953 resultados para Threshing machines


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Second order matrix equations arise in the description of real dynamical systems. Traditional modal control approaches utilise the eigenvectors of the undamped system to diagonalise the system matrices. A regrettable consequence of this approach is the discarding of residual o-diagonal terms in the modal damping matrix. This has particular importance for systems containing skew-symmetry in the damping matrix which is entirely discarded in the modal damping matrix. In this paper a method to utilise modal control using the decoupled second order matrix equations involving nonclassical damping is proposed. An example of modal control sucessfully applied to a rotating system is presented in which the system damping matrix contains skew-symmetric components.


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In the context of active control of rotating machines, standard optimal controller methods enable a trade-off to be made between (weighted) mean-square vibrations and (weighted) mean-square currents injected into magnetic bearings. One shortcoming of such controllers is that no concern is devoted to the voltages required. In practice, the voltage available imposes a strict limitation on the maximum possible rate of change of control force (force slew rate). This paper removes the aforementioned existing shortcomings of traditional optimal control.


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Second order matrix equations arise in the description of real dynamical systems. Traditional modal control approaches utilise the eigenvectors of the undamped system to diagonalise the system matrices. A regrettable consequence of this approach is the discarding of residual off-diagonal terms in the modal damping matrix. This has particular importance for systems containing skew-symmetry in the damping matrix which is entirely discarded in the modal damping matrix. In this paper a method to utilise modal control using the decoupled second order matrix equations involving non-classical damping is proposed. An example of modal control successfully applied to a rotating system is presented in which the system damping matrix contains skew-symmetric components.


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Accurate forecasting of wind power generation is quite an important as well as challenging task for the system operators and market participants due to its high uncertainty. It is essential to quantify uncertainties associated with wind power generation forecasts for their efficient application in optimal management of wind farms and integration into power systems. Prediction intervals (PIs) are well known statistical tools which are used to quantify the uncertainty related to forecasts by estimating the ranges of the future target variables. This paper investigates the application of a novel support vector machine based methodology to directly estimate the lower and upper bounds of the PIs without expensive computational burden and inaccurate assumptions about the distribution of the data. The efficiency of the method for uncertainty quantification is examined using monthly data from a wind farm in Australia. PIs for short term application are generated with a confidence level of 90%. Experimental results confirm the ability of the method in constructing reliable PIs without resorting to complex computational methods.


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Machines are increasingly becoming a substitute for human skills and intelligence in a number of fields where decisions that are crucial to group performance have to be taken under stringent constraints—for example, when an army contingent has to devise battlefield tactics or when a medical team has to diagnose and treat a life-threatening condition or illness. We hypothesize a scenario where similar machine-based intelligent technology is available to support, and even substitute human decision making in an organizational leadership context. We do not engage in any metaphysical debate on the plausibility of such a scenario. Rather, we contend that given what we observe in several other fields of human decision making, such a scenario may very well eventuate in the near future. We argue a number of “positives” that can be expected to emerge out of automated group and organizational leadership decision making. We also posit several anti-theses—“negatives” that can also potentially emerge from the hypothesized scenario and critically consider their implications. We aim to bring leadership and organization theorists, as well as researchers in machine intelligence, together at the discussion table for the first time and postulate that while leadership decision making in a group/organizational context could be effectively delegated to an artificial-intelligence (AI)-based decision system, this would need to be subject to the devising of crucial safeguarding conditions.


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Although the hyper-plane based One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM) and the hyper-spherical based Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) algorithms have been shown to be very effective in detecting outliers, their performance on noisy and unlabeled training data has not been widely studied. Moreover, only a few heuristic approaches have been proposed to set the different parameters of these methods in an unsupervised manner. In this paper, we propose two unsupervised methods for estimating the optimal parameter settings to train OCSVM and SVDD models, based on analysing the structure of the data. We show that our heuristic is substantially faster than existing parameter estimation approaches while its accuracy is comparable with supervised parameter learning methods, such as grid-search with crossvalidation on labeled data. In addition, our proposed approaches can be used to prepare a labeled data set for a OCSVM or a SVDD from unlabeled data.


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L'entraînement sans surveillance efficace et inférence dans les modèles génératifs profonds reste un problème difficile. Une approche assez simple, la machine de Helmholtz, consiste à entraîner du haut vers le bas un modèle génératif dirigé qui sera utilisé plus tard pour l'inférence approximative. Des résultats récents suggèrent que de meilleurs modèles génératifs peuvent être obtenus par de meilleures procédures d'inférence approximatives. Au lieu d'améliorer la procédure d'inférence, nous proposons ici un nouveau modèle, la machine de Helmholtz bidirectionnelle, qui garantit qu'on peut calculer efficacement les distributions de haut-vers-bas et de bas-vers-haut. Nous y parvenons en interprétant à les modèles haut-vers-bas et bas-vers-haut en tant que distributions d'inférence approximative, puis ensuite en définissant la distribution du modèle comme étant la moyenne géométrique de ces deux distributions. Nous dérivons une borne inférieure pour la vraisemblance de ce modèle, et nous démontrons que l'optimisation de cette borne se comporte en régulisateur. Ce régularisateur sera tel que la distance de Bhattacharyya sera minisée entre les distributions approximatives haut-vers-bas et bas-vers-haut. Cette approche produit des résultats de pointe en terme de modèles génératifs qui favorisent les réseaux significativement plus profonds. Elle permet aussi une inférence approximative amérliorée par plusieurs ordres de grandeur. De plus, nous introduisons un modèle génératif profond basé sur les modèles BiHM pour l'entraînement semi-supervisé.


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The current infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud systems, allow users to load their own virtual machines. However, most of these systems do not provide users with an automatic mechanism to load a network topology of virtual machines. In order to specify and implement the network topology, we use software switches and routers as network elements. Before running a group of virtual machines, the user needs to set up the system once to specify a network topology of virtual machines. Then, given the user’s request for running a specific topology, our system loads the appropriate virtual machines (VMs) and also runs separated VMs as software switches and routers. Furthermore, we have developed a manager that handles physical hardware failure situations. This system has been designed in order to allow users to use the system without knowing all the internal technical details.


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This thesis presents a system for visually analyzing the electromagnetic fields of the electrical machines in the energy conversion laboratory. The system basically utilizes the finite element method to achieve a real-time effect in the analysis of electrical machines during hands-on experimentation. The system developed is a tool to support the student's understanding of the electromagnetic field by calculating performance measures and operational concepts pertaining to the practical study of electrical machines. Energy conversion courses are fundamental in electrical engineering. The laboratory is conducted oriented to facilitate the practical application of the theory presented in class, enabling the student to use electromagnetic field solutions obtained numerically to calculate performance measures and operating characteristics. Laboratory experiments are utilized to help the students understand the electromagnetic concepts by the use of this visual and interactive analysis system. In this system, this understanding is accomplished while hands-on experimentation takes place in real-time.


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Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are widely used classifiers for detecting physiological patterns in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Their success is due to their versatility, robustness and large availability of free dedicated toolboxes. Frequently in the literature, insufficient details about the SVM implementation and/or parameters selection are reported, making it impossible to reproduce study analysis and results. In order to perform an optimized classification and report a proper description of the results, it is necessary to have a comprehensive critical overview of the application of SVM. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the usage of SVM in the determination of brain and muscle patterns for HCI, by focusing on electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) techniques. In particular, an overview of the basic principles of SVM theory is outlined, together with a description of several relevant literature implementations. Furthermore, details concerning reviewed papers are listed in tables, and statistics of SVM use in the literature are presented. Suitability of SVM for HCI is discussed and critical comparisons with other classifiers are reported.


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Non-intrusive monitoring of health state of induction machines within industrial process and harsh environments poses a technical challenge. In the field, winding failures are a major fault accounting for over 45% of total machine failures. In the literature, many condition monitoring techniques based on different failure mechanisms and fault indicators have been developed where the machine current signature analysis (MCSA) is a very popular and effective method at this stage. However, it is extremely difficult to distinguish different types of failures and hard to obtain local information if a non-intrusive method is adopted. Typically, some sensors need to be installed inside the machines for collecting key information, which leads to disruption to the machine operation and additional costs. This paper presents a new non-invasive monitoring method based on GMRs to measure stray flux leaked from the machines. It is focused on the influence of potential winding failures on the stray magnetic flux in induction machines. Finite element analysis and experimental tests on a 1.5-kW machine are presented to validate the proposed method. With time-frequency spectrogram analysis, it is proven to be effective to detect several winding faults by referencing stray flux information. The novelty lies in the implement of GMR sensing and analysis of machine faults.


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L'entraînement sans surveillance efficace et inférence dans les modèles génératifs profonds reste un problème difficile. Une approche assez simple, la machine de Helmholtz, consiste à entraîner du haut vers le bas un modèle génératif dirigé qui sera utilisé plus tard pour l'inférence approximative. Des résultats récents suggèrent que de meilleurs modèles génératifs peuvent être obtenus par de meilleures procédures d'inférence approximatives. Au lieu d'améliorer la procédure d'inférence, nous proposons ici un nouveau modèle, la machine de Helmholtz bidirectionnelle, qui garantit qu'on peut calculer efficacement les distributions de haut-vers-bas et de bas-vers-haut. Nous y parvenons en interprétant à les modèles haut-vers-bas et bas-vers-haut en tant que distributions d'inférence approximative, puis ensuite en définissant la distribution du modèle comme étant la moyenne géométrique de ces deux distributions. Nous dérivons une borne inférieure pour la vraisemblance de ce modèle, et nous démontrons que l'optimisation de cette borne se comporte en régulisateur. Ce régularisateur sera tel que la distance de Bhattacharyya sera minisée entre les distributions approximatives haut-vers-bas et bas-vers-haut. Cette approche produit des résultats de pointe en terme de modèles génératifs qui favorisent les réseaux significativement plus profonds. Elle permet aussi une inférence approximative amérliorée par plusieurs ordres de grandeur. De plus, nous introduisons un modèle génératif profond basé sur les modèles BiHM pour l'entraînement semi-supervisé.