505 resultados para Treasure Salvage


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This study entitled «Classical Arabic proverbs: analysis, comparative study and equivalence in Spanish», aims on one hand, to display the multiple problems we face when translating proverbs between Arabic and Spanish, and on the other hand, offers an updated check up of the proverbs uses as well as an analysis of the equivalence between proverbs. It was an arduous task looking for reference works which were of interest to our research both in Arabic and Spanish. We consulted many references but if we were to cite the most important ones, we would talk about works such as Magma alamtal by al-Maydani, which constituted the base we relied on in the analytical part of our work. Also of interest was Hayatu Al-Hayauani l-al-Kubra, from ad-Dummayri and his other work Mungid al-lugati w al-a'lam; as well as Ğamharat al-amtal by Abū Hilāl Al-‘Askarī and Ğamharat al-amtal al-baġdadiyya by‘Abd ar-Rahman Tikritī. As for the references in Spanish, we relied on Martinez Kleiseŕs Ideological General Spanish Proverbs; as well as 1001 Spanish sayings and their correspondence in eight languages from Julia Seville Muñoz and Ortiz de Urbina; also, Introduction to the study of fixed expressions by Julio Casares; Vocabulary of proverbs and proverbial phrases (1627-2000) by G. Correas; Dictionnary of sayings by Campos and Barella; the famous The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes; the work of Sebastián Orozco de Covarrubias Treasure of Castilian Spanish; as well as Sayings and Proverbs in Romance from Hernán Núñez; or Over 21,000 Castilian Sayings not contained in the Large Collection of the Master Gonzalo Correas by Rodriguez Marín. Our work covered two main levels: a descriptive empirical area that included a historical approach with a definition of the different terms related to the proverbs used in our study. The other level is analytical which, besides holding our personal stamp, has been executed through a rigorous study of the three major aspects of our research: analysis, translation and equivalence of the proverb. We started by making a brief description of the empirical part we have divided into several sections, each devoted to the study of one particular aspect...


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The aim os this study is to evaluate and compare the utility of 18F-fluorocholine (18F-CH) PET/CT versus 3-Tesla multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) without endorectal coil to detect tumor recurrences in patients with biochemical relapse following radical prostatectomy (RP). Secondarily, to identify possible prognostic variables associated with mpMRI and 18F-CH PET/CT findings. Retrospective study of 38 patients who developed biochemical recurrence after RP between the years 2011 and 2015 at our institution. PET/CT and mpMRI were both performed within 30 days of each other in all patients. The PET/CT was reviewed by a nuclear medicine specialist while the mpMRI was assessed by a radiologist, both of whom were blinded to outcomes. The median prostate-specific antigen (PSA) value pre-MRI/PET-CT was 0.9 ng/mL (interquartile range 0.4–2.2 ng/mL). There were no differences in the detection rate between 18F-CH PET/CT and mpMRI for local recurrence (LR), lymph node recurrence (LNR) and bone metastases (BM). Separately, mpMRI and 18F-CH PET/CT were positive for recurrence in 55.2% and 52.6% of cases, respectively, and in 65.7% of cases when findings from both modalities were considered together. The detection of LR was better with combined mpMRI and choline PET/CT versus choline PET/CT alone (34.2% vs 18.4%, p = 0.04). Salvage treatment was modified in 22 patients (57.8%) based on the imaging findings. PSA values on the day of biochemical failure were significantly associated with mpMRI positivity (adjusted odds ratio (OR): 30.9; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.5–635.8). Gleason score > 7 was significantly associated with PET/CT positivity (OR: 13.9; 95% CI: 1.5–125.6). A significant association was found between PSA doubling time (PSADT) (OR: 1.3; 95% CI: 1.0–1.7), T stage (OR: 21.1; 95% CI: 1.6–272.1), and LR. Multiparametric MRI and 18F-CH PET/CT yield similar detection rates for LR, LNR and pelvic BM. The combination of both imaging techniques provides a better LR detection versus choline PET/CT alone. The initially planned salvage treatment was modified in 57.8% of patients due to imaging findings. In addition to PSA values, Gleason score, T stage, and PSADT may provide valuable data to identify those patients that are most likely to benefit from undergoing both imaging procedures.


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Antecedentes: El trasplante renal es la mejor alternativa terapéutica para la enfermedad renal crónica terminal. Los medicamentos inmunosupresores previenen el rechazo. El rechazo mediado por anticuerpos es frecuente y disminuye la función y duración del injerto. Objetivo: Evaluar sistemáticamente la evidencia disponible relacionada con la eficacia y seguridad del tratamiento para el rechazo mediado por anticuerpos en pacientes trasplantados renales. Metodologia: Revisión sistemática en bases de datos MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus y Biblioteca virtual de la salud. Literatura gris google scholar, google academico, www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu, and https://clinicaltrials.gov/. Búsqueda manual referencias artículos pre-seleccionados así como de revisiones previamente publicadas. Se siguieron las recomendacioes guia PRISMA para la identificacion de artículos potenciales, tamizaje y selección teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusion. Extracción datos de acuerdo a las variables, revisión calidad de los artículos elegidos utilizando evaluación riesgo de segos de Cochrane. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 9 ensayos clínicos publicados entre 1980 y 2016, incluyeron 222 pacientes (113 brazo de intervención y 109 en el control), seguimiento promedio 16 meses. Intervenciones evaluadas plasmaféresis, inmunoadsorción y rituximab. Hubo una amplia heterogeneidad en la definición de criterios de inclusión, criterios diagnósticos de rechazo y medidas de evaluación de eficacia de las intervenciones. Tres estudios encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos de tratamiento. Conclusiones: La evidencia sobre la eficacia de los tratamientos del rechazo mediado por anticuerpos en injertos renales es de baja calidad. Son necesarios ensayos clínicos controlados para poder definir el tratamiento óptimo de estos pacientes.


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The present trail aimed to study the effect of crossbreeding between Alentejano (AL) and Bísaro (BI) swine breeds (“Ribatejano pig”) on some reproductive and productive traits. Nine AL gilts and sows and six BI gilts were crossed with BI and AL boars, respectively. Mating and farrowing dates, prolificacy and litter size at 28d were registered for all sows. The pregnancy length of AL sows was shorter (111±0.4d vs 113.7±0.5d; p=0.002) than the observed on BI females. The BI gilts presented higher prolificacy rate than AL on both total born (11.0±1.0 vs 6.7±0.8; P=0.004) and born alive piglets (10.0±1.0 vs 6.7±0.8; p=0.026). The mortality rate was similar in both genotypes (p=0.255) being on average 12%, therefore at 28d after farrowing the litter size remained higher in BI sows (8.5±0.8 vs 6.1±0.6; p= 0.032). A subset of each genotype (4 gilts) was supervised during farrowing and lactation (until 28d) and piglets were weighed at birth, 24h and 28d of live. Farrowing length was not significantly different (p=0.253) between genotypes, averaging 97±22 min. When compared to ALBI (AL x BI) piglets, the BIAL (BI x AL) piglets were heavier at birth (1402±46g vs 1209±36g; p=0.002). Colostrum intake of piglets per kg of birth weight on the first 24h of life was similar between genotypes (p=0.735) being 289±15g for ALBI and 281±19g for BIAL piglets. The growth rate of piglets from birth to 28d and piglet weight at 28d was not different between genotypes (p=0.161 and p=0.091) averaging 195±6g and 6761±181g, respectively. Litter weight at 28d tended (P=0.06) to be higher on ALBI litters (56.6±4.0kg) than BIAL litters (43.2±4.0kg). This results obtained within the frame of Treasure project* are, at our knowledge, the first data of these crossbred piglets and could be used in future as reference for further studies and also for farmers that may try these cross on a commercial basis.


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Objective The objective of this study was to develop a clinical nomogram to predict gallium-68 prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography/computed tomography (68Ga-PSMA-11-PET/CT) positivity in different clinical settings of PSA failure. Materials and methods Seven hundred three (n = 703) prostate cancer (PCa) patients with confirmed PSA failure after radical therapy were enrolled. Patients were stratified according to different clinical settings (first-time biochemical recurrence [BCR]: group 1; BCR after salvage therapy: group 2; biochemical persistence after radical prostatectomy [BCP]: group 3; advanced stage PCa before second-line systemic therapies: group 4). First, we assessed 68Ga-PSMA-11-PET/CT positivity rate. Second, multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to determine predictors of positive scan. Third, regression-based coefficients were used to develop a nomogram predicting positive 68Ga-PSMA-11-PET/CT result and 200 bootstrap resamples were used for internal validation. Fourth, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to identify the most informative nomogram’s derived cut-off. Decision curve analysis (DCA) was implemented to quantify nomogram’s clinical benefit. Results 68Ga-PSMA-11-PET/CT overall positivity rate was 51.2%, while it was 40.3% in group 1, 54% in group 2, 60.5% in group 3, and 86.9% in group 4 (p < 0.001). At multivariable analyses, ISUP grade, PSA, PSA doubling time, and clinical setting were independent predictors of a positive scan (all p ≤ 0.04). A nomogram based on covariates included in the multivariate model demonstrated a bootstrap-corrected accuracy of 82%. The nomogram-derived best cut-off value was 40%. In DCA, the nomogram revealed clinical net benefit of > 10%. Conclusions This novel nomogram proved its good accuracy in predicting a positive scan, with values ≥ 40% providing the most informative cut-off in counselling patients to 68Ga-PSMA-11-PET/CT. This tool might be important as a guide to clinicians in the best use of PSMA-based PET imaging.


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Expandable prostheses are becoming increasingly popular in the reconstruction of children with bone sarcomas of the lower limb. Since the introduction of effective chemotherapy in the treatment of these pathologies, in the 70s, there has been need for new limb salvage techniques. In children, limb salvage of the lower limbs is particularly challenging, not in the last place, because of the loss of growth potential. Therefore, expandable prostheses have been developed. However, the first experiences with these implants were not very successful. High complication rates and unpredictable outcomes raised major concerns on this innovative type of reconstruction. The rarity of the indication is one of the main reasons why there has been a relatively slow learning curve and implant development regarding this type of prosthesis. This PhD thesis, gives an overview of the introduction, the development, the current standards, and the future perspectives of expandable prostheses for the reconstruction of the distal femur in children.


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Alpha-particle emitters, notably used in 224Ra-DaRT, have emerged as effective in overcoming radiation resistance and providing targeted cancer therapy. These emitters cause DNA double-strand breaks, visualizable in human lymphocytes. The 224Ra DaRT technique, using a decay chain from seeds, extends alpha particle range, achieving complete tumor destruction while sparing healthy tissue. This thesis examines a biokinetic model, validated with patient data, and a feasibility study on skin squamous cell carcinomas are discussed. The study reports 75% tumor complete response rate and 48% patients experiencing acute grade 2 toxicity, resolving within a month. An observed abscopal effect (AE), where tumor regression occurs at non-irradiated sites, is examined, highlighting DaRT's potential in triggering anti-tumor immune responses. This effect, coupled with DaRT's high-linear energy transfer (LET), suggests its superiority over low-LET radiation in certain clinical scenarios. Improvements to DaRT, including the use of an external radio-opaque template for treatment planning, are explored. This advancement aids in determining source numbers for optimal tumor coverage, enhancing DaRT’s safety. The thesis outlines a typical DaRT procedure, from tumor measurements to source assessment and administration, emphasizing the importance of precise seed positioning. Furthermore, the thesis discusses DaRT's potential in treating prostate cancer, a prevalent global health issue, by offering an alternative to traditional salvage therapies. DaRT seeds, delivering alpha particle-based interstitial radiation, require precision in seed insertion due to their limited tissue range. In conclusion, the thesis advocates for DaRT's role in treating solid tumors, emphasizing its improved radiobiological potency and potential benefits over beta and gamma source-based therapies. Ongoing studies are assessing DaRT's feasibility in treating various solid tumors, including pancreatic, breast, prostate, and vulvar malignancies, suggesting a promising future in cancer treatment.


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Questo studio si concentra sull'ischemia critica cronica dell'arto inferiore (CLTI), una patologia globale con gravi complicanze e impatto sociale elevato. Recentemente, la "Medial Artery Calcification" (MAC) è emersa come fattore prognostico significativo nei pazienti con CLTI e malattia grave dei vasi del piede, ma le informazioni sono principalmente retrospettive. Questa tesi esplora la relazione tra MAC e CLTI in tre sezioni. Nella sezione clinica, 248 pazienti sono stati divisi in gruppi MAC per valutare l'impatto prospettico sulla guarigione e sul salvataggio dell'arto. Nella sezione isto-patologica, campioni arteriosi di 26 pazienti sottoposti ad amputazione maggiore sono stati analizzati per comprendere la relazione tra MAC, aterosclerosi e occlusione vascolare. Nella sezione di arterializzazione, 16 pazienti sottoposti all'arterializzazione delle vene del piede (AVP) sono stati esaminati per valutare i risultati clinici prospettici. I risultati della sezione clinica indicano che la presenza di MAC severa è associata a risultati clinici peggiori nei pazienti affetti da CLTI. L'analisi isto-patologica mostra una prevalenza elevata di MAC rispetto all'aterosclerosi, con una associazione importante tra MAC e iperplasia intimale. L'AVP presenta risultati promettenti nei pazienti affetti da CLTI. In conclusione, la MAC influisce sui risultati clinici della CLTI, e l'AVP potrebbe essere una strategia efficace di trattamento.


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In the last few years, the introduction of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy into clinical practice has revolutionized the approach to patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL), whose outcome used to be dismal with median overall survival (OS) of approximately 6 months with standard salvage therapy. At our Institute, we started treating diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients with CAR T-cell products in August 2019 and they received either axicabtagene ciloleucel (axi-cel) and tisagenlecleucel (tisa-cel) as per regulatory indications. This research project presents the 2-year follow-up of the first 53 treated patients. Our first aim is to investigate the feasibility of this treatment strategy in a real-world setting, although the reimbursement criteria set by the Italian Medicines Agency (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco, AIFA) are very similar to the inclusion criteria of clinical trials and stricter than those established by the regulatory authorities of many foreign countries. One month after infusion, the ORR was 66% with 19 patients already in CR (38%). Restaging at 3, 6 and 12 months post-infusion shows that early CRs tend to be maintained over time and, moreover, that a considerable number of PRs and a few SDs can improve into a CR. The safety data were consistent with what is reported in the literature; toxicity was generally manageable, largely due to the increasing expertise in handling the specific adverse events related to CAR T-cell therapy. Our results confirms that CAR T-cell therapy is both safe and effective in a real-life setting and that it represents a crucial weapon in a subset of patients who were previously doomed to an inevitably severe prognosis.