992 resultados para Urothelial neoplasia


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El objetivo del estudio fue describir las características epidemiológicas y los factores de riesgo de la bacteriemia por Staphylococcus aureus (BSA) en pacientes adultos atendidos en un hospital de tercer nivel. Se incluyeron 188 pacientes con BSA, 62 % hombres y con una edad media de 64±15,3 años. El 24% eran SARM. La mayoría provenían de servicios médicos (63,8%). El origen más frecuente de la BSA fue nosocomial (56,4%) seguido del relacionado con el ámbito sanitario (RAS) (28,7%) y comunitario (14,9 %). Presentaban enfermedad de base subyacente un 96%, siendo la más frecuente la neoplasia con un total de 65 pacientes (35 %). La enfermedad de base se consideró fatal en 38,3% pacientes, últimamente fatal en 22,3 % y no fatal en 39,4 %. El foco de infección resultó aparente en 151 pacientes (80,3%), siendo el más frecuente el catéter vascular (45,7 %). Presentaron fiebre el 73,9 %, leucocitosis un 44% y bandas en la analítica un 25%. Presentaron complicaciones el 36,2 % de los pacientes con BSA: shock (26,1%) y metástasis sépticas (14,4%). La evolución fue favorable en 126 pacientes (67%), mientras que 52 (27,7%) fallecieron, 43 de ellos (22,9%) en relación con al BSA y en 7 (3,7%) recidivó.


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El tumor vesical superficial és la neoplàsia més comuna de l’aparell genitourinari. El tractament d’elecció és la RTU vesical, però moltes vegades precisa d’adjuvància posterior, com les instil•lacions de BCG o Mitomicina C endovesicals. Aquests tractaments no estan exempts d’efectes adversos, que poden afectar la qualitat de vida dels pacients als quals se’ls administra. La qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut és una eina important per valorar l’impacte que tenen alguns procediments terapèutics. Mitjançant qüestionaris de salut es pretén avaluar-ho. S’ha intentat crear un qüestionari que pugui utilitzar-se en la pràctica diària pels pacients que reben tractament amb quimioteràpia o immunoteràpia endovesical.


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La reparació endovascular dels aneurismes d’aorta abdominal (AAA) és cada cop més usada, encara que només conta amb 15 anys des de l’inici amb una ràpida evolució. Davant la falta d’estudis amb resultats a més de 10 anys. L’objectiu del treball es analitzar prospectivament la supervivència dels 172 pacients tractats en nostre centre desde 06/1998 fins 01/2008, amb seguiment a 10 anys. S’obtingué una supervivència del 61% als 6 anys (error 5%), als 9 anys de 51% (error 7%), a 10 anys 47% (error 11%). La causa més freqüent de mort va ser per neoplàsia.


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El carcinoma hepatocel•lular representa del 70-80% dels tumors hepàtics primaris. És la sisena neoplàsia més freqüent i la tercera causa més freqüent per càncer. Els factors de risc més importants són l'hepatitis B i C. La resecció quirúrgica és la primera opció terapèutica. La causa de la mort dels pacients sotmesos a resecció hepàtica amb intenció curativa és la recidiva. Les taxes de recidiva global arriben al 70-100% als 5 anys. Identificar els factors de risc de recidiva és important per augmentar la supervivència, aplicant teràpies preventives o incloent en llista d'espera de trasplantament.


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AbstractAcidosis is encountered during tissue inflammation and triggers pain in humans. H+-gated ion channels are expressed at high levels in sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system. Ion channels from two different families present the required pH sensitivity to detect the acidosis associated with peripheral inflammation: Acid-Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs) and the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) channel.ASICs are members of the Degenerin/Epithelial Na+ Channel family of ion channels. Six ASIC subunits have been identified in mammals (ASICla, -lb, -2a, -2b, -3 and -4). ASICs form In-activated voltage-insensitive homo- or heterotrimeric Na+ channels. TRPV1 is a member of the TRP family of ion channels and forms non-selective cation channels that mediate a sustained current. TRPV1 is activated by H+, heat (T>43°C), lipids, capsaicin, voltage and other stimuli. A stimulus can increase TRPV1 response to a different stimulus. For example H+ can shift the capsaicin concentration dependence of TRPV1 to lower values. ASICs and TRPV1 have been shown to be involved in inflammatory pain. Using the patch-clamp technique, we studied different aspects of the function of ASICs and TRPV1 in the physiological context of pain.In the first part of this thesis, we characterize the effect of a temperature increase from 25 to 35°C on the function of ASICs and TRPV1 in transfected CHO cells and primary cultures of rat DRG sensory neurons. ASICs give rise to transient currents while TRPV1 mediates a sustained current. In addition, ASICs and TRPV1 respond to H+ with distinct pH dependences. We assess the relative contribution of ASICs and TRPV1 to H+-evoked electrical signaling in rat DRG neurons and we conclude that ASICs are the most important pH sensors in the pH range 7.4 to 6.0 at 35°C in sensory neurons.ASICs and TRPV1 are expressed in the epithelium lining the lumen of the bladder (urothelium). The Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC) is a painful condition associated with a dysfunction of the urothelial barrier and with inflammation. In the second part of this thesis, we show that human urothelial cells -the cell line TEU2 and primary cultures of human bladder urothelium- express functional ASICs but no functional TRPV1 channels. In addition, we show that the levels of ASIC2 and ASIC3 mRNA are increased in the urothelium of patients suffering from BPS/IC. These data suggest that ASICs are involved in the pathology of BPS/IC.Finally, we demonstrate that APETx2 inhibits the sensory neuron specific voltage-dependent Na+ channel Nav1.8. APETx2 was previously shown to inhibit homo- or heterotrimeric ASIC3- containing channels with IC5o from 0.08 to 1 μΜ. We show that APETx2 also inhibits Nav1.8 with an ICsoof «2.6 μΜ. APETx2 reduces the maximal conductance and induces a depolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of activation of Nav1.8. In current-clamp experiments, APETx2 reduces the number of action potentials (APs) evoked by a current ramp. Nav1.8 mediates most of the current during the AP upstroke and has been shown to be an important mediator of inflammatory pain. The fact that APETx2 inhibits two ion channels involved in inflammatory pain suggests that APETx2 or derivatives may represent novel analgesic compounds.RésuméL'acidose tissulaire est observée durant l'inflammation et entraine la douleur chez l'humain. Des canaux ioniques activés par les protons (H+) sont fortement exprimés dans les neurones sensoriels du système nerveux périphérique. De ceux-ci, les Acid-Sensing Ion Channels [ASICs) et Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) présentent une sensibilité adéquate à l'acidité pour servir de détecteurs d'acidose.Les ASICs sont membres de la famille Degenerin/Epithelial Na* Channel. Six sous-unités ASIC ont été identifiées chez les mammifères (ASICla, -lb, -2a, -2b, -3 et -4). Les ASICs forment des canaux sélectifs au Na\ insensibles au voltage et activés par les H+. Les canaux fonctionnels sont des homo- ou hétérotrimères de sous-unités ASIC. TRPV1 est un membre de la famille TRP de canaux ioniques. Les canaux TRPV1 sont activés par les H+, la chaleur (T>43°Ç), les lipides, la capsaicine, le voltage et d'autres stimulus. L'activation de TRPV1 entraine un courant soutenu non-sélectif. Un stimulus peut augmenter la réponse de TRPV1 à un autre stimulus. Les H+ peuvent, par exemple, induire un décalage vers des valeurs plus faibles de la courbe de dépendance à la concentration de TRPV1 pour la capsaicine. Il a été démontré que les ASICs et TRPV1 sont impliqués dans la douleur inflammatoire. En utilisant la technique du patch-clamp, nous avons étudié différents aspects de la fonction des ASICs et de TRPV1 dans des contextes associés à la douleur.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous caractérisons l'effet d'une augmentation de température de 25 à 35°C sur la fonction des canaux ASICs et TRPV1, dans des cellules CHO transfectées et dans des cultures primaires de neurones sensoriels (DRG) de rat. L'activation des ASICs entraine l'apparition d'un courant transitoire tandis que l'activation de TRPV1 entraine un courant soutenu. De plus, les ASICs et TRPV1 possèdent des dépendances au pH différentes. Nous évaluons la contribution relative des ASICs et de TRPV1 au signalement électrique induit par les H+ et nous concluons que les ASICs sont les senseurs d'acidité les plus importants dans les neurones sensoriels, dans le domaine de pH de 7.4 à 6.0, à température corporelle.Les ASICs et TRPV1 sont exprimés dans l'épithélium recouvrant l'intérieur de la vessie (l'urothélium). Le Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC) est une condition médicale douloureuse associée à une dysfonction de la barrière urothéliale et à une inflammation. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous démontrons que des cellules urothéliales (de la lignée cellulaire TEU2) et des cellules provenant de cultures primaires d'épithéliums de vessies humaines expriment des canaux ASIC fonctionnels mais pas de TRPV1 fonctionnels. De plus, nous montrons que le niveau d'expression de ASIC2 et -3 est augmenté dans l'urothélium de la vessie de patients souffrant de BPS/IC. Ces données suggèrent que les ASICs sont impliqués dans la pathologie BPS/IC.Pour finir, nous démontrons que la toxine APETx2 inhibe le canal spécifique aux neurones sensoriels Nav1.8, un membre de la famille des canaux sodiques dépendants du potentiel. Il a été démontré précédemment que la toxine APETx2 inhibe les canaux contenant une ou plusieurs sous-unités ASIC3 avec un ICso entre 0.08 et 1 μΜ. Nous montrons que la toxine APETx2 inhibe Nav1.8 avec un IC50 de «2.6 μΜ. La toxine APETx2 réduit la conductance maximale et induit un décalage de la dépendance au potentiel de Nav1.8 vers des valeurs plus positives. Dans des expériences de courant imposé sur des neurones sensoriels, la toxine APETx2 réduit le nombre de potentiels d'action induits par une rampe de courant. Nav1.8 est responsable de la majeure partie du courant durant la phase ascendante du potentiel d'action et a été démontré comme étant un médiateur important de la douleur inflammatoire. L'inhibition de deux types de canaux, impliqués dans la douleurs inflammatoire, par la toxine APETx2, suggère que cette dernière ou ses dérivés représentent des composés analgésiques prometteurs.


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La citologia anal és un mètode sensible en el despistatge de la neoplàsia de canal anal i similar a la biòpsia dirigida mitjançant rectoscopi i tinció amb àcid acètic al 5%, sobretot en lesions d’alt grau de malignitat; a més de ser una prova adequada en el seguiment d’aquestes lesions. Els pacients VIH homes que tenen sexe amb altres homes tenen major incidència i prevalència de virus papiloma humà i major nombre d’anormalitats en la mucosa del canal anal que els VIH negatius.


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L’ús d’agents citotòxics ha incrementat la incidència de leucèmies agudes secundàries (LAS). De 23 LAS diagnosticades en 20 anys, s’analitzaren els agents citotòxics, caraterístiques clínico-biològiques, tractament i pronòstic. Els agents rebuts a la neoplàsia prèvia fóren: alquilants, inhibidors de la DNA topoisomerasa II, antitubulina i radioteràpia. El 95% de les LAS presentàven alteracions citogenètiques. Tretze pacients reberen quimioteràpia intensiva (amb un trasplantament de progenitors hematopoètics [TPH] en 3) i 10 només suport (supervivència mediana de 3 en front a 0,079 anys, p=0,004). El pronòstic i la resposta al tractament fóren dolents, però associaciar quimioteràpia i TPH podria perllongar la supervivència.


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A coimmunosuppression with azathioprine or methotrexate in addition to infliximab does not improve the therapeutic efficacy in Crohn's disease but increase the risks of infectious complications and neoplasia.


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OBJECTIVES: Management of patients with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) remains controversial. We chose to repeat the Pap smear after four months. If ASCUS persisted in this second test, the patient was advised to undergo colposcopy. Our objective is to determine the clinical significance and the prediction of neoplasia among these patients through a colposcopic examination. METHODS: Of 29,827 patients who had a Pap smear, ASCUS were detected in 1387 (5%) and persisted in the repeat smear of 225 (16%). Colposcopy and an additional Pap smear were performed on 186 patients. RESULTS: Out of 186 colposcopic evaluations, 91 (49%) were normal and the patients had a negative Pap smear. Colposcopy was abnormal in 95/186 patients (51%) (Table 1). Histology of the directed biopsies revealed 38 (21%) low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) and 17 (9%) high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL). Forty patients (21%) with normal biopsies had ASCUS for the third time in the Pap smear. CONCLUSIONS: Colposcopic evaluation after a repeated Pap smear with ASCUS is an appropriate cost-effective management. Finding 30% of LSIL or HSIL justifies this additional investigation.


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) has become an important risk factor for human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the development of HPV associated lesions in the female genital tract. HIV-1 may also increase the oncogenicity of high risk HPV types and the activation of low risk types. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention declared invasive cervical cancer an acquired immunodeficience virus (AIDS) defining illness in HIV positive women. Furthermore, cervical cancer happens to be the second most common female cancer worldwide. The host's local immune response plays a critical factor in controlling these conditions, as well as in changes in the number of professional antigen-presenting cells, cytokine, and MHC molecules expression. Also, the production of cytokines may determine which arm of the immune response will be stimulated and may influence the magnitude of immune protection. Although there are many studies describing the inflammatory response in HPV infection, few data are available to demonstrate the influence of the HIV infection and several questions regarding the cervical immune response are still unknown. In this review we present a brief account of the current understanding of HIV/HPV co-infection, emphasizing cervical immune response.


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CONTEXT: Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD), a rare cause of corticotropin-independent Cushing syndrome, can be part of Carney complex (CNC), an autosomal dominant multiple neoplasia syndrome characterized by spotty skin pigmentation, cardiac myxomas, and endocrine tumors or be isolated (i). Germline PRKAR1A-inactivating mutations have been observed in both CNC and iPPNAD, but with no apparent genotype-phenotype correlation. OBJECTIVE:The objectives of the study were a detailed phenotyping for CNC manifestations in 12 kindreds bearing the same PRKAR1A mutation and a study of the consequences of the mutation and a potential founder effect. DESIGN: The study consisted of descriptive case reports. SETTING: The study was conducted at two referral centers. PATIENTS: The patients described in this study were referred for PRKAR1A gene mutation analysis because of a diagnosis of apparently iPPNAD. RESULTS: We describe a 6-bp polypyrimidine tract deletion [exon 7 IVS del (-7-->-2)] in 12 unrelated kindreds that were referred for Cushing syndrome due to PPNAD. Nine of the patients had no family history; in two, there was a family history of iPPNAD. Only one patient met the criteria for CNC. Relatives carrying the same mutation had no manifestations of CNC or PPNAD, suggesting a low penetrance of this PRKAR1A defect. A founder effect was excluded by extensive genotyping of chromosome 17 markers. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, a small intronic deletion of the PRKAR1A gene is a low-penetrance cause of mainly iPPNAD; it is the first PRKAR1A genetic defect to have an association with a specific phenotype.


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INTRODUCTION We report a case of pulmonary metastatic recurrence of renal adenocarcinoma soon after radical nephrectomy that was followed by renal transplant and immunosuppressive medication. Increased risk of metastatic recurrence of renal cell carcinoma should be considered in the immediate post-transplant period when immunosuppressive medication is administered, even if nephrectomy had been performed many years earlier. CASE PRESENTATION In 1986 the patient demonstrated renal insufficiency secondary to mesangial glomerulonephritis. In 1992 he underwent left side radical nephrectomy with histopathological diagnosis of clear cell adenocarcinoma. Mesangial glomerulonephritis in the remaining right kidney progressed to end-stage renal failure. In October 2000 he received a kidney transplant from a cadaver and commenced immunosuppressive medication. Two months later, several nodules were found in his lungs, which were identified as metastases from the primary renal tumor that had been removed with the diseased kidney 8 years earlier. CONCLUSION Recurrence of renal cell carcinoma metastases points to tumor dormancy and reflects a misbalance between effective tumor immune surveillance and immune escape. This case demonstrates that a state of tumor dormancy can be interrupted soon after administration of immunosuppressant medication.


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There is little literature about the clinical presentation and time-course of postoperative venous thromboembolism (VTE) in different surgical procedures. RIETE is an ongoing, prospective registry of consecutive patients with objectively confirmed, symptomatic acute VTE. In this analysis, we analysed the baseline characteristics, thromboprophylaxis and therapeutic patterns, time-course, and three-month outcome of all patients with postoperative VTE. As of January 2006, there were 1,602 patients with postoperative VTE in RIETE: 393 (25%) after major orthopaedic surgery (145 elective hip arthroplasty, 126 knee arthroplasty, 122 hip fracture); 207 (13%) after cancer surgery; 1,002 (63%) after other procedures. The percentage of patients presenting with clinically overt pulmonary embolism (PE) (48%, 48%, and 50% respectively), the average time elapsed from surgery to VTE (22 +/- 16, 24 +/- 16, and 21 +/- 15 days, respectively), and the three-month incidence of fatal PE (1.3%, 1.4%, and 0.8%, respectively), fatal bleeding (0.8%, 1.0%, and 0.2%, respectively), or major bleeding (2.3%, 2.9%, and 2.8%, respectively) were similar in the three groups. However, the percentage of patients who had received thromboprophylaxis (96%, 76% and 52%, respectively), the duration of prophylaxis (17 +/- 9.6, 13 +/- 8.9, and 12 +/- 11 days, respectively) and the mean daily doses of low-molecular-weight heparin (4,252 +/- 1,016, 3,260 +/- 1,141, and 3,769 +/- 1,650 IU, respectively), were significantly lower in those undergoing cancer surgery or other procedures. In conclusion, the clinical presentation, time-course, and three-month outcome of VTE was similar among the different subgroups of patients, but the use of prophylaxis in patients undergoing cancer surgery or other procedures was suboptimal.


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Trastuzumab and gemcitabine are two active drugs for meta-static breast cancer (MBC) treatment. We conducted a retrospective study of this combination in patients with Her2+ MBC in our hospital.


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Objective: To study the efficacy of different regimens of treatment based on trastuzumab in patients with Her2+ metastatic breast cancer (MBC).