648 resultados para Vancouver


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Over the last decade pockmarks have proven to be important seabed features that provide information about fluid flow on continental margins. Their formation and dynamics are still poorly constrained due to the lack of proper three dimensional imaging of their internal structure. Numerous fluid escape features provide evidence for an active fluid-flow system on the Norwegian margin, specifically in the Nyegga region. In June-July 2006 a high-resolution seismic experiment using Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) was carried out to investigate the detailed 3D structure of a pockmark named G11 in the region. An array of 14 OBS was deployed across the pockmark with 1 m location accuracy. Shots fired from surface towed mini GI guns were also recorded on a near surface hydrophone streamer. Several reflectors of high amplitude and reverse polarity are observed on the profiles indicating the presence of gas. Gas hydrates were recovered with gravity cores from less than a meter below the seafloor during the cruise. Indications of gas at shallow depths in the hydrate stability field show that methane is able to escape through the water-saturated sediments in the chimney without being entirely converted into gas hydrate. An initial 2D raytraced forward model of some of the P wave data along a line running NE-SW across the G11 pockmark shows, a gradual increase in velocity between the seafloor and a gas charged zone lying at ~300 m depth below the seabed. The traveltime fit is improved if the pockmark is underlain by velocities higher than in the surrounding layer corresponding to a pipe which ascends from the gas zone, to where it terminates in the pockmark as seen in the reflection profiles. This could be due to the presence of hydrates or carbonates within the sediments.


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We have investigated the distributions and carbon isotopic compositions of archaeal membrane lipids in gas-hydrate-bearing sediments collected from the northern Cascadia Margin offshore from Vancouver Island (Sites U1327 and U1328) by the R/V JOIDES Resolution during IODP Expedition 311. Archaeal lipid biomarkers, including glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), tend to become abundant below 100 mbsf (meters below sea floor). Tricyclic biphytane (BP[3]; which is a robust biomarker derived from GDGT), crenarchaeol, and other BPs exhibit d13C values of ca. -20 per mil, and become abundant between 130 and 230 mbsf at Site U1328. In this depth range, concentrations of ammonium and phosphate in interstitial waters also increase, suggesting that a larger population and higher activity of heterotrophic community consisting of crenarchaeota and other archaea decompose the sedimentary organic matter, thereby liberating ammonium and phosphate. Such crenarchaeotic activity can produce other metabolic products such as molecular hydrogen by fermentation of organic matter during diagenesis. Furthermore, near the organic matter decomposition zone (130 to 230 mbsf), a probable methanogen biomarker (13C-depleted BP[1] with d13C values as low as -48.8 per mil) becomes abundant, indicating that methanogens utilize these diagenetic products. The molecular and isotopic distributions of archaeal lipid biomarkers indicate that the archaeal community plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of deep-sea sediments, including both methanogenesis and nutrient recycling.


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Sequences of late Pliocene to Holocene sediment lap onto juvenile igneous crust within 20 km of the Juan de Fuca Ridge in northwestern Cascadia Basin, Pacific Ocean. The detrital modes of turbidite sands do not vary significantly within or among sites drilled during Leg 168 of the Ocean Drilling Program. Average values of total quartz, total feldspar, and unstable lithic fragments are Q = 35, F = 35, and L = 30. Average values of monocrystalline quartz, plagioclase, and K-feldspar are Qm = 46, P = 49, and K = 5, and the average detrital modes of polycrystalline quartz, volcanic-rock fragments, and sedimentary-rock plus metamorphic-rock fragments are Qp = 16, Lv = 43, and Lsm = 41. Likely source areas include the Olympic Peninsula and Vancouver Island; sediment transport was focused primarily through the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Juan de Fuca Channel, Vancouver Valley, and Nitinat Valley. Relative abundance of clay minerals (<2-µm-size fraction) fluctuate erratically with depth, stratigraphic age, and sediment type (mud vs. turbidite matrix). Mineral abundance in mud samples are 0%-35% smectite (mean = 8%), 18%-59% illite (mean = 40%), and 29%-78% chlorite + kaolinite (mean = 52%). We attribute the relatively low content of smectite to rapid mechanical weathering of polymictic source terrains, with little or no input of volcanic detritus from the Columbia River. The scatter in clay mineralogy probably was caused by converging of surface currents, turbidity currents, and near-bottom nepheloid clouds from several directions, as well as subtle changes in glacial vs. interglacial weathering products.


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Manganese-iron oxide concretions are presently forming on Patrick Sill in upper Jervis Inlet. The marine geology of Patrick Sill and the adjoining basins (Queen's Reach and Princess Royal Reach) was studied to define the environment in which the concretions form. The river at the inlet head is the principal source of sediment to the upper basin. The average grain size of surficial bottom sediments within this basin decreases uniformly with distance from the source. Patrick Sill separates the upper from the lower basin. The sediment distribution pattern within the lower basin differs markedly from the upper basin as there is no dominant source of material but rather many localized sources. Abundant shallow marine faunal remains recovered in deep water sediment samples indicate that sediments deposited as deltas off river and stream mouths periodically slump to the basin floors. Geologic and optical turbidity information for the upper basin can best be explained by slumping from the delta at the inlet head with the initiation of turbidity or density currents. Patrick Sill appears to create a downstream barrier to this flow. The mineralogy of the bottom sediments indicates derivation from a granitic terrain. If this is so, the sediments presently being deposited in both basins are reworked glacial materials initially derived by glacial action outside the present watershed. Upper Jervis Inlet is mapped as lying within a roof pendant of pre-batholithic rocks, principally slates. Patrick Sill is thought to be a bedrock feature mantled with Pleistocene glacial material. The accumulation rate of recent sediments on the sill is low especially in the V-notch or medial depression. The manganese-iron oxide concretions are forming within the depression and apparently nowhere else in the study area. Also forming within the depression are crusts of iron oxide and what are tentatively identified as glauconite-montmorillonoid pellets. The concretions are thought to form by precipitation of manganese-iron oxides on pebbles and cobbles lying at the sediment water interface. The oxide materials are mobile in the reducing environment of the underlying clayey-sand sediment but precipitate on contact with the oxygenating environment of the surficial sediments. The iron crusts are thought to be forming on extensive rocky surfaces above the sediment water interface. The overall appearance and evidence of rapid formation of the crusts suggests they formed from a gel in sea water. Reserves of manganese-iron concretions on Patrick Sill were estimated to be 117 metric tons. Other deposits of concretions have recently been found in other inlets and in the Strait of Georgia but, to date, the extent of these has not been determined.