- the major fatty acid constituents of monoand poly- unsaturated vegetable oils like olive oil, sunflower oil etc.) were used for the synthesis , the pour point could be brought down to -42 ºC. FTIR and NMR spectroscopy confirmed the ester structure of the product which is fundamental to the biodegradability of vegetable oils. The tribological performance of the synthesised product with a suitable AW/EP additive was comparable to the commercial SAE20W30 oil. The viscometric properties (viscosity and viscosity index) were also (with out additives) comparable to commercial lubricants. The TGA experiment confirmed the better oxidative performance of the product compared to vegetable oils. The sample passed corrosion test as per ASTM D130 method.


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Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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This thesis presents a detailed account of a cost - effective approach towards enhanced production of alkaline protease at profitable levels using different fermentation designs employing cheap agro-industrial residues. It involves the optimisation of process parameters for the production of a thermostable alkaline protease by Vibrio sp. V26 under solid state, submerged and biphasic fermentations, production of the enzyme using cell immobilisation technology and the application of the crude enzyme on the deproteinisation of crustacean waste.The present investigation suggests an economic move towards Improved production of alkaline protease at gainful altitudes employing different fermentation designs utilising inexpensive agro-industrial residues. Moreover, the use of agro-industrial and other solid waste substrates for fermentation helps to provide a substitute in conserving the already dwindling global energy resources. Another alternative for accomplishing economically feasible production is by the use of immobilisation technique. This method avoids the wasteful expense of continually growing microorganisms. The high protease producing potential of the organism under study ascertains their exploitation in the utilisation and management of wastes. However, strain improvement studies for the production of high yielding variants using mutagens or by gene transfer are required before recommending them to Industries.Industries, all over the world, have made several attempts to exploit the microbial diversity of this planet. For sustainable development, it is essential to discover, develop and defend this natural prosperity. The Industrial development of any country is critically dependent on the intellectual and financial investment in this area. The need of the hour is to harness the beneficial uses of microbes for maximum utilisation of natural resources and technological yields. Owing to the multitude of applications in a variety of industrial sectors, there has always been an increasing demand for novel producers and resources of alkaline proteases as well as for innovative methods of production at a commercial altitude. This investigation forms a humble endeavour towards this perspective and bequeaths hope and inspiration for inventions to follow.


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The present study aimed at the utlisation of microbial organisms for the production of good quality chitin and chitosan. The three strains used for the study were Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacililus brevis and Bacillus subtilis. These strains were selected on the basis of their acid producing ability to reduce the pH of the fermenting substrates to prevent spoilage and thus caused demineralisation of the shell. Besides, the proteolytic enzymes in these strains acted on proteinaceous covering of shrimp and thus caused deprotenisation of shrimp shell waste. Thus the two processes involved in chitin production can be affected to certain extent using bacterial fermentation of shrimp shell.Optimization parameters like fermentation period, quantity of inoculum, type of sugar, concentration of sugar etc. for fermentation with three different strains were studied. For these, parameters like pH, Total titrable acidity (TTA), changes in sugar concentration, changes in microbial count, sensory changes etc. were studied.Fermentation study with Lactobacillus plantarum was continued with 20% w/v jaggery broth for 15 days. The inoculum prepared yislded a cell concentration of approximately 108 CFU/ml. In the present study, lactic acid and dilute hydrochloric acid were used for initial pH adjustment because; without adjusting the initial pH, it took more than 5 hours for the lactic acid bacteria to convert glucose to lactic acid and during this delay spoilage occurred due to putrefying enzymes active at neutral or higher pH. During the fermentation study, pH first decreased in correspondence with increase in TTA values. This showed a clear indication of acid production by the strain. This trend continued till their proteolytic activity showed an increasing trend. When the available sugar source started depleting, proteolytic activity also decreased and pH increased. This was clearly reflected in the sensory evaluation results. Lactic acid treated samples showed greater extent of demineralization and deprotenisation at the end of fermentation study than hydrochloric acid treated samples. It can be due to the effect of strong hydrochloric acid on the initial microbial count, which directly affects the fermentation process. At the end of fermentation, about 76.5% of ash was removed in lactic acid treated samples and 71.8% in hydrochloric acid treated samples; 72.8% of proteins in lactic acid treated samples and 70.6% in hydrochloric acid treated samples.The residual protein and ash in the fermented residue were reduced to permissible limit by treatment with 0.8N HCI and 1M NaOH. Characteristics of chitin like chitin content, ash content, protein content, % of N- acetylation etc. were studied. Quality characteristics like viscosity, degree of deacetylation and molecular weight of chitosan prepared were also compared. The chitosan samples prepared from lactic acid treated showed high viscosity than HCI treated samples. But degree of deacetylation is more in HCI treated samples than lactic acid treated ones. Characteristics of protein liquor obtained like its biogenic composition, amino acid composition, total volatile base nitrogen, alpha amino nitrogen etc. also were studied to find out its suitability as animal feed supplement.Optimization of fermentation parameters for Lactobacillus brevis fermentation study was also conducted and parameters were standardized. Then detailed fermentation study was done in 20%wlv jaggery broth for 17 days. Also the effect of two different acid treatments (mild HCI and lactic acid) used for initial pH adjustment on chitin production were also studied. In this study also trend of changes in pH. changes in sugar concentration ,microbial count changes were similar to Lactobacillus plantarum studies. At the end of fermentation, residual protein in the samples were only 32.48% in HCI treated samples and 31.85% in lactic acid treated samples. The residual ash content was about 33.68% in HCI treated ones and 32.52% in lactic acid treated ones. The fermented residue was converted to chitin with good characteristics by treatment with 1.2MNaOH and 1NHCI.Characteristics of chitin samples prepared were studied and extent of Nacetylation was about 84% in HCI treated chitin and 85%in lactic acid treated ones assessed from FTIR spectrum. Chitosan was prepared from these samples by usual chemical method and its extent of solubility, degree of deacetylation, viscosity and molecular weight etc were studied. The values of viscosity and molecular weight of the samples prepared were comparatively less than the chitosan prepared by Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation. Characteristics of protein liquor obtained were analyzed to determine its quality and is suitability as animal feed supplement.Another strain used for the study was Bacillus subtilis and fermentation was carried out in 20%w/v jaggery broth for 15 days. It was found that Bacillus subtilis was more efficient than other Lactobacillus species for deprotenisation and demineralization. This was mainly due to the difference in the proteolytic nature of the strains. About 84% of protein and 72% of ash were removed at the end of fermentation. Considering the statistical significance (P