973 resultados para Single young shoppers
The young athlete is physiologically unique from the adult and must be considered differently. The growth and development of their bones, muscles, nerves, and organs largely dictate their physiological and performance capacities (Bar–Or, 1983; Costill & Wilmore, 1994; Stager et al., 2008). Swimming performance, and the required times to reach a competition (TAC), shoud look for those diferences and should be compatibles with them.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the behavior of induced abortion as a function of certain demographic variables, for the population of fertile women (15 to 49 years old) residing in the Vila Madalena subdistrict S. Paulo (Brazil). MATERIAL AND METHOD: Two population samples were selected. One sample, with 996 women, investigated the incidence of induced abortions during 1987, using the RRT. In the other, involving 1,004 women, the same information was detected through a conventional approach. In both samples, the induced abortion occurring during the reproductive life was recorded in direct fashion. Though this analysis refers only to information about past abortions, that is by 2,000 women -, it should be noted that it is exactly the RRT that lends credibility to the found or results given results. CONCLUSION: The analysis furnishes evidence showing that single women, young women between the ages of 15 and 19, women who have not had live births, women who have a number of children below the expected ideal, women who use contraceptive methods (especially inefficient ones) and women who do not have any restrictions as to abortion constitute the categories most inclined to resort to induced abortion. This grouping suggests the existence of interrelationships between categories, that is, each of these categories is probably composed primarily of the same women, those who are at the beginning of their reproductive lives.
Electrical resistivity, transverse magnetoresistance and thermoelectric power measurements were performed on CuS high quality single crystals in the range 1.2-300 K and under fields of up to 16 T. The zero field resistivity data are well described below 55 K by a quasi-2D model, consistent with a carrier confinement at lower temperatures, before the transition to the superconducting state. The transverse magnetoresistance develops mainly below 30 K and attains values as large as 470% for a 16 T field at 5 K, this behaviour being ascribed to a band effect mechanism, with a possible magnetic field induced DOS change at the Fermi level. The transverse magnetoresistance shows no signs of saturation, following a power law with field Delta rho/rho(0) proportional to H(1.4), suggesting the existence of open orbits for carriers at the Fermi surface. The thermoelectric power shows an unusual temperature dependence, probably as a result of the complex band structure of CuS.
The paper introduces an approach to solve the problem of generating a sequence of jobs that minimizes the total weighted tardiness for a set of jobs to be processed in a single machine. An Ant Colony System based algorithm is validated with benchmark problems available in the OR library. The obtained results were compared with the best available results and were found to be nearer to the optimal. The obtained computational results allowed concluding on their efficiency and effectiveness.
This study was carried out with the aim of modeling in 2D, in plain strain, the movement of a soft cohesive soil around a pile, in order to enable the determination of stresses resulting along the pile, per unit length. The problem in study fits into the large deformations problem and can be due to landslide, be close of depth excavations, to be near of zones where big loads are applied in the soil, etc. In this study is used an constitutive Elasto-Plastic model with the failure criterion of Mohr-Coulomb to model the soil behavior. The analysis is developed considering the soil in undrained conditions. To the modeling is used the finite element program PLAXIS, which use the Updated Lagrangian - Finite Element Method (UL-FEM). In this work, special attention is given to the soil-pile interaction, where is presented with some detail the formulation of the interface elements and some studies for a better understand of his behavior. It is developed a 2-D model that simulates the effect of depth allowing the study of his influence in the stress distribution around the pile. The results obtained give an important base about how behaves the movement of the soil around a pile, about how work the finite element program PLAXIS and how is the stress distribution around the pile. The analysis demonstrate that the soil-structure interaction modeled with the UL-FEM and interface elements is more appropriate to small deformations problems.
Lilian Katz refere-se à crescente tendência nos Estados Unidos de introduzir objetivos de caráter “académico” nos programas destinados a crianças pequenas, em alternativa a programas centrados simplesmente no jogo espontâneo. Katz propõe uma terceira alternativa que desenvolva as competências de caráter intelectual nas crianças, de modo a estimular o desenvolvimento das suas mentes e as suas sensibilidades morais e estéticas. Katz propõe a introdução do trabalho de projeto com crianças desde os primeiros anos.
The magnetic and electrical properties of Ni implanted single crystalline TiO2 rutile were studied for nominal implanted fluences between 0.5 x 10(17) cm(-2) and 2.0 x 10(17) cm(-2) with 150 keV energy, corresponding to maximum atomic concentrations between 9 at% and 27 at% at 65 nm depth, in order to study the formation of metallic oriented aggregates. The results indicate that the as implanted crystals exhibit superparamagnetic behavior for the two higher fluences, which is attributed to the formation of nanosized nickel clusters with an average size related with the implanted concentration, while only paramagnetic behavior is observed for the lowest fluence. Annealing at 1073 K induces the aggregation of the implanted nickel and enhances the magnetization in all samples. The associated anisotropic behavior indicates preferred orientations of the nickel aggregates in the rutile lattice consistent with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry-channelling results. Electrical conductivity displays anisotropic behavior but no magnetoresistive effects were detected. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report within this paper the development of a fiber-optic based sensor for Hg(II) ions. Fluorescent carbon nanoparticles were synthesized by laser ablation and functionalized with PEG200 and N-acetyl-l-cysteine so they can be anionic in nature. This characteristic facilitated their deposition by the layer-by-layer assembly method into thin alternating films along with a cationic polyelectrolyte, poly(ethyleneimine). Such films could be immobilized onto the tip of a glass optical fiber, allowing the construction of an optical fluorescence sensor. When immobilized on the fiber-optic tip, the resultant sensor was capable of selectively detecting sub-micromolar concentrations of Hg(II) with an increased sensitivity compared to carbon dot solutions. The fluorescence of the carbon dots was quenched by up to 44% by Hg(II) ions and interference from other metal ions was minimal.
We have developed a new method for single-drop microextraction (SDME) for the preconcentration of organochlorine pesticides (OCP) from complex matrices. It is based on the use of a silicone ring at the tip of the syringe. A 5 μL drop of n-hexane is applied to an aqueous extract containing the OCP and found to be adequate to preconcentrate the OCPs prior to analysis by GC in combination with tandem mass spectrometry. Fourteen OCP were determined using this technique in combination with programmable temperature vaporization. It is shown to have many advantages over traditional split/splitless injection. The effects of kind of organic solvent, exposure time, agitation and organic drop volume were optimized. Relative recoveries range from 59 to 117 %, with repeatabilities of <15 % (coefficient of variation) were achieved. The limits of detection range from 0.002 to 0.150 μg kg−1. The method was applied to the preconcentration of OCPs in fresh strawberry, strawberry jam, and soil.
Objective - To describe and validate the simulation of the basic features of GE Millennium MG gamma camera using the GATE Monte Carlo platform. Material and methods - Crystal size and thickness, parallel-hole collimation and a realistic energy acquisition window were simulated in the GATE platform. GATE results were compared to experimental data in the following imaging conditions: a point source of 99mTc at different positions during static imaging and tomographic acquisitions using two different energy windows. The accuracy between the events expected and detected by simulation was obtained with the Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test. Comparisons were made regarding the measurement of sensitivity and spatial resolution, static and tomographic. Simulated and experimental spatial resolutions for tomographic data were compared with the Kruskal–Wallis test to assess simulation accuracy for this parameter. Results - There was good agreement between simulated and experimental data. The number of decays expected when compared with the number of decays registered, showed small deviation (≤0.007%). The sensitivity comparisons between static acquisitions for different distances from source to collimator (1, 5, 10, 20, 30cm) with energy windows of 126–154 keV and 130–158 keV showed differences of 4.4%, 5.5%, 4.2%, 5.5%, 4.5% and 5.4%, 6.3%, 6.3%, 5.8%, 5.3%, respectively. For the tomographic acquisitions, the mean differences were 7.5% and 9.8% for the energy window 126–154 keV and 130–158 keV. Comparison of simulated and experimental spatial resolutions for tomographic data showed no statistically significant differences with 95% confidence interval. Conclusions - Adequate simulation of the system basic features using GATE Monte Carlo simulation platform was achieved and validated.
A pi'n/pin a-SiC:H voltage and optical bias controlled device is presented and its behavior as image and color sensor, optical amplifier and demux device is discussed. The design and the light source properties are correlated with the sensor output characteristics. Different readout techniques are used. When a low power monochromatic scanner readout the generated carriers the transducer recognizes a color pattern projected on it acting as a direct color and image sensor. Scan speeds up to 10(4) lines per second are achieved without degradation in the resolution. If the photocurrent generated by different monochromatic pulsed channels is readout directly, the information is demultiplexed. Results show that it is possible to decode the information from three simultaneous color channels without bit errors at bit rates per channel higher than 4000 bps. Finally, when triggered by light of appropriated wavelength, it can amplify or suppress the generated photocurrent working as an optical amplifier (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This paper presents a novel moving target indicator which is selective with respect to a direction of interest. Preliminary results indicate that the obtained selectivity may have high interest in civil traffic monitoring using single channel SAR data.
The species abundance distribution (SAD) has been a central focus of community ecology for over fifty years, and is currently the subject of widespread renewed interest. The gambin model has recently been proposed as a model that provides a superior fit to commonly preferred SAD models. It has also been argued that the model's single parameter (α) presents a potentially informative ecological diversity metric, because it summarises the shape of the SAD in a single number. Despite this potential, few empirical tests of the model have been undertaken, perhaps because the necessary methods and software for fitting the model have not existed. Here, we derive a maximum likelihood method to fit the model, and use it to undertake a comprehensive comparative analysis of the fit of the gambin model. The functions and computational code to fit the model are incorporated in a newly developed free-to-download R package (gambin). We test the gambin model using a variety of datasets and compare the fit of the gambin model to fits obtained using the Poisson lognormal, logseries and zero-sum multinomial distributions. We found that gambin almost universally provided a better fit to the data and that the fit was consistent for a variety of sample grain sizes. We demonstrate how α can be used to differentiate intelligibly between community structures of Azorean arthropods sampled in different land use types. We conclude that gambin presents a flexible model capable of fitting a wide variety of observed SAD data, while providing a useful index of SAD form in its single fitted parameter. As such, gambin has wide potential applicability in the study of SADs, and ecology more generally.
A funcionalidade dos indivíduos com Paralisia Cerebral está muitas vezes comprometida devido às alterações do movimento e do controlo postural. Dadas estas alterações, a posição de sentado oferece uma maior estabilidade sendo muitas das atividades de vida diária desempenhadas nesta posição. O objetivo mais importante de intervenção é obter o máximo de funcionalidade na posição de sentado, particularmente do membro superior. Este objectivo, na maioria das vezes, só pode ser atingido com o uso de sistemas de posicionamento que tentam colmatar as alterações posturais e do movimento. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo de caso é verificar se existem diferenças no comportamento motor do tronco e do membro superior, com um sistema de posicionamento rígido e com um sistema de posicionamento dinâmico, numa jovem com Paralisia Cerebral, aquando da ativação manual de um switch. Foi realizado um estudo de caso único em que foi feita uma análise cinemática do movimento do tronco e membro superior na ativação de um switch BigMack, em três posições de teste com distâncias diferentes. Simultaneamente mediu-se a distribuição do peso durante o movimento, através do mapa de pressão e foi registada, bilateralmente a atividade dos músculos trapézio (porção média), longuíssimo, recto abdominal e oblíquo externo. Os resultados obtidos apontam, neste caso em particular, para uma melhoria na qualidade do movimento e da distribuição de peso, com o sistema de posicionamento dinâmico, sem diferenças entre os dois sistemas relativamente à ativação muscular.
The paper assesses blood alcohol concentration and risk behaviors for traffic accidents before and after the implementation of a law which prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages on city gas stations. In Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil, young people go out at night and drive to gas station convenience stores to buy alcoholic beverages which are consumed on the premises of parking lots in gas stations. Data were obtained from self-administered questionnaires and breath analyzers in two cross-sectional collections with purposive samples of youngsters in May and July 2006 (n=62, and n=50, respectively). There were no significant differences between the groups before and after the city law was passed. Blood alcohol concentration greater than 0.06% was found in 35.5% of pre-law group and 40% of post-law group (p=0.62). Results point out heavy alcohol use in both groups, which did not change after the law was passed.