984 resultados para Sevelus, Sven
Eine Anfang 2002 erfolgte Umfrage im Historicum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München zur Akzeptanz elektronischer Informationsressourcen in Forschung und Lehre zeigte, dass das Interesse an elektronischer Literatur- und Informationsversorgung in den Geschichts- und Altertumswissenschaften als durchaus groß zu bewerten ist, selbst wenn dem Printbereich weiterhin ein sehr hoher Stellenwert eingeräumt wird. Ferner erbrachte die Umfrage, dass der bibliothekarischen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im Sinne einer offensiven Werbung für den kostenintensiven E-Mediensektor ein viel größeres Augenmerk zu schenken ist, als dies bislang von der Universitätsbibliothek München vermutet wurde.
RM-Verfahren transformieren die Produktentwicklung. Noch ist dies ein zartes Pflänzchen, doch allerorten macht man sich Gedanken wie es zur Blüte zu treiben ist. Dieses Pflänzchen bietet Chancen gerade für Designer, Nischenanbieter und Mittelständler. Wer seinen Markt kennt, kann mit RM schneller, schlanker und vernetzter handeln und mit individuellen Lösungen Massenanbietern entgegentreten – oder diese ergänzen.
We analyze the role of intermediaries in electronic markets using detailed data of more than 14,000 originated loans on an electronic P2P (peer-to-peer) lending platform. In such an electronic credit market, lenders bid to supply a private loan. Screening of potential borrowers and the monitoring of loan repayment can be delegated to designated group leaders. We find that these market participants act as financial intermediaries and significantly improve borrowers' credit conditions by reducing information asymmetries, predominantly for borrowers with less attractive risk characteristics. Our findings may be surprising given the replacement of a bank by an electronic marketplace.
Three studies examine how people’s attributions of responsibility for terrorist attacks depend on their group membership and their identification with the victim (study 1) or their identification with the victim’s or perpetrator’s ingroup (studies 2 and 3). We observe that people’s group membership (perpetrator group versus victim group) determines the judgments of responsibility for recent terrorist attacks. Members of the perpetrator group hold the direct perpetrators responsible, while members of the victim group perceive the perpetrator world as a whole as relatively responsible as well. Identification with the victim (study 1) or victim group (studies 2 and 3) strengthens attributions of responsibility to the whole perpetrator group, and this relationship is partially mediated by the perceived typicality of the perpetrator for the whole group. We discuss possible explanations for this pattern, and indicate the implications of these results in terms of improving intergroup relations.
The economic and social changes taking place in Russia in recent decades have implied a restructuring of the Russian society. Among other things, Russian leaders have expressed a need for the reorientation of social development. In the 1990’s, cooperation was initiated on a number of social work and social welfare projects with international support, a process further speeded up during President Jeltsin’s state visit to Sweden in 1997. Discussions between the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Russian authorities dealing with welfare issues started from the assumption that Russian professional social work was weak and needed to be strengthened. In the 1990's Sida was also given a stronger general mandate to work with other former Soviet countries in Eastern Europe, for example the Baltic States. The Russian-Swedish discussions resulted in projects aiming to raise social work competencies in public authorities, managements and among social workers in Russia. One of the areas chosen for these projects was Saint Petersburg, where several projects aiming to develop new models for social work were launched. The point of departure has been to transfer and adjust Swedish models of social work to the Russian context. The Stockholm University Department of Social Work became responsible for a number of such projects and besides using academic teachers also involved a number of practitioners, such as social workers in disablement services and reformatory staff who could meet and match Russian authorities and partners.
This paper discusses the different characteristics used to describe XXL-products and, furthermore, presents fundamental aspects concerning the construction (e.g. principles, methods) of production systems. A survey of experts at XXL-producers is used to identify the most commonly implemented Lean-Production-Methods of production systems. The article presents the survey results and finally concludes with an outlook on further steps.
Indoor positioning is the backbone of many advanced intra-logistic applications. As opposed to unified outdoor satellite positioning systems, there are many different technical approaches to indoor positioning. Depending on the application, there are different trade-offs between accuracy, range, and costs. In this paper we present a new concept for a 4-degree-of-freedom (4-DOF) positioning system to be used for vehicle tracing in a logistic facility. The system employs optical data transmission between active infrastructure and receiver devices. Compared to existing systems, these optical technologies promise to achieve better accuracy at lower costs. We will introduce the positioning algorithm and an experimental setup of the system.
Unterstützungssysteme für die Programmierausbildung sind weit verbreitet, doch gängige Standards für den Austausch von allgemeinen (Lern-) Inhalten und Tests erfüllen nicht die speziellen Anforderungen von Programmieraufgaben wie z. B. den Umgang mit komplexen Einreichungen aus mehreren Dateien oder die Kombination verschiedener (automatischer) Bewertungsverfahren. Dadurch können Aufgaben nicht zwischen Systemen ausgetauscht werden, was aufgrund des hohen Aufwands für die Entwicklung guter Aufgaben jedoch wünschenswert wäre. In diesem Beitrag wird ein erweiterbares XML-basiertes Format zum Austausch von Programmieraufgaben vorgestellt, das bereits von mehreren Systemen prototypisch genutzt wird. Die Spezifikation des Austauschformats ist online verfügbar [PFMA].