936 resultados para Viral transmission and infection
Metriti ed endometriti sono le patologie maggiormente responsabili delle perdite economiche negli allevamenti bovini da latte, specialmente nel periodo successivo al parto. Mentre le metriti coinvolgono e si sviluppano in tutto l’utero e sono caratterizzate dalla presenza di sintomi sistemici, le endometriti consistono in una infiammazione che riguarda il solo endometrio, con la presenza di perdite purulente, distruzione della superficie epiteliale, congestione vascolare, edema stromale ed accumulo di linfociti e plasmacellule. Queste patologie, inoltre, possono causare, disfunzione ovarica, con conseguente infertilità e riduzione sia dell’efficienza riproduttiva della vacca sia della produzione stessa di latte. Nonostante queste malattie siano, nella maggior parte dei casi, correlate all’instaurarsi di infezioni batteriche, che possono subentrare nell’utero direttamente durante il parto, il ruolo di alcuni virus nello sviluppo di queste patologie è stato recentemente approfondito e la correlazione tra l’ Herpesvirus Bovino 4 e l’insorgere di metriti ed endometriti è stata dimostrata. L’ Herpesvirus Bovino 4 (BoHV-4) è un gamma-herpesvirus ed il suo genoma è costituito da una molecola lineare di DNA a doppio filamento con una struttura genomica di tipo B, caratterizzata dalla presenza di un’unica lunga sequenza centrale (LUR) fiancheggiata da multiple sequenze poli-ripetute (prDNA). BoHV-4 è stato isolato sia da animali sani sia da animali con differenti patologie, tra cui malattie oculari e respiratorie, ma soprattutto da casi di metriti, endometriti, vaginiti o aborti. Generalmente, il ruolo svolto dal virus in questo tipo di patologie è associato alla compresenza di altri tipi di patogeni, che possono essere virus, come nel caso del Virus Della Diarrea Virale Bovina (BVDV), o più frequentemente batteri. Usualmente, l’iniziale difesa dell’endometrio bovino nei confronti dei microbi si fonda sul sistema immunitario innato e l’attivazione di specifici recettori cellulari determina la sintesi e la produzione di citochine e chemochine pro infiammatorie, che possono essere in grado di modulare la replicazione di BoHV-4. Il genoma di BoHV-4 possiede due principali trascritti per i geni Immediate Early (IE), trai quali ORF50/IE2 è il più importante ed il suo prodotto, Rta/ORF50, è fortemente conservato tra tutti gli Herpesvirus. Esso è responsabile della diretta trans-attivazione di numerosi geni virali e cellulari e può essere modulato da differenti stimoli extracellulari. Precedentemente è stato dimostrato come il TNF-, prodotto dalle cellule stromali e dai macrofagi all’interno dell’endometrio, in conseguenza ad infezione batterica, sia in grado di aumentare la replicazione di BoHV-4 attraverso l’attivazione del pathway di NFkB e direttamente agendo sul promotore di IE2. Per queste ragioni, è risultato di forte interesse investigare quali potessero essere, invece, i fattori limitanti la replicazione di BoHV-4. In questo lavoro è stata studiata la relazione tra cellule endometriali stromali bovine infettate con l’Herpesvirus Bovino 4 e l’interferon gamma (IFN-) ed è stata dimostrata la capacità di questa molecola di restringere la replicazione di BoHV-4 in maniera IDO1 indipendente ed IE2 dipendente. Inoltre, la presenza di alcuni elementi in grado di interagire con l’ IFN-γ, all’interno del promotore di IE2 di BoHV-4, ha confermato questa ipotesi. Basandoci su questi dati, abbiamo potuto supporre l’esistenza di uno stretto vincolo tra l’attivazione dell’asse dell’interferon gamma e la ridotta replicazione di BoHV-4, andando a porre le basi per una nuova efficiente cura e prevenzione per le patologie uterine. Poiché il meccanismo corretto attraverso il quale BoHV-4 infetta l’endometrio bovino non è ancora ben compreso, è stato interessante approfondire in maniera più accurata l’interazione presente tra il virus ed il substrato endometriale, analizzando le differenze esistenti tra cellule infettate e non, in termini di espressione genica. Basandoci su dati preliminari ottenuti attraverso analisi con RNA sequencing (RNAseq), abbiamo visto come numerosi geni risultino over-espressi in seguito ad infezione con BoHV-4 e come, tra questi, la Metalloproteasi 1 sia uno dei più interessanti, a causa delle sue possibili implicazioni nello sviluppo delle patologie dell’endometrio uterino bovino. Successive analisi, effettuate tramite westernblotting e real time PCR, sono state in grado di confermare tale dato, sottolineando l’efficacia di un nuovo approccio sperimentale, basato sul RNAseq, per lo studio dell’insorgenza delle patologie.
Objective: To describe the documentary quality of two records related to patient safety in the operating room and to identify differences between information related to infection and hospitalization. Methods: Comparative study based on two cross sections, conducted with 3,033 patients who had been hospitalized for more than 24 hours in an Orthopedics and Traumatology Center. Sociodemographic and clinical data, as well as information provided in forms were compared. Postoperative infection was identified as an adverse event. Results: There was a significant correlation between hospitalization days and the total number of diagnoses collected (Pearson=0.328; p<0.001). When diagnoses and infections were grouped together, a significant value was found between closed fractures and infection (p=0.001). Conclusion: Differences in the degree of completion were observed between the two records. There were no differences between adverse events.
The three anti-malarial drugs artemiside, artemisone, and mefloquine, and the naphthoquinone buparvaquone known to be active against theileriosis in cattle and Leishmania infections in rodents, were assessed for activity against Neospora caninum infection. All four compounds inhibited the proliferation of N. caninum tachyzoites in vitro with IC50 in the sub-micromolar range, but artemisone and buparvaquone were most effective (IC50 = 3 and 4.9 nM, respectively). However, in a neosporosis mouse model for cerebral infection comprising Balb/c mice experimentally infected with the virulent isolate Nc-Spain7, the three anti-malarial compounds failed to exhibit any activity, since treatment did not reduce the parasite burden in brains and lungs compared to untreated controls. Thus, these compounds were not further evaluated in pregnant mice. On the other hand, buparvaquone, shown earlier to be effective in reducing the parasite load in the lungs in an acute neosporosis disease model, was further assessed in the pregnant mouse model. Buparvaquone efficiently inhibited vertical transmission in Balb/c mice experimentally infected at day 7 of pregnancy, reduced clinical signs in the pups, but had no effect on cerebral infection in the dams. This demonstrates proof-of-concept that drug repurposing may lead to the discovery of an effective compound against neosporosis that can protect offspring from vertical transmission and disease.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
An epidemiologic survey among four administrative villages around Poyang Lake, in Jiangxi Province, China (two experimental and two controls) is being conducted to determine if bovine infections are responsible for the persistence of human schistosomiasis transmission on Yangtze River marshlands. A previously published paper presented the experimental design and baseline data for humans and bovines. This paper presents basic data for the four villages using remote sensing, and baseline data for snails that includes geographic information systems and remote sensing technology to classify the areas of bovine grazing ranges and habitats suitable for snails. A new method for sampling Oncomelania snails in China is used to determine the distribution, density, and infection rates of snails throughout the grazing ranges from season to season over a four-year period. Hypothetically, treating bovines should reduce infection rates in snails to below the critical number necessary to maintain infections in man and bovines.
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne flavivirus with a rapidly expanding global distribution. Infection causes severe neurological disease and fatalities in both human and animal hosts. The West Nile viral protease (NS2B-NS3) is essential for post-translational processing in host-infected cells of a viral polypeptide precursor into structural and functional viral proteins, and its inhibition could represent a potential treatment for viral infections. This article describes the design, expression, and enzymatic characterization of a catalytically active recombinant WNV protease, consisting of a 40-residue component of cofactor NS2B tethered via a noncleavable nonapeptide (G(4)SG(4)) to the N-terminal 184 residues of NS3. A chromogenic assay using synthetic para-nitroanilide (pNA) hexapeptide substrates was used to identify optimal enzyme-processing conditions (pH 9.5, I < 0.1 M, 30% glycerol, 1 mM CHAPS), preferred substrate cleavage sites, and the first competitive inhibitor (Ac-FASGKR- H, IC50 &SIM; 1 μM). A putative three-dimensional structure of WNV protease, created through homology modeling based on the crystal structures of Dengue-2 and Hepatitis C NS3 viral proteases, provides some valuable insights for structure-based design of potent and selective inhibitors of WNV protease.
The interferon (IFN) response is the first line of defense against viral infections, and the majority of viruses have developed different strategies to counteract IFN responses in order to ensure their survival in an infected host. In this study, the abilities to inhibit IFN signaling of two closely related West Nile viruses, the New York 99 strain (NY99) and Kunjin virus (KUN), strain MRM61C, were analyzed using reporter plasmid assays, as well as immunofluorescence and Western blot analyses. We have demonstrated that infections with both NY99 and KUN, as well as transient or stable transfections with their replicon RNAs, inhibited the signaling of both alpha/beta IFN (IFN-alpha/beta) and gamma IFN (IFN-gamma) by blocking the phosphorylation of STAT1 and its translocation to the nucleus. In addition, the phosphorylation of STAT2 and its translocation to the nucleus were also blocked by KUN, NY99, and their replicons in response to treatment with IFN-alpha. IFN-alpha signaling and STAT2 translocation to the nucleus was inhibited when the KUN nonstructural proteins NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, and NS4B, but not NS1 and NS5, were expressed individually from the pcDNA3 vector. The results clearly demonstrate that both NY99 and KUN inhibit IFN signaling by preventing STAT1 and STAT2 phosphorylation and identify nonstructural proteins. responsible for this inhibition.
Background: In early 2001 Australia experienced a sudden and unexpected disruption to heroin availability, know as the 'heroin shortage'. This 'shortage has been linked to a decrease in needle and syringe output and therefore possibly a reduction in injecting drug use. We aimed to examine changes, if any, in blood-borne viral infections and presentations for injecting related problems related to injecting drug use following the reduction heroin availability in Australia, in the context of widespread harm reduction measures. Methods: Time series analysis of State level databases on HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C notifications and hospital and emergency department data. Examination of changes in HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C notifications and hospital and emergency department admissions for injection-related problems following the onset of the heroin shortage; non-parametric curve-fitting of number of hepatitis C notifications among those aged 15 - 19 years. Results: There were no changes observed in hospital visits for injection-related problems. There was no change related to the onset heroin shortage in the number of hepatitis C notifications among persons aged 15 - 19 years, but HCV notifications have subsequently decreased in this group. No change occurred in HIV and hepatitis B notifications. Conclusion: A marked reduction in heroin supply resulted in no increase in injection-related harm at the community level. However, a delayed decrease in HCV notifications among young people may be related. These changes occurred in a setting with widespread, publicly funded harm reduction initiatives.
Background Considerable evidence from twin and adoption studies indicates that genetic and shared environmental factors play a significant role in the initiation of smoking behavior. Although twin and adoption designs are powerful to detect genetic and environmental influences, they do not provide information on the processes of assortative mating and parent–offspring transmission and their contribution to the variability explained by genetic and/or environmental factors. Methods We examined the role of genetic and environmental factors for smoking initiation using an extended kinship design. This design allows the simultaneous testing of additive and non-additive genetic, shared and individual-specific environmental factors, as well as sex differences in the expression of genes and environment in the presence of assortative mating and combined genetic and cultural transmission. A dichotomous lifetime smoking measure was obtained from twins and relatives in the Virginia 30,000 sample. Results Results demonstrate that both genetic and environmental factors play a significant role in the liability to smoking initiation. Major influences on individual differences appeared to be additive genetic and unique environmental effects, with smaller contributions from assortative mating, shared sibling environment, twin environment, cultural transmission and resulting genotype–environment covariance. The finding of negative cultural transmission without dominance led us to investigate more closely two possible mechanisms for the lower parent–offspring correlations compared to the sibling and DZ twin correlations in subsets of the data: (i) age × gene interaction, and (ii) social homogamy. Neither mechanism provided a significantly better explanation of the data, although age regression was significant. Conclusions This study showed significant heritability, partly due to assortment, and significant effects of primarily non-parental shared environment on smoking initiation.
Enterovirus 71 (EV71) is one of the main causative agents of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in young children. Infections caused by EV71 could lead to many complications, ranging from brainstem encephalitis to pulmonary oedema, resulting in high mortality. Thus, rapid detection of the virus is required to enable measures to be implemented in preventing widespread transmission. Based on primers and probes targeting at the VP1 region, a real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) hybridization probe assay was developed for specific detection of EV71 from clinical specimens. Quantitative analysis showed that the assay was able to detect as low as 5 EV71 viral copies and EV71 was detected from 46 of the 55 clinical specimens obtained from pediatric patients suffering from HFMD during the period from 2000 to 2003 in Singapore. This study showed that the single tube real-time RT-PCR assay developed in this study can be applied as a rapid and sensitive method for specific detection of EV71 directly from clinical specimens. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
After a severe outbreak of West Nile virus (WNV) in Cook County, Illinois, in 2002, detections of WNV in mosquitoes were frequent across the state in the following years despite small numbers of human cases. We conducted a spatio-temporal analysis of Culex (subgenus Culex) mosquitoes collected in 2004 in three mosquito abatement districts (MAD) in Cook County by calculating monthly estimates of mosquito density, prevalence of infected mosquitoes, and exposure intensity, which in turn is a product of mosquito density and infection rates. Mosquito infections were detected early at three sites in late May and were widely detected throughout the three MADs in the summer with infection rates as high as 13 per 1000 in August. Exposure intensities were higher at sites adjacent to the Des Plaines River, especially in August and September. The aggregated pattern of WNV transmission along the river might be related to the existence of substantial forest preserves and wetlands that might produce ecological conditions favorable for mosquito proliferation and interactions between mosquitoes and birds.
RNA viruses are an important cause of global morbidity and mortality. The rapid evolutionary rates of RNA virus pathogens, caused by high replication rates and error-prone polymerases, can make the pathogens difficult to control. RNA viruses can undergo immune escape within their hosts and develop resistance to the treatment and vaccines we design to fight them. Understanding the spread and evolution of RNA pathogens is essential for reducing human suffering. In this dissertation, I make use of the rapid evolutionary rate of viral pathogens to answer several questions about how RNA viruses spread and evolve. To address each of the questions, I link mathematical techniques for modeling viral population dynamics with phylogenetic and coalescent techniques for analyzing and modeling viral genetic sequences and evolution. The first project uses multi-scale mechanistic modeling to show that decreases in viral substitution rates over the course of an acute infection, combined with the timing of infectious hosts transmitting new infections to susceptible individuals, can account for discrepancies in viral substitution rates in different host populations. The second project combines coalescent models with within-host mathematical models to identify driving evolutionary forces in chronic hepatitis C virus infection. The third project compares the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic viral transmission rate variation on viral phylogenies.
The cause of zoonotic schistosomiasis in the Philippines is Schistosoma japonicum, which infects up to 46 mammalian hosts, including humans and bovines. In China, water buffaloes have been identified as major reservoir hosts for schistosomiasis japonica, contributing up to 75% of human transmission. In the Philippines, water buffaloes (carabao; Bubalus bubalis carabanesis) have, historically, been considered unimportant reservoirs. We therefore revisited the possible role of bovines in schistosome transmission in the Philippines, using the recently described formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation (FEA-SD) technique and a qPCR assay to examine fecal samples from 153 bovines (both carabao and cattle) from six barangays in Northern Samar. A high prevalence of S. japonicum was found using qPCR and FEA-SD in both cattle (87.50% and 77.08%, respectively) and carabao (80.00% and 55.24%, respectively). The average daily egg output for each bovine was calculated at 195,000. High prevalence and infection intensity of F. gigantica was also found in the bovines by qPCR and FEA-SD (95.33% and 96.00%, respectively). The identification of bovines as major reservoir hosts for S. japonicum transmission suggests that bovine treatment and/or vaccination, as one becomes available, should be included in any future control program that aims to reduce the disease burden due to schistosomiasis in the Philippines.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the biggest killer of people in western civilisation. Age is a significant risk factor for the development for CVD, and treatments and therapies to address this increased risk are crucial to quality of life and longevity. Exercise is one such intervention which has been shown to reduce CVD risk. Age is also associated with endothelial dysfunction, reduced angiogenic capabilities, and reduced ability to repair the vessel wall. Circulating angiogenic cells (CACs) are a subset of circulating cells which assist in the repair and growth of the vasculature and in the maintenance of endothelial function. Reductions in these cells are observed in those with vascular disease compared to age-matched healthy controls. Exercise may reduce CVD risk by improvements in number and/or function of these CACs. Data was collected from human volunteers of various ages, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) levels and latent viral infection history status to investigate the effects of chronological age, CRF, viral serology and other lifestyle factors, such as sedentary behaviours and exercise on CACs. The levels of CACs in these volunteers were measured using four colour flow cytometry using various monoclonal antibodies specific to cell surface markers that are used to identify specific subsets of these CACs. In addition, the response to acute exercise of a specific subset of these CACs, termed ‘angiogenic T-cells’ (TANG) were investigated, in a group of well-trained males aged 20-40 years, using a strenuous submaximal exercise bout. Advancing age was associated with a decline in various subsets of CACs, including bone marrow-derived CD34+ progenitors, putative endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and also TANG cells. Individuals with a higher CRF were more likely to have higher circulating numbers of TANG cells, particularly in the CD4+ subset. CRF did not appear to modulate CD34+ progenitors or EPC subsets. Increasing sitting time was associated with reduction in TANG cells, but after correcting for the effects of fitness, sitting time no longer negatively affected the circulating number of these cells. Acute exercise was a powerful stimulus for increasing the number of TANG cells (140% increase), potentially through an SDF-1:CXCR4-dependent mechanism, but more studies are required to investigate this. Latent CMV infection was associated with higher number of TANG cells (CD8+), but only in 18-40 year old individuals, and not in an older age group (41-65 year old). The significance of this has yet to be understood. In conclusion, advancing age may contribute to increased CVD risk partly due to the observed reductions in angiogenic cells circulating in the peripheral compartment. Maintaining a high CRF may attenuate this CVD reduction by modulating TANG cell number, but potentially not CD34+ progenitor or EPC subsets. Acute exercise may offer a short window for vascular adaptation through the mobilisation of TANG cells into the circulation.