979 resultados para Self-achievement
Sir James Lighthill proposed in 1992 that acoustic streaming occurs in the inner ear, as part of the cochlear amplifier mechanism. Here we hypothesize that some of the most ancient organisms use acoustic streaming not only for self-propulsion but also to enhance their nutrient uptake. We focus on a motile strain of Synechococcus, a yanobacteria whose mechanism for self-propulsion is not known. Molecular motors could work like piezoelectric transducers acting on the crystalline structure surrounding the outer cell membrane. Our calculations show that a traveling surface acoustic wave (SAW)could account for the observed velocities. These SAW waves will also produce a non-negligible Stokes layer surrounding the cell: motion within this region being essentially chaotic. Therefore, an AS mechanism would be biologically advantageous, enhancing localized diffusion processes and consequently, chemical reactions. We believe that acoustic streaming, produced by nanometer scale membrane vibrations could be widespread in cell biology. Other possible instances are yeast cells and erythrocytes. Flows generated by acoustic streaming may also be produced by silica coated diatoms along their raphe. We note that microelectromechanical (MEMS) acoustic streaming devices were first introduced in the 1990’s. Nature may have preceded this invention by 2.7 Gyr.
This study investigated the direction of effects of temporal and downward social comparisons on self-rated health in very old age. Self-rated health can either reinforce or hinder comparison processes. In the framework of the Swiss Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study on the Oldest Old, individuals aged 80 to 84 at baseline were interviewed and followed longitudinally for 5 years. Multilevel analyses were used to test the relative importance of temporal and social comparisons on self-rated health evaluations synchronically and diachronically (with a time lag of 12 to 18 months) as well as the direction of these relative influences. Results indicate that (a) at the synchronic level, continuity temporal comparisons have more impact than downward social comparisons on self-rated health; (b) both types of comparison had an independent and positive effect on self-rated health at the diachronic level; (c) self-rated health has an independent synchronic effect on both types of comparison and an independent diachronic effect in temporal comparison.
BACKGROUND: As the diversity of the European population evolves, measuring providers' skillfulness in cross-cultural care and understanding what contextual factors may influence this is increasingly necessary. Given limited information about differences in cultural competency by provider role, we compared cross-cultural skillfulness between physicians and nurses working at a Swiss university hospital. METHODS: A survey on cross-cultural care was mailed in November 2010 to front-line providers in Lausanne, Switzerland. This questionnaire included some questions from the previously validated Cross-Cultural Care Survey. We compared physicians' and nurses' mean composite scores and proportion of "3-good/4-very good" responses, for nine perceived skillfulness items (4-point Likert-scale) using the validated tool. We used linear regression to examine how provider role (physician vs. nurse) was associated with composite skillfulness scores, adjusting for demographics (gender, non-French dominant language), workplace (time at institution, work-unit "sensitized" to cultural-care), reported cultural-competence training, and cross-cultural care problem-awareness. RESULTS: Of 885 questionnaires, 368 (41.2%) returned the survey: 124 (33.6%) physicians and 244 (66.4%) nurses, reflecting institutional distribution of providers. Physicians had better mean composite scores for perceived skillfulness than nurses (2.7 vs. 2.5, p < 0.005), and significantly higher proportion of "good/very good" responses for 4/9 items. After adjusting for explanatory variables, physicians remained more likely to have higher skillfulness (β = 0.13, p = 0.05). Among all, higher skillfulness was associated with perception/awareness of problems in the following areas: inadequate cross-cultural training (β = 0.14, p = 0.01) and lack of practical experience caring for diverse populations (β = 0.11, p = 0.04). In stratified analyses among physicians alone, having French as a dominant language (β = -0.34, p < 0.005) was negatively correlated with skillfulness. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, there is much room for cultural competency improvement among providers. These results support the need for cross-cultural skills training with an inter-professional focus on nurses, education that attunes provider awareness to the local issues in cross-cultural care, and increased diversity efforts in the work force, particularly among physicians.
AIM: To assess self-perceived health status and mental health outcomes of former extremely low-birth-weight (ELBW) infants at young adulthood compared with community norms and to analyse predictors of poor outcome. METHODS: Fifty-five ELBW adults, 18 men (33%), with median (range) gestational age of 28.7 (25.0-34.0) weeks and birth weight of 930 (680-990) grams, born in Switzerland, were included. They self-rated their health status and mental health at a mean (range) age of 23.3 (21.8-25.9) years. Health status was measured by the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 questionnaire and mental health by the Brief Symptom Inventory. RESULTS: The mean scores for both outcome measures were in the normal range. However, the study group self-rated significantly higher physical health status and lower mental health status compared with the community norms, and scores for self-perceived mental health tended to be worse in the former. ELBW adults reported more problems in socio-emotional role functioning compared with the community norms. Female sex was associated with poorer and bronchopulmonary dysplasia with better mental health status. CONCLUSION: Health status and mental health of former ELBW adults were overall satisfying. However, the comparison with the community norms revealed differences, which may be important for parental and patient counselling and developing support strategies.
Purpose: To assess the prevalence of four self-reported cardiovascular risk factors (CV RFs: smoking, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and diabetes) and their reported management in seven Swiss regions (Léman, MiUelland, Zurich, North-West Switzerland, Oriental Switzerland, Central Switzerland and Tessin). Methods: National health interview survey conducted in 2007 in a representative sample of the Swiss population (17,879 subjects). Age-adjusted data on prevalence of self-reported CV RFs, treatment among participants reporting a RF, control of RFs among treated participants and CV RF screening in the last 12 months levels were computed after weighting. Results: The prevalence of hypertension was highest in North-West Switzerland (27.3%) and lowest in Central Switzerland (21.0%, p<0.001). Antihypertensive treatment was highest in Léman region (62.7%) and lowest in Oriental Switzerland (55.2%, p<0.001). Screening was higher in Tessin (89.3%) and lowest in Léman region (81.8%, p<0.001). Prevalence of dyslipidaemia was highest in Tessin and Léman region (20.7% and 20.1 %, respectively) and lowest in Oriental Switzerland (14.5%, p<0.001). Lipid-Iowering treatment was highest in Tessin and Léman region (44.3% each) and lowest in Central Switzerland (30.7%, p<0.001). Dyslipidaemia screening was highest in Tessin (76.6%) and lowest in Central Switzerland (58.6%, p<0.001). Prevalence of diabetes was highest in North-West Switzerland (5.4%) and lowest in Central Switzerland (3.3%, p<0.05). Diabetes screening was highest in Tessin (78.1%) and lowest in Oriental Switzerland (64.0%, p<0.001). Conversely, no between-region differences were found for hypertension or dyslipidaemia control (see table). Conclusion: there are significant differences between the Swiss regions in self-reported prevalence and management of CV RFs. Screening is beUer in Tessin than in the other regions.
This manuscript has served for an oral presentation in honour of Professor Pierre Bovet who retired from his position as head physician at the Department of Psychiatry of the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. Pierre Bovet has focused his clinical and scientific interest and his teaching activities on the schizophrenic spectrum disorders. The author tries to describe the essential elements of a clinical attitude which allows to really encounter the patient.
Background: Natural Killer (NK) cells are thought to protect from residual leukemic cells in patients receiving stem cell transplantation. However, multiple retrospective analyses of patient data have yielded conflicting conclusions regarding a putative role of NK cells and the essential NK cell recognition events mediating a protective effect against leukemia. Further, a NK cell mediated protective effect against primary leukemia in vivo has not been shown directly.Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we addressed whether NK cells have the potential to control chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) arising based on the transplantation of BCR-ABL1 oncogene expressing primary bone marrow precursor cells into lethally irradiated recipient mice. These analyses identified missing-self recognition as the only NK cell-mediated recognition strategy, which is able to significantly protect from the development of CML disease in vivo.Conclusion: Our data provide a proof of principle that NK cells can control primary leukemic cells in vivo. Since the presence of NK cells reduced the abundance of leukemia propagating cancer stem cells, the data raise the possibility that NK cell recognition has the potential to cure CML, which may be difficult using small molecule BCR-ABL1 inhibitors. Finally, our findings validate approaches to treat leukemia using antibody-based blockade of self-specific inhibitory MHC class I receptors.
The paradox of autonomy is about whether self-rule accommodates or exacerbates armed conflict. This study attempts to unpack the puzzle examining the effectiveness of territorial autonomy as a state response to self-determination conflicts throughout the world. It challenges the conflict-inducing features of autonomy arguing that territorial autonomy can mitigate armed conflict by channeling group grievances into peaceful forms of protest. Thus, this study aims at arriving at a comprehensive theory that identifies which factors are responsible for violent escalation of conflicts grounded in self-determination demands. By using the concepts of opportunity structures and willingness dimension, this study shows that conflict escalation only takes place when minorities with greater bargaining power vis-à-vis the center, in contexts of high levels of economic inequality within dyad, are mobilized around autonomy and separatist demands.
Although medicine is practised in a secular setting, religious and spiritual issues have an impact on patient perspectives regarding their health and the management of any disorders that may afflict them. This is especially true in psychiatry, as feelings of spirituality and religiousness are very prevalent among the mentally ill. Clinicians are rarely aware of the importance of religion and understand little of its value as a mediating force for coping with mental illness. This book addresses various issues concerning mental illness in psychiatry: the relation of religious issues to mental health; the tension between a theoretical approach to problems and psychiatric approaches; the importance of addressing these varying approaches in patient care and how to do so; and differing ways to approach Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist patients. This is the first book to specifically cover the impact of religion and spirituality on mental illness.
Drawing on PISA data of 2006, this study examines the impact of socio-economic school composition on science test score achievement for Spanish students in compulsory secondary schools. We define school composition in terms of the average parental human capital of students in the same school. These contextual peer effects are estimated using a semi-parametric methodology, which enables the spillovers to affect all the parameters of the educational production function. We also deal with the potential problem of self-selection of student into schools, using an artificial sorting that we argue to be independent from unobserved student’s abilities. The results indicate that the association between socio-economic school composition and test score results is clearly positive and significantly higher when computed with the semi-parametric approach. However, we find that the endogenous sorting of students into schools plays a fundamental role, given that the spillovers are significantly reduced when this selection process is ruled out from our measure of school composition effects. Specifically, the estimations suggest that the contextual peer effects are moderately positive only in those schools where the socio-economic composition is considerably elevated. In addition, we find some evidence of asymmetry of how the external effects and the sorting process actually operate, which seem affect in a different way males and females as well as high and low performance students.
El projecte ha estat realitzat en la Unitat de Farmàcia Clínica i Farmacoteràpia de la Facultat de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona i ha estat a desenvolupar en dos anys. La finalitat del projecte ha estat oferir a l'alumne un material docent en suport digital, adaptat a una metodologia més creativa i de treball en grup, orientat a la millora de la seva formació, autonomia i rendiment acadèmic, en els aspectes relacionats amb la Farmàcia Clínica i Farmacoteràpia i l'Atenció Farmacèutica, i que consistirà en una primera aproximació a les directrius europees. Aquest material docent en suport digital són WebQuest (WQ) estructurades per temes i via Internet, la qual cosa possibilita un sistema dinàmic de fàcil retroalimentació i en constant actualització. Mitjançant la utilització d'aquest material docent es treballen aspectes com l'ús de metodologies docents centrades en l'alumne, autoaprenentatge a distància, aprenentatge seqüencial, treball en grup, participació activa i responsabilitat de l'alumne en el procés d'ensenyament aprenentatge i l'aproximació del mateix a la realitat professional entre altres, i tot això encaminat a promoure l'adaptació dels plans docents a l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior (EEES). En aquest sentit podem indicar que s'han elaborat cinc WQs, els títols del qual són Sistemes Personalitzats de Dosificació, Compliment terapèutic: el gran repte actual: informació al pacient, Compliment terapèutic: el gran repte actual: informació al professional sanitari, Dispensació activa en Diabetis mellitus tipus 2 i Dispensació activa en Hipertensión arterial. Cadascuna de les WQs elaborades consta dels apartats Introducció, Tasca, Procés, Recursos, Avaluació, Conclusió, Guia Didàctica i Crèdits. Les WQs estan allotjades en la pàgina web de la Unitat de Farmàcia Clínica i Farmacoteràpia, i a elles s'accedeix a través de l'adreça web http://www.ub.és/farcli/wp0.htm