1000 resultados para Unió Europea -- Turquia
El texto analiza los motivos por los que el Protocolo de 1995 sobre reclamaciones colectivas no sea un medio de supervisión alternativo a los informes estatales del artículo 21 de la Carta Social Europea, sino más bien una herramienta de uso marginal.
[eng] Since the year 1986 in which Spain became full member of the European Communities, the quantity and quality of the Spanish international economic relations measured in terms of Balance of Payments have change dramatically. In the past Spanish workers moved to Europe. Now Spain is among the three major countries attracting immigrants from developing countries. In the past Spain received a lot of Foreign Investment, today many Spanish companies are investing abroad. The changes are not only due to membership to the EU but also to the Spanish accommodation to the Globalization.
With European Monetary Union (EMU), there was an increase in the adjusted spreads (corrected from the foreign exchange risk) of euro participating countries' sovereign securities over Germany and a decrease in those of non-euro countries. The objective of this paper is to study the reasons for this result, and in particular, whether the change in the price assigned by markets was due to domestic factors such as credit risk and/or market liquidity, or to international risk factors. The empirical evidence suggests that market size scale economies have increased since EMU for all European markets, so the effect of the various risk factors, even though it differs between euro and non-euro countries, is always dependent on the size of the market.
[eng] Since the year 1986 in which Spain became full member of the European Communities, the quantity and quality of the Spanish international economic relations measured in terms of Balance of Payments have change dramatically. In the past Spanish workers moved to Europe. Now Spain is among the three major countries attracting immigrants from developing countries. In the past Spain received a lot of Foreign Investment, today many Spanish companies are investing abroad. The changes are not only due to membership to the EU but also to the Spanish accommodation to the Globalization.
A maioria dos estudos com oliveira no Brasil e no mundo tem sido direcionada à produção e ao manejo. Apesar da importância para o crescimento vegetal e resistência a estresses diversos, não há estudos sobre a ocorrência de associação micorrízica em oliveira, no Brasil. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a interação micorrízica em cultivares de oliveira na Fazenda Experimental de Maria da Fé - MG (FEMF - EPAMIG), a qual serve como ponto de partida na produção de inoculantes comerciais de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares para a cultura. Amostras de solo e de raízes de sete cultivares de oliveira foram coletadas para determinação do comprimento de micélio extrarradicular ativo e total e avaliação da percentagem e intensidade de colonização micorrízica, bem como da densidade e diversidade de esporos. Nas rizosferas das cultivares de oliveira, foram isoladas nove espécies de fungos micorrízicos: Acaulospora denticulata, Acaulospora scrobiculata, Acaulospora sp1, Acaulospora sp2, Entrophospora sp1, Gigaspora sp1, Glomus mosseae, Scutellospora pellucida e Scutellospora sp1. Os resultados comprovaram o micotrofismo da espécie. No entanto, não houve efeito das cultivares na distribuição dos propágulos de FMAs, os quais estiveram homogeneamente distribuídos nas diferentes rizosferas.
With European Monetary Union (EMU), there was an increase in the adjusted spreads (corrected from the foreign exchange risk) of euro participating countries' sovereign securities over Germany and a decrease in those of non-euro countries. The objective of this paper is to study the reasons for this result, and in particular, whether the change in the price assigned by markets was due to domestic factors such as credit risk and/or market liquidity, or to international risk factors. The empirical evidence suggests that market size scale economies have increased since EMU for all European markets, so the effect of the various risk factors, even though it differs between euro and non-euro countries, is always dependent on the size of the market.
Teresa Abelló analyses here an aspect of Barcelona's socio-cultural life in the period that goes from the first to the Second World War. She concentrates her attention on a new model of working-class leader that have promoted a clear cut with XIX century internationalist leading manual workers. The new manners embodied on the person of Salvador Seguít, he General Secretary of the anarchosyndicalist CNT. Abelló points aout at the same time . the relationship between these new social habits and the cultural avantgardes of the moment -either literary, pictoria or artistic in general.
Teresa Abelló analyses here an aspect of Barcelona's socio-cultural life in the period that goes from the first to the Second World War. She concentrates her attention on a new model of working-class leader that have promoted a clear cut with XIX century internationalist leading manual workers. The new manners embodied on the person of Salvador Seguít, he General Secretary of the anarchosyndicalist CNT. Abelló points aout at the same time . the relationship between these new social habits and the cultural avantgardes of the moment -either literary, pictoria or artistic in general.
El present número de la revista Temps d'Educació conté el text de les ponències presentades al Congrés Europeu sobre Tecnologia de la Informació a l'Educació: una visió crítica1 ¿ En aquest article es fa una introducció al contingut d'aquest exemplar de la revista, que consta de tres parts. En un primer moment es presenten els antecedents i el context que va portar a l'organització d'aquest acte i a continuació s'expliquen els aspectes més rellevants del seu desenvolupament en la practica per acabar amb algunes de les reflexions i aportacions que podrien considerar-se més significatives.
Mating systems, that is, whether organisms give rise to progeny by selfing, inbreeding or outcrossing, strongly affect important ecological and evolutionary processes. Large variations in mating systems exist in fungi, allowing the study of their origin and consequences. In fungi, sexual incompatibility is determined by molecular recognition mechanisms, controlled by a single mating-type locus in most unifactorial fungi. In Basidiomycete fungi, however, which include rusts, smuts and mushrooms, a system has evolved in which incompatibility is controlled by two unlinked loci. This bifactorial system probably evolved from a unifactorial system. Multiple independent transitions back to a unifactorial system occurred. It is still unclear what force drove evolution and maintenance of these contrasting inheritance patterns that determine mating compatibility. Here, we give an overview of the evolutionary factors that might have driven the evolution of bifactoriality from a unifactorial system and the transitions back to unifactoriality. Bifactoriality most likely evolved for selfing avoidance. Subsequently, multiallelism at mating-type loci evolved through negative frequency-dependent selection by increasing the chance to find a compatible mate. Unifactoriality then evolved back in some species, possibly because either selfing was favoured or for increasing the chance to find a compatible mate in species with few alleles. Owing to the existence of closely related unifactorial and bifactorial species and the increasing knowledge of the genetic systems of the different mechanisms, Basidiomycetes provide an excellent model for studying the different forces that shape breeding systems.
Aquest article descriu una experiència duta a terme des de l'any 1999 fins el 2001 per un grup de treball subvencionat per l'Institut de Ciències de l'Educació de la Universitat de Barcelona. L'experiència es centra en l'aplicaicó i evaluació participativa en cinc instituts de la provincia de Barcelona, d'un programa d'activitats titulat "Construïm Europa? La dimensió Europea en la ESO". En l'article s'exposen les bases teòriques i metodològiques que fonamenten aquesta experiència així com el procés seguit i els resultats obtinguts al llarg d'aquests tres anys de feina en equip.
Este trabajo estudia de qué modo el Descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo contribuyó no sólo a la descomposición del Viejo Mundo, sino, más aún, a la desaparición del"mundo" o"cosmos" mismo, entendido como un todo definido y ordenado jerárquicamente según valores trascendentes. ABSTRACT: This paper studies how the Discovery of the New World contributed not only to the decomposition of the Old World, but moreover to the disappearance of the"world" or"cosmos" itself, understood as a whole defined and ordered hierarchically according to trascendent values