922 resultados para Vernacular Photography
We present experimental results on the generation and collapse of multielectron bubbles in liquid helium. By applying voltage pulses to a tungsten tip above the surface of the liquid, millimetre sized deformations were formed. Using high speed photography, we have imaged the disintegration of these deformations into bubbles of sizes ranging from ten to few hundred microns. At temperatures less than 2 K, the bubbles split into smaller bubbles and then disappeared in a time scale of few milliseconds. Smaller bubbles were formed at temperatures around 3 K, but were visible for more than hundreds of milliseconds. Although we have not been able to measure their charge directly, some of these bubbles responded to electric fields, implying these were indeed multielectron bubbles. With the existing theoretical picture, it is not possible to understand the strong dependence of the lifetime of multielectron bubbles on temperature.
Injection of liquid fuel in cross flowing air has been a strategy for future aircraft engines in order to control the emissions. In this context, breakup of a pressure swirl spray in gaseous cross-flow is investigated experimentally. The atomizer discharges a conical swirling sheet of liquid that interacts with cross-flowing air. This complex interaction and the resulting spray structures at various flow conditions are studied through flow visualization using still as well as high speed photography. Experiments are performed over a wide range of aerodynamic Weber number (2-300) and liquid-to-air momentum flux ratio (5-150). Various breakup regimes exhibiting different breakup processes are mapped on a parameter space based on flow conditions. This map shows significant variations from breakup regime map for a plain liquid jet in cross-flow. It is observed that the breakup of leeward side of the sheet is dominated by bag breakup and the windward side of the sheet undergoes breakup through surface waves. Similarities and differences between bag breakup present in plain liquid jet in cross-flow and swirl spray in cross-flow are explained. Multimodal drop size distribution from bag breakup, frequency of bag breakup, wavelength of surface waves and trajectory of spray in cross-flow are measured by analyzing the spray images and parametric study of their variations is also presented. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work deals with an experimental study of the breakup characteristics of liquids with different surface tension and viscosity from a hollow cone hydraulic injector nozzle induced by pressure-swirl. The experiments were conducted at Reynolds numbers Re-p=9500-23,000. The surface tension and viscosity of the surrogate fuels were altered from 72 to 30 mN/m and 1.1 to 1.6 mN s/m(2), respectively. High speed photography and Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry were utilized to study the atomization process. Velocity and drop size measurements of the spray using PDPA in both axial and radial directions indicate a dependency on surface tension. However, these effects are dominant only at low Reynolds numbers and are negligible at high Reynolds number. Downstream of the nozzle, coalescence of droplets due to collision was also found to be significant and the diameters were compared for different liquids. For viscous fluids up to 1.6 cP, the independent effects of viscosity and injection pressure are studied. In general, the spray cone angle increases with increase in pressure. At high pressures, an increase in viscosity leads to higher drop sizes following primary and secondary breakup compared to water. This study will extend our understanding of surrogate fuel film breakup and highlight the importance of long and short wavelength instabilities. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
The bilateral filter is a versatile non-linear filter that has found diverse applications in image processing, computer vision, computer graphics, and computational photography. A common form of the filter is the Gaussian bilateral filter in which both the spatial and range kernels are Gaussian. A direct implementation of this filter requires O(sigma(2)) operations per pixel, where sigma is the standard deviation of the spatial Gaussian. In this paper, we propose an accurate approximation algorithm that can cut down the computational complexity to O(1) per pixel for any arbitrary sigma (constant-time implementation). This is based on the observation that the range kernel operates via the translations of a fixed Gaussian over the range space, and that these translated Gaussians can be accurately approximated using the so-called Gauss-polynomials. The overall algorithm emerging from this approximation involves a series of spatial Gaussian filtering, which can be efficiently implemented (in parallel) using separability and recursion. We present some preliminary results to demonstrate that the proposed algorithm compares favorably with some of the existing fast algorithms in terms of speed and accuracy.
The fluid mechanics of water entry is studied through investigating the underwater acoustics and the supercavitation. Underwater acoustic signals in water entry are extensively measured at about 30 different positions by using a PVDF needle hydrophone. From the measurements we obtain (1) the primary shock wave caused by the impact of the blunt body on free surface; (2) the vapor pressure inside the cavity; (3) the secondary shock wave caused by pulling away of the cavity from free surface; and so on. The supercavitation induced by the blunt body is observed by using a digital high-speed video camera as well as the single shot photography. The periodic and 3 dimensional motion of the supercavitation is revealed. The experiment is carried out at room temperature.
The Boltzmann equation of the sand particle velocity distribution function in wind-blown sand two-phase flow is established based on the motion equation of single particle in air. And then, the generalized balance law of particle property in single phase granular flow is extended to gas-particle two-phase flow. The velocity distribution function of particle phase is expanded into an infinite series by means of Grad's method and the Gauss distribution is used to replace Maxwell distribution. In the case of truncation at the third-order terms, a closed third-order moment dynamical equation system is constructed. The theory is further simplified according to the measurement results obtained by stroboscopic photography in wind tunnel tests.
Investigation of kerosene combustion in a Mach 2.5 flow was carried out using a model supersonic combustor with cross-section area of 51 mm × 70 mm and different integrated fuel injector/flameholder cavity modules. Experiments with pure liquid atomization and with effervescent atomization were characterized and compared. Direct photography, Schlieren imaging, and planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) imaging of OH radical were utilized to examine the cavity characteristics and spray structure. Schlieren images illustrate the effectiveness of gas barbotage in facilitating atomization and the importance of secondary atomization when kerosene sprays interacting with a supersonic crossflow. OH PLIF images further substantiate our previous finding that there exists a local high-temperature radical pool within the cavity flameholder, and this radical pool plays a crucial role in promoting kerosene combustion in a supersonic combustor. Under the same operation conditions, comparison of the measured static pressure distributions along the combustor also shows that effervescent atomization generally leads to better combustion performance than the use of pure liquid atomization. Furthermore, the present results demonstrate that the cavity characteristics can be different in non-reacting and reacting supersonic flows. As such, the conventional definition of cavity characteristics based on non-reacting flows needs to be revised.
The performance of a small high-speed liquid jet apparatus is described. Water jets with velocities from 200 to 700 m/s were obtained by firing a deformable lead slug from an air rifle into a stainless steel nozzle containing water sealed with a rubber diaphragm. Nozzle devices using the impact extrusion (IE) and cumulation (CU) methods were designed to generate the jets. The effect of the nozzle diameter and the downstream distance on the jet velocity is examined. The injection sequences are visualized using both shadowgraphy and schlieren photography. The difference between the IE and CU methods of jet generation is found.
Estudiar los medios de comunicación significa estudiar al hombre, la sociedad en la que vive, su evolución y las perspectivas de desarrollo futuro. Después de haber puntualizado brevemente los avances tecnológicos salientes en la historia del hombre y de haber identificado las características más relevantes de las diversas redefiniciones antropológicas que siguieron a la introducción de algunos nuevos medios, nos detendremos principalmente en el estudio de las peculiaridades de los instrumentos de comunicación de masa más modernos, de la fotografía al cine, de la televisión a Internet. El objetivo principal de este aporte, lejos de querer proveer sistemas teóricos definitivos, es trazar un conjunto coherente de temáticas capaces de suscitar nuevas y proficuas cuestiones y de promover un debate abierto a los más diversos aportes, con particular atención a los avances de las comunicaciones telemáticas.
When a shock wave interacts with a group of solid spheres, non-linear aerodynamic behaviors come into effect. The complicated wave reflections such as the Mach reflection occur in. the wave propagation process. The wave interactions with vortices behind each sphere's wake cause fluctuation in the pressure profiles of shock waves. This paper reports an experimental study for the aerodynamic processes involved in the interaction between shock waves and solid spheres. A schlieren photography was applied to visualize the various shock waves passing through solid spheres. Pressure measurements were performed along different downstream positions. The experiments were conducted in both rectangular and circular shock tubes. The data with respect to the effect of the sphere array, size, interval distance, incident Mach number, etc., on the shock wave attenuation were obtained.
Resumen: A partir de la primera versión literaria en lengua vernácula del “Cuento de la doncella sin manos”, escrita por Philippe de Remi en el siglo XIII, la literatura medieval no dejó de reelaborar el relato a lo largo y a lo ancho del Occidente europeo. Del periodo que abarca desde el siglo XIII hasta el XVII nos llegan, por lo menos, unas treinta y cuatro versiones escritas solo en los ámbitos románico y germánico. Existe asimismo una tradición arábiga del cuento, probablemente de origen semítico, que constituiría, según algunos autores, una rama narrativa independiente. En la tradición oral el relato ha pervivido hasta nuestros días, en diversos países del mundo, incluida América del Sur, particularmente Brasil, Chile y la Argentina. El legado folclórico en Europa, inicialmente recopilado y puesto por escrito por los hermanos Grimm en 1812, presenta, ciertamente, numerosos puntos de contacto con las versiones americanas. Sin embargo, se ha establecido un vínculo aún más estrecho entre estas y los Cuentos populares españoles recogidos por Aurelio Espinosa en 1923, por un lado, así como también con una de las tres versiones provenientes del ámbito árabe. Luego de trazar un panorama histórico del corpus y estudiar los puntos de contacto entre la tradición europea y la americana, nos centraremos en el análisis de las versiones sudamericanas, particularmente las recogidas en la Argentina
Resumen: En el marco de un proyecto de la Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Caldas denominado “Resignificación músico-pictórica del mito de la Salamanca” surgió la conveniencia de aplicar y diseñar programas de fundamentación matemática que permitieran definir la estructura y el tratamiento acústico de la obra especialmente escrita para este proyecto. Principalmente nos basamos en la implementación de la Transformada Rápida de Fourier (Fast Fourier Transform) para el análisis de espectros armónicos y su modificación en vivo y en la utilización de un entorno de programación para procesamiento de sonido en tiempo real. El marco general de la investigación parte del enfoque de Regionalismo Crítico procedente de las propuestas de Kenneth Frampton referentes originalmente a la crítica de la arquitectura. El planteamiento como investigación mutidisciplinaria implica (1) una visión crítica de la substancia mítica y social subyacente, (2) una resignificación pictórica por medio de fotografía, animación y pintura, basada en la sustancia visual que contiene el mito, (3) un enfoque musical electroacústico, a partir del material que surge del folklor local, utilizando la intervención de instrumentos en vivo y procesamiento en tiempo real.
Los Siete grados de Amor de la poetisa y mística flamenca Beatriz de Nazareth conforma, junto con la obra de sus dos contemporáneas Hadewijch de Amberes y Matilde de Magdeburgo, un coro de voces femeninas que destacan dentro de la teología monástica del siglo XIII, por haber sido escritas en lengua vernácula y haber adoptado de modo creativo las formas poéticas del amor cortés para expresar su experiencia de Dios. En continuidad con la tradición patrística despliega Beatriz la via amoris, centrando su discurso en el deseo de Dios. El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar la actualidad de esta obra medieval premoderna en el horizonte de una posmodernidad en la que deseo y alteridad se cruzan. La original concepción caleidoscópica del amor que presenta este texto abre horizontes desde los cuales plantear hoy la pregunta por lo absoluto a partir de la experiencia y el lenguaje de los místicos.
Resumen: La adquisición de nuevos retratos de la reina Isabel II ha propiciado la revisión y puesta al día de un sugestivo corpus fotográfi co enormemente ilustrativo de la diversidad de recursos que la fotografía decimonónica ofrecía, así como de los cambios que afectaron al tema de la representación regia.
Resumen: Dado que la imaginación medieval del mundo se nutre de ideas directamente heredadas de la Biblia, a menudo en contienda con la exploración empírica del globo terrestre, el estudio de los relatos de viajes en general, y de las guías de peregrinos a Tierra Santa en particular, nos permite comprender el modo en que el hombre de letras medieval se apropiaba del imaginario bíblico para darle forma a un mundo cuyos límites exóticos cobraban familiaridad por ser el escenario de las historias más apreciadas por los lectores de la época. Dentro del repertorio de literatura de viajes hispánica, La fazienda de Ultramar, cuya redacción se habría llevado a cabo a comienzos del siglo XIII, es un texto de singular importancia, por ser una de las más antiguas versiones en romance de la Biblia. No solo es un texto fundacional para una tradición que cambió la forma en que el hombre medieval se acercaba a las Sagradas Escrituras, sino que, debido a su carácter de itinerarium, nos permite conocer el modo en que la Biblia afectaba la imaginación del lector medieval acerca de la geografía de Tierra Santa. Es por ello que el propósito de esta comunicación será analizar el modo en que la estructura de itinerarium incide sobre el tratamiento del texto sagrado y la forma en que la lógica narrativa de los episodios bíblicos se subordina a la geográfica. De esta forma, se intentará echar luz sobre algunas cuestiones que han limitado el estudio de esta obra.