982 resultados para Tuomela, Raimo: Cooperation
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Includes bibliography
Includes Bibliography
Includes bibliography
El informe describe las actividades desarrolladas bajo el Programa de Intercambio y Cooperacion CELADE-Canada II (CCII) durante el periodo enero-marzo de 1989, en sus tres componentes: a) cooperacion tecnica, ensenanza e investigacion, centradas en encuestas demograficas nacionales, encuestas de migracion interna, uso y generacion de informacion en poblacion, estudios integrados sobre poblacion y desarrollo, cursos nacionales sobre la integracion de las variables demograficas en la planificacion, programas de estudios demograficos, cursos sobre tecnicas de analisis demografico, talleres, seminarios y publicaciones; b) intercambio, incluyendo el apoyo a estudiantes latinoamericanos en universidades canadienses, contratacion de personal canadiense y profesores visitantes; c) apoyo a programas, a traves de personal tecnico, servicios de computacion, materiales y equipos.
Prólogo de Alicia Bárcena (CEPAL) y Dorothee Fiedler (BMZ)
In terms of content, this article follows along the same lines as bulletin fal no. 167, although it reviews exclusively developments in the area of trade facilitation within the asia-pacific economic cooperation forum (apec). thus, the information contained in bulletin 167 has been updated and expanded. more analytical elements have also been incorporated.
This edition of the FAL Bulletin analyses the activities performed by ECLAC and the Mesoamerica Project related to issues linked to infrastructure services, particularly with regards to the physical integration, facilitation and operation of multimodal services in Central America.
The similarities of competition provisions in integration and other intraregional agreements and the dissemination of this information could serve as a basis for progress in cooperation and convergence on this issue in the region. The negotiation processes that have taken place for these agreements have also enhanced communication between the national agencies concerned, leading to processes of learning and harmonization; these processes could be strengthened as part of the current efforts of administrating and implementing trade agreements. This edition of the FAL Bulletin reviews the information available in order to see how progress can be made on this issue on the basis of the analysis and bibliography of Álvarez and others (2006), and Silva and Álvarez (2006).