957 resultados para Thomas Harris
Receipt from Watkins and Harris, Wholesale and Retail Ironmongers, Toronto, Ontario for iron, May 11, 1838.
Receipt from Thomas Handford, trunk maker, London, England for new cover to writing case with engraving, Aug. 27, 1847.
Letter to Henry Nelles from Michael Harris of the Perth Military Settlement (3 pages, handwritten). He is married to Mary Fanning, sister of Henry Nelles but is having marital troubles as he says he “may have to be on the lookout for another wife”. He thinks that his wife Mary may have departed for the United States, Apr. 6, 1821.
Letter to Henry Nelles from Michael Harris regarding estate problems (3 pages, handwritten with writing going in 2 directions on the last page), May 30, 1821.
Letter to Henry Nelles from H. Ridout, son of Thomas Ridout, surveyor general of Upper Canada requesting an affidavit for each location that was being presented to his father, Nov. 13, 1821.
Letter to Henry Nelles from [J.W.] Harris. The salutation is “My dear father” (2 ½ pages, handwritten). Much of the letter is illegible due to staining and moisture. There are also 2 holes in the paper. The letter seems to be about monetary matters, Oct. 27, 1824.
Letter to Messrs. Summer and Nelles of Grimsby from Thomas Street and Mr. Hamilton in which they state that W.S. Britton has purchased the Grimsby Mills that belonged to W. James Paterson, Jan. 17, 1848.
Letter to Robert Nelles from W. Harris who says that he has just heard of the death of one of his parishioners so he must go to see the family. Most of the letter concerns his carriage. This is accompanied by an envelope postmarked Brockville, Oct. 15, 1851.
Examination of Mr. Thomas Douglass of Brantford (1 double-sided page, handwritten). The pages are stained and contain some holes. This affects the text slightly, 1830.
Examination of Mr. Thomas Bingh (1 ½ pages, handwritten), 1830.
Questions to Thomas Pringle (2 pages, handwritten). These pages are stained and slightly torn. This affects a small portion of the text, 1830.
Marriage Bond between Thomas A. Allen of Grimsby and Sarah Bridgeman of Grimsby signed by Adam Duff of Grimsby and Palmer Bugbee [Buckbee] of Grimsby, Sept. 28, 1838.
Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Thomas Fraser of the Township of Edwardsburgh granted 1 acre in Lot no.9 in the County of Stormont. Signed by William Jarvis, Sir Isaac Brock, Prideaux Selby and John Macdonell. There are some holes in the document and there are small pieces missing on the right hand side. William Jarvis was the Provincial Secretary of the Lt. Governor of Upper Canada; Sir Isaac Brock. Jarvis was an officer in the Queen’s Rangers. He also served as Provincial Secretary of Upper Canada. A partial crown seal is attached, Mar. 26, 1812.
Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública con Especialidad en Nutrición Comunitaria) U.A.N.L.