737 resultados para Villegas


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The obtaining of multiferroicBiFeO3 as a pure single-phase product is particularly complex since the formation of secondary phases seems to be unavoidable. The process by which these secondary impurities are formed is studied by analyzing the diffusion and solidstate reactivity of the Bi2O3–Fe2O3 system. Experimental evidence is reported which indicates that the progressive diffusion of Bi3+ ions into the Fe2O3 particles governs the solidstatesynthesis of the perovskite BiFeO3 phase. However a competition is established between the diffusion process which tends to complete the formation of BiFeO3, and the crystallization of stable Bi2Fe4O9 mullite crystals, which tend to block that formation reaction.


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The sintering behaviour and the microstructural evolution of W6+, Nb5+ and Ti4+iron-substituted BiFeO3 ceramics have been analyzed. The obtained results show that W6+ and Nb5+ ions interact with the secondary phases usually present in these materials, thus altering the solid state formation of the BiFeO3 phase. In contrast, Ti4+ ions incorporate into the perovskite structure, leading to an exceptionally low proportion of secondary phases. In addition to this, BiFe0.95Ti0.05O3 materials present a dense microstructure with submicronic and nanostructured grains, clearly smaller than those in the undoped materials.


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The preparation of LiNbO3:Er3+/Yb3+ nanocrystals and their up-conversion properties have been studied. It is demonstrated that polyethyleneimine- (PEI) assisted dispersion procedures allow obtaining stable aqueous LiNbO3:Er3+/Yb3+ powder suspensions, with average size particles well below the micron range (100–200 nm) and the isoelectric point of the suspension reaching values well above pH 7. After excitation of Yb3+ ions at a wavelength of 980 nm, the suspensions exhibit efficient, and stable, IR-to-visible (green and red) up-conversion properties, easily observed by the naked eye, very similar to those of the starting crystalline bulk material.


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Se exponen aquí los desarrollos llevados a cabo para instalar y hacer operativa una red de Estaciones Permanentes GNSS, en la Comunidad de Madrid, con el fin de generalizar la disponibilidad pública, en todo el ámbito geográfico de la CAM, de las correcciones diferenciales de GNSS, contribuir a la densificación del Marco de Referencia ETRS89, y disponer de una Red GPS de altas prestaciones (GPS, GLONASS y la paulatina entrada GALILEO) con una idónea geometría, para proyectos de investigación en el marco de la CAM, tanto en Postproceso como en Tiempo Real. Se comentan aquí los pasos realizados para su instalación y entrada en operación, el cálculo preciso de sus coordenadas con el software BERNESE, análisis de precisiones y el desarrollo de un test de calidad a fin de comprobación las soluciones que da la red en tiempo real, comprobación de las soluciones en postproceso y comprobación del alcance de precisión del sistema. Crear un entorno de precisión sobre nuevas aplicaciones de Redes GPS de TOPCON en Agricultura de Precisión, Control de Maquinaria y posicionamiento de equipos topográficos para empresas, organismos y particulares de la CAM.


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The objectives of this study were to assess diversity and genetic structure of a collection of Spanish durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L) landraces, using SSRs, DArTs and gliadin-markers, and to correlate the distribution of diversity with geographic and climatic features, as well as agro-morphological traits. A high level of diversity was detected in the genotypes analyzed, which were separated into nine populations with a moderate to great genetic divergence among them. The three subspecies taxa, dicoccon, turgidum and durum, present in the collection, largely determined the clustering of the populations. Genotype variation was lower in dicoccon (one major population) and turgidum (two major populations) than in durum (five major populations). Genetic differentiation by the agro-ecological zone of origin was greater in dicoccon and turgidum than in durum. DArT markers revealed two geographic substructures, east-west for dicoccon and northeast-southwest for turgidum. The ssp. durum had a more complex structure, consisting of seven populations with high intra-population variation. DArT markers allowed the detection of subgroups within some populations, with agro-morphological and gliadin differences, and distinct agro-ecological zones of origin. Two different phylogenetic groups were detected; revealing that some durum populations were more related to ssp. turgidum from northern Spain, while others seem to be more related to durum wheats from North Africa


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The kinetics of amorphization in crystalline SiO2 (α-quartz) under irradiation with swift heavy ions (O+1 at 4 MeV, O+4 at 13 MeV, F+2 at 5 MeV, F+4 at 15 MeV, Cl+3 at 10 MeV, Cl+4 at 20 MeV, Br+5 at 15 and 25 MeV and Br+8 at 40 MeV) has been analyzed in this work with an Avrami-type law and also with a recently developed cumulative approach (track-overlap model). This latter model assumes a track morphology consisting of an amorphous core (area σ) and a surrounding defective halo (area h), both being axially symmetric. The parameters of the two approaches which provide the best fit to the experimental data have been obtained as a function of the electronic stopping power Se. The extrapolation of the σ(Se) dependence yields a threshold value for amorphization, Sth ≈ 2.1 keV/nm; a second threshold is also observed around 4.1 keV/nm. We believe that this double-threshold effect could be related to the appearance of discontinuous tracks in the region between 2.1 and 4.1 keV/nm. For stopping power values around or below the lower threshold, where the ratio h/σ is large, the track-overlap model provides a much better fit than the Avrami function. Therefore, the data show that a right modeling of the amorphization kinetics needs to take into account the contribution of the defective track halo. Finally, a short comparative discussion with the kinetic laws obtained for elastic collision damage is given.


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The parameters that control the stability of ZnO-nanoparticles suspensions and their deposition by electrophoretic deposition were studied, so as to organize the assembly and compaction of nanoparticles. The addition of cationic polyelectrolyte - Polyethylenimine (PEI) - with different molecular weights was investigated, in order to study their effectiveness and the influence of the molecular weight of the organic chain on suspensions dispersion. It was found that PEI with the highest molecular weight provided better dispersion conditions. Cathodic EPD was performed under previously optimized suspensions conditions and over electropolished stainless steel substrates. Experimental results showed that the EPD process in these conditions allows obtaining dense transparent ZnO thin films. Deposition times and intensities were optimized by analyzing the resulting thin films characteristics. Finally, the deposits were characterized by FE-SEM, AFM, and different spectroscopic techniques.


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The obtaining of multiferroic BiFeO3 as a pure single-phase product is particularly complex since the formation of secondary phases seems to be unavoidable. The process by which these secondary impurities are formed is studied by analyzing the diffusion and solid state reactivity of the Bi2O3?Fe2O3 system. Experimental evidence is reported which indicates that the progressive diffusion of Bi3+ ions into the Fe2O3 particles governs the solid state synthesis of the perovskite BiFeO3 phase. However a competition is established between the diffusion process which tends to complete the formation of BiFeO3, and the crystallization of stable Bi2Fe4O9 mullite crystals, which tend to block that formation reaction.


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Content protection is a key component for the success of a multimedia services platform, as proven by the plethora of solutions currently on the market. In this paper we analyze a new network scenario where permanent bidirectional connectivity and video-aware encryption technologies allow a trustful operation of ubiquitous end devices. We propose new scalable models for a content protection architecture that may achieve dramatic improvement in robustness, reliability, and scalability. Selective ciphering and countermeasures are included in those models, together with several examples of their application.


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Sign.: [calderon]-3[calderon]8, A-Z8, 2A8-2B8


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Contiene : Poesías de Fernando de Herrera, Baltasar de Alcázar, Esteban Manuel Villegas, Gutierre de Cetina, Hernando de Acuña, Francisco Pacheco, Luis Barahona de Soto, Lope de Vega, Luis de Góngora y Francisco de Quevedo


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En este proyecto de final de carrera se detalla el proceso de diseño, fabricación, montaje y ajuste de un dispositivo electrónico que sirva como sistema de control de tracción de un vehículo y que acoplaremos sobre un monoplaza de carreras que participa en la competición Formula SAE. La Formula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers - Sociedad de Ingenieros de Automoción), es una competición de coches de carreras monoplaza a nivel universitario que promueve el desarrollo de la ingeniera aplicada a la automoción. Se pretende que este libro sirva de guía para el correcto manejo y desempeño del sistema fabricado. Además se ha pretendido que su lectura resulte fácil y comprensible para que la persona que lea este libro sea capaz de entender el sistema realizado para así poderlo mejorar. Gracias a la colaboración entre la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación (ETSIST) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), la Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales de esta misma Universidad (ETSII) y el Instituto Universitario de Investigación del Automóvil (INSIA), se sientan las bases de una plataforma docente en la cual se posibilita la formación y desarrollo de un vehículo tipo formula que participa en la ya mencionada competición Formula SAE. Para ello, se formo en el 2003 el equipo UPMRacing, primer representante español en el evento. El equipo se compone de más de 50 alumnos de la UPM y del Máster de Ingeniería en Automoción del INSIA. Es por tanto, en el vehículo fabricado por el equipo UPMRacing, en el que se pretende instalar este sistema de control de tracción. El control de tracción es un sistema de seguridad del automóvil diseñado para prevenir la perdida de adherencia cuando alguna rueda presenta deslizamiento, bien porque el conductor se excede en la aceleración o bien porque el firme este resbaladizo. La unidad de procesamiento del sistema de control de tracción fabricado lee la velocidad de cada rueda del vehículo mediante unos sensores y determina si existe deslizamiento, en tal caso, manda una señal a la centralita para disminuir la potencia hasta que el deslizamiento disminuya a unos valores controlados. El sistema cuenta con un control remoto que sirve como interfaz para que el piloto pueda manejarlo. Por ultimo, el dispositivo es capaz de conectarse a un bus de comunicaciones CAN para configurar ciertos parámetros. El objetivo del sistema es, básicamente, hacer que el coche no derrape en aceleraciones fuertes; concretamente en las salidas desde parado y al tomar una curva, aumentando así la velocidad en circuito y la seguridad del piloto. ABSTRACT. The purpose of this project is to describe the design, manufacture, assembly and adjustment processes of an electronic device acting as the traction control system (TCS) of a vehicle, that we will attach to a single-seater competition formula SAE car. The Formula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) is a graduate-level singleseater racing car competition promoting the development of automotive applied engineering. We also intend this work to serve as a technical user guide of the manufactured system. It is drafted clearly and concisely so that it will be easy for all those to whom it is addressed to understand and subject to further improvements. The close partnership among the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación (ETSIST), Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII) of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), and the Instituto Universitario de Investigación del Automóvil (INSIA), lays the foundation of a teaching platform enabling the training and development of a single-seater racing car taking part in the already mentioned Formula SAE competition. In this respect, UPMRacing team was created back in 2003, first spanish representative in this event. The team consists of more than 50 students of the UPM and of INSIA Master in Automotive Engineering. It is precisely the vehicle manufactured by UPMRacing team where we intend to install our TCS. TCS is an automotive safety system designed to prevent loss of traction when one wheel has slip, either because the driver exceeds the acceleration or because the firm is slippery. The device’s central processing unit is able to detect the speed of each wheel of the vehicle via special sensors and to determine wheel slip. If this is the case, the system sends a signal to the ECU of the vehicle to reduce the power until the slip is also diminished to controlled values. The device has a remote control that serves as an interface for the pilot to handle it. Lastly, the device is able to connect to a communication bus system CAN to set up certain parameters. The system objective is to prevent skidding under strong acceleration conditions: standing-start from the starting grid or driving into a curve, increasing the speed in circuit and pilot’s safety.


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Vida de Don Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas / Pablo Antonio de Tarsia -- Providencia de Dios -- Inmortalidad del Alma -- La incomprehensible disposicion de Dios en la felicidades y sucessos prosperos y adversos, que los del mundo llaman bienes de fortuna -- La constancia y paciencia del Santo Job en sus perdidas, enfermedades y persecuciones