918 resultados para Supervised classifiers
Diagnóstico do modelo legal de transferências voluntárias realizadas pelo Governo Federal para os entes subnacionais, em face das recorrentes irregularidades relatadas pelos órgãos de controle. Questiona os motivos pelos quais o modelo vem sendo mantido há décadas diante da notória ineficiência. O fim da descentralização tutelada é a solução recomendada pela pesquisa.
1 PDF document (8 pp., English).-- Contributed to: VSMM'08: 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (Limassol, Cyprus, Oct 20-25, 2008)
[ES]El colegio de los jesuitas de Orduña, uno de los más tardíos de todo el País Vasco, sigue en su fundación un patrón característico en los casos de mecenazgo indiano: benefactor oriundo, capital consolidado sobre el comercio y el servicio de la Corona, y diseño dirigido desde el otro lado del Atlántico, en este caso desde el Perú. El presente artículo aporta algunas claves sobre esas cuestiones, y ahonda en la formación del patrimonio que la Compañía de Jesús logró reunir en esta ciudad aduanera del Señorío de Vizcaya hasta el momento de la expulsión decretada por el rey Carlos III.
This project introduces an improvement of the vision capacity of the robot Robotino operating under ROS platform. A method for recognizing object class using binary features has been developed. The proposed method performs a binary classification of the descriptors of each training image to characterize the appearance of the object class. It presents the use of the binary descriptor based on the difference of gray intensity of the pixels in the image. It shows that binary features are suitable to represent object class in spite of the low resolution and the weak information concerning details of the object in the image. It also introduces the use of a boosting method (Adaboost) of feature selection al- lowing to eliminate redundancies and noise in order to improve the performance of the classifier. Finally, a kernel classifier SVM (Support Vector Machine) is trained with the available database and applied for predictions on new images. One possible future work is to establish a visual servo-control that is to say the reac- tion of the robot to the detection of the object.
ENGLISH: The following report describes the findings of an "El Niño" project carried out at the Department of Meteorology of the University of California, Los Angeles, at the request of, and with funds provided from, the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. The project was, in its early stages, supervised by Professor M. Neiburger, but was in June 1959 transferred to Professor J. Bjerknes, who thereby became the sole author of this final report. Readers who may be interested in the general background of knowledge of the maritime meteorology of the Eastern Pacific are herewith referred to Professor Neiburger's final report of the "Subtropical Pacific Meteorology Project." That report, submitted in September 1958 to the Office of Naval Research, summarizes the results of all the meteorological soundings released at sea since 1949 from California in the north to Peru in the south. The soundings off Ecuador and Peru were all taken by the "Shellback" expedition during July 1952. Important as this first exploration of the atmosphere over the Eastern Equatorial Pacific was, it did not even begin to explore " El Niño " itself, which is confined to the southern summer season and, moreover, only reaches catastrophic proportions in a few exceptional years. SPANISH: Este estudio da a conocer los resultados de una investigación que, bajo el nombre de Proyecto "El Niño", ha sido efectuada en el Departamento de Meteorología de la Universidad de California, Los Angeles, a solicitud de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical y con fondos provistos por ésta. En sus primeras etapas, el proyecto fué supervisado por el Profesor M. Neiburger, pero en junio de 1959 fué transferido al Profesor J. Bjerknes, quien de este modo vino a ser el solo autor de este informe final. A los lectores interesados en los conocimientos de fondo de la meteorología marítima del Pacífico Oriental se les recomienda consultar el informe final del Profesor Neiburger intitulado "Subtropical Pacific Meteorology Project". Este informe, sometido a la "Office of Naval Research" en septiembre de 1958 sumariza los resultados de todos los sondeos meteorológicos efectuados en el mar desde 1949 en el área entre California en el norte y Perú en el sur. Todos los sondeos frente al Ecuador y el Perú fueron hechos por la Expedición "Shellback" durante el mes de julio de 1952. Importante como fué esta primera exploración de la atmósfera sobre el Pacífico Ecuatorial del Este, ni siquiera comenzó a explorar "El Niño" en sí, que se confina a la estación de verano en el sur y, más aún, sólo alcanza proporciones catastróficas en unos pocos años excepcionales.
Accurate and fast decoding of speech imagery from electroencephalographic (EEG) data could serve as a basis for a new generation of brain computer interfaces (BCIs), more portable and easier to use. However, decoding of speech imagery from EEG is a hard problem due to many factors. In this paper we focus on the analysis of the classification step of speech imagery decoding for a three-class vowel speech imagery recognition problem. We empirically show that different classification subtasks may require different classifiers for accurately decoding and obtain a classification accuracy that improves the best results previously published. We further investigate the relationship between the classifiers and different sets of features selected by the common spatial patterns method. Our results indicate that further improvement on BCIs based on speech imagery could be achieved by carefully selecting an appropriate combination of classifiers for the subtasks involved.
In spite of over a century of research on cortical circuits, it is still unknown how many classes of cortical neurons exist. Neuronal classification has been a difficult problem because it is unclear what a neuronal cell class actually is and what are the best characteristics are to define them. Recently, unsupervised classifications using cluster analysis based on morphological, physiological or molecular characteristics, when applied to selected datasets, have provided quantitative and unbiased identification of distinct neuronal subtypes. However, better and more robust classification methods are needed for increasingly complex and larger datasets. We explored the use of affinity propagation, a recently developed unsupervised classification algorithm imported from machine learning, which gives a representative example or exemplar for each cluster. As a case study, we applied affinity propagation to a test dataset of 337 interneurons belonging to four subtypes, previously identified based on morphological and physiological characteristics. We found that affinity propagation correctly classified most of the neurons in a blind, non-supervised manner. In fact, using a combined anatomical/physiological dataset, our algorithm differentiated parvalbumin from somatostatin interneurons in 49 out of 50 cases. Affinity propagation could therefore be used in future studies to validly classify neurons, as a first step to help reverse engineer neural circuits.
The development of techniques for oncogenomic analyses such as array comparative genomic hybridization, messenger RNA expression arrays and mutational screens have come to the fore in modern cancer research. Studies utilizing these techniques are able to highlight panels of genes that are altered in cancer. However, these candidate cancer genes must then be scrutinized to reveal whether they contribute to oncogenesis or are coincidental and non-causative. We present a computational method for the prioritization of candidate (i) proto-oncogenes and (ii) tumour suppressor genes from oncogenomic experiments. We constructed computational classifiers using different combinations of sequence and functional data including sequence conservation, protein domains and interactions, and regulatory data. We found that these classifiers are able to distinguish between known cancer genes and other human genes. Furthermore, the classifiers also discriminate candidate cancer genes from a recent mutational screen from other human genes. We provide a web-based facility through which cancer biologists may access our results and we propose computational cancer gene classification as a useful method of prioritizing candidate cancer genes identified in oncogenomic studies.
We perform a measurement of direct CP violation in b to s+gamma Acp, and the measurement of a difference between Acp for neutral B and charged B mesons, Delta A_{X_s\gamma}, using 429 inverse femtobarn of data recorded at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector. B mesons are reconstructed from 16 exclusive final states. Particle identification is done using an algorithm based on Error Correcting Output Code with an exhaustive matrix. Background rejection and best candidate selection are done using two decision tree-based classifiers. We found $\acp = 1.73%+-1.93%+-1.02% and Delta A_X_sgamma = 4.97%+-3.90%+-1.45% where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic respectively. Based on the measured value of Delta A_X_sgamma, we determine a 90% confidence interval for Im C_8g/C_7gamma, where C_7gamma and C_8g are Wilson coefficients for New Physics amplitudes, at -1.64 < Im C_8g/C_7gamma < 6.52.
Humans are able of distinguishing more than 5000 visual categories even in complex environments using a variety of different visual systems all working in tandem. We seem to be capable of distinguishing thousands of different odors as well. In the machine learning community, many commonly used multi-class classifiers do not scale well to such large numbers of categories. This thesis demonstrates a method of automatically creating application-specific taxonomies to aid in scaling classification algorithms to more than 100 cate- gories using both visual and olfactory data. The visual data consists of images collected online and pollen slides scanned under a microscope. The olfactory data was acquired by constructing a small portable sniffing apparatus which draws air over 10 carbon black polymer composite sensors. We investigate performance when classifying 256 visual categories, 8 or more species of pollen and 130 olfactory categories sampled from common household items and a standardized scratch-and-sniff test. Taxonomies are employed in a divide-and-conquer classification framework which improves classification time while allowing the end user to trade performance for specificity as needed. Before classification can even take place, the pollen counter and electronic nose must filter out a high volume of background “clutter” to detect the categories of interest. In the case of pollen this is done with an efficient cascade of classifiers that rule out most non-pollen before invoking slower multi-class classifiers. In the case of the electronic nose, much of the extraneous noise encountered in outdoor environments can be filtered using a sniffing strategy which preferentially samples the visensor response at frequencies that are relatively immune to background contributions from ambient water vapor. This combination of efficient background rejection with scalable classification algorithms is tested in detail for three separate projects: 1) the Caltech-256 Image Dataset, 2) the Caltech Automated Pollen Identification and Counting System (CAPICS) and 3) a portable electronic nose specially constructed for outdoor use.
The LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave observatories are complex and extremely sensitive strain detectors that can be used to search for a wide variety of gravitational waves from astrophysical and cosmological sources. In this thesis, I motivate the search for the gravitational wave signals from coalescing black hole binary systems with total mass between 25 and 100 solar masses. The mechanisms for formation of such systems are not well-understood, and we do not have many observational constraints on the parameters that guide the formation scenarios. Detection of gravitational waves from such systems — or, in the absence of detection, the tightening of upper limits on the rate of such coalescences — will provide valuable information that can inform the astrophysics of the formation of these systems. I review the search for these systems and place upper limits on the rate of black hole binary coalescences with total mass between 25 and 100 solar masses. I then show how the sensitivity of this search can be improved by up to 40% by the the application of the multivariate statistical classifier known as a random forest of bagged decision trees to more effectively discriminate between signal and non-Gaussian instrumental noise. I also discuss the use of this classifier in the search for the ringdown signal from the merger of two black holes with total mass between 50 and 450 solar masses and present upper limits. I also apply multivariate statistical classifiers to the problem of quantifying the non-Gaussianity of LIGO data. Despite these improvements, no gravitational-wave signals have been detected in LIGO data so far. However, the use of multivariate statistical classification can significantly improve the sensitivity of the Advanced LIGO detectors to such signals.
O objetivo do presente estudo clínico é verificar a reprodutibilidade intra e interexaminadores de um critério de diagnóstico de cárie dentária (Nyvad et al. 1999) aplicado na dentição decídua, e avaliar o tempo médio necessário para a realização do exame clínico utilizando o referido critério. O mesmo é baseado na combinação de métodos visuais e táteis e propõe a diferenciação entre lesões ativas e inativas, tanto para lesões cavitadas quanto para não cavitadas. A amostra total consistiu de 80 crianças de três a sete anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, estudantes do Centro Educacional Terra Santa (Petrópolis/ RJ). Os responsáveis assinaram um termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido e o trabalho foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do HUPE-UERJ. Os exames foram realizados após escovação supervisionada, em consultório odontológico sob iluminação artificial, após 3-5s de secagem com ar comprimido, por dois examinadores treinados pelas autoras do índice e calibrados. As concordâncias intra e interexaminadores foram avaliadas pelo percentual de concordância (%) e pelo teste kappa (k), considerando a superfície dentária como unidade de análise e os seguintes pontos de corte: 1) hígida versus cariada; 2) ativa versus inativa; 3) descontinuidade versus hígida; e 4) cavitada versus hígida. O % e o valor de k para confiabilidade interexaminadores para cada ponto de corte foram: 1) % = 0,97 e k = 0,82 (IC: 0,80 - 0,85); 2) % = 0,98 e k = 0,80 (IC: 0,76 - 0,83); 3) % = 0,99 e k = 0,90 (IC: 0,88 - 0,93); 4) % = 99,0 e k = 0,95 (IC: 0,92 - 0,97). O % e o valor de k para confiabilidade intraexaminador para cada ponto de corte foram: 1) % = 0,98 e k = 0,86 (IC: 0,84 - 0,86); 2) % = 0,99 e k = 0,86 (IC: 0,83 - 0,89); 3) % = 0,99 e k = 0,94 (IC: 0,92 - 0,96); 4) % = 0,99 e k = 0,98 (IC: 0,96 - 0,99). O maior % de discordância (65,3% - 158/242) concentrou-se na diferenciação entre supefícies hígidas e lesões não cavitadas: 33,5% (81/242) entre superfície hígida e lesão não cavitada inativa; 26,0% (63/242), entre superfície hígida e lesão não cavitada ativa; e 5,8% (14/242), entre lesão não cavitada ativa e lesão não cavitada inativa. O tempo necessário para realização do exame clínico foi em média 226,5s (128,53). Conclui-se que o índice apresentou reprodutibilidade variando de substancial à quase perfeita e um tempo de exame viável, mostrando-se consistente e reproduzível para a realização de estudos clínicos de cárie dentária na dentição decídua.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar in vivo a detecção de cárie através do exame visual ICDAS, transiluminação por fibra ótica combinado ao ICDAS e exame radiográfico. Um total de 2.279 superfícies proximais e cicatrículas e fissuras em incisivos superiores, pré-molares e molares permanentes e 272 superfícies em molares decíduos em72 escolares (8 a 18 anos) foram avaliadas por um examinador treinado. Os sete escores para detecção de cárie primária do sistema visual ICDAS foram aplicados. Dois equipamentos de transiluminação por fibra ótica foram avaliados: FOTI Schott (SCH), com ponta de fibra ótica com 0,5mm de diâmetro, e FOTI Microlux (MIC), com diâmetro da ponta 3 mm. Durante o exame combinado FOTI/ICDAS, a fibra ótica era utilizada tanto para iluminar quanto para transiluminar a superfície sob avaliação. O exame radiográfico (RX) consistiu de radiografias interproximais posteriores e periapicais anteriores. Os exames foram realizados em consultório odontológico após escovação supervisionada. No primeiro dia de exame, o exame visual utilizando o ICDAS era realizado e em seguida, o exame combinado ao MIC ou SCH. Logo após era realizado o exame radiográfico. Após uma semana, novamente o ICDAS era realizado, e em seguida o exame combinado com o equipamento de FOTI não utilizado na semana anterior. Os exames foram repetidos em 10 pacientes após intervalo mínimo de uma semana para avaliação da reprodutibilidade intra-examinador, a qual apresentou valores de 0,95 (ICDAS), 0,94 (MIC), 0,95 (SCH) e 0,99 (RX) pelo kappa ponderado. Em cicatrículas e fissuras de permanentes, o RX julgou que um número maior de superfícies apresentava lesão em dentina (53) do que os outros métodos (34 a 36); porém não detectou nenhuma lesão em esmalte, as quais foram identificadas pelo ICDAS (94), SCH (107) e MIC (91). Em proximais permanentes, a transiluminação por fibra ótica identificou maior número de proximais como lesão em esmalte - 150 (SCH) e 139 (MIC) - do que o exame visual (106), enquanto o RX identificou somente 43. Em oclusais de decíduos, os quatro métodos julgaram um número aproximadamente similar de superfícies sem lesão (52 a 59) ou com lesão em dentina (21 a 26), assim como para lesões proximais em dentina (31 a 36). Entretanto um número reduzido de lesões proximais decíduas em esmalte foi julgado pelo exame radiográfico (3) em comparação com os outros métodos (15 a 16). Em decíduos, o ICDAS e o FOTI combinado ao exame visual julgaram maior número de lesões proximais em esmalte que o exame radiográfico, sendo que número similar de lesões em dentina foram classificadas pelos quatro métodos em oclusais e proximais de molares decíduos. Em cicatrículas e fissuras de permanentes, tanto o exame visual ICDAS quanto sua combinação aos dois equipamentos de transiluminação apresentaram maior similaridade de superfícies julgadas como lesão em esmalte ou como lesão em dentina, enquanto o exame radiográfico classificou mais superfícies como lesão em dentina e nenhuma como lesão em esmalte. A adição da transiluminação por fibra ótica ao exame visual aumentou em um terço a detecção das lesões cariosas proximais julgadas em dentina pelo ICDAS isoladamente e aproximadamente quadruplicou o número daquelas assim classificadas pela avaliação radiográfica em permanentes.
A visual pattern recognition network and its training algorithm are proposed. The network constructed of a one-layer morphology network and a two-layer modified Hamming net. This visual network can implement invariant pattern recognition with respect to image translation and size projection. After supervised learning takes place, the visual network extracts image features and classifies patterns much the same as living beings do. Moreover we set up its optoelectronic architecture for real-time pattern recognition. (C) 1996 Optical Society of America