971 resultados para Super Bowl
Super-resolution (SR) systems surpassing the Abbe diffraction limit have been theoretically and experimentally demonstrated using a number of different approaches and technologies: using materials with a negative refractive index, utilizing optical super-oscillation, using a resonant metalens, etc. However, recently it has been proved theoretically that in the Maxwell fish-eye lens (MFE), a device made of positive refractive index materials, the same phenomenon takes place. Moreover, using a simpler device equivalent to the MFE called the spherical geodesic waveguide (SGW), an SR of up to λ/3000 was simulated in COMSOL. Until now, only one piece of experimental evidence of SR with positive refraction has been reported (up to λ/5) for an MFE prototype working at microwave frequencies. Here, experimental results are presented for an SGW prototype showing an SR of up to λ/105. The SGW prototype consists of two concentric metallic spheres with an air space in between and two coaxial ports acting as an emitter and a receiver. The prototype has been analyzed in the range 1 GHz to 1.3 GHz.
El culto a los héroes es universal y tiene gran importancia psicológica. Los super-héroes de las películas actuales continúan representando al ser humano completo, una coincidentia oppositorum. Tienen un lado luminoso y otro lado oscuro. Sus casas representan el primero. La cuevas o los sótanos bajo sus casas, el segundo.
Por la tipografia parece ser un postincunable
Caracteres góticos
Colofón en p. 779 y en la última p.
Contiene : quarta parts Scholiorum con portada fechada en 1592, pag. propia y colofón de 15
Impresor y segunda fecha tomados del colofón
Copia digital: Biblioteca Valenciana, 2011
Contiene: Propvgnacvlvm apologiae libri de reditibvs ecclesiasticis Doct. Martini Azpilcveta ...
Il. xil
Marca tip. en port.
Marca tip. en port
Pie de imprenta tomado de colofón
Tít. tomado de comienzo de texto
Tit. tomado del Craviotto II, 4895