984 resultados para Semen concentration methods


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El objetivo general de esta Tesis Doctoral ha sido tratar de mejorar los parámetros reproductivos de las conejas primíparas lactantes, empleando dos métodos de manejo (destete temprano y extensificación del ritmo reproductivo), que están directamente relacionados con su balance energético. Para ello, se diseñaron 2 experimentos en este tipo de hembras. En el primero, se estudió el efecto del destete a 25 días post-parto (dpp) sobre la actividad ovárica y el metabolismo energético de las conejas una semana más tarde (32 dpp). Un total de 34 primíparas lactantes con 8 gazapos fueron distribuidas en tres grupos: 10 conejas se sacrificaron a los 25 dpp (grupo L25), 13 fueron destetadas a los 25 dpp y sacrificadas a los 32 dpp (grupo NL32), y 11 conejas no se destetaron y fueron sacrificadas a los 32 dpp (grupo L32). No se observaron diferencias significativas entre grupos en el peso corporal, el peso del ovario, ni en las concentraciones séricas de ácidos grasos no esterificados y de proteínas totales. A pesar de que el grupo NL32 presentó un bajo consumo de alimento (122 ± 23,5 g / día, p <0,001), su contenido corporal estimado de lípidos (16,9 ± 1,09%, P <0,008), proteínas (19,7 ± 0,07%, P <0,0001), y energía (1147 ± 42,7 MJ / kg, p <0,006) fueron más elevados y las concentraciones séricas de glucosa (158 ± 24,5 mg/dl, p <0,04) más bajas que en los grupos L25 (11,9 ± 1,3%, 18,5 ± 0,08%, 942 ± 51,3 MJ/kg y 212 ± 27,9 mg/dl) y L32 (13,4 ± 1,03%, 18,5 ± 0,1%, 993 ± 40,4 MJ/kg y 259 ± 29,5 mg/dl), respectivamente. En el grupo L25 se observó un menor número medio de folículos ≥ 1 mm en la superficie ovárica en comparación con los grupos NL32 y L32 (12,7 ± 1,5 vs. 18,0 ± 1,45 y 17,6 ± 1,67, p <0,05). La población folicular ovárica en las secciones histológicas y la inmunolocalización de los receptores de prolactina fueron similares en todos los grupos. En el grupo L25, tanto la maduración nuclear de oocitos, medida en términos de tasas alcanzadas de Metafase II (67,0 vs. 79,7 y 78,3%, P <0.05) y la maduración citoplasmática, medida por el porcentaje de gránulos corticales (GC) total o parcialmente migrados en los oocitos, fueron significativamente menores que en los grupos NL32 y L32 (16,0 vs 38,3 y 60,0%, P <0.05). En conclusión, a pesar de que el destete precoz a 25 dpp pareció mejorar las reservas de energía de las conejas primíparas, este hecho no se reflejó claramente a nivel ovárico a los 32 dpp y fue similar independientemente del destete, por lo que éste último podría llevarse a cabo más tarde. En el segundo experimento, se compararon dos ritmos reproductivos. Se utilizaron un total de 48 conejas primíparas lactantes con 8 gazapos que se asignaron al azar en dos grupos experimentales: a) lactantes sacrificadas a comienzos del post-parto (11 dpp) de acuerdo a un ritmo semi-intensivo (n = 24), y b) lactantes sacrificadas al final del período post-parto (25 dpp) de acuerdo con un ritmo más extensivo (n = 24). En ellas, se estudió el peso vivo, la composición corporal estimada, parámetros metabólicos y endocrinos (estradiol y progesterona) y características ováricas como la población folicular y la tasa de atresia, así como la maduración nuclear y citoplásmica de los oocitos. En este estudio, el peso vivo, el contenido de energía corporal, los depósitos grasos y los ácidos grasos no esterificados disminuyeron a lo largo del post-parto con respecto al momento del parto (P <0,05). Las concentraciones séricas de proteínas y glucosa aumentaron en el mismo periodo post-parto (P <0,05). Se observaron similares niveles de estradiol y progesterona en ambos ritmos, así como una población folicular, tasas de maduración nuclear (tasa de oocitos en metafase II) y citoplasmática (porcentaje de oocitos con gránulos corticales migrados), similares en ambos momentos del post-parto. Sin embargo, el número de folículos preovulatorios en la superficie ovárica fue menor (P <0,05) y la tasa de atresia tendió a ser mayor con un porcentaje también menor de folículos sanos (P <0,1) en los ovarios de las hembras sometidas al ritmo extensivo. En conclusión, al final del post-parto (25 días), las conejas primíparas sin destetar muestran un deterioro de sus reservas corporales, de sus parámetros metabólicos séricos y de la calidad de sus oocitos; incluso se ha observado una ligera influencia negativa en el desarrollo de sus folículos ováricos. Por esta razón, se considera que en las conejas primíparas lactantes el manejo reproductivo extensivo (25 dpp) no presenta ninguna ventaja en comparación con el semi-intensivo (11 dpp). A la vista de los resultados de estos dos experimentos, podemos decir que ni el destete temprano, ni la extensificación del ritmo reproductivo han conseguido una mejora en los parámetros reproductivos de una hembra primípara. Por ello, son necesarios más estudios sobre el estado metabólico de la coneja primípara lactante para conseguir métodos o estrategias que lo mejoren y tengan consecuencias directas sobre la actividad reproductiva y sobre su éxito productivo. The general aim of this Thesis was to study two management methods (early weaning and extensive reproductive rhythm) linked to the energy balance of the primiparous rabbit does to improve their reproductive performance. In this sense, 2 experiments were conducted using this kind of females. In the first experiment, the effect of weaning at 25 days post-partum (dpp) on ovarian activity and energetic metabolism one week later (32 dpp) was studied. A total of 34 primiparous lactating rabbit does were used and distributed among three groups: 10 does euthanized at 25 dpp (group L25), 13 does weaned at 25 dpp and euthanized at 32 dpp (group NL32), and 11 non weaned does euthanized at 32 dpp (group L32). No significant differences were observed in live body weight, ovary weight, serum non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and total protein concentration among groups. Although NL32 does had a low feed intake (122±23.5 g/Day; P < 0.001), their estimated lipids (16.9±1.09%, P < 0.008), protein (19.7±0.07%, P < 0.0001), and energy (1147±42.7 MJ/kg, P < 0.006) body contents were higher and their serum glucose concentrations (158±24.5 mg/dl, P < 0.04) were lower compared to L25 does (11.9±1.3%, 18.5±0.08%, 942±51.3 MJ/kg and 212±27.9 mg/dl) and L32 does (13.4±1.03%, 18.5±0.1%, 993±40.4 MJ/kg and 259±29.5 mg/dl, respectively). A lower number of follicles ≥1mm was observed compared to NL32 and L32 groups (12.7±1.5 vs. 18.0±1.45 and 17.6 ±1.67; P < 0.05) in the ovarian surface of L25 does. Follicular population in the histological ovarian sections and immunolocalization of prolactin receptor were similar in all groups. In group L25, both nuclear maturation of oocytes in terms of Metaphase II rate (67.0 vs. 79.7 and 78.3%; P < 0.05) and cytoplasmic maturation measured by percentage of cortical granules (CG), totally or partially migrated in oocytes were significantly lower than in groups NL32 and L32 (16.0 vs. 38.3 and 60.0%; P < 0.05). Consequently, a higher rate of oocytes with non-migrated CGs was found in group L25 than in groups NL32 and L32 (76.0 vs. 46.8 and 33.3%; P < 0.05). In conclusion, even though early weaning at 25 dpp seemed to improve body energy stored in primiparous does, this fact was not well reflected on the ovarian status at 32 dpp, which was similar regardless of weaning time. In the second experiment, two reproductive rhythms were compared. A total of 48 primiparous Californian x New Zealand White rabbit does suckling 8 kits were randomly allocated in two experimental groups: a) lactating does euthanized at early post-partum period (11 dpp) according to a semi-intensive rhythm (n = 24), and b) lactating does euthanized on later post-partum period (25 dpp) according to a more extensive rhythm (n = 24). Live weight, estimated body composition, serum metabolic and endocrine parameters (oestradiol and progesterone concentrations) and ovarian features like follicle population and atresia rate, and oocyte maturation were studied. Live weight, body energy content, lipid depots and serum non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentrations diminished from parturition time to post-partum period (P < 0.05). In addition, serum protein and glucose concentrations increased along postpartum time (P < 0.05). Similar oestradiol and progesterone levels were shown in rhythms as well as similar follicle population and nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation rates measured as metaphase II and cortical granule migration, respectively in both postpartum times. However, number of preovulatory follicles on the ovarian surface was lower (P < 0.05) and atresia rate tended to be higher with also lower percentage of healthy follicles (P < 0.1) in ovaries of females of extensive group. In conclusion, primiparous non-weaned rabbits does at late post-partum time (25 days), Did no show any improvement regarding body reserves, serum metabolic parameters and oocyte quality; even a slight negative influence has been observed in the development of their ovarian follicles. Thus this reproductive management does not present any advantage compared to earlier post-partum (11 days) reproductive rhythm. In summary, according to the obtained results from these two experiments, we can say that the application of early weaning and the extensive rhythms did not achieve an improvement in the reproductive performance of primiparous does. Thus, it is necessary to conduct more studies about the metabolic status of the primiparous lactating doe to achieve strategies in order to improve it and consequently, to improve the reproductive activity and their productive success.


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Fe–Cr based alloys are the leading structural material candidates in the design of next generation reactors due to their high resistance to swelling and corrosion. Despite these good properties there are others, such as embrittlement, which require a higher level of understanding in order to improve aspects such as safety or lifetime of the reactors. The addition of Cr improves the behavior of the steels under irradiation, but not in a monotonic way. Therefore, understanding the changes in the Fe–Cr based alloys microstructure induced by irradiation and the role played by the alloying element (Cr) is needed in order to predict the response of these materials under the extreme conditions they are going to support. In this work we perform a study of the effect of Cr concentration in a bcc Fe–Cr matrix on formation and binding energies of vacancy clusters up to 5 units. The dependence of the calculated formation and binding energy is investigated with two empirical interatomic potentials specially developed to study radiation damage in Fe–Cr alloys. Results are very similar for both potentials showing an increase of the defect stability with the cluster size and no real dependence on Cr concentration for the binding energy.


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Palm juice (Borassus flabellifer) is one of the most common and cheap natural juices. Fermented palm juice contains various phytochemical compounds that exhibit antioxidant activity. In the present study, we examined the effects of pH on the production of phytochemicals and their antioxidant activity during the fermentation process. The concentration of total phenolics and flavonoid compounds of fermented palm juice and their antioxidant activity were investigated at various pH. The results showed that total phenolics concentration and antioxidant activity of palm wine and palm vinegar increase as pH increases: Maximum flavonoid concentration was obtained at pH 6.5. Measurements of antioxidant activity by conventional DPPH method and Photochem antioxidant analyzer technique were highly correlated, with a corresponding R2 value of 0.94.


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NO causes pulmonary vasodilation in patients with pulmonary hypertension. In pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells, the activity of voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channels controls resting membrane potential. In turn, membrane potential is an important regulator of the intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and pulmonary vascular tone. We used patch clamp methods to determine whether the NO-induced pulmonary vasodilation is mediated by activation of Kv channels. Quantitative fluorescence microscopy was employed to test the effect of NO on the depolarization-induced rise in [Ca2+]i. Blockade of Kv channels by 4-aminopyridine (5 mM) depolarized pulmonary artery myocytes to threshold for initiation of Ca2+ action potentials, and thereby increased [Ca2+]i. NO (approximately 3 microM) and the NO-generating compound sodium nitroprusside (5-10 microM) opened Kv channels in rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. The enhanced K+ currents then hyperpolarized the cells, and blocked Ca(2+)-dependent action potentials, thereby preventing the evoked increases in [Ca2+]i. Nitroprusside also increased the probability of Kv channel opening in excised, outside-out membrane patches. This raises the possibility that NO may act either directly on the channel protein or on a closely associated molecule rather than via soluble guanylate cyclase. In isolated pulmonary arteries, 4-aminopyridine significantly inhibited NO-induced relaxation. We conclude that NO promotes the opening of Kv channels in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells. The resulting membrane hyperpolarization, which lowers [Ca2+]i, is apparently one of the mechanisms by which NO induces pulmonary vasodilation.


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Functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using three aminobenzene acids with different functional groups (carboxylic, sulphonic, phosphonic) in para position have been synthesized through potentiodynamic treatment in acid media under oxidative conditions. A noticeable increase in the capacitance for the functionalized carbon nanotubes mainly due to redox processes points out the formation of an electroactive polymer thin film on the CNTs surface along with covalently bonded functionalities. The CNTs functionalized using aminobenzoic acid rendered the highest capacitance values and surface nitrogen content, while the presence of sulfur and/or phosphorus groups in the aminobenzene structure yielded a lower functionalization degree. The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity of the functionalized samples was similar to that of the parent CNTs, independently of the functional group present in the aminobenzene acid. Interestingly, a heat treatment in N2 atmosphere with a very low O2 concentration (3125 ppm) at 800 °C of the CNTs functionalized with aminobenzoic acid produced a material with high amounts of surface oxygen and nitrogen groups (12 and 4% at., respectively), that seem to modulate the electron-donor properties of the resulting material. The onset potential and limiting current for ORR was enhanced for this material. These are promising results that validates the use of electrochemistry for the synthesis of novel N-doped electrocatalysts for ORR in combination with adequate heat treatments.


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The aim of this article is to compare the Suzuki and BAPNE methods based on bibliography published for both approaches. In the field of musical and instrumental education and especially for the childhood stage, the correct use of the body and voice are of fundamental importance. These two methods differ from one another; one principally musical and instrumental, which is the Suzuki method, and one non-musical, the BAPNE method, which aims at stimulating attention, concentration, memory and the executing function of the pupil through music and body percussion. Comparing different approaches may provide teachers with a useful insight for facing different issues related to their discipline.


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Pore water was collected from each of 10 sites during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 168 on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. These ten sites delineate a transect perpendicular to the present ridge axis and span a crustal age of 0.86-3.59 Ma. At nine of the ten sites the entire sediment section, which ranged from 41.3 to 613.8 m thick, was cored and attempts were made to recover at least one whole round of sediment per section of core for extraction of pore water. Several (2-5) whole-round sediment samples were taken from the uppermost and lowermost cores to constrain the chemical gradient near the sediment/water and sediment/basalt interfaces, respectively. Pore water was extracted from whole-round sediment core sections by squeezing only the most pristine sediment in a titanium squeezer designed by Manheim and Sayles (1974). Two additional water samples were collected in situ using the water-sampler temperature probe (WSTP; Barnes, 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.110.104.1988). Both of these samples were collected in the cased section of the open borehole from ODP Hole 1026B. Formation fluids were flowing up the cased hole into the overlying deep seawater (Fisher et al., 1997, doi:10.1029/97GL01286). Detailed descriptions of the sampling methods that were used to collect fluids are given by the Shipboard Scientific Party (Davis, Fisher, Firth, et al., 1997, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.168.1997).


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Aims: To determine the prevalence and concentration of Escherichia coli O157 shed in faeces at slaughter, by beef cattle from different production systems. Methods and Results: Faecal samples were collected from grass-fed (pasture) and lot-fed (feedlot) cattle at slaughter and tested for the presence of E. coli O157 using automated immunomagnetic separation (AIMS). Escherichia coli O157 was enumerated in positive samples using the most probable number (MPN) technique and AIMS and total E. coli were enumerated using Petrifilm. A total of 310 faecal samples were tested (155 from each group). The geometric mean count of total E. coli was 5 x 10(5) and 2.5 x 10(5) CFU g(-1) for lot- and grass-fed cattle, respectively. Escherichia coli O157 was isolated from 13% of faeces with no significant difference between grass-fed (10%) and lot-fed cattle (15%). The numbers of E. coli O157 in cattle faeces varied from undetectable (


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Aim To explore relationships between sirolimus dosing, concentration and clinical outcomes. Methods Data were collected from 25 kidney transplant recipients (14 M/11 F), median 278 days after transplantation. Outcomes of interest were white blood cell (WBC) count, platelet (PLT) count, and haematocrit (HCT). A naive pooled data analysis was performed with outcomes dichotomized (Mann-Whitney U-tests). Results Several patients experienced at least one episode when WBC (n = 9), PLT (n = 12), or HCT (n = 21) fell below the lower limits of the normal range. WBC and HCT were significantly lower (P < 0.05) when sirolimus dose was greater than 10 mg day(-1), and sirolimus concentration greater than 12 mu g l(-1). No relationship was shown for PLT and dichotomized sirolimus dose or concentration. Conclusions Given this relationship between sirolimus concentration and effect, linked population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling using data from more renal transplant recipients should now be used to quantify the time course of these relationships to optimize dosing and minimize risk of these adverse outcomes.


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Folates and its derivatives occur as polyglutamates in nature. The multiplicity of forms and the generally low levels in foods makes quantitative analysis of folate a difficult task. The assay of folates from foods generally involves three steps: liberation of folates from the cellular matrix; deconjugation from the polyglutamate to the mono and di-glutamate forms; and the detection of the biological activity or chemical concentration of the resulting folates. The detection methods used are the microbiological assay relying on the turbidimetric bacterial growth of Lactobacillus rhamnosus which is by far the most commonly used method; the HPLC and LC/MS techniques and bio-specific procedures. This review attempts to describe the methods along with the merits and demerits of using each of these methods.


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Presently AI in the koala has been based on the insemination of fresh undiluted semen collected with an artificial vagina (1). While this approach has been extremely successful, further refinement and implementation of AI for use with cryopreserved semen will require protocols that incorporate diluted semen collected by EE. Recent studies have shown that koala semen is likely to have an "ovulation factor" such that over-dilution may result in ovulation failure (2). The current study determined whether AI of EEed neat and/or diluted semen was capable of inducing a luteal phase and/or resulted in the production of pouch young. All koalas were inseminated in the breeding season between day 2 and 5 of oestrus and subsequently monitored for evidence of parturition (day 35) and return of oestrus. Successful induction of a luteal phase was based on evidence of an elevated progesterone concentration 28 days after insemination (2). All semen samples were collected by EE and seminal characteristics recorded (3). The diluent used for semen extension was Tris-citrate glucose (TCG) which contained antibiotics but no egg yolk (4). AI was conducted on conscious koalas using a "Cook koala insemination catheter" and a glass rod used to mimic penile thrusting (1). Three insemination treatments were used; (A) 1mL of undiluted semen (n = 9); (B) 2mL of 1:1 diluted semen (n = 9); and (C) 1 mL of 1:1 diluted semen (n = 9). The results of the AI trial are shown in Table 1. This study has shown that it is possible to use both neat and diluted semen (1:1; 1 or 2 mL) to successfully produce koala offspring at conception rates similar to those achieved following natural mating. Interestingly, dilution of semen had no apparent detrimental effect on induction of a luteal phase following AI.


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Titanium containing wormhole-like mesoporous silicas, denoted Ti-HMS, synthesized both via the hydrothermal synthesis route and the post synthesis grafting technique, known as molecular designed dispersion, have been successfully applied in the gas phase oxidation of Toluene to CO and CO2. Selectivity towards CO2 for all catalysts, at temperatures between 400-600degreesC, was above 80%. Benzene and benzaldehyde were observed at temperatures above 450degreesC, but in very low concentrations. The conversion of toluene was shown to increase significantly when the V-TEX/N-MESO ratios were increased from 0.07 to 0.84. No significant difference in catalytic activity was observed for catalysts prepared via the different synthesis techniques. The catalytic activity also depends on the concentration of tetrahedrally coordinated titanium atoms and not on the total concentration of titanium in the catalyst.