911 resultados para Tropical wetland


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Biological systems are complex dynamical systems whose relationships with environment have strong implications on their regulation and survival. From the interactions between plant and environment can emerge a quite complex network of plant responses rarely observed through classical analytical approaches. The objective of this current study was to test the hypothesis that photosynthetic responses of different tree species to increasing irradiance are related to changes in network connectances of gas exchange and photochemical apparatus, and alterations in plant autonomy in relation to the environment. The heat dissipative capacity through daily changes in leaf temperature was also evaluated. It indicated that the early successional species (Citharexylum myrianthum Cham. and Rhamnidium elaeocarpum Reiss.) were more efficient as dissipative structures than the late successional one (Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze), suggesting that the parameter deltaT (T ºCair - T ºCleaf) could be a simple tool in order to help the classification of successional classes of tropical trees. Our results indicated a pattern of network responses and autonomy changes under high irradiance. Considering the maintenance of daily CO2 assimilation, the tolerant species (C. myrianthum and R. elaeocarpum) to high irradiance trended to maintain stable the level of gas exchange network connectance and to increase the autonomy in relation to the environment. On the other hand, the late successional species (C. legalis) trended to lose autonomy, decreasing the network connectance of gas exchange. All species showed lower autonomy and higher network connectance of the photochemical apparatus under high irradiance.


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This study evaluated the photosynthetic responses of seven tropical trees of different successional groups under contrasting irradiance conditions, taking into account changes in gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence. Although early successional species have shown higher values of CO2 assimilation (A) and transpiration (E), there was not a defined pattern of the daily gas exchange responses to high irradiance (FSL) among evaluated species. Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze (late secondary) and Astronium graveolens Jacq. (early secondary) exhibited larger reductions in daily-integrated CO2 assimilation (DIA) when transferred from medium light (ML) to FSL. On the other hand, the pioneer species Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. had significant DIA increase when exposed to FSL. The pioneers Croton spp. trended to show a DIA decrease around 19%, while Cytharexyllum myrianthum Cham. (pioneer) and Rhamnidium elaeocarpum Reiss. (early secondary) trended to increase DIA when transferred to FSL. Under this condition, all species showed dynamic photoinhibition, except for C. legalis that presented chronic photoinhibition of photosynthesis. Considering daily photosynthetic processes, our results supported the hypothesis of more flexible responses of early successional species (pioneer and early secondary species). The principal component analysis indicated that the photochemical parameters effective quantum efficiency of photosystem II and apparent electron transport rate were more suitable to separate the successional groups under ML condition, whereas A and E play a major role to this task under FSL condition.


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The succession dynamics of a macroalgal community in a tropical stream (20º58' S and 49º25' W) was investigated after disturbance by a sequence of intensive rains. High precipitation levels caused almost complete loss of the macroalgal community attached to the substratum and provided a strong pressure against its immediate re-establishment. After this disturbance, a weekly sampling program from May 1999 to January 2000 was established to investigate macroalgal recolonization. The community changed greatly throughout the succession process. The number of species varied from one to seven per sampling. Global abundance of macroalgal community did not reveal a consistent temporal pattern of variation. In early succession stages, the morphological form of tufts dominated, followed by unbranched filaments. Latter succession stages showed the almost exclusive occurrence of gelatinous forms, including filaments and colonies. The succession trajectory was mediated by phosphorus availability in which community composition followed a scheme of changes in growth forms. However, we believe that deterministic and stochastic processes occur in lotic ecosystems, but they are dependent on the length of time considered in the succession analyses.


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The dynamics of the tree community and 30 tree populations were examined in an area of tropical semideciduous forest located on the margin of the Rio Grande, SE Brazil, based on surveys done in 1990 and 1997 in three 0.18 ha plots. The main purpose was to assess whether variations in dynamics were related to topography and the effects of a catastrophic flood in 1992. Rates of mortality and recruitment of trees and gain and loss of basal area in two topographic sites, lower (flooded) and upper (non-flooded), were obtained. Projected trajectories of mean and accelerated growth in diameter were obtained for each species. In both topographic sites, mortality rates surpassed recruitment rates, gain rates of basal area surpassed loss rates, and size distributions changed, with declining proportions of smaller trees. These overall changes were possibly related to increased underground water supply after the 1992 flood as well as to a c. 250-year-old process of primary succession on abandoned gold mines. Possible effects of the 1992 flood showed up in the higher proportions of dead trees in the flooded sites and faster growth rates in the flood-free sites. Species of different regeneration guilds showed particular trends with respect to their demographic changes and diameter growth patterns. Nevertheless, patterns of population dynamics differed between topographic sites for only two species.


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Moss diversity at various sites in the Tropical Atlantic Rainforest of southeastern Brazil is high, with 338 taxa distributed among 49 families and 129 genera. Comparisons of species richness in the Tropical Atlantic Rainforest in southeastern Brazil suggest that the moss flora is not uniform, and that lowland, montane, submontane, and upper montane Atlantic rainforests have very different moss floras. Montane Atlantic Rainforest has the largest number of exclusive species and the highest species richness, Sub-Montane Atlantic Rainforest has intermediate species richness, while the Lowland Atlantic Rainforest has fewer species. The high diversity of the Montane Atlantic Rainforest could be explained by the diversity of climatic, edaphic, and physiographic changes of the vegetation. Sematophyllaceae accounted for 19% of the taxa in lowland forest, Meteoriaceae for 10% of the taxa in montane forests, and Dicranaceae for 18% of the taxa in upper montane forests. Taxa with broad Neotropical distributions (40% of the total taxa) are important elements in all the forests, while taxa restricted to Brazil comprise the second most important element in upper montane and montane forests.


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Gracilaria cornea J. Agardh is an important agarophyte occurring in the western Atlantic Ocean. Green colour individuals of G. cornea were found in a natural population, growing next to red individuals, which were more common. Due to the importance of colour strains in genetic and intraspecific variability studies, this work aimed to characterize the red and green strains evaluating different nutritional and light conditions. Red and green gametophytes were cultivated at 14:10 light: dark cycle, with alternating aeration periods of 30 min. Two different enriched solutions were tested: von Stosch (VSS) at concentrations reduced to 12.5% and 25%; and Provasoli (PES) at concentrations reduced to 25% and 50%, and 100%. Red and green gametophytes were cultivated at the irradiance of 45 mumol photons m-2 s-1. In another experiment utilizing PES 100%, two sources of light (Osram 40 W daylight fluorescent tubes and Sylvania Designer 3,500 tubes) were tested at irradiances of 90 and 180 mumol photons m-2 s-1. Growth rates (GR) were evaluated for five weeks. Gametophytes developed few branches and reproductive structures were not induced. Differences were not observed between GR of red and green strains in the conditions tested. GR were higher in VSS 12.5% (8.4% day-1) than in 25% (7.1% day-1), suggesting an adaptation of the species to low nutrient concentrations. GR were higher at 180 (9.0% day-1) than at 90 mumol photons m-2 s-1 (6.3% day-1). These results suggest that G. cornea should be cultivated in laboratory at high irradiances and low nutrient concentrations. These data will be useful in future genetic and physiological studies of the species.


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O trabalho visou avaliar a influência da escala temporal (sucessional e sazonal) sobre a biomassa, diversidade e estrutura específica da comunidade de algas perifíticas em reservatório oligotrófico tropical. A sucessão foi acompanhada em períodos seco e chuvoso com amostragens regulares a cada três dias, durante 27 dias, incluindo 16 variáveis abióticas e atributos do perifíton sobre substrato artificial. A clorofila-a foi baixa e similar entre períodos, porém com maiores perdas na época chuvosa. A diversidade foi elevada (3,4 a 4,5 bits ind-1) e relativamente estável entre períodos e durante a sucessão. As clorofíceas foram a classe mais abundante em quase toda sucessão, com destaque para Chlamydomonas planctogloea Skuja que contribuiu em média com 23% (seca) e 37% (chuva) da densidade total. A análise integrada entre as espécies e os fatores ambientais mostrou que a principal fonte de variabilidade ocorreu em função do período climático. Oocystis lacustris Chodat e Gymnodinium sp. apresentaram estreita associação com o período seco e aos menores valores de temperatura, amônio e maiores de pH, oxigênio dissolvido e fósforo total. Ao período chuvoso associaram-se Frustulia rhomboides (Ehr.) de Toni var. rhomboides e Cosmarium majae Strom correlacionadas de forma inversa às variáveis ambientais citadas. A estrutura do perifíton foi primordialmente controlada pela escala climática, sendo que os processos autogênicos sucessionais tiveram papel secundário. As associações de espécies de algas e o processo de acumulação de biomassa foram os atributos mais sensíveis a esta variação. Tais resultados contribuem para o escasso conhecimento sobre a estruturação do perifíton de reservatórios oligotróficos, servindo de referência para avaliação de sistemas tropicais alterados pela eutrofização.


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Three sampling sites were analysed in each of the following tropical regions: 1) northwestern São Paulo State, representing a disturbed region; 2) Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul State, representing a hard water region; and 3) Ubatuba, northern costal region of São Paulo State, a well preserved tropical rainforest region. The hard water region had the highest mean values for macroalgal species richness (6.3) and diversity index (H' = 0.62). Northwest and rainforest regions had the highest percent cover values (22.5% and 17.0%, respectively). All sites in the northwest region had one or two dominant species (percent cover significantly higher than the remaining species), characterizing the niche pre-emption distribution pattern. The same pattern was found in two sites of the Atlantic rainforest. The hard water region had dominance of one species in two out of the three sites, but differently from the northwest region, niche overlap values were lower, evidencing a patch distribution. Competition for space was one of the main factors to explain spatial distribution. Overall, sites characterized by niche pre-emption had lower species richness, higher values for niche width and overlap, dominance index and percent cover of dominant species. In contrast, sites characterized by patch distribution had higher species richness and lower values for niche overlap and width, dominance index and percent cover.


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Studies of plant community dynamics are essential in understanding the demographic patterns of species since changes in demographic rates can affect the floristic composition and future structure. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the changes in the community structure and floristic composition of woody plants in a tropical semi-deciduous forest in Uberlândia in central Brazil, during a 10-years period. The data were collected in 1989 and in 2000 in 50 quadrats (10 m x 10 m) where all trees with a minimum circumference at breast height of 10 cm were sampled. In 1989, 93 species and 1103 individuals were registered. Over a period of 10 years, seven new species were added to the community, although eight disappeared. The main change that occurred during this period in the floristic composition was the replacement of savannah species occurring in forest gaps by those from the forest understory.


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In this study we evaluated photosynthetic characteristics and patterns of biomass accumulation in seedlings of two tree species from a Semideciduous Tropical Forest of Brazil. Seedlings of Trema micrantha (L.) Blum. (pioneer) and Hymenaea courbaril (L.) var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Lee & Langenh. (climax) were grown for 4 months under low light (LL) (5%-8% of sunlight) and high light (HL) (100% of sunlight). Under HL, T. micrantha showed higher CO2 assimilation rates (A CO2) and light saturation than H. courbaril. Under LL, A CO2 were higher in H. courbaril. Under LL, total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents per unit leaf area were higher in H. courbaril. Chlorophyll a/b ratio was higher in T. micrantha under both light regimes. A CO2 and Fv/Fm ratio at both pre-dawn and midday in H. coubaril were lower in HL indicating chronic photoinhibition. Thus, the climax species was more susceptible to photoinhibition than the pioneer. However, H. courbaril produced higher total biomass under both treatments showing high efficiency in the maintenance of a positive carbon balance. Thus, both species expressed characteristics that favor growth under conditions that resemble their natural microenvironments, but H. courbaril also grew under HL. The ecophysiological range of responses to contrasting light levels of this climax plant seems to be broader than generally observed for other rainforest climax species. We propose that this could be related to the particular spatio-temporal light regime of the semideciduous forests.


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Inselbergs are isolated rock outcrops that rise abruptly above the surrounding plains. Granitic and gneissic inselbergs are geologically and geomorphologically old and occur throughout a broad spectrum of climatic zones. They form microclimatically and edaphically dry growth sites that support a highly specialized vegetation. Based on physiognomic criteria a number of habitat types can be distinguished that are widespread on inselbergs (e.g. ephemeral flush vegetation, monocotyledonous mats, rock pools). Three hot spots of global inselberg plant diversity can be identified which are both rich in species and endemics: a) southeastern Brazil, b) Madagascar and c) southwestern Australia.


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Dense molecular genetic maps are used for an efficient quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and in the marker-assisted selection programs. A dense genetic map was generated with 139 microsatellite markers using 256 F2 plants generated by the crossing of two tropical maize inbred lines (L-02-03D and L-20-01F). This map presented 1,858.61 cM in length, where 10 linkage groups were found spanned, with an average interval of 13.47 cM between adjacent markers. Seventy seven percent of the maize genetic mapping bins were covered, which means an increase of 14% coverage in relation to the previous tropical maize maps. The results provide a more detailed and informative genetic map in a tropical maize population representing the first step to make possible the studies of genetic architecture to identify and map QTL and estimate their effects on the variation of quantitative traits, thus allowing the manipulation and use in tropical maize breeding programs.


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Substrato difusor de nutrientes (SDN) foi utilizado para determinar o efeito da adição de fósforo sobre o desenvolvimento do perifíton em uma represa rasa (Lago do IAG, PEFI, São Paulo). Três tratamentos (n = 2) foram delineados: controle (sem adição de fósforo) e dois com adição de fósforo (P1 = 0,1 M e P2 = 0,5 M KH2PO4). A superfície dos SDN foi revestida com malha de 20 µm para crescimento do perifíton. Coletas foram realizadas nos 15º, 20º, 25º e 30º dias de colonização. A acumulação de biomassa (massa orgânica, clorofila-a, biovolume total de algas) e de densidade total de algas não forneceu resposta significativa ao enriquecimento. Seis espécies de clorofíceas e uma de diatomáceas associaram-se à disponibilidade de fósforo. O estado nutricional do perifíton (%P, %N, N:P) demonstrou a limitação pelo fósforo, bem como reforçou a capacidade da comunidade na retenção do fósforo. Os atributos do perifíton foram mais sensíveis ao enriquecimento pelo fósforo, do que aos níveis de adição, indicando que a comunidade passou a ser limitada pelo nitrogênio. A comparação com dados anteriores indicou aumento temporal (1996-2002) da disponibilidade de fósforo na represa, embora ainda prevalecendo condição P-limitante. O perifíton, por meio de seu estado nutricional e estrutura de espécies, foi sensível às alterações temporais de disponibilidade de fósforo e ao enriquecimento experimental, reforçando seu potencial como ferramenta avaliadora de sinais precoces de eutrofização.


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The algae inhabit a wide variety of terrestrial environments and substrates; however the taxonomic knowledge for tropical regions is still scarce. This survey was conducted in ten forest remnants in São Paulo State where visible growths of algae and bryophytes were collected and studied for the main algal components of the communities. Results reveal the occurrence of nine species of green algae, distributed through the class Trebouxiophyceae (one species), Charophyceae (one species) and Ulvophyceae (seven species). Desmococcus olivaceus (Persoon ex Archerson) J. R. Laundon and Printzina effusa (Krempelhüber) Thompson & Wujek are new records for Brazil. The most frequent organisms found in the areas pertain to Trentepohliales that is mainly represented by Trentepohlia species. On the basis of results found, it is recommended that such communities receive more attention in future investigations to improve the knowledge about this important group of primary producers.


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Tropical high altitude grasslands present several species with both microphyllous and highly sclerophyllous leaves, and co-occur in specific soil patches, thus exposed to identical environments. In this article we describe herbivory among co-occurring microphyllous species in a tropical high altitude grassland ecosystem of Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais state, and we tested the effect of variable anatomic traits on leaf herbivory patterns. Leaf anatomical traits were investigated for Baccharis imbricata Heering , Lavoisiera imbricata DC. and L. subulata Triana (focal species). Herbivory was measured from branches and leaves of individual plants and compared among co-occurring species within one multispecific shrub patch and among L. subulata individuals from this patch and an adjacent monospecific patch. For all present plant species and individuals we estimated the proportion of leaves with different levels of area lost. For the focal species, six leaves were sorted and taken for histological sectioning, in order to allow precise measures of defensive structures. Relative mean leaf area lost differed significantly among the six species found in the multispecific patch. Lavoisiera subulata individuals were more attacked in the multispecific than in the monospecific patch. Leaf margin protection traits in both B. imbricata and L. imbricata showed significant effect against herbivory. Data suggest that some anatomic traits have direct effect against herbivory but their effect are not clearly perceptible among branches within individual plants or among plants within the same species.