939 resultados para VP-SEM-EDS
É crescente o mercado de flores tropicais no Brasil. No nordeste, por causa do clima, torna-se difícil a aclimatização dessas plantas. Portanto, este trabalho tem por objetivo determinar o recipiente mais adequado para aclimatizar mudas micropropagadas de bastão do imperador cv. Porcelana, em ambiente protegido. O experimento foi realizado em estufa e as mudas utilizadas foram obtidas por micropropagação. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos (volumes) e cinco repetições. Os volumes dos recipientes testados foram: V1 - 50 cm³ (Copo pequeno - CP); V2 - 150 cm³ (Tubete pequeno - TP); V3 - 300 cm³ (Tubete grande - TG); V4 - 450 cm³(Vaso pequeno - VP). Foram coletados dados correspondentes ao número de folhas (NF), altura da muda (AM), diâmetro do pseudocaule (DP), massa fresca da parte aérea (MFPA), massa fresca do sistema radicular (MFSR), massa seca da parte aérea (MSPA) e massa seca do sistema radicular (MSSR). Foi realizada a análise de variância e os resultados de natureza qualitativa foram submetidos ao teste de média. O vaso de 450 cm³ é o recipiente mais adequado para aclimatização de bastão do imperador, pois proporcionou melhor desenvolvimento das mudas.
This paper presents a taxonomy able to contribute to building a framework within the domain of Virtual Enterprises (VE). A VE taxonomy currently does not exist, and this lack is felt in the ambiguous way that some concepts are addressed, leading to a fragment understanding that hinders the development of the science of VE integration and management. The structure of the taxonomy developed is based on the view of the system as a 5-tuple consisting of Input, Control, Output, Mechanism, and Process, which is the underlying system-view in the well-know IDEF0 diagramming technique. In particular, this taxonomy addresses the VE extended lifecycle that implies the use of a meta-organization called Market of Resources, as an original contribution to the VE theory and practice. The taxonomy presented is constructed in a way to be easily complemented with other VE partial taxonomies that may be found in literature.
The centre piece of my presentation is one particular and interesting manuscript of the Goa Historical Archives, listed as codex 860, which and contains details about manumission of slaves in Goa during the period 1682-1760. Curiously, the “Fathers of Christians” involved in this process of manumission were several Jesuits until the suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1759. The last four folios cover the year 1760 under a non-Jesuit, probably an Augustinian monk, appointed to take over the Old College of St Paul, while the Jesuits were detained before being deported.
A chegada de Vasco da Gama à Índia marcou o início de uma nova era na história da Índia e do mundo. Foi um encontro marcado por colaboração e resistências. Tanto os indianos como os portugueses faziam cedências por necessidade ou por conveniências. Não se pode ignorar neste processo o impacto dos renegados portugueses que se espalharam pela Asia toda. Era o resultado da "grande soltura" após a morte de Afonso de Albuquerque que acreditava numa economia comandada. O império da sombra, tão bem descrito por Fernão Mendes Pinto prevaleceu.
In sport there is a great need to obtain as much information as possible about the factors which affect the dynamics of play. This study uses sequential analysis and temporal patterns (T-patterns)to examine the evolution of defence (against an equal number of attackers)as used by the Spanish handball team at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The aim is to help handball coaches (during their training and gathering of professional experience)to understand the importance of the structure of defensive systems. This can be achieved through observational processes that reveal the evolution and adaptation of these defensive systems according to different variables: the match score, the response of the opposing team and progress through the tournament.
Nesta comunicação, darei a conhecer parte do estudo que conduzi no âmbito do mestrado em Informática e Educação, no que respeita à natureza da compreensão desenvolvida pelos alunos no contexto da aula de Matemática. A investigação teve como objectivo compreender e analisar o significado matemático, construído pelos alunos, em interacção social, focando a utilização do computador em actividades de construção geométrica.
Vários estudos centram-se no desenvolvimento profissional dos professores, nos seus percursos de formação e envolvimento em projectos de inovação, nomeadamente os que fazem recurso às TIC, aproveitando a sua versatilidade e potencial pedagógico. No âmbito do programa Nónio-Século XXI, vários professores têm desenvolvido um conjunto de experiências educativas em espaços diversificados como a sala de aula, os Clubes ou os Centros de Recursos. O registo destas experiências profissionais constitui um enorme potencial de material pedagógico e didáctico que, para além de valorizar o papel dos actores nesse processo, pode permitir uma reflexão sobre as práticas. No contexto do Projecto Àbolina (http://www.ese.ips.pt/abolina/index.html) temos vindo a disponibilizar um espaço com conteúdos em português, ‗memória viva‘ de algumas experiências significativas do quotidiano dos principais actores deste desafio colectivo que possam constituir fonte de ideias e recursos educativos para os professores, incentivando os processos de discussão e partilha de experiências. Assim, partindo de um relato de colegas da EB 2,3 de Aranguez — Setúbal que incide na formação de alunos monitores no Centro de Recursos, abrimos um Fórum subordinado a este tema, considerando que as dimensões da comunicação e da partilha/reflexão constituem etapas fundamentais no desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. Da polémica surgida daremos conta na comunicação, discutindo as concepções pedagógicas a este projecto de formação de alunos monitores, na sua relação com o desenvolvimento de competências gerais/transversais nos alunos, nomeadamente com a partilha de responsabilidades e o desenvolvimento da autonomia.
Seismic recordings of IRIS/IDA/GSN station CMLA and of several temporary stations in the Azores archipelago are processed with P and S receiver function (PRF and SRF) techniques. Contrary to regional seismic tomography these methods provide estimates of the absolute velocities and of the Vp/Vs ratio up to a depth of similar to 300 km. Joint inversion of PRFs and SRFs for a few data sets consistently reveals a division of the subsurface medium into four zones with a distinctly different Vp/Vs ratio: the crust similar to 20 km thick with a ratio of similar to 1.9 in the lower crust, the high-Vs mantle lid with a strongly reduced VpNs velocity ratio relative to the standard 1.8, the low-velocity zone (LVZ) with a velocity ratio of similar to 2.0, and the underlying upper-mantle layer with a standard velocity ratio. Our estimates of crustal thickness greatly exceed previous estimates (similar to 10 km). The base of the high-Vs lid (the Gutenberg discontinuity) is at a depth of-SO km. The LVZ with a reduction of S velocity of similar to 15% relative to the standard (IASP91) model is terminated at a depth of similar to 200 km. The average thickness of the mantle transition zone (TZ) is evaluated from the time difference between the S410p and SKS660p, seismic phases that are robustly detected in the S and SKS receiver functions. This thickness is practically similar to the standard IASP91 value of 250 km. and is characteristic of a large region of the North Atlantic outside the Azores plateau. Our data are indicative of a reduction of the S-wave velocity of several percent relative to the standard velocity in a depth interval from 460 to 500 km. This reduction is found in the nearest vicinities of the Azores, in the region sampled by the PRFs, but, as evidenced by SRFs, it is missing at a distance of a few hundred kilometers from the islands. We speculate that this anomaly may correspond to the source of a plume which generated the Azores hotspot. Previously, a low S velocity in this depth range was found with SRF techniques beneath a few other hotspots.
We investigate the crust, upper mantle and mantle transition zone of the Cape Verde hotspot by using seismic P and S receiver functions from several tens of local seismograph stations. We find a strong discontinuity at a depth of similar to 10 km underlain by a similar to 15-km thick layer with a high (similar to 1.9) Vp/Vs velocity ratio. We interpret this discontinuity and the underlying layer as the fossil Moho, inherited from the pre-hotspot era, and the plume-related magmatic underplate. Our uppermost-mantle models are very different from those previously obtained for this region: our S velocity is much lower and there are no indications of low densities. Contrary to previously published arguments for the standard transition zone thickness our data indicate that this thickness under the Cape Verde islands is up to similar to 30 km less than in the ambient mantle. This reduction is a combined effect of a depression of the 410-km discontinuity and an uplift of the 660-km discontinuity. The uplift is in contrast to laboratory data and some seismic data on a negligible dependence of depth of the 660-km discontinuity on temperature in hotspots. A large negative pressure-temperature slope which is suggested by our data implies that the 660-km discontinuity may resist passage of the plume. Our data reveal beneath the islands a reduction of S velocity of a few percent between 470-km and 510-km depths. The low velocity layer in the upper transition zone under the Cape Verde archipelago is very similar to that previously found under the Azores and a few other hotspots. In the literature there are reports on a regional 520-km discontinuity, the impedance of which is too large to be explained by the known phase transitions. Our observations suggest that the 520-km discontinuity may present the base of the low-velocity layer in the transition zone. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Co-deposition of nickel and cobalt was carried out on austenitic stainless steel (AISI 304) substrates by imposing a square waveform current in the cathodic region. The innovative procedure applied in this work allows creating a stable, fully developed, and open porous three-dimensional (3D) dendritic structure, which can be used as electrode for redox supercapacitors. This study investigates in detail the influence of the applied current density on the morphology, mass, and chemical composition of the deposited Ni-Co films and the resulting 3D porous network dendritic structure. The morphology and the physicochemical composition were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (W). The electrochemical behavior of the materials was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The results highlight the mechanism involved in the coelectrodeposition process and how the lower limit current density tailors the film composition and morphology, as well as its electrochemical activity.
The assessment of surface water nanofiltration (NF) for the removal of endocrine disruptors (EDs) Nonylphenol Ethoxylate (IGEPAL), 4-Nonylphenol (NP) and 4-Octylphenol (OP) was carried out with three commercial NF membranes - NF90, NF200, NF270. The permeation experiments were conducted in laboratory flat-cell units of 13.2 x 10(-4) m(2) of surface area and in a DSS Lab-unit M20 with a membrane surface area of 0.036 m2. The membranes hydraulic permeabilities ranged from 3.7 to 15.6 kg/h/m(2)/bar and the rejection coefficients to NaCl, Na2SO4 and Glucose are for NF90: 97%, 99% and 97%, respectively; for NF200: 66%, 98% and 90%, respectively and for NF270: 48%, 94% and 84%, respectively. Three sets of nanofiltration experiments were carried out: i) NF of aqueous model solutions of NP, IGEPAL and OP running in total recirculation mode; ii) NF of surface water from Rio Sado (Settibal, Portugal) running in concentration mode; iii) NF of surface water from Rio Sado inoculated with NP, IGEPAL and OP running in concentration mode. The results of model solutions experiments showed that the EDs rejection coefficients are approximately 100% for all the membranes. The results obtained for the surface water showed that the rejection coefficients to natural organic Matter (NOM) are 94%, 82% and 78% for NF90, NF200 and NF 270 membranes respectively, with and without inoculation of EDs. The rejection coefficients to EDs in surface water with and without inoculation of EDs are 100%, showing that there is a fraction of NOM of high molecular weight that retains the EDs in the concentrate and that there is a fraction of NOM of low molecular weight that permeates through the NF membranes free of EDs.
É consensualmente reconhecida na atualidade a relevância da leitura na sociedade, abrindo-se, de forma crescente, a uma multiplicidade de dimensões alimentadas pela comunicação em rede. No ensino superior, tais dimensões merecem particular atenção, não só pelos desafios lançados pelo seu caráter cada vez mais diversificado, como pelas possíveis consequências que daí podem advir para o futuro profissional dos estudantes. Assim, nesta comunicação temos como objetivo indagar a importância do livro na era digital enquanto possível suporte configurador de práticas de leitura literária de estudantes do ensino superior a frequentar um 1.º Ciclo de estudos de Bolonha. No que se refere à metodologia adotada, face aos objetivos do estudo, considerámos adequada uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa, tendo como referencial metodológico o estudo de caso. Os participantes foram 27 estudantes inscritos na unidade curricular de Iniciação à Leitura e à Escrita que integra o plano de estudos da licenciatura em Educação Básica, na Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu (3.º ano, 1.º semestre, ano letivo 2015-2016). Os instrumentos utilizados foram 27 reflexões escritas individuais realizadas no âmbito do trabalho autónomo dos estudantes. A técnica privilegiada foi a análise de conteúdo. Apesar dos amplos itinerários de leitura proporcionados pela era digital, conclui-se que os estudantes atribuem grande importância ao livro impresso enquanto potenciador da motivação para a leitura literária, relegando para segundo plano possíveis vantagens do livro em suporte digital. Embora a tecnologia seja omnipresente no seu quotidiano, é o livro que resguarda os lugares das memórias que se entretecem nos seus percursos de leitura.
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Copyright © 2013 Springer Netherlands.
Copyright © 2013 Springer Netherlands.