994 resultados para Veronese, 1528-1588.


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Psoralens are well-known photosensitizers, and 8- methoxypsoralen and 4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen are widely used in photomedicine as "psoralens plus UVA therapy" (PUVA), in photopheresis, and in sterilization of blood preparations. In an attempt to improve the therapeutic efficiency of PUVA therapy and photopheresis, four poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-psoralen conjugates were synthesized to promote tumor targeting by the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. Peptide linkers were used to exploit specific enzymatic cleavage by lysosomal proteases. A new psoralen, 4-hydroxymethyl-4', 8-dimethylpsoralen (6), suitable for polymer conjugation was synthesized. The hydroxy group allowed exploring different strategies for PEG conjugation, and linkages with different stability such ester or urethanes were obtained. PEG (5 kDa) was covalently conjugated to the new psoralen derivative using four different linkages, namely, (i) direct ester bond (7), (ii) ester linkage with a peptide spacer (8), (iii) a carbamic linker (9), and (iv) a carbamic linker with a peptide spacer (12). The stability of these new conjugates was assessed at different pHs, in plasma and following incubation with cathepsin B. Conjugates 7 and 8 were rapidly hydrolyzed in plasma, while 9 was stable in buffer and in the presence of cathepsin B. As expected, only the conjugates containing the peptide linker released the drug in presence of cathepsin B. In vitro evaluation of the cytotoxic activity in the presence and absence of light was carried out in two cell lines (MCF-7 and A375 cells). Conjugates 7 and 8 displayed a similar activity to the free drug (probably due to the low stability of the ester linkage). Interestingly, the conjugates containing the carbamate linkage (9 and 12) were completely inactive in the dark (IC50 > 100 mu M in both cell lines). However, antiproliferative activity become apparent after UV irradiation. Conjugate 12 appears to be the most promising for future in vivo evaluation, since it was relatively stable in plasma, which should allow tumor targeting and drug release to occur by cathepsin B-mediated hydrolysis.


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Intrusive reexperiencing in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been linked to perceptual priming for trauma-related material. A prospective longitudinal study (N = 69) investigated perceptual priming for trauma-related, general threat, and neutral words in assault survivors with and without PTSD, using a new version of the word-stem completion task. Survivors with PTSD showed enhanced priming for trauma-related words. Furthermore, priming for trauma-related words measured soon after the trauma was associated with subsequent PTSD severity at 3 6, and 9 months. The enhanced priming effect was specific to trauma-related words. Enhanced perceptual priming for traumatic material appears to be one of the cognitive processes operating in PTSD.


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Bis-valine derivatives or malonamide (Guha,S.; Drew, M.G.B. Small 2008, 4, 1993-2005) and a bis-valine derivative of 1,1-cyclopropone dicarboxamide were used as building blocks for the construction of supramolecular helical structures. The six-membered intramolecular hydrogen-bonded scaffold is formed, and this acts as a unique supramolecular synthon for the construction of a pseudopeptide-based supramolecular helical structure. However, in absence of this intramolecular hydrogen bond. intermolecular hydrogen bonds are formed among the peptide strands. This leads to a supramolecular beta-sheet structure. Proper selection of the supramolecular synthon (six-membered intramolecular hydrogenbonded scaffold) promotes supramolecular helix formation, and a deviation from this molecular structure dictates the disruption of supramolecular helicity. In this study, six crystal structures have been used to demonstrate that a change in the central angle and/or the central core structure of dicarboxamides can be used to design either a supramolecular helix or a beta-sheet.


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Four new cadmium(II) complexes [Cd-2(bz)(4)(H2O)(4)(mu 2-hmt)]center dot Hbz center dot H2O (1), [Cd-3(bz)(6)(H2O)(6)(mu 2-hmt)(2)]center dot 6H(2)O (2), [Cd(pa)(2)(H2O)(mu(2)-hmt)](n) (3), and {[Cd-3(ac)(6)(H2O)(3)(mu(3)-hmt)(2)]center dot 6H(2)O}(n) (4) with hexamine (hmt) and monocarboxylate ions, benzoate (bz), phenylacetate (pa), or acetate (ac) have been synthesized and characterized structurally. Structure determinations reveal that 1 is dinuclear, 2 is trinuclear, 3 is a one-dimensional (1D) infinite chain, and 4 is a two-dimensional (2D) polymer with fused hexagonal rings consisting of Cd-II and hmt. All the Cd-II atoms in the four complexes (except one CdII in 2) possess seven-coordinate pentagonal bipyramidal geometry with the various chelating bidentate carboxylate groups in equatorial sites. One of the CdII ions in 2, a complex that contains two monodentate carboxylates is in a distorted octahedral environment. The bridging mode of hmt is mu 2- in complexes 1-3 but is mu 3- in complex 4. In all complexes, there are significant numbers of H-bonds, C-H/pi, and pi-pi interactions which play crucial roles in forming the supramolecular networks. The importance of the noncovalent interactions in terms of energies and geometries has been analyzed using high level ab initio calculations. The effect of the cadmium coordinated to hmt on the energetic features of the C-H/pi interaction is analyzed. Finally, the interplay between C-H/pi and pi-pi interactions observed in the crystal structure of 3 is also studied.


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Liver X receptors (LXRs) are transcription factors involved in the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis. LXR ligands have athero-protective properties independent of their effects on cholesterol metabolism. Platelets are involved in the initiation of atherosclerosis and despite being anucleate express nuclear receptors. We hypothesized that the athero-protective effects of LXR ligands could be in part mediated through platelets and therefore explored the potential role of LXR in platelets. Our results show that LXR-β is present in human platelets and the LXR ligands, GW3965 and T0901317, modulated nongenomically platelet aggregation stimulated by a range of agonists. GW3965 caused LXR to associate with signaling components proximal to the collagen receptor, GPVI, suggesting a potential mechanism of LXR action in platelets that leads to diminished platelet responses. Activation of platelets at sites of atherosclerotic lesions results in thrombosis preceding myocardial infarction and stroke. Using an in vivo model of thrombosis in mice, we show that GW3965 has antithrombotic effects, reducing the size and the stability of thrombi. The athero-protective effects of GW3965, together with its novel antiplatelet/thrombotic effects, indicate LXR as a potential target for prevention of athero-thrombotic disease.


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In this issue of Blood, Naik and colleagues have identified a new mechanism used by platelets to inhibit the signals that drive their activation through integrin αIIbβ3,which serves to prevent inappropriate or premature thrombus formation. Comment on: JAM-A protects from thrombosis by suppressing integrin αIIbβ3-dependent outside-in signaling in platelets. [Blood. 2012]


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BACKGROUND: Volatile anesthetics such as isoflurane and halothane have been in clinical use for many years and represent the group of drugs most commonly used to maintain general anesthesia. However, despite their widespread use, the molecular mechanisms by which these drugs exert their effects are not completely understood. Recently, a seemingly paradoxical effect of general anesthetics has been identified: the activation of peripheral nociceptors by irritant anesthetics. This mechanism may explain the hyperalgesic actions of inhaled anesthetics and their adverse effects in the airways. METHODS: To test the hypothesis that irritant inhaled anesthetics activate the excitatory ion-channel transient receptor potential (TRP)-A1 and thereby contribute to hyperalgesia and irritant airway effects, we used the measurement of intracellular calcium concentration in isolated cells in culture. For our functional experiments, we used models of isolated guinea pig bronchi to measure bronchoconstriction and withdrawal threshold to mechanical stimulation with von Frey filaments in mice. RESULTS: Irritant inhaled anesthetics activate TRPA1 expressed in human embryonic kidney cells and in nociceptive neurons. Isoflurane induces mechanical hyperalgesia in mice by a TRPA1-dependent mechanism. Isoflurane also induces TRPA1-dependent constriction of isolated bronchi. Nonirritant anesthetics do not activate TRPA1 and fail to produce hyperalgesia and bronchial constriction. CONCLUSIONS: General anesthetics induce a reversible loss of consciousness and render the patient unresponsive to painful stimuli. However, they also produce excitatory effects such as airway irritation and they contribute to postoperative pain. Activation of TRPA1 may contribute to these adverse effects, a hypothesis that remains to be tested in the clinical setting.


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We use new neutron scattering instrumentation to follow in a single quantitative time-resolving experiment, the three key scales of structural development which accompany the crystallisation of synthetic polymers. These length scales span 3 orders of magnitude of the scattering vector. The study of polymer crystallisation dates back to the pioneering experiments of Keller and others who discovered the chain-folded nature of the thin lamellae crystals which are normally found in synthetic polymers. The inherent connectivity of polymers makes their crystallisation a multiscale transformation. Much understanding has developed over the intervening fifty years but the process has remained something of a mystery. There are three key length scales. The chain folded lamellar thickness is ~ 10nm, the crystal unit cell is ~ 1nm and the detail of the chain conformation is ~ 0.1nm. In previous work these length scales have been addressed using different instrumention or were coupled using compromised geometries. More recently researchers have attempted to exploit coupled time-resolved small-angle and wide-angle x-ray experiments. These turned out to be challenging experiments much related to the challenge of placing the scattering intensity on an absolute scale. However, they did stimulate the possibility of new phenomena in the very early stages of crystallisation. Although there is now considerable doubt on such experiments, they drew attention to the basic question as to the process of crystallisation in long chain molecules. We have used NIMROD on the second target station at ISIS to follow all three length scales in a time-resolving manner for poly(e-caprolactone). The technique can provide a single set of data from 0.01 to 100Å-1 on the same vertical scale. We present the results using a multiple scale model of the crystallisation process in polymers to analyse the results.


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Planning is one of the key problems for autonomous vehicles operating in road scenarios. Present planning algorithms operate with the assumption that traffic is organised in predefined speed lanes, which makes it impossible to allow autonomous vehicles in countries with unorganised traffic. Unorganised traffic is though capable of higher traffic bandwidths when constituting vehicles vary in their speed capabilities and sizes. Diverse vehicles in an unorganised exhibit unique driving behaviours which are analysed in this paper by a simulation study. The aim of the work reported here is to create a planning algorithm for mixed traffic consisting of both autonomous and non-autonomous vehicles without any inter-vehicle communication. The awareness (e.g. vision) of every vehicle is restricted to nearby vehicles only and a straight infinite road is assumed for decision making regarding navigation in the presence of multiple vehicles. Exhibited behaviours include obstacle avoidance, overtaking, giving way for vehicles to overtake from behind, vehicle following, adjusting the lateral lane position and so on. A conflict of plans is a major issue which will almost certainly arise in the absence of inter-vehicle communication. Hence each vehicle needs to continuously track other vehicles and rectify plans whenever a collision seems likely. Further it is observed here that driver aggression plays a vital role in overall traffic dynamics, hence this has also been factored in accordingly. This work is hence a step forward towards achieving autonomous vehicles in unorganised traffic, while similar effort would be required for planning problems such as intersections, mergers, diversions and other modules like localisation.