1000 resultados para Système de justice criminel
Young women in the juvenile justice system present with characteristics and experiences that differentiate them from their male counterparts. As such, the juvenile justice system in Iowa must consider these factors if it is to effectively and efficiently impact recidivism, rehabilitation and public safety.
The Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning Advisory Council (CJJPAC) has requested that the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) monitor the correctional impact of enacted legislation of particular interest. Completion of this report fulfills the CJJPAC’s legislative obligations outlined in Iowa Code section §216A.133. The following information provides a summary of select data identified as having a correctional impact. The total report provides data used to monitor other legislation for which the CJJPAC has interest in monitoring.
The following report will initially provide a brief review of the criminal and juvenile justice system’s long-range and five-year goals established by CJJP. The report will then provide an overview of current initiatives helping to achieve these goals. Some initiatives have associated information which can be found on the CJJP website and are identified within this report.
This report provides key juvenile justice system planning data, most of which are taken from Iowa’s 2015 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act Three Year Plan. The data and related descriptions serve as an overview of decision making for major juvenile justice system processing points, and also assist state and local officials with policy and practice. Included in the report are school discipline data and data related to juvenile in the adult criminal justice system.
This report provides key juvenile justice system planning data, most of which are taken from Iowa’s 2015 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act Three Year Plan. The data and related descriptions serve as an overview of decision making for major juvenile justice system processing points, and also assist state and local officials with policy and practice. Included in the report are school discipline data and data related to juvenile in the adult criminal justice system.
Enfin traduite en français, l'éthique économique d'Arthur Rich est une somme magistrale, une synthèse unique en son genre, due à l'un des représentants éminents de l'éthique sociale contemporaine. Puisant son inspiration dans la théologie, l'éthique contemporaine et les grands travaux de recherche en économie, l'auteur montre que si le système de l'économie de marché a l'avantage d'être foncièrement réformable, au contraire de toute économie planifiée, il exige des régulations équitables et responsables. Ni marxiste, ni sauvagement libéral, l'auteur ne fait pas non plus de concessions à l'écologie qu'il soumet aux normes de l'éthique sociale et de la justice économique. La synthèse puissante qu'il offre au long des 680 pages de son ouvrage est une des références majeures d'un discours économique d'inspiration chrétienne. Né en 1910 en Suisse alémanique, mort en 1992, Arthur Rich a étudié la théologie après un apprentissage en usine. Ses intérêts l'ont mené vers l'éthique sociale et économique dont il est une figure reconnue dans le monde anglo-saxon.