922 resultados para Transfer coping
These study analysed gender specificity in coping behaviours by taking into account the types of problem faced by Spanish adolescents attending school. It was focused on the ten problems most frequently reported by participants (828 adolescents, 355 boys, and 473 girls; Mage = 14.07, SD = 1.34), which were classified using a multi-axial classification system. Coping was examined as a two separate measures of approach and avoidance coping, and as a combined measure indicating the predominant use of coping, and total coping effort. A MANCOVA and subsequent univariate tests were conducted to analyse the specificity of coping according to problem and gender, controlled by age. The results showed that the percentage of types of problems reported by adolescents differed according to gender. The influence of gender on coping was scarcely relevant when the type of problem was controlled for. There were no gender differences when the predominant type of coping was considered, but when a total coping effort measure was analysed girls showed more coping efforts than boys to face interpersonal relationship problems and personal illness. Keywords: adolescence, coping, gender differences, stressors.
This study analyses the types of coping strategies used by internationally adopted children, and explores the relation between these strategies and personal strengths and difficulties. The Kidcope checklist (Spirito, Stark, & Williams, 1998) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ; Goodman, 1997) were administered to a sample of 35 Spanish adoptees (25.7% boys and 74.3% girls, aged 8-12 years) and their parents. Self-reported problems were categorised and their relation with coping strategies and psychological adjustment was explored. Results indicated that adopted children report problems of interpersonal nature. The content of the problems mainly refers to relationships and health, illness, or accidents. Parents reported that children were generally well-adjusted and they had no problems outside the normal range. International adoptees used mainly control-oriented coping strategies. Escape-oriented coping was linked to parents' ratings of total difficulties, with self-criticism accounting for the highest percentage of the variance.
Technical developments have made it possible to analyze very low amounts of DNA. This has many advantages, but the drawback of this technological progress is that interpretation of the results becomes increasingly complex: the number of mixed DNA profiles increased relatively to single source DNA profiles and stochastic effects in the DNA profile, such as drop-in and drop-out, are more frequently observed. Moreover, the relevance of low template DNA material regarding the activities alleged is not as straightforward as it was a few years ago, when for example large quantities of blood were recovered. The possibility of secondary and tertiary transfer is now becoming an issue. The purpose of this research is twofold: first, to study the transfer of DNA from the handler and secondly, to observe if handlers would transfer DNA from persons closely connected to them. We chose to mimic cases where the offender would attack a person with a knife. As a first approach, we envisaged that the defense would not give an alternative explanation for the origin of the DNA. In our transfer experiments (4 donors, 16 experiments each, 64 traces), 3% of the traces were single DNA profiles. Most of the time, the DNA profile of the person handling the knife was present as the major profile: in 83% of the traces the major contributor profile corresponded to the stabber's DNA profile (in single stains and mixtures). Mixture with no clear major/minor fraction (12%) were observed. 5% of the traces were considered of insufficient quality (more than 3 contributors, presence of a few minor peaks). In that case, we considered that the stabber's DNA was absent. In our experiments, no traces allowed excluding the stabber, however it must be noted that precautions were taken to minimize background DNA as knives were cleaned before the experiments. DNA profiles of the stabber's colleagues were not observed. We hope that this study will allow for a better understanding of the transfer mechanism and of how to assess and describe results given activity level propositions. In this preliminary research, we have focused on the transfer of DNA on the hand of the person. Besides, more research is needed to assign the probability of the results given an alternative activity proposed by the defense, for instance when the source of the DNA is not contested, but that the activities are.
Background: Studies have found higher levels of insecure attachment in individuals with schizophrenia. Attachment theory provides a framework necessary for conceptualizing the development of interpersonal functioning. Some aspects of the attachment of the believer to his/her spiritual figure are similar to those between the child and his/her parents. The correspondence hypothesis suggests that early child-parent interactions correspond to a person's relation to a spiritual figure. The compensation hypothesis suggests that an insecure attachment history would lead to a strong religiousness/spirituality as a compensation for the lack of felt security. The aim of this study is to explore attachment models in psychosis vs. healthy controls, the relationships between attachment and psychopathology and the attachment processes related to spiritual figures. Methods: Attachment models were measured in 30 patients with psychosis and 18 controls with the AAI (Adult Attachment interview) in relationship with psychopathology. Beliefs and practices related to a spiritual figure were investigated by qualitative and quantitative analyses. Results: Patients with psychosis showed a high prevalence of insecure avoidant attachment. Spiritual entities functioned like attachment figures in two thirds of cases. Interviews revealed the transformation of internal working models within relation to a spiritual figure: a compensation process was found in 7 of the 32 subjects who showed a significant attachment to a spiritual figure. Conclusions: Attachment theory allows us to highlight one of the underlying dimensions of spiritual coping in patients with psychosis.
In the philosophical literature, self-deception is mainly approached through the analysis of paradoxes. Yet, it is agreed that self-deception is motivated by protection from distress. In this paper, we argue, with the help of findings from cognitive neuroscience and psychology, that self-deception is a type of affective coping. First, we criticize the main solutions to the paradoxes of self-deception. We then present a new approach to self-deception. Self-deception, we argue, involves three appraisals of the distressing evidence: (a) appraisal of the strength of evidence as uncertain, (b) low coping potential and (c) negative anticipation along the lines of Damasio's somatic marker hypothesis. At the same time, desire impacts the treatment of flattering evidence via dopamine. Our main proposal is that self-deception involves emotional mechanisms provoking a preference for immediate reward despite possible long-term negative repercussions. In the last part, we use this emotional model to revisit the philosophical paradoxes.
The study aimed to identify different patterns of gambling activities (PGAs) and to investigate how PGAs differed in gambling problems, substance use outcomes, personality traits and coping strategies. A representative sample of 4989 young Swiss males completed a questionnaire assessing seven distinct gambling activities, gambling problems, substance use outcomes, personality traits and coping strategies. PGAs were identified using latent class analysis (LCA). Differences between PGAs in gambling and substance use outcomes, personality traits and coping strategies were tested. LCA identified six different PGAs. With regard to gambling and substance use outcomes, the three most problematic PGAs were extensive gamblers, followed by private gamblers, and electronic lottery and casino gamblers, respectively. By contrast, the three least detrimental PGAs were rare or non-gamblers, lottery only gamblers and casino gamblers. With regard to personality traits, compared with rare or non-gamblers, private and casino gamblers reported higher levels of sensation seeking. Electronic lottery and casino gamblers, private gamblers and extensive gamblers had higher levels of aggression-hostility. Extensive and casino gamblers reported higher levels of sociability, whereas casino gamblers reported lower levels of anxiety-neuroticism. Extensive gamblers used more maladaptive and less adaptive coping strategies than other groups. Results suggest that gambling is not a homogeneous activity since different types of gamblers exist according to the PGA they are engaged in. Extensive gamblers, electronic and casino gamblers and private gamblers may have the most problematic PGAs. Personality traits and coping skills may predispose individuals to PGAs associated with more or less negative outcomes.
Problématique. Le cancer digestif est une maladie qui s'accompagne de nombreux décès. L'annonce d'un tel diagnostic engendre une crise existentielle composée d'un sentiment de finitude de la vie. Des réactions psychosociales accompagnent cette mauvaise nouvelle. Un concept particulier appelé le transitoriness est omniprésent. La personne lutte pour continuer à vivre. Elle adopte des stratégies de coping pour s'ajuster aux difficultés imposées par ce sentiment de finitude de vie. But. Décrire le niveau de sentiment de finitude de vie et les stratégies de coping utilisées face à l'annonce du diagnostic d'un cancer digestif et explorer la présence d'associations entre les variables. Méthode. Cette étude descriptive corrélationnelle a été conduite auprès de 40 personnes hospitalisées pour une intervention chirurgicale, recrutées selon un échantillonnage de convenance. Le protocole de recherche a été avalisé par le comité cantonal d'éthique. Les données ont été recueillies par un formulaire de données sociodémographiques et de santé ainsi que deux instruments de mesure : le SEKT (Subjektive Einschätzung von Krankheitssituation und Todesnähe) a permis de mesurer le sentiment de finitude de vie et le JCS (Jalowiec Coping Scale) a été employé pour recueillir les stratégies de coping. Les deux instruments de mesure n'étant pas disponibles en français, une procédure de traduction et retraduction a été effectuée et avalisée par un comité d'expert. Des analyses descriptives et corrélationnelles ont été réalisées. Résultats. L'échantillon est composé majoritairement d'hommes (51%), âgés entre 56- 74 ans (52,5%), mariés (45%) et avec enfants âgés de plus de 20 ans (60%). Il apparaît une forte proportion de personnes d'une autre nationalité (40%) que la suisse et avec une formation obligatoire (40%). Le sentiment de finitude de vie est présent: 62% réalisent que le cancer représente une menace pour leur vie. Les préoccupations autour de la mort sont « quelquefois » présentes (32,5%). Les personnes se sentent « un peu » à « proche » de la mort et le score total de la proximité est de M = 3,37 (ĒT= 1,77 ; rang: 0-8). Le style de coping privilégié est l'optimisme (M = 2,10), puis l'indépendance (M = 1,95) et l'affrontement de la situation (M =1,80). Aucune relation entre le sentiment de finitude de vie et le score total de coping n'apparaît, si ce n'est une probabilité p< 0,08 entre le sentiment de finitude de vie et les styles de coping expression des émotions et indépendance. La relation entre le sentiment de finitude de vie et la variable sociodémographique la nationalité présente une probabilité marginale (p= 0,058). Certains facteurs sociodémographiques influencent l'utilisation des différentes stratégies de coping : affrontement de la situation (p= 0,0007), coping palliatif (p= 0,0449) et niveau de formation; optimisme et genre (p= 0,0424) ; expression des émotions et âge (p= 0,045); indépendance et nationalité (p= 0,0319); soutien social et nombre d'enfants (p= 0,0016). Conclusion. Les professionnels de la santé doivent être sensibilisés aux spécificités du transitoriness et aux facteurs influençant l'utilisation de stratégies de coping efficaces afin de détecter les personnes vulnérables et de cibler leurs interventions de soins pour diminuer le risque de détresse et son impact sur la qualité de vie du patient.
Problématique. Les proches aidants jouent un rôle primordial de soutien auprès des personnes atteintes de schizophrénie. La symptomatologie et les perturbations du fonctionnement psychosocial des personnes atteintes de cette maladie peuvent entraîner un fardeau extrêmement élevé pour leur entourage. Les approches psycho-éducatives sont reconnues pour favoriser des stratégies de coping ayant comme impact d'atténuer la détresse des proches aidants et d'améliorer les relations interpersonnelles entre le proche aidant et la personne souffrant de schizophrénie. Buts: décrire et explorer les stratégies de coping chez les proches aidants de personnes atteintes de schizophrénie. Méthode: cette étude descriptive exploratoire a été menée auprès de 45 proches aidants, recrutés selon un échantillonnage de convenance. Ils ont rempli deux auto-questionnaires : (a) le questionnaire sociodémographique et (b) le Family Coping Questionnaire. Des statistiques descriptives de distributions et des analyses corrélationnelles bivariées ont été effectuées. Résultats: les résultats montrent que les stratégies de coping centrées sur le problème et les stratégies de coping centrées sur le maintien social sont plus utilisées que celles appartenant au coping centré sur l'émotion. Cependant, les stratégies de coping centré sur l'émotion sont encore souvent utilisées. Conclusion: malgré les limites de cette étude liées à la taille de l'échantillon, les résultats sont compatibles avec les études antérieures. Il semble important de poursuivre des recherches dans ce domaine pour mieux comprendre les associations entre les représentations de la maladie et les stratégies de coping. Il semble aussi crucial de développer, auprès des proches aidants, les interventions qui leur permettent une meilleure gestion des émotions.
The possibility of printing two-dimensional micropatterns of biomolecule solutions is of great interest in many fields of research in biomedicine, from cell-growth and development studies to the investigation of the mechanisms of communication between cells. Although laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) has been extensively used to print micrometric droplets of biological solutions, the fabrication of complex patterns depends on the feasibility of the technique to print micron-sized lines of aqueous solutions. In this study we investigate such a possibility through the analysis of the influence of droplet spacing of a water and glycerol solution on the morphology of the features printed by LIFT. We prove that it is indeed possible to print long and uniform continuous lines by controlling the overlap between adjacent droplets. We show how, depending on droplet spacing, several printed morphologies are generated, and we offer, in addition, a simple explanation of the observed behavior based on the jetting dynamics characteristic of the LIFT of liquids.
Better models are needed for radiative heat transfer in boiler furnaces. If the process is known better, combustion in the furnace can be optimized to produce low emissions. It makes the process to be environmental friendly. Furthermore, if there is a better model of the furnace it can more fully explain what is happening inside the furnace. Using of the model one can quickly and easily analyze how it operates with bio fuels, moist fuels or difficult fuels and improve the operation. Models helps with better estimation of furnace dimensions and result in more accurate understanding of operation. Key component lacking in these models is radiative heat transfer in particle laden gases. If there are no particles than radiative heat transfer can be calculated approximately. There are two problems with current models when used with flow modeling. The first one is a need to account for a particle laden gas and the second one is an absence of a fast algorithm. Fast calculation is needed if radiative heat transfer calculation is done for a large CDF model. Computations slow down if time is required for calculating radiative properties over and over again. This thesis presents a band model for radiative heat transfer in boiler furnaces. Advantage is a quickness of calculation and account of particles in the process.
The importance of the regional level in research has risen in the last few decades and a vast literature in the fields of, for instance, evolutionary and institutional economics, network theories, innovations and learning systems, as well as sociology, has focused on regional level questions. Recently the policy makers and regional actors have also began to pay increasing attention to the knowledge economy and its needs, in general, and the connectivity and support structures of regional clusters in particular. Nowadays knowledge is generally considered as the most important source of competitive advantage, but even the most specialised forms of knowledge are becoming a short-lived resource for example due to the accelerating pace of technological change. This emphasizes the need of foresight activities in national, regional and organizational levels and the integration of foresight and innovation activities. In regional setting this development sets great challenges especially in those regions having no university and thus usually very limited resources for research activities. Also the research problem of this dissertation is related to the need to better incorporate the information produced by foresight process to facilitate and to be used in regional practice-based innovation processes. This dissertation is a constructive case study the case being Lahti region and a network facilitating innovation policy adopted in that region. Dissertation consists of a summary and five articles and during the research process a construct or a conceptual model for solving this real life problem has been developed. It is also being implemented as part of the network facilitating innovation policy in the Lahti region.
This thesis gathers knowledge about ongoing high-temperature reactor projects around the world. Methods for calculating coolant flow and heat transfer inside a pebble-bed reactor core are also developed. The thesis begins with the introduction of high-temperature reactors including the current state of the technology. Process heat applications that could use the heat from a high-temperature reactor are also introduced. A suitable reactor design with data available in literature is selected for the calculation part of the thesis. Commercial computational fluid dynamics software Fluent is used for the calculations. The pebble-bed is approximated as a packed-bed, which causes sink terms to the momentum equations of the gas flowing through it. A position dependent value is used for the packing fraction. Two different models are used to calculate heat transfer. First a local thermal equilibrium is assumed between the gas and solid phases and a single energy equation is used. In the second approach, separate energy equations are used for the phases. Information about steady state flow behavior, pressure loss, and temperature distribution in the core is obtained as results of the calculations. The effect of inlet mass flow rate to pressure loss is also investigated. Data found in literature and the results correspond each other quite well, considered the amount of simplifications in the calculations. The models developed in this thesis can be used to solve coolant flow and heat transfer in a pebble-bed reactor, although additional development and model validation is needed for better accuracy and reliability.
This dissertation is based on four articles dealing with modeling of ozonation. The literature part of this considers some models for hydrodynamics in bubble column simulation. A literature review of methods for obtaining mass transfer coefficients is presented. The methods presented to obtain mass transfer are general models and can be applied to any gas-liquid system. Ozonation reaction models and methods for obtaining stoichiometric coefficients and reaction rate coefficients for ozonation reactions are discussed in the final section of the literature part. In the first article, ozone gas-liquid mass transfer into water in a bubble column was investigated for different pH values. A more general method for estimation of mass transfer and Henry’s coefficient was developed from the Beltrán method. The ozone volumetric mass transfer coefficient and the Henry’s coefficient were determined simultaneously by parameter estimation using a nonlinear optimization method. A minor dependence of the Henry’s law constant on pH was detected at the pH range 4 - 9. In the second article, a new method using the axial dispersion model for estimation of ozone self-decomposition kinetics in a semi-batch bubble column reactor was developed. The reaction rate coefficients for literature equations of ozone decomposition and the gas phase dispersion coefficient were estimated and compared with the literature data. The reaction order in the pH range 7-10 with respect to ozone 1.12 and 0.51 the hydroxyl ion were obtained, which is in good agreement with literature. The model parameters were determined by parameter estimation using a nonlinear optimization method. Sensitivity analysis was conducted using object function method to obtain information about the reliability and identifiability of the estimated parameters. In the third article, the reaction rate coefficients and the stoichiometric coefficients in the reaction of ozone with the model component p-nitrophenol were estimated at low pH of water using nonlinear optimization. A novel method for estimation of multireaction model parameters in ozonation was developed. In this method the concentration of unknown intermediate compounds is presented as a residual COD (chemical oxygen demand) calculated from the measured COD and the theoretical COD for the known species. The decomposition rate of p-nitrophenol on the pathway producing hydroquinone was found to be about two times faster than the p-nitrophenol decomposition rate on the pathway producing 4- nitrocatechol. In the fourth article, the reaction kinetics of p-nitrophenol ozonation was studied in a bubble column at pH 2. Using the new reaction kinetic model presented in the previous article, the reaction kinetic parameters, rate coefficients, and stoichiometric coefficients as well as the mass transfer coefficient were estimated with nonlinear estimation. The decomposition rate of pnitrophenol was found to be equal both on the pathway producing hydroquinone and on the path way producing 4-nitrocathecol. Comparison of the rate coefficients with the case at initial pH 5 indicates that the p-nitrophenol degradation producing 4- nitrocathecol is more selective towards molecular ozone than the reaction producing hydroquinone. The identifiability and reliability of the estimated parameters were analyzed with the Marcov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. @All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.
Drug transporting membrane proteins are expressed in various human tissues and blood-tissue barriers, regulating the transfer of drugs, toxins and endogenous compounds into or out of the cells. Various in vitro and animal experiments suggest that P-glycoprotein (P-gp) forms a functional barrier between maternal and fetal blood circulation in the placenta thereby protecting the fetus from exposure to xenobiotics during pregnancy. The multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (MRP1) is a relatively less studied transporter protein in the human placenta. The aim of this study series was to study the role of placental transporters, apical P-gp and basal MRP1, using saquinavir as a probe drug, and to study transfer of quetiapine and the role of P-gp in its transfer in the dually perfused human placenta/cotyledon. Furthermore, two ABCB1 (encoding P-gp) polymorphisms (c.3435C>T, p.Ile1145Ile and c.2677G>T/A, p.Ala893Ser/Thr) were studied to determine their impact on P-gp protein expression level and on the transfer of the study drugs. Also, the influence of the P-gp protein expression level on the transfer of the study drugs was addressed. Because P-gp and MRP1 are ATP-dependent drug-efflux pumps, it was studied whether exogenous ATP is needed for the function of ATP-dependent transporter in the present experimental model. The present results indicated that the addition of exogenous ATP was not necessary for transporter function in the perfused human placental cotyledon. Saquinavir and quetiapine were both found to cross the human placenta; transplacental transfer (TPTAUC %) for saquinavir was <0.5% and for quetiapine 3.7%. Pharmacologic blocking of P-gp led to disruption of the blood-placental barrier (BPB) and increased the placental transfer of P-gp substrate, saquinavir, into the fetal circulation by 6- to 8-fold. In reversed perfusions P-gp, MRP1 and possibly OATP2B1 had a negligible role in the fetal-to-maternal transfer of saquinavir. The TPTAUC % of saquinavir was about 100-fold greater from the fetal side to the maternal side compared with the maternal-to-fetal transfer. P-gp activity is not likely to modify the placental transfer of quetiapine. Higher P-gp protein expression levels were associated with the variant allele 3435T, but no correlation was found between the TPTAUC % of saquinavir and placental P-gp protein expression. The present results indicate that P-gp activity drastically affects the fetal exposure to saquinavir, and suggest that pharmacological blockade of the P-gp activity during pregnancy may pose an increased risk for adverse fetal outcome. The blockade of P-gp activity could be used in purpose to obtain higher drug concentration to the fetal side, for example, in prevention (to decrease virus transfer to fetal side) or in treating sick fetus.
A rapid, expedient and enantioselective method for the synthesis of beta-hydroxy amines and monosubstituted aziridines in up to 99% e.e., via asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of a-amino ketones and cyclisation through treatment with tosyl chloride and base, is described. (1R,2R)-N-(para-toluenesulfonyl)-1,2-ethylenediamine with formic acid has been utilised as a ligand for the Ruthenium (II) catalysed enantioselective transfer hydrogenation of the ketones.The chiral 2-methyl aziridine, which is a potentially more efficient bonding agent for Rocket Solid Propellant has been successfully achieved.