867 resultados para Segregated lipid domains


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Formulations of a general bactericidal agent, chlorhexidine, mixed with a phospholipid at different concentrations are investigated using ^H NMR spectroscopy on a chain-deuterated lipid analog. Lipid-chlorhexidine formulation is known to release the drug into an aqueous medium slowly, maintaining a comparable concentration of the drug for up to four times longer than a direct aqueous solution. The NMR data does not support the proposed liposomal entrapment of chlorhexidine in lipid compartments. Complex thermal history of the lipid-chlorhexidine preparations is investigated in detail. In preparation for a counterpart measurement, using ^H NMR of deuterated chlorhexidine mixed with protonated lipid, the synthesis of a deuterated analog of chlorhexidine is performed.


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examined in Choanephora cucurbita rum during the early stages of infection by Piptocephalis virginiana » There was a small but consistent increase in the leakage of electrolytes, amino acids and sugars as a result of infection. These low levels of differential leakage in infected tissues are explained on the basis of the nature of this obligate, biotrophic, mycoparasitic system. Quantitative analysis of the twenty six amino acids and amino compounds detected in the leacheates — showed similar profiles in infected and control host and no new species of amino acids or amino compounds were detected in either infected or control host leacheates. Comparatively high amounts of aspartic acid, glutamic acid and alanine were found in the leacheates of host and infected host . Analyses of the sugars comprising the leacheates of infected and control host showed the presence of eight sugars, among which glucose was found in significant amounts (50-53%) ' The nutritional implication of this preferential leakage is discussed. No significant difference was observed in the leacheates of infected host sugar profiles compared with that of the control host. Profiles of the internal pool sugars of infected and control host did not reflect that obtained from the leacheate data, perhaps owing to leakage of sugars in a selective manner . Membrane lipid analyses yielded higher levels of lipid in infected host compared with the control, both at the 24 h and 36 h analyses. In addition, preliminary investigations of phosphorous-32 incorporation and turnover in phospholipids showed higher levels of 32p incorporation and turnover in infected host compared with the control. No apparent difference was noted in the profiles of the neutral lipid classes and the polar lipid classes of the membrane lipids as determined by one and two dimensional thin-layer chromatography respectively. However, a small but consistently higher degree of unsaturation was detected in the fatty acids of infected tissue compared with the control. Also, '^''-^^''^^'-'-^'^^c acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid previously reported to show a direct correlation during the early stages of infection and the degree of parasitism of P. virginiana on C. cucurbitarum , was found in higher amounts in infected host membrane lipids compared with that of the control host. The implications of these membrane lipid alterations are discussed with particular reference to the small but consistently higher leakage of electrolytes, amino acids and sugars observed during infection in this study.


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The fatty acid composition of the total, neutral, sterol, free fatty acid and polar-lipid fractions in the mycelium of Choanephora cucurbitarum was determined. The major fatty acids in all lipid fractions were palmitic, oleic, linoleic and y-linolenic acid. Different lipid fractions did not show any particular preference for any individual fatty acid; however, the degree of unsaturation was different in various lipid fractions. Addition of glutamic acid to the malt-yeast extract medium resulted in the biosynthesis of a number of long-chain fatty acids beyond y-linolenic acid. These fatty acids, e.g. C22~1' C24:0 and C26=Q were never observed to be present in the fungus when grown on a malt-yeast extract medium without glutamic acid. Furthermore, thin-layer chromatographic analysis showed a larger and denser spot of diphosphatidyl glycerol from the mycelium grown on the glutamic acid medium than from the control mycelium. Various cultural conditions such as temperature, age, pH, light and carbon:nitrogen ratio in the growth medium used in this study did not alter the qualitative profile of fatty acids normally present in the organism. Neither did these conditions stimulate the production of further long-chain fatty acids (C20 - C26) beyond y-linolenic acid as observed in growth media containing glutamic acid. These cultural conditions influenced the degree of unsaturation, this being due mainly to changes in the concentration of y-linolenic acid. The fatty acid pattern of the lipid fractions though the same qualitatively, differed quantitatively due to the variation in the y-linolenic acid content under different cultural conditions. The degree of unsaturation of various lipid fractions decreased with increases in temperature, light intensity and pH, but within each treatment the same pattern of decreasing degree of unsaturation with increasing age was observed. The cultural conditions, used in this study, are also known to influence the degree and rate of development of the parasite, Piptocephalis virginiana. A direct correlation was observed between the levels of y-linolenic acid in C. cucurbitarum during the early stages of growth (24 h) and the degree of parasitism of P. virginiana. The amount of y-linolenic acid present in the host mycelium was found to be unrelated to either the dry weight of the mycelium or to the total lipid contents. K. virginiana is confined to host species which produce y-linolenic acid in their mycelium. The lipid profile of the host, C. cucurbitarum, did not show a significant qualitative or quantitative change in the lipid profile as a result of infection by the parasite, P. virginiana,e However, an increase in the total lipid was observed in the infected host mycelium. The significance of these results is discussed.


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A mixture of Chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG) with glycerophospholipid 1,2-dimyristoyl- <^54-glycero-3-phospocholine (DMPC-rf54) was analysed using ^H nuclear magnetic resonance. To analyze powder spectra, the de-Pake-ing technique was used. The method is able to extract simultaneously both the orientation distribution function and the anisotropy distribution function. The spectral moments, average order parameter profiles, and longitudinal and transverse relaxation times were used to explore the structural phase behaviour of various DMPC/CHG mixtures in the temperature range 5-60°C.


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The a-tocopherol transfer protein (a-TTP) is responsible for the retention of the atocopherol form of vitamin E in living organisms. The detailed ligand transfer mechanism by a-TTP is still yet to be fully elucidated. To date, studies show that a-TTP transfers a-tocopherol from late endosomes in liver cells to the plasma membrane where it is repackaged into very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and released into the circulation. Late endosomes have been shown to contain a lipid known as lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBP A) that is unique to this cellular compartment. LBPA plays a role in intracellular trafficking and controlling membrane curvature. Taking these observations into account plus the fact that certain proteins are recruited to membranes based on membrane curvature, the specific aim of this project was to examine the effect of LBP A on a-TTP binding to lipid membranes. To achieve this objective, dual polarization interferometry (DPI) and a vesicle binding assay were employed. Whilst DPI allows protein binding affinity to be measured on a flat lipid surface, the vesicle binding assay determines protein binding affinity to lipid vesicles mimicking curved membranes. DPI analysis revealed that the amount of a-TTP bound to lipid membranes is higher when LBPA is present. Using the vesicle binding assay, a similar result was seen where a greater amount of protein is bound to large unilamellar vesicles (LUV s) containing LBP A. However, the effect of LBP A was attenuated when small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) were replaced with LUVs. The outcome of this project suggests that aTTP binding to membranes is influenced by membrane curvature, which in turn is induced by the presence of LBP A.


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Membrane lipid composition, which includes phospholipid (PL) headgroup, and fatty acid (FA) saturation, has been shown to affect cellular function. The sarcolemma (SL) membrane is integral to skeletal muscle function and health. Previous studies assessing SL lipid composition are limited as they have 1) restricted analysis to a PL level and neglected FA composition and 2) relied on aggressive membrane isolation procedures resulting in t-tubule and sarcoplasmic reticulum contamination and unknown levels of nuclear and mitochondrial contamination. Thus, to overcome these limitations, this study assessed a method of individually skinned skeletal muscle fibres as an alternative to analyze complete sarcolemmal membrane lipid composition. The major findings of this study were 1) complete SL lipid composition can be obtained 2) the SL had higher sphingomyelin content than previous studies and 3) the SL membrane had minimal nuclear and mitochondrial contamination and was void of contamination from sarcoplasmic reticulum and t-tubules.


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When observing client behaviours, a therapeutic recreation specialist must have a base understanding of typical client behaviours to provide an informed analysis (burlingame & Blaschko, 2010). Providing students with the necessary tools for client observation is significant to the success of this process. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationships amongst the TR student demographic characteristics on acquiring the observation competency necessary to conduct a TR assessment. One hundred seventy-two TR college and university students, enrolled in post-secondary undergraduate TR programs across Ontario, observed a client assessment via video, and recorded their observations using the Tracking Behavioural Assessment (TBA) (Passmore, 2002). Independent samples t-tests and analysis of variance were calculated for the different student characteristics on the domains of the TBA. Significant findings indicated that university students scored more accurately than college students, and advanced students more accurately than novice students, on the emotional and socialization domains.


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Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) is a transmembrane protein whose function is regulated by its immediate lipid environment (annulus). The composition of the annulus is currently unknown or it’s susceptibility to a high saturated fat diet (HSFD). Furthermore it is uncertain if HSFD can protect SERCA from thermal stress. The purpose of the study was to determine SERCA annular lipid composition, resulting impact of a HSFD, and in turn, influence on SERCA activity with and without thermal stress. The major findings were annular lipids were shorter and more saturated compared to whole homogenate and HSFD had no effect on annular lipid composition or SERCA activity with and without thermal stress. Both average chain length and unsaturation index were positively correlated with SERCA activity with and without thermal stress. These findings suggest that annular lipid composition is different than whole homogenate and its composition appears to be related to SERCA function.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a X-linked muscle disease, which leads to alterations in membrane phospholipid fatty acid (FA) composition and skeletal muscle damage. Increased membrane saturated FA in muscular dystrophy may suggest its association with increased susceptibility (as being the cause or consequence) to muscle damage. It was hypothesised that increased saturation is positively correlated to increased muscle damage. Correlations were hypothesized to be greater in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) at 20 weeks compared to soleus (SOL) at 10 weeks in dystrophin deficient (mdx) mice. Increased saturation was correlated to damage in EDL at both 10 and 20 weeks, with stronger correlations at 10 weeks. The results suggest that membrane PL FA composition may be associated with damage through two possible means. Increased saturation may be a cause or consequence of membrane damage. Association of membrane composition with eccentric induced damage has underscored the importance of saturated PL FA compositions in damage to dystrophic myofibres.


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The rationalizability of a choice function by means of a transitive relation has been analyzed thoroughly in the literature. However, not much seems to be known when transitivity is weakened to quasi-transitivity or acyclicity. We describe the logical relationships between the different notions of rationalizability involving, for example, the transitivity, quasi-transitivity, or acyclicity of the rationalizing relation. Furthermore, we discuss sufficient conditions and necessary conditions for rational choice on arbitrary domains. Transitive, quasi-transitive, and acyclical rationalizability are fully characterized for domains that contain all singletons and all two-element subsets of the universal set.


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This paper proves a new representation theorem for domains with both discrete and continuous variables. The result generalizes Debreu's well-known representation theorem on connected domains. A strengthening of the standard continuity axiom is used in order to guarantee the existence of a representation. A generalization of the main theorem and an application of the more general result are also presented.


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The rationalizability of a choice function on arbitrary domains by means of a transitive relation has been analyzed thoroughly in the literature. Moreover, characterizations of various versions of consistent rationalizability have appeared in recent contributions. However, not much seems to be known when the coherence property of quasi-transitivity or that of P-acyclicity is imposed on a rationalization. The purpose of this paper is to fill this significant gap. We provide characterizations of all forms of rationalizability involving quasi-transitive or P-acyclical rationalizations on arbitrary domains.


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Affiliation: CHU-Sainte-Justine, Université de Montréal


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Le récepteur X des farnésoïdes (FXR) fait partie de la superfamille des récepteurs nucléaires et agit comme un facteur de transcription suite à la liaison d’un ligand spécifique. Le récepteur FXR, activé par les acides biliaires, joue un rôle essentiel dans le métabolisme des lipides et du glucose en plus de réguler l’homéostasie des acides biliaires. Notre laboratoire a récemment mis en évidence une nouvelle voie de régulation du récepteur PPARγ en réponse au récepteur de la ghréline. En effet, la ghréline induit l’activation transcriptionnelle de PPARγ via une cascade de signalisation impliquant les kinases Erk1/2 et Akt, supportant un rôle périphérique de la ghréline dans les pathologies associées au syndrome métabolique. Il est de plus en plus reconnu que la cascade métabolique impliquant PPARγ fait également intervenir un autre récepteur nucléaire, FXR. Dans ce travail, nous montrons que la ghréline induit l’activation transcriptionnelle de FXR de manière dose-dépendante et induit également la phosphorylation du récepteur sur ses résidus sérine. En utilisant des constructions tronquées ABC et CDEF de FXR, nous avons démontré que la ghréline régule l’activité de FXR via les domaines d’activation AF-1 et AF-2. L’effet de la ghréline et du ligand sélectif GW4064 sur l’induction de FXR est additif. De plus, nous avons démontré que FXR est la cible d’une autre modification post-traductionnelle, soit la sumoylation. En effet, FXR est un substrat cellulaire des protéines SUMO-1 et SUMO-3 et la sumoylation du récepteur est ligand-indépendante. SUMO-1 et SUMO-3 induisent l’activation transcriptionnelle de FXR de façon dose-dépendante. Nos résultats indiquent que la lysine 122 est le site prédominant de sumoylation par SUMO-1, quoiqu’un mécanisme de coopération semble exister entre les différents sites de sumoylation de FXR. Avec son rôle émergeant dans plusieurs voies du métabolisme lipidique, l’identification de modulateurs de FXR s’avère être une approche fort prometteuse pour faire face à plusieurs pathologies associées au syndrome métabolique et au diabète de type 2.


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Durant les dernières décennies, la technique Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) s’est beaucoup développée dans l’approche « bottom-up » pour la création de couches ultra minces nanostructurées. Des patrons constitués de stries parallèles d’environ 100 à 200 nm de largeur ont été générés avec la technique de déposition LB de monocouches mixtes de 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DLPC) et de 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) sur des substrats de silicium et de mica. Afin d’amplifier la fonctionnalité de ces patrons, la 1-palmitoyl-2-(16-(S-methyldithio)hexadécanoyl)-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DSDPPC) et la 1-lauroyl-2-(12-(S-methyldithio)dodédecanoyl)-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DSDLPC) ont été employées pour la préparation de monocouches chimiquement hétérogènes. Ces analogues de phospholipide possèdent un groupement fonctionnel méthyldisulfide qui est attaché à la fin de l’une des chaînes alkyles. Une étude exhaustive sur la structure de la phase des monocouches Langmuir, Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) et LB de la DSDPPC et de la DSDLPC et leurs différents mélanges avec la DPPC ou la DLPC est présentée dans cette thèse. Tout d’abord, un contrôle limité de la périodicité et de la taille des motifs des stries parallèles de DPPC/DLPC a été obtenu en variant la composition lipidique, la pression de surface et la vitesse de déposition. Dans un mélange binaire de fraction molaire plus grande de lipide condensé que de lipide étendu, une vitesse de déposition plus lente et une plus basse pression de surface ont généré des stries plus continues et larges. L’addition d’un tensioactif, le cholestérol, au mélange binaire équimolaire de la DPPC/DLPC a permis la formation de stries parallèles à de plus hautes pressions de surface. La caractérisation des propriétés physiques des analogues de phospholipides a été nécessaire. La température de transition de phase de la DSDPPC de 44.5 ± 1.5 °C comparativement à 41.5 ± 0.3 °C pour la DPPC. L’isotherme de la DSDPPC est semblable à celui de la DPPC. La monocouche subit une transition de phase liquide-étendue-à-condensée (LE-C) à une pression de surface légèrement supérieure à celle de la DPPC (6 mN m-1 vs. 4 mN m-1) Tout comme la DLPC, la DSDLPC demeure dans la phase LE jusqu’à la rupture de la monocouche. Ces analogues de phospholipide existent dans un état plus étendu tout au long de la compression de la monocouche et montrent des pressions de surface de rupture plus basses que les phospholipides non-modifiés. La morphologie des domaines de monocouches Langmuir de la DPPC et de la DSDPPC à l’interface eau/air a été comparée par la microscopie à angle de Brewster (BAM). La DPPC forme une monocouche homogène à une pression de surface (π) > 10 mN/m, alors que des domaines en forme de fleurs sont formés dans la monocouche de DSDPPC jusqu’à une π ~ 30 mN m-1. La caractérisation de monocouches sur substrat solide a permis de démontrer que le patron de stries parallèles préalablement obtenu avec la DPPC/DLPC était reproduit en utilisant des mélanges de la DSDPPC/DLPC ou de la DPPC/DSDLPC donnant ainsi lieu à des patrons chimiquement hétérogènes. En général, pour obtenir le même état de phase que la DPPC, la monocouche de DSDPPC doit être comprimée à de plus hautes pressions de surface. Le groupement disulfide de ces analogues de phospholipide a été exploité, afin de (i) former des monocouches auto-assemblées sur l’or et de (ii) démontrer la métallisation sélective des terminaisons fonctionnalisées des stries. La spectrométrie de photoélectrons induits par rayons X (XPS) a confirmé que la monocouche modifiée réagit avec la vapeur d’or pour former des thiolates d’or. L’adsorption de l’Au, de l’Ag et du Cu thermiquement évaporé démontre une adsorption préférentielle de la vapeur de métal sur la phase fonctionnalisée de disulfide seulement à des recouvrements sub-monocouche.