Il carcinoma squamoso orale (CSO) è spesso preceduto da lesioni definite potenzialmente maligne tra cui la leucoplachia e il lichen ma una diagnosi precoce avviene ancora oggi in meno della metà dei casi. Inoltre spesso un paziente trattato per CSO svilupperà secondi tumori. Scopo del lavoro di ricerca è stato: 1) Studiare, mediante metodica di next generation sequencing, lo stato di metilazione di un gruppo di geni a partire da prelievi brushing del cavo orale al fine di identificare CSO o lesioni ad alto rischio di trasformazione maligna. 2) Valurare la relazione esistente tra sovraespressione di p16INK4A e presenza di HPV in 35 pazienti affetti da lichen 3) Valutare la presenza di marker istopatologici predittivi di comparsa di seconde manifestazioni tumorali 4) valutare la relazione clonale tra tumore primitivo e metastasi linfonodale in 8 pazienti mediante 2 metodiche di clonalità differenti: l’analisi di mtDNA e delle mutazioni del gene TP53. I risultati hanno mostrato: 1) i geni ZAP70 e GP1BB hanno presentato un alterato stato di metilazione rispettivamente nel 100% e nel 90,9% di CSO e lesioni ad alto rischio, mentre non sono risultati metilati nei controlli sani; ipotizzando un ruolo come potenziali marcatori per la diagnosi precoce nel CSO. 2)Una sovraespressione di p16INK4A è risultata in 26/35 pazienti affetti da lichen ma HPV-DNA è stato identificato in soli 4 campioni. Nessuna relazione sembra essere tra sovraespressione di p16INK4A e virus HPV. 3)L’invasione perineurale è risultato un marker predittivo della comparsa di recidiva locale e metastasi linfonodale, mentre lo stato dei margini chirurgici si è rilevato un fattore predittivo per la comparsa di secondi tumori primitivi 4) Un totale accordo nei risultati c’è stato tra analisi di mtDNA e analisi di TP53 e le due metodiche hanno identificato la presenza di 4 metastasi linfonodali non clonalmente correlate al tumore primitivo.
Il carcinoma a cellule basali (BCC) costituisce l'80 peercento dei tumori cutanei non-melanoma, rappresentando dunque il tumore maligno della cute più frequente nella popolazione generale. Tuttavia, non esistono ad oggi studi epidemiologici ampi ed approfonditi condotti su scala nazionale su questo tipo di neoplasia, poichè i tumori cutanei non-melanoma sono esclusi dal registro statistico dei tumori. A tale scopo presso la Dermatologia dell'Università di Bologna sono stati raccolti di tutti i casi di carcinoma basocellulare osservati dal 1 gennaio 1990 sino al 31 dicembre 2014, e sono stati rielaborati statisticamente. Il criterio di inclusione adottato è stato la positività per BCC all’esame istologico, sia in caso di biopsia semplice, sia in caso di asportazione radicale. Il progetto è stato svolto presso l’ambulatorio di chirurgia oncologica della nostra UO, così come il follow-up dei pazienti nei casi di recidività multiple o di comparsa di nuovi tumori cutanei. Ad oggi, tale neoplasia è risultata essere quella di più frequente osservazione nella Unità Operativa di Dermatologia dell’Università di Bologna. Non solo, la nostra casistica rimane quella più numerosa fino ad ora riportata in tutta Italia negli ultimi 24 anni.
Bei stammzelltransplantierten Patienten, die ein Rezidiv ihrer Leukämie erleiden, kann eine Donor-Lymphozyten-Infusion (DLI) dauerhafte vollständige Leukämieremissionen induzieren. T-Zellen in der DLI vermitteln sowohl den potentiell kurativen Graft-versus-Leukaemia (GVL) Effekt, als auch die potentiell lebensbedrohliche Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD). Hingegen könnte die Infusion von leukämiereaktiven T-Zellen einen selektiven GVL Effekt und einen Langzeitschutz vor Rezidiven durch eine spezifisch gegen die Leukämie gerichtete Immunantwort und Immunität vermitteln. Unsere Arbeitsgruppe hat Protokolle zur in vitro Generierung leukämiereaktiver T-Zellen entwickelt, die hohe zytotoxische Aktivität gegen akute myeloische Leukämie-Blasten (AML) bei minimaler Reaktion auf mögliche GVHD Zielstrukturen zeigen. Für die klinische Anwendung sind diese Protokolle jedoch zu aufwändig, wobei vor allem eine erhebliche Verkürzung der Kulturzeit auf wenige Wochen erforderlich ist. Diese Verkürzung der in vitro Kulturzeit könnte das Wachstum von T-Zellen vom central memory oder frühen effector memory Phänotyp fördern, für die eine bessere in vivo Effektorfunktion und längere Persistenz im Rezipienten verglichen mit T-Zellen aus Langzeitkultur gezeigt werden konnte. Der Aktivierungsmarker und Kostimulations-Rezeptor CD137 kann zur Erkennung und Isolation antigenspezifischer T-Zellen genutzt werden, ohne dass dafür das von den T-Zellen erkannte Peptidepitop bekannt sein muss. Eine CD137-vermittelte Anreicherung mit Hilfe von clinical grade Materialien könnte verwendet werden, um DLI-Produkte mit leukämiespezifischen T-Zellen herzustellen, die sich sowohl durch eine effizientere T-Zell Generierung durch in vitro Selektion und Kostimulation, als auch durch eine verbesserte Spezifität des T-Zell-Produkts auszeichnen. Lymphozyten-Leukämie Cokulturen (mixed lymphocyte leukaemia cultures) wurden mit CD8 T-Zellen gesunder Spender und HLA-identischen oder einzel-HLA-mismatch AML-Blasten angesetzt und wöchentlich restimuliert. Nach zwei Wochen wurden die T-Zellen 12 Stunden nach Restimulation über den Marker CD137 positiv isoliert und anschließend separat weiterkultiviert. Die isolierten Fraktionen und unseparierten Kontrollen wurden im ELISPOT-Assay und im Chrom-Freisetzungstest an Tag 5 nach der Restimulation getestet. Es wurden keine konsistent nachweisbaren Vorteile im Hinblick auf Wachstum und Funktion der isolierten CD137-positiv Fraktion im Vergleich zur unseparierten Kontrolle gefunden. Verschiedene Isolationsmethoden, Patient-Spender-Systeme, Methoden zur Restimulation, Temperaturbedingungen, Zytokinkombinationen und Methoden der Zytokinzugabe sowie zusätzliche Feeder-Zellen oder AML-Blasten konnten Wachstum, funktionelle Daten und die deutlichen Zellverluste während der Isolation nicht entscheidend beeinflussen. Vitalfärbungen zeigten, dass aktivierungsinduzierter Zelltod CD137-positiver Zellen zu diesen Ergebnissen beitragen könnte. Im Gegensatz zur Stimulation mit AML-Blasten wurden erfolgreiche CD137-Anreicherungen für peptidstimulierte T-Zellen publiziert. Unterschiedliche CD137-Expressionskinetiken, aktivierungsinduzierter Zelltod und regulatorische T-Zellen sind mögliche Faktoren aufgrund derer die CD137-Anreicherung in diesem spezifischen Kontext ungeeinet sein könnte. Der stimulatorische Effekt eines CD137-Signals auf AML-reaktive CD8 T-Zellen wurde mit Hilfe von CD3/CD28 und CD3/CD28/CD137 Antikörper-beschichteten magnetischen beads untersucht. Für Nierenzellkarzinom-reaktive T-Zellen war die Stimulation mit CD3/CD28/CD137 beads genauso effektiv wie mit Tumorzellen und effektiver als mit CD3/CD28 beads. Beide Arten von beads waren für eine Stimulation während der ersten Wochen der Zellkultur geeignet, sodass ein zusätzliches CD137-Signal für die länger anhaltende Expansion tumorreaktiver T-Zellen zur klinischen Anwendung nützlich sein könnte. Die bead-Expansion veränderte die IFN-Sekretion im ELISPOT nicht, aber verursachte eine mäßige Verschlechterung der Zytotoxizität im Chrom-Freisetzungstest. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten bei AML-reaktiven T-Zellen beide Arten von beads einen nicht apoptosevermittelten, dosisabhängigen zellschädigenden Effekt, der zu einer raschen Abnahme der Zellzahl in Kulturen mit beads führte. Unerwünschte Effekte auf die T-Zell-Funktionalität durch bead-Stimulation sind in der Literatur beschrieben, dennoch gibt es aktuell keine Veröffentlichungen, die eine fundierte Erklärung für den Effekt auf AML-reaktive T-Zellen bieten könnten. Abgesehen von Literaturdaten, die darauf hindeuten, dass CD137 ein vielversprechendes Kandidatenmolekül für die Anreicherung und Expansion von AML-reaktiven T-Zellen sein könnte, zeigen die eigenen Daten sowohl zur CD137-Isolation als auch zur bead-Stimulation, dass für diese spezielle Anwendung CD137 ein ungeeigneter Aktivierungsmarker und Kostimulations-Ligand ist.
PURPOSE: Tumor stage and nuclear grade are the most important prognostic parameters of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). The progression risk of ccRCC remains difficult to predict particularly for tumors with organ-confined stage and intermediate differentiation grade. Elucidating molecular pathways deregulated in ccRCC may point to novel prognostic parameters that facilitate planning of therapeutic approaches. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Using tissue microarrays, expression patterns of 15 different proteins were evaluated in over 800 ccRCC patients to analyze pathways reported to be physiologically controlled by the tumor suppressors von Hippel-Lindau protein and phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN). Tumor staging and grading were improved by performing variable selection using Cox regression and a recursive bootstrap elimination scheme. RESULTS: Patients with pT2 and pT3 tumors that were p27 and CAIX positive had a better outcome than those with all remaining marker combinations. A prolonged survival among patients with intermediate grade (grade 2) correlated with both nuclear p27 and cytoplasmic PTEN expression, as well as with inactive, nonphosphorylated ribosomal protein S6. By applying graphical log-linear modeling for over 700 ccRCC for which the molecular parameters were available, only a weak conditional dependence existed between the expression of p27, PTEN, CAIX, and p-S6, suggesting that the dysregulation of several independent pathways are crucial for tumor progression. CONCLUSIONS: The use of recursive bootstrap elimination, as well as graphical log-linear modeling for comprehensive tissue microarray (TMA) data analysis allows the unraveling of complex molecular contexts and may improve predictive evaluations for patients with advanced renal cancer.
Inhibitor of differentiation 1 (ID1) plays a role in cellular differentiation, proliferation, angiogenesis and tumor invasion. As shown recently, ID1 is positively regulated by the tyrosine kinase SRC in lung carcinoma cell lines and with that appears as a potential new therapeutic target in non-small cell carcinoma (NSCLC). To substantiate this hypothesis we examined ID1, SRC and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) immunohistochemically in human NSCLC specimens.
The membrane glycoprotein podoplanin is expressed by several types of human cancers and might be associated with their malignant progression. Its exact biological function and molecular targets are unclear, however. Here, we assessed the relevance of tumor cell expression of podoplanin in cancer metastasis to lymph nodes, using a human MCF7 breast carcinoma xenograft model. We found that podoplanin expression promoted tumor cell motility in vitro and, unexpectedly, increased tumor lymphangiogenesis and metastasis to regional lymph nodes in vivo, without promoting primary tumor growth. Importantly, high cancer cell expression levels of podoplanin correlated with lymph node metastasis and reduced survival times in a large cohort of 252 oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. Based on comparative transcriptional profiling of tumor xenografts, we identified endothelin-1, villin-1, and tenascin-C as potential mediators of podoplanin-induced tumor lymphangiogenesis and metastasis. These unexpected findings identify a novel mechanism of tumor lymphangiogenesis and metastasis induced by cancer cell expression of podoplanin, suggesting that reagents designed to interfere with podoplanin function might be developed as therapeutics for patients with advanced cancer.
PURPOSE: The cyclin D1 (CCND1) A870G gene polymorphism is linked to the outcome in patients with resectable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Here, we investigated the impact of this polymorphism on smoking-induced cancer risk and clinical outcome in patients with NSCLC stages I-IV. METHODS: CCND1 A870G genotype was determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP) of DNA extracted from blood. The study included 244 NSCLC patients and 187 healthy control subjects. RESULTS: Patient characteristics were: 70% male, 77% smokers, 43% adenocarcinoma, and 27% squamous cell carcinoma. Eighty-one percent of the patients had stages III-IV disease. Median age at diagnosis was 60 years and median survival was 13 months. Genotype frequencies of patients and controls both conformed to the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The GG genotype significantly correlated with a history of heavy smoking (>or=40 py, P=0.02), and patients with this genotype had a significantly higher cigarette consumption than patients with AA/AG genotypes (P=0.007). The GG genotype also significantly correlated with tumor response or stabilization after a platinum-based first-line chemotherapy (P=0.04). Survival analysis revealed no significant differences among the genotypes. CONCLUSION: Evidence was obtained that the CCND1 A870G gene polymorphism modulates smoking-induced lung cancer risk. Further studies are required to explore the underlying molecular mechanisms and to test the value of this gene polymorphism as a predictor for platinum-sensitivity in NSCLC patients.
BACKGROUND: This multicenter phase II study investigated the efficacy and feasibility of preoperative induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiation and surgery in patients with esophageal carcinoma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with locally advanced resectable squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma of the esophagus received induction chemotherapy with cisplatin 75 mg/m(2) and docetaxel (Taxotere) 75 mg/m(2) on days 1 and 22, followed by radiotherapy of 45 Gy (25 x 1.8 Gy) and concurrent chemotherapy comprising cisplatin 25 mg/m(2) and docetaxel 20 mg/m(2) weekly for 5 weeks, followed by surgery. RESULTS: Sixty-six patients were enrolled at eleven centers and 57 underwent surgery. R0 resection was achieved in 52 patients. Fifteen patients showed complete, 16 patients nearly complete and 26 patients poor pathological remission. Median overall survival was 36.5 months and median event-free survival was 22.8 months. Squamous cell carcinoma and good pathologically documented response were associated with longer survival. Eighty-two percent of all included patients completed neoadjuvant therapy and survived for 30 days after surgery. Dysphagia and mucositis grade 3/4 were infrequent (<9%) during chemoradiation. Five patients (9%) died due to surgical complications. CONCLUSIONS: This neoadjuvant, taxane-containing regimen was efficacious and feasible in patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer in a multicenter, community-based setting and represents a suitable backbone for further investigation.
Equine penile papillomas, in situ carcinomas, and invasive carcinomas are hypothesized to belong to a continuum of papillomavirus-induced diseases. The former ones clinically present as small grey papules, while the latter 2 lesions are more hyperplasic or alternatively ulcerated. To test the hypothesis that these lesions are papillomavirus-induced, samples of 24 horses with characteristic clinical and histologic findings of penile papillomas or in situ or invasive squamous cell carcinomas were collected. As controls, 11 horses with various lesions--namely, Balanoposthitis (6 cases), melanoma (3 cases), follicular cyst (1 case), and amyloidosis (1 case)--were included. DNA was extracted and polymerase chain reaction applied to amplify papillomavirus DNA. The respective primers were designed to amplify DNA of the recently discovered equine papillomavirus EcPV2. All tested papilloma and squamous cell carcinoma samples were found to contain DNA of either of 2 previously published EcPV2 variants. Among the other samples 6 of 11 were found to contain EcPV2 DNA. To further support the findings and to determine where the papillomavirus DNA was located within the lesions, an in situ hybridization for the detection of EcPV2 DNA was established. The samples tested by this technique were found to clearly contain papillomavirus nucleic acid concentrated in the nucleus of the koilocytes. The findings of this study support previous data and the hypothesis that papillomaviruses induce the described penile lesions in horses.
Introduction: Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is an uncommon, embryonic-type neoplasm, typically presenting as an abdominal mass in young men. A single case of DSRCT arising in the peripheral nervous system has been reported. Methods: The clinical course, imaging, electrophysiological, intraoperative, histopathological, molecular findings, and postoperative follow-up are reported. Results: A 43-year-old man presented with slowly progressive right brachial plexopathy. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an enlarged medial cord with heterogeneous contrast enhancement. Histology showed a "small round cell" neoplasm with a polyphenotypic immunoprofile, including epithelial and mesenchymal markers. A pathognomonic fusion of Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1 and Wilms tumor 1 genes (EWSR1/WT1) was present. Treatment involved gross total excision and local radiotherapy. Conclusion: Our findings confirm the occurrence of DSRCT as a primary peripheral nerve tumor. Despite its usually very aggressive clinical course, prolonged recurrence-free survival may be reached. Histomorphology and immunoprofile of DSRCT may lead to misdiagnosis as small cell carcinoma. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection of the uterine cervix is linked to the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. Preclinical in vitro and in vivo studies using HPV-containing human cervical carcinoma cell lines have shown that the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor, rapamycin, and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-tyrosine kinase inhibitor, erlotinib, can induce growth delay of xenografts. Activation of Akt and mTOR are also observed in cervical squamous cell carcinoma and, the expression of phosphorylated mTOR was reported to serve as a marker to predict response to chemotherapy and survival of cervical cancer patients. Therefore, we investigated: a) the expression level of EGFR in cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) versus non-neoplastic cervical squamous epithelium; b) the state of activation of the mTOR pathway in these same tissues; and c) any impact of these signal transduction molecules on cell cycle. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue microarray blocks containing 20 samples each of normal cervix, HSIL and invasive SCC, derived from a total of 60 cases of cervical biopsies and cervical conizations were examined. Immunohistochemistry was utilized to detect the following antigens: EGFR; mTOR pathway markers, phosphorylated (p)-mTOR (Ser2448) and p-p70S6K (Thr389); and cell cycle associated proteins, Ki-67 and S phase kinase-associated protein (Skp)2. Protein compartmentalization and expression were quantified in regard to proportion (0-100%) and intensity (0-3+). Mitotic index (MI) was also assessed. An expression index (EI) for pmTOR, p-p70S6K and EGFR, respectively was calculated by taking the product of intensity score and proportion of positively staining cells. We found that plasmalemmal EGFR expression was limited to the basal/parabasal cells (2-3+, EI = 67) in normal cervical epithelium (NL), but was diffusely positive in all HSIL (EI = 237) and SCC (EI 226). The pattern of cytoplasmic p-mTOR and nuclear p-p70S6K expression was similar to that of EGFR; all showed a significantly increased EI in HSIL/SCC versus NL (p<0.02). Nuclear translocation of p-mTOR was observed in all SCC lesions (EI = 202) and was significantly increased versus both HSIL (EI = 89) and NL (EI = 54) with p<0.015 and p<0.0001, respectively. Concomitant increases in MI and proportion of nuclear Ki-67 and Skp2 expression were noted in HSIL and SCC. In conclusion, morphoproteomic analysis reveals constitutive activation and overexpression of the mTOR pathway in HSIL and SCC as evidenced by: increased nuclear translocation of pmTOR and p-p70S6K, phosphorylated at putative sites of activation, Ser2448 and Thr389, respectively; correlative overexpression of the upstream signal transducer, EGFR, and increases in cell cycle correlates, Skp2 and mitotic indices. These results suggest that the mTOR pathway plays a key role in cervical carcinogenesis and targeted therapies may be developed for SCC as well as its precursor lesion, HSIL.
Background:Recently, fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) was discovered in squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) of the lung with FGFR1 amplification described as a promising predictive marker for anti-FGFR inhibitor treatment. Only few data are available regarding prevalence, prognostic significance and clinico-pathological characteristics of FGFR1-amplified and early-stage non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC). We therefore investigated the FGFR1 gene status in a large number of well-characterised early-stage NSCLC.Methods:FGFR1 gene status was evaluated using a commercially available fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) probe on a tissue microarray (TMA). This TMA harbours 329 resected, formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded, nodal-negative NSCLC with a UICC stage I-II. The FISH results were correlated with clinico-pathological features and overall survival (OS).Results:The prevalence of an FGFR1 amplification was 12.5% (41/329) and was significantly (P<0.0001) higher in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (20.7%) than in adenocarcinoma (2.2%) and large cell carcinoma (13%). Multivariate analysis revealed significantly (P=0.0367) worse 5-year OS in patients with an FGFR1-amplified NSCLC.Conclusions:FGFR1 amplification is common in early-stage SCC of the lung and is an independent and adverse prognostic marker. Its potential role as a predictive marker for targeted therapies or adjuvant treatment needs further investigation.
BACKGROUND To report the long-term results of adjuvant treatment with one cycle of modified bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (BEP) in patients with clinical stage I (CS I) nonseminomatous germ-cell tumors (NSGCT) at high risk of relapse. PATIENTS AND METHODS In a single-arm, phase II clinical trial, 40 patients with CS I NSGCT with vascular invasion and/or >50% embryonal cell carcinoma in the orchiectomy specimen received one cycle of adjuvant BEP (20 mg/m(2) bleomycin as a continuous infusion over 24 h, 120 mg/m(2) etoposide and 40 mg/m(2) cisplatin each on days 1-3). Primary end point was the relapse rate. RESULTS Median follow-up was 186 months. One patient (2.5%) had a pulmonary relapse 13 months after one BEP and died after three additional cycles of BEP chemotherapy. Three patients (7.5%) presented with a contralateral metachronous testicular tumor, and three (7.5%) developed a secondary malignancy. Three patients (7.5%) reported intermittent tinnitus and one had grade 2 peripheral polyneuropathy (2.5%). CONCLUSIONS Adjuvant chemotherapy with one cycle of modified-BEP is a feasible and safe treatment of patients with CS I NSGCT at high risk of relapse. In these patients, it appears to be an alternative to two cycles of BEP and to have a lower relapse rate than retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. If confirmed by other centers, 1 cycle of adjuvant BEP chemotherapy should become a first-line treatment option for this group of patients.
PURPOSE To evaluate risk factors for survival in a large international cohort of patients with primary urethral cancer (PUC). METHODS A series of 154 patients (109 men, 45 women) were diagnosed with PUC in ten referral centers between 1993 and 2012. Kaplan-Meier analysis with log-rank test was used to investigate various potential prognostic factors for recurrence-free (RFS) and overall survival (OS). Multivariate models were constructed to evaluate independent risk factors for recurrence and death. RESULTS Median age at definitive treatment was 66 years (IQR 58-76). Histology was urothelial carcinoma in 72 (47 %), squamous cell carcinoma in 46 (30 %), adenocarcinoma in 17 (11 %), and mixed and other histology in 11 (7 %) and nine (6 %), respectively. A high degree of concordance between clinical and pathologic nodal staging (cN+/cN0 vs. pN+/pN0; p < 0.001) was noted. For clinical nodal staging, the corresponding sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy for predicting pathologic nodal stage were 92.8, 92.3, and 92.4 %, respectively. In multivariable Cox-regression analysis for patients staged cM0 at initial diagnosis, RFS was significantly associated with clinical nodal stage (p < 0.001), tumor location (p < 0.001), and age (p = 0.001), whereas clinical nodal stage was the only independent predictor for OS (p = 0.026). CONCLUSIONS These data suggest that clinical nodal stage is a critical parameter for outcomes in PUC.
Toothpastes contain three main components: detergents, abrasives, and fluoride. Detergents, particularly sodium lauryl sulfate, have been proposed as components that enable toothpastes to produce cytotoxic effects in vitro. However, not all toothpastes contain sodium lauryl sulfate, and almost no studies have found an association between detergents and the in vitro cytotoxicity of toothpastes. The present study examined the in vitro cytotoxicity of nine commercially available toothpastes containing four different detergents. Toothpastes were diluted in serum-free medium, centrifuged, and filter sterilized. The half-lethal concentration of the toothpaste-conditioned medium (TCM) was calculated based on the formation of formazan by gingival fibroblasts, oral squamous cell carcinoma HSC-2 cells, and L929 cells. Cell proliferation was analyzed, and live-dead staining was performed, after exposure of cells to conditioned medium prepared with 1% toothpaste (1% TCM). It was found that toothpastes containing sodium lauryl sulfate and amine fluoride strongly inhibited cell viability with the half-lethal concentration being obtained with conditioned medium prepared with approximately 1% toothpaste (1% TCM). Toothpastes containing cocamidopropyl betaine and Steareth-20 showed higher half-lethal concentration values, with the half-lethal concentration being obtained with conditioned medium prepared with 10% (10% TCM) and 70% (70% TCM) toothpaste, respectively. Proliferation and live-dead data were consistent with the cell-viability analyses. These results demonstrate that the type of detergent in toothpastes can be associated with changes in in vitro cell toxicity.