764 resultados para Treliças (Construção civil)
Natal is a medium-sized coastal city (800.000 inhabitants), capital of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, in the Northeast of Brazil. According to statistics published by the IBGE (2000), the area of Natal that stretches from Redinha to Lagoa Azul holds about 12% of the municipal population. Part of this area is bordered by a watercourse, the Rio Doce, which has been afflicted by a range of socio-environmental problems over the years. This study was carried out with the aims of 1) identifying the socio-environmental processes related to urban expansion, with an emphasis on those causing environmental degradation in this region; b) analysing the perception of the target population in relation to the environment it occupies; and c) determining the socioeconomic profile of the local residents and the sanitary facilities available to them. A survey was carried out by conducting interviews and completing questionnaires with the residents to assess the situation both qualitatively and quantitatively in the communities of Caiana, Pajussara Sítio, Gramoré Povoado and Gramoré Sítio, as well as by conducting bibliographical and documentary research. It was discovered that the sanitary conditions of the riverside dwellers are precarious and only 1% of the houses in the suburbs mentioned are connected to the public sewers. It was established that the Rio Doce is intensively exploited through the extraction of sand for the building trade, irrigation of riverside vegetable plots and use of the water for bathing, washing of clothes and leisure. It was also found that about 40% of the population resident in this area has migrated from the rural zone, which is one of the factors rendering it difficult for them to adapt to the urban setting. Such information can be of use to the authorities in the environmental planning of these districts and their sustainable development
This dissertation focuses on rock thermal conductivity and its correlations with petrographic, textural, and geochemical aspects, especially in granite rocks. It aims at demonstrating the relations of these variables in an attempt to enlighten the behavior of thermal effect on rocks. Results can be useful for several applications, such as understanding and conferring regional thermal flow results, predicting the behavior of thermal effect on rocks based upon macroscopic evaluation (texture and mineralogy), in the building construction field in order to provide more precise information on data refinement on thermal properties emphasizing a rocky material thermal conductivity, and especially in the dimension stone industry in order to open a discussion on the use of these variables as a new technological parameter directly related to thermal comfort. Thermal conductivity data were obtained by using Anter Corporation s QuicklineTM -30 a thermal property measuring equipment. Measurements were conducted at temperatures ranging between 25 to 38 OC in samples with 2cm in length and an area of at least 6cm of diameter. As to petrography data, results demonstrated good correlations with quartz and mafics. Linear correlation between mineralogy and thermal conductivity revealed a positive relation of a quartz percentage increase in relation to a thermal conductivity increase and its decrease with mafic minerals increase. As to feldspates (K-feldspate and plagioclase) they show dispersion. Quartz relation gets more evident when compared to sample sets with >20% and <20%. Sets with more than 20% quartz (sienogranites, monzogranites, granodiorites, etc.), exhibit to a great extent conductivity values which vary from 2,5 W/mK and the set with less than 20% (sienites, monzonites, gabbros, diorites, etc.) have an average thermal conductivity below 2,5 W/mK. As to textures it has been verified that rocks considered thick/porphyry demonstrated in general better correlations when compared to rocks considered thin/medium. In the case of quartz, thick rocks/porphyry showed greater correlation factors when compared to the thin/medium ones. As to feldspates (K-feldspate and plagioclase) again there was dispersion. As to mafics, both thick/porphyry and thin/medium showed negative correlations with correlation factor smaller than those obtained in relation to the quartz. As to rocks related to the Streckeisen s QAP diagram (1976), they tend to fall from alcali-feldspates granites to tonalites, and from sienites to gabbros, diorites, etc. Thermal conductivity data correlation with geochemistry confirmed to a great extent mineralogy results. It has been seen that correlation is linear if there is any. Such behavior could be seen especially with the SiO2. In this case similar correlation can be observed with the quartz, that is, thermal conductivity increases as SiO2 is incremented. Another aspect observed is that basic to intermediate rocks presented values always below 2,5 W/mK, a similar behavior to that observed in rocks with quartz <20%. Acid rocks presented values above 2,5 W/mK, a similar behavior to that observed in rocks with quartz >20% (granites). For all the other cases, correlation factors are always low and present opposite behavior to Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, and TiO2. As to Al2O3, K2O, and Na2O results are not conclusive and are statistically disperse. Thermal property knowledge especially thermal conductivity and its application in the building construction field appeared to be very satisfactory for it involves both technological and thermal comfort aspects, which favored in all cases fast, cheap, and precise results. The relation between thermal conductivity and linear thermal dilatation have also shown satisfactory results especially when it comes to the quartz role as a common, determining phase between the two variables. Thermal conductivity studies together with rocky material density can function as an additional tool for choosing materials when considering structural calculation aspects and thermal comfort, for in the dimension stone case there is a small density variation in relation to a thermal conductivity considerable variation
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The broach presented in this dissertation, linked to post graduate Geography´s of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, more exactly about the research group entitled interdisciplinary studies unit on space and housing built . The research developed through this study has this central theme on vertical grounding of the construction in the neighborhood of ponta negra in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Realizing this momentum as a way of accumulation of capital in city. Rio Grande do Norte´s city. During the 2000 s , the neighborhood of Ponta Negra went through an intense process of vertical integration of its ground, Provided by many factor of conditions created from new economic, political and social functions which start to be outlined mainly from the tourism development in this neighborhood since the 80´s decade. The Tourism development and the landing planning of the ponta negra´s neighborhood promoted for the government by using order to police the city´s urbanization, beyond the sense of the civilian building actors. They enabled this neighborhood to become propitious to the real estate investments. Many ventures were built before the year of 2010 while another are on building, which, over the years, changed the sociospatyal dinamics of the neighborhood. Considering the urban space is socially built, product and condition for the reproductive process of the capitalist society, the goal of this research is to investigate the verticalization of the ground, for capital reproduction purposes. This research aims to analyze the vertical this quarter through the theory of social production of space by Henri Lefebvre. The Methodology adopted pervades for secondary and primary research, compound for bibliographic research, documentary, journal, magazines, camp research and interview, to reach the best way to analyse the dynamics of the refered neighborhood
Hymenolobium petraeum Ducke é uma espécie arbórea pertencente à família Leguminosae conhecida popularmente por angelim-pedra. Apresenta alto valor comercial, com madeira muito utilizada na construção civil e marcenaria. Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever morfologicamente o fruto, a semente e as plântulas, assim como, determinar as temperaturas cardeais para a germinação de sementes de angelim-pedra. Foram determinados o comprimento, a largura e a massa fresca de frutos e sementes. Para os testes de germinação foram utilizadas três repetições de 50 sementes, colocadas em placas de Petri e mantidas em germinadores nas temperaturas de 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40°C e fotoperíodo de 12 horas. Os frutos são legumes-samaróides, indeiscentes, oblongos e unicarpelares. As sementes são de coloração castanho-escura, oblongas, estenospérmicas, exalbuminosas e com plúmula inconspícua. A raiz primária é branca e pubescente na região próxima ao colo; a parte aérea das plântulas possui pilosidade branca, protófilos compostos imparipinados e com inserção oposta, epicótilo verde, ereto, cilíndrico e piloso e os metáfilos imparipinados e com inserção alterna-espiralada. A germinação é semi-hipógea criptocotiledonar. Para de sementes de angelim-pedra as temperaturas máximas de germinação estão acima de 35°C e a mínima abaixo de 15°C, enquanto a faixa de temperatura ótima para germinação está entre 25 e 35°C.
Paleogene sediments of this region represent a significant source of water for urban, industrial and agricultural activities. This basin is part of the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Rift, which occupies a large portion of this geographical area. This study aims to present the evolution of the natural Paleogene landscape, through an analysis of its stratigraphic intcrops and underground portions based on the concept of facies and facies associations. A total of nine clastic and separate lithofacies were recognized and grouped into two main facies associations. These data suggest the existence of two depositional interdigitated systems: fluvial braided fans, which were predominant in parts of the northern and central area, and another composed of lacustrine sediments found in its central-south region. The paleogeography herein outlined will help considerably in the detection of new areas for mineral and water resources prospection, as well as in urban planning projects of this region.
For many years the silicified sandstone associated of the Botucatu Formation has been the target of interest to researchers and miners, either for understanding the genesis of silicification or for your use as dimension stone and covering on the building industry. If in the first there are several articles available in the geological literature the second there are only technical data marketing available. In the northeast portion of the Paraná State and southwest of the São Paulo State these rocks are mined and traded as covering stones. Not much is known about their intrinsic characteristics and technological properties. To improve the knowledge of the technological behavior of these materials, samples from a quarry from Ribeirao Claro region were petrographically and physically characterized according to the standards established by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards to dimension stones. Therefore, two bulk samples of silicified sandstone of the Ribeirão Claro/PR region were studied and characterized following the norms established by Brazilian Association of Technical Standards for dimension stones. The results obtained in the petrographical and technological studies are presented and indicated that, in general, the technological performance presented by sandstone studied induces limitations of use as covering materials, mainly horizontally as pavements, door stone and step ladder.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)