873 resultados para Signal sets


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Speech perception runs smoothly and automatically when there is silence in the background, but when the speech signal is degraded by background noise or by reverberation, effortful cognitive processing is needed to compensate for the signal distortion. Previous research has typically investigated the effects of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and reverberation time in isolation, whilst few have looked at their interaction. In this study, we probed how reverberation time and SNR influence recall of words presented in participants' first- (L1) and second-language (L2). A total of 72 children (10 years old) participated in this study. The to-be-recalled wordlists were played back with two different reverberation times (0.3 and 1.2 s) crossed with two different SNRs (+3 dBA and +12 dBA). Children recalled fewer words when the spoken words were presented in L2 in comparison with recall of spoken words presented in L1. Words that were presented with a high SNR (+12 dBA) improved recall compared to a low SNR (+3 dBA). Reverberation time interacted with SNR to the effect that at +12 dB the shorter reverberation time improved recall, but at +3 dB it impaired recall. The effects of the physical sound variables (SNR and reverberation time) did not interact with language. © 2016 Hurtig, Keus van de Poll, Pekkola, Hygge, Ljung and Sörqvist.


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A visualização em tempo real de cenas complexas através de ambientes de rede é um dos desafios na computação gráfica. O uso da visibilidade pré-computada associada a regiões do espaço, tal como a abordagem dos Potentially Visible Sets (PVS), pode reduzir a quantidade de dados enviados através da rede. Entretanto, o PVS para algumas regiões pode ainda ser bastante complexo, e portanto uma estratégia diferente para diminuir a quantidade de informações é necessária. Neste trabalho é introduzido o conceito de Smart Visible Set (SVS), que corresponde a uma partição das informações contidas no PVS segundo o ângulo de visão do observador e as distâncias entre as regiões. Dessa forma, o conceito de “visível” ou de “não-visível” encontrado nos PVS é estendido. A informação referente ao conjunto “visível” é ampliada para “dentro do campo de visão” ou “fora do campo de visão” e “longe” ou “perto”. Desta forma a informação referente ao conjunto “visível” é subdividida, permitindo um maior controle sobre cortes ou ajustes nos dados que devem ser feitos para adequar a quantidade de dados a ser transmitida aos limites impostos pela rede. O armazenamento dos SVS como matrizes de bits permite ainda uma interação entre diferentes SVS. Outros SVS podem ser adicionados ou subtraídos entre si com um custo computacional muito pequeno permitindo uma rápida alteração no resultado final. Transmitir apenas a informação dentro de campo de visão do usuário ou não transmitir a informação muito distante são exemplos dos tipos de ajustes que podem ser realizados para se diminuir a quantidade de informações enviadas. Como o cálculo do SVS depende da existência de informação de visibilidade entre regiões foi implementado o algoritmo conhecido como “Dual Ray Space”, que por sua vez depende do particionamento da cena em regiões. Para o particionamento da cena em uma BSP-Tree, foi modificada a aplicação QBSP3. Depois de calculada, a visibilidade é particionada em diferentes conjuntos através da aplicação SVS. Finalmente, diferentes tipos de SVS puderam ser testados em uma aplicação de navegação por um cenário 3D chamada BSPViewer. Essa aplicação também permite comparações entre diferentes tipos de SVS e PVS. Os resultados obtidos apontam o SVS como uma forma de redução da quantidade de polígonos que devem ser renderizados em uma cena, diminuindo a quantidade de informação que deve ser enviada aos usuários. O SVS particionado pela distância entre as regiões permite um corte rápido na informação muito distante do usuário. Outra vantagem do uso dos SVS é que pode ser realizado um ordenamento das informações segundo sua importância para o usuário, desde que uma métrica de importância visual tenha sido definida previamente.


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The mixed-signal and analog design on a pre-diffused array is a challenging task, given that the digital array is a linear matrix arrangement of minimum-length transistors. To surmount this drawback a specific discipline for designing analog circuits over such array is required. An important novel technique proposed is the use of TAT (Trapezoidal Associations of Transistors) composite transistors on the semi-custom Sea-Of-Transistors (SOT) array. The analysis and advantages of TAT arrangement are extensively analyzed and demonstrated, with simulation and measurement comparisons to equivalent single transistors. Basic analog cells were also designed as well in full-custom and TAT versions in 1.0mm and 0.5mm digital CMOS technologies. Most of the circuits were prototyped in full-custom and TAT-based on pre-diffused SOT arrays. An innovative demonstration of the TAT technique is shown with the design and implementation of a mixed-signal analog system, i. e., a fully differential 2nd order Sigma-Delta Analog-to-Digital (A/D) modulator, fabricated in both full-custom and SOT array methodologies in 0.5mm CMOS technology from MOSIS foundry. Three test-chips were designed and fabricated in 0.5mm. Two of them are IC chips containing the full-custom and SOT array versions of a 2nd-Order Sigma-Delta A/D modulator. The third IC contains a transistors-structure (TAT and single) and analog cells placed side-by-side, block components (Comparator and Folded-cascode OTA) of the Sigma-Delta modulator.


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Signaling models have contributed to the corporate finance literature by formalizing "the informational content of dividends" hypothesis. However, these models are under criticism of empirical literature, as weak evidences were found supporting one of the main predicitions: the positive relation between changes in dividends and changes in earnings. We claim thaht the failure to verify this prediction does not invalidate the signaling approach. The models developed up to now assume or derive utility functions with the single-crossing property. We show thaht signaling is possible in the absence of this property and, in this case, changes in dividend and changes in earnings can be positively or negatively related.


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The objective of this dissertation is to re-examine classical issues in corporate finance, applying a new analytical tool. The single-crossing property, also called Spence-irrlees condition, is not required in the models developed here. This property has been a standard assumption in adverse selection and signaling models developed so far. The classical papers by Guesnerie and Laffont (1984) and Riley (1979) assume it. In the simplest case, for a consumer with a privately known taste, the single-crossing property states that the marginal utility of a good is monotone with respect to the taste. This assumption has an important consequence to the result of the model: the relationship between the private parameter and the quantity of the good assigned to the agent is monotone. While single crossing is a reasonable property for the utility of an ordinary consumer, this property is frequently absent in the objective function of the agents for more elaborate models. The lack of a characterization for the non-single crossing context has hindered the exploration of models that generate objective functions without this property. The first work that characterizes the optimal contract without the single-crossing property is Araújo and Moreira (2001a) and, for the competitive case, Araújo and Moreira (2001b). The main implication is that a partial separation of types may be observed. Two sets of disconnected types of agents may choose the same contract, in adverse selection problems, or signal with the same levei of signal, in signaling models.


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The focus of this thesis is to discuss the development and modeling of an interface architecture to be employed for interfacing analog signals in mixed-signal SOC. We claim that the approach that is going to be presented is able to achieve wide frequency range, and covers a large range of applications with constant performance, allied to digital configuration compatibility. Our primary assumptions are to use a fixed analog block and to promote application configurability in the digital domain, which leads to a mixed-signal interface. The use of a fixed analog block avoids the performance loss common to configurable analog blocks. The usage of configurability on the digital domain makes possible the use of all existing tools for high level design, simulation and synthesis to implement the target application, with very good performance prediction. The proposed approach utilizes the concept of frequency translation (mixing) of the input signal followed by its conversion to the ΣΔ domain, which makes possible the use of a fairly constant analog block, and also, a uniform treatment of input signal from DC to high frequencies. The programmability is performed in the ΣΔ digital domain where performance can be closely achieved according to application specification. The interface performance theoretical and simulation model are developed for design space exploration and for physical design support. Two prototypes are built and characterized to validate the proposed model and to implement some application examples. The usage of this interface as a multi-band parametric ADC and as a two channels analog multiplier and adder are shown. The multi-channel analog interface architecture is also presented. The characterization measurements support the main advantages of the approach proposed.


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The world cup has become the most streamed live sporting event in the US, as Americans tune in to this year´s tournament on their smartphones, tablets and computers in record numbers.


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The signaling models have contributed to the literature of corporate finance by the formalization of "the informational content of dividends hypothesis". However, these models are under criticism of empirical works, as weak evidences were found supporting one of the main predictions: the positive relation between changes in dividends and changes in earnings. We claim that the failure to verify this prediction does not invalidate the signaling approach. The mo deIs developed up to now assume or derive utility functions with the single-crossing property. We show that signaling is possible in the absence of this property and, in this case, changes in dividend and changes in earnings can be positively or negatively related.


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We give a thorough account of the various equivalent notions for \sheaf" on a locale, namely the separated and complete presheaves, the local home- omorphisms, and the local sets, and to provide a new approach based on quantale modules whereby we see that sheaves can be identi¯ed with certain Hilbert modules in the sense of Paseka. This formulation provides us with an interesting category that has immediate meaningful relations to those of sheaves, local homeomorphisms and local sets. The concept of B-set (local set over the locale B) present in [3] is seen as a simetric idempotent matrix with entries on B, and a map of B-sets as de¯ned in [8] is shown to be also a matrix satisfying some conditions. This gives us useful tools that permit the algebraic manipulation of B-sets. The main result is to show that the existing notions of \sheaf" on a locale B are also equivalent to a new concept what we call a Hilbert module with an Hilbert base. These modules are the projective modules since they are the image of a free module by a idempotent automorphism On the ¯rst chapter, we recall some well known results about partially ordered sets and lattices. On chapter two we introduce the category of Sup-lattices, and the cate- gory of locales, Loc. We describe the adjunction between this category and the category Top of topological spaces whose restriction to spacial locales give us a duality between this category and the category of sober spaces. We ¯nish this chapter with the de¯nitions of module over a quantale and Hilbert Module. Chapter three concerns with various equivalent notions namely: sheaves of sets, local homeomorphisms and local sets (projection matrices with entries on a locale). We ¯nish giving a direct algebraic proof that each local set is isomorphic to a complete local set, whose rows correspond to the singletons. On chapter four we de¯ne B-locale, study open maps and local homeo- morphims. The main new result is on the ¯fth chapter where we de¯ne the Hilbert modules and Hilbert modules with an Hilbert and show this latter concept is equivalent to the previous notions of sheaf over a locale.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: Sugarcane is an increasingly economically and environmentally important C4 grass, used for the production of sugar and bioethanol, a low-carbon emission fuel. Sugarcane originated from crosses of Saccharum species and is noted for its unique capacity to accumulate high amounts of sucrose in its stems. Environmental stresses limit enormously sugarcane productivity worldwide. To investigate transcriptome changes in response to environmental inputs that alter yield we used cDNA microarrays to profile expression of 1,545 genes in plants submitted to drought, phosphate starvation, herbivory and N-2-fixing endophytic bacteria. We also investigated the response to phytohormones (abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate). The arrayed elements correspond mostly to genes involved in signal transduction, hormone biosynthesis, transcription factors, novel genes and genes corresponding to unknown proteins.Results: Adopting an outliers searching method 179 genes with strikingly different expression levels were identified as differentially expressed in at least one of the treatments analysed. Self Organizing Maps were used to cluster the expression profiles of 695 genes that showed a highly correlated expression pattern among replicates. The expression data for 22 genes was evaluated for 36 experimental data points by quantitative RT-PCR indicating a validation rate of 80.5% using three biological experimental replicates. The SUCAST Database was created that provides public access to the data described in this work, linked to tissue expression profiling and the SUCAST gene category and sequence analysis. The SUCAST database also includes a categorization of the sugarcane kinome based on a phylogenetic grouping that included 182 undefined kinases.Conclusion: An extensive study on the sugarcane transcriptome was performed. Sugarcane genes responsive to phytohormones and to challenges sugarcane commonly deals with in the field were identified. Additionally, the protein kinases were annotated based on a phylogenetic approach. The experimental design and statistical analysis applied proved robust to unravel genes associated with a diverse array of conditions attributing novel functions to previously unknown or undefined genes. The data consolidated in the SUCAST database resource can guide further studies and be useful for the development of improved sugarcane varieties.


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A collection of 237,954 sugarcane ESTs was examined in search of signal transduction genes. Over 3,500 components involved in several aspects of signal transduction, transcription, development, cell cycle, stress responses and pathogen interaction were compiled into the Sugarcane Signal Transduction (SUCAST) Catalogue. Sequence comparisons and protein domain analysis revealed 477 receptors, 510 protein kinases, 107 protein phosphatases, 75 small GTPases, 17 G-proteins, 114 calcium and inositol metabolism proteins, and over 600 transcription factors. The elements were distributed into 29 main categories subdivided into 409 sub-categories. Genes with no matches in the public databases and of unknown function were also catalogued. A cDNA microarray was constructed to profile individual variation of plants cultivated in the field and transcript abundance in six plant organs (flowers, roots, leaves, lateral buds, and 1(st) and 4(th) internodes). From 1280 distinct elements analyzed, 217 (17%) presented differential expression in two biological samples of at least one of the tissues tested. A total of 153 genes (12%) presented highly similar expression levels in all tissues. A virtual profile matrix was constructed and the expression profiles were validated by real-time PCR. The expression data presented can aid in assigning function for the sugarcane genes and be useful for promoter characterization of this and other economically important grasses.


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In this work we use Interval Mathematics to establish interval counterparts for the main tools used in digital signal processing. More specifically, the approach developed here is oriented to signals, systems, sampling, quantization, coding and Fourier transforms. A detailed study for some interval arithmetics which handle with complex numbers is provided; they are: complex interval arithmetic (or rectangular), circular complex arithmetic, and interval arithmetic for polar sectors. This lead us to investigate some properties that are relevant for the development of a theory of interval digital signal processing. It is shown that the sets IR and R(C) endowed with any correct arithmetic is not an algebraic field, meaning that those sets do not behave like real and complex numbers. An alternative to the notion of interval complex width is also provided and the Kulisch- Miranker order is used in order to write complex numbers in the interval form enabling operations on endpoints. The use of interval signals and systems is possible thanks to the representation of complex values into floating point systems. That is, if a number x 2 R is not representable in a floating point system F then it is mapped to an interval [x;x], such that x is the largest number in F which is smaller than x and x is the smallest one in F which is greater than x. This interval representation is the starting point for definitions like interval signals and systems which take real or complex values. It provides the extension for notions like: causality, stability, time invariance, homogeneity, additivity and linearity to interval systems. The process of quantization is extended to its interval counterpart. Thereafter the interval versions for: quantization levels, quantization error and encoded signal are provided. It is shown that the interval levels of quantization represent complex quantization levels and the classical quantization error ranges over the interval quantization error. An estimation for the interval quantization error and an interval version for Z-transform (and hence Fourier transform) is provided. Finally, the results of an Matlab implementation is given