1000 resultados para Sector terciari


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Recent efforts to implement gender mainstreaming in the field of security sector reform have resulted in an international policy discourse on gender and security sector reform (GSSR). Critics have challenged GSSR for its focus on 'adding women' and its failure to be transformative. This article contests this assessment, demonstrating that GSSR is not only about 'adding women', but also, importantly, about 'gendering men differently' and has important albeit problematic transformative implications. Drawing on poststructuralist and postcolonial feminist theory, I propose a critical reading of GSSR policy discourse in order to analyse its built-in logics, tensions and implications. I argue that this discourse establishes a powerful 'grid of intelligibility' that draws on gendered and racialized dualisms to normalize certain forms of subjectivity while rendering invisible and marginalizing others, and contributing to reproduce certain forms of normativity and hierarchy. Revealing such processes of discursive in/exclusion and marginalized subjectivities can serve as a starting point to challenge and transform GSSR practice and identify sites of contestation.


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Diplomityö tehtiin Lappeenrannan yliopistossa päätavoitteenaan selvittää tärkeimmät motiivit, jotka ovat saaneet pohjoismaiset palvelualan yrityksetinvestoimaan Baltian maiden kehittyvillä markkinoilla. Pohjoismaiset yritykset ovat olleet aiemmin aktiivisia hyödyntämään Baltian maiden työvoimaa tuotantosektorilla. Suomalaiset yritykset ovat investoineet aiemmin telekommunikaatio- sekävaatetussektoreihin, mutta nykyisin investointien pääpaino on siirtynyt palvelualalle. Pankkisektori on erittäin kehittynyt pohjoismaissa ja ruotsalaiset yritykset ovat onnistuneet myös Baltiassa siirtyen markkinoille yksityistämisen tuomien mahdollisuuksien avulla. Nykyisin näillä yrityksillä on vahva jalansija Virossa sekä ovat etabloituneet myös Latviaan ja Liettuaan. Suomalaiset pankkialan yritykset ovat olleet vaatimattomampia tällä sektorilla. Vähittäiskauppiaat ovat vasta kansainvälistymisprosessinsa alkutaipaleella. Suomalaiset yritykset ovat laajentuneet Viroon ja tehneet yhteistyötä ruotsalaisten yritysten kanssa. Hotellisektorilla suomalaiset ja ruotsalaiset ovat edenneet rauhallisesti, mutta norjalainen ketju, Reval Hotel, on laajentunut kaikkiin Baltian maihin. Hotellisektorilla on luvassa kasvua lähivuosina. Kilpailutilanne on kiristynyt kaikilla palvelualan sektoreilla sekä paikallisten yritysten kasvun että ulkomaisten investoijien myötä. Elinolojen paraneminen vaikuttaa myös kilpailutilanteeseen kiristävästi, sillä se luo mahdollisuuksia yrityksille laajentua. Tämä diplomityö selvittäätilannetta valittujen yritysten kannalta niiden kansainvälistymisen alkutaipaleella.


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El segle XXI ha estat l’escenari de grans transformacions. Entre d’altres, el de l’empresa socialment responsable. Ens trobem en un nou context en el qual s’entén que les empreses, i especialment les grans empreses transnacionals, no busquen només maximitzar els seus beneficis a qualsevol preu. Per contra, el que ens trobem és un nou paradigma sobre el compromís de l’empresa amb els drets humans i el medi ambient, el que ha vingut a anomenar-se el comportament socialment responsable de l’empresa o, de forma més planera, la Responsabilitat Social Corporativa (RSC). Tot i això, segueixen essent molt els mitjans que, cada cop amb més freqüència, donen a conèixer nous escàndols protagonitzats per aquestes grans empreses: treballadors explotats, drets laborals violats, ecosistemes destruïts, etc. D’això hom entén que el debat al voltant del paper de les grans empreses encara no s’ha conclòs. Aquest treball pretén trobar noves evidències sobre la pràctica de la RSC. Amb aquest propòsit s’ha decidit realitzar un estudi en detall del Grupo Inditex, una de les empreses de referència a l’Estat espanyol, líder nacional i internacional del sector de la moda. Pensant en aquest objectiu, el treball comença analitzant les aproximacions teòriques a la RSC: com la podem entendre, quin paper juga en l’empresa i quines són les raons de la seva implementació. El segon capítol estudia així mateix els orígens d’aquesta pràctica i n’analitza les problemàtiques principals, a saber: els mètodes de valoració, els mecanismes de regulació i les eines de gestió. Com a pas previ a l’anàlisis del cas pràctic, el tercer capítol estudia dos grans marcs d’anàlisis: el del sector de la moda a Espanya i la trajectòria del Grupo Inditex, empresa líder del tèxtil. Un cop acabat aquest exercici, el quart capítol estudia en detall la RSC del Grupo d’acord amb dues fonts principals: els Informes de RSC que el Grupo elabora anualment, d’una banda, i els estudis de grups independents, en especial els de l’Observatori de la RSC i els que es realitzen en el marc de la Campaña Ropa Límpia, de l’altre.


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La Garantía de Origen, como sistema de certificación de electricidad en función de su origen, fue introducida en España en 2007 y abrió la posibilidad de comercializar y consumir electricidad procedente únicamente de fuentes renovables. Resulta interesante abordar la evolución y el estado actual de este instrumento desde distintas aproximaciones para entender que potencial tiene para provocar cambios en los mecanismos de producción, comercialización y consumo de la electricidad encaminados a hacer el sector más sostenible. Este proyecto muestra como la Garantía incide sobre los patrones de la comercialización y el consumo de la electricidad y, a partir de ahí, es capaz de inducir cambios importantes en la estructura del sector eléctrico haciendo depender más de las fuentes renovables y menos de los combustibles fósiles.


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El objecto del proyecto es el de especificar las condiciones técnicas y económicas de los equipos de bombeo, línea de impulsión y red de riego para la modernización de los regadíos de un sector de la Comunidad de regantes de las huertas de Fraga, Torrente y Velilla de Cinca.


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Finnish food producers' trade with Russia has experienced profound changes since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Simultaneously, the distribution systems of foodstuffs have changed remarkably. This study sheds some light into these changes and analyses the current situation in distribution systems of foodstuffs in Russia. In addition, the study discusses the possibilities of Finnish food producers to get more of their products to the shelves of Russian food retail stores. Before the 1998 financial crisis, the import of foreign foodstuffs was booming in Russia due to the overvalued rouble. As a result of the financial crisis, food import collapsed. The export of Finnish foodstuffs to Russia has been slowly recovering during the past few years, but in the most important product categories the pre-crisis levels have so far not been reached and maybe will not be reached. In certain product categories the growth has been only marginal. It seems that starting localproduction will become increasingly important in the future. This is further encouraged by the fact that Russian consumers favour domestic food products. Russian consumers are very price conscious and demand quality in food products. The perceived price-quality ratio is an important criterion in the purchase decision.The majority of foodstuff retail is still conducted via unorganised forms of trade (e.g. kiosks and marketplaces) but modern retail chains are developing at a fast pace in Russia. They are also expected to dominate the retail trade in foodstuffs over the unorganised forms of trade in the future. This will change the distribution systems as well. The retail chains are trying to shorten the distribution chain, similarly to what has been seen in the Western countries. This together with the strengthening of retail chains is likely to shrink the role of wholesalers, as the chains increasingly want to work directly with the producers. Many large retail chains are acquiring or have already acquired a distribution centre or centres in order to boost efficiency and control the flow of products. The strengthening of the retail chains also gives them power in negotiations, which the producers and distributors have to adjust to. For example store entry fees and retail chains' own private label products pose challenges to the food producers. In the food production sector the competition is fierce, as large Russianand foreign producers want to ensure their piece of the market. The largest producers utilise their size: they invest in big marketing campaigns and are willing to pay high entry fees to retail chains in order to secure a place on the store shelves and to build a strong brand in Russia. This complicates the situation from the viewpoint of small producers. Currently, the most popular type of distribution system among the interviewed Finnish food producers is based on a network of local distributors. There is, however, a strong consensus on the importanceof starting local production in order to be a serious actor in Russia in the future. Factors that hinder the starting of local production include the lack of local infrastructure and qualified staff, and the low risk tolerance of Finnish firms. Major barriers for entry in Russia are the actions of authorities, fierce competition, fragmented market and Finnish producers' heavy production costs. The suggested strategies for increasing the market share include focusing geographically or segment-wise, introducing new products, starting local production, andcooperation between Finnish producers. Smallness was one reason why Finnish producers had to cut down their operations in Russia due to the 1998 crisis. Smaller producers had fewer resources to tolerate losses during the period of crisis. Smallness is reflected also on trade negotiations with retail chains and distributors. It makes it harder to cope with the store entry fees and to differentiatefrom the mass of products propped up by expensive advertising. Finally, it makes it harder for Finnish producers to start or expand local production, as it is more difficult for a small producer to get financing and to tolerate the increased risks. Compensating for the smallness might become the crucial factor determining the future success of Finnish food producers in the Russian market.


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This research paper focuses on the Russian food retail sector and its structure and development. At the momentit is one of the fastest growing markets today with 12.1% growth last year (2004). The growth originates from high oil price, which has been accumulated to people's wages. They are growing nominally more than 20% annually. But even though the income increases, the share of food of all retailtrade has been fairly stable with only a slight decline. Thus, the consumption is shifting to products with more quality and value. The shareof modern retail outlets is low, as the Russian retail sector is still very dispersed to traditional retail outlets such as kiosks, open markets and small grocery stores. The store chains are, however, becoming more and more significant. The biggest market for retailers is Moscow but nowadays the chains are expanding rapidly into other regions. Even though the markets have not been saturated in Moscow, the best prospects for growth are in the regions. The most important factor restricting the growth in Moscowis the availability of real estate and land plots for stores. The market is moving forward to saturation, and a consolidation process will follow. In fact, it has already started but not many acquisitions have been made so far. To this point the domestic chains have settled to form only alliances. The foreign players will be very strong in the tightening competition in the future. The problem of domestic chains is that the stores are nonstandardized, which is not cost-efficient. The chains are trying to enhance their power in price negotiations by forming purchasing alliances, introducing private label goods and using the regional expansion as a striking weapon. In order to follow the growing chains to other regions the producer must sell its products to the chains at favorable terms. Suppliers are strong in negotiations when they have a functioning distribution network, ability to JIT deliveries, proper documentationpolicies, a strong brand, reliability in deliveries and a fair price. The size of the entry ticket, i.e. the listing fee may define the shelf space a producer gets in the stores.


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Even though the research on innovation in services has expanded remarkably especially during the past two decades, there is still a need to increase understanding on the special characteristics of service innovation. In addition to studying innovation in service companies and industries, research has also recently focused more on services in innovation, as especially the significance of so-called knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) for the competitive edge of their clients, othercompanies, regions and even nations has been proved in several previous studies. This study focuses on studying technology-based KIBS firms, and technology andengineering consulting (TEC) sector in particular. These firms have multiple roles in innovation systems, and thus, there is also a need for in-depth studies that increase knowledge about the types and dimensions of service innovations as well as underlying mechanisms and procedures which make the innovations successful. The main aim of this study is to generate new knowledge in the fragmented research field of service innovation management by recognizing the different typesof innovations in TEC services and some of the enablers of and barriers to innovation capacity in the field, especially from the knowledge management perspective. The study also aims to shed light on some of the existing routines and new constructions needed for enhancing service innovation and knowledge processing activities in KIBS companies of the TEC sector. The main samples of data in this research include literature reviews and public data sources, and a qualitative research approach with exploratory case studies conducted with the help of the interviews at technology consulting companies in Singapore in 2006. These complement the qualitative interview data gathered previously in Finland during a larger research project in the years 2004-2005. The data is also supplemented by a survey conducted in Singapore. The respondents for the survey by Tan (2007) were technology consulting companies who operate in the Singapore region. The purpose ofthe quantitative part of the study was to validate and further examine specificaspects such as the influence of knowledge management activities on innovativeness and different types of service innovations, in which the technology consultancies are involved. Singapore is known as a South-east Asian knowledge hub and is thus a significant research area where several multinational knowledge-intensive service firms operate. Typically, the service innovations identified in the studied TEC firms were formed by several dimensions of innovations. In addition to technological aspects, innovations were, for instance, related to new client interfaces and service delivery processes. The main enablers of and barriers to innovation seem to be partly similar in Singaporean firms as compared to the earlier study of Finnish TEC firms. Empirical studies also brought forth the significance of various sources of knowledge and knowledge processing activities as themain driving forces of service innovation in technology-related KIBS firms. A framework was also developed to study the effect of knowledge processing capabilities as well as some moderators on the innovativeness of TEC firms. Especially efficient knowledge acquisition and environmental dynamism seem to influence the innovativeness of TEC firms positively. The results of the study also contributeto the present service innovation literature by focusing more on 'innovation within KIBs' rather than 'innovation through KIBS', which has been the typical viewpoint stressed in the previous literature. Additionally, the study provides several possibilities for further research.


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L’objecte del projecte és la renovació de les infraestructures i serveis d’un polígon industrial de 28, 5 hectàrees situat al municipi de Sant Andreu de la Barca. Amb les millores es preveu millorar la qualitat de vida dels principals usuaris i la integració del polígon dins la xarxa de polígons de la resta del municipi, per altra banda, es planteja que determinades zones del polígon puguin ser utilitzades com a zones de lleure. La millora de les infraestructures comprén: Xarxa de sanejament, xarxa d’aigua potable, xarxa elèctrica , xarxa d’enllumenat públic, millora del ferm i projecció d’un espai verd públic.


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El presente Proyecto Final de Carrera, titulado “Estudio de la eficiencia energética del sector XXI de la Comunidad de Regantes “San Pedro” de Castelflorite (Huesca)”, tiene como objetivo analizar energéticamente el bombeo del sector XXI de dicha Comunidad de Regantes. El proceso seguido ha consistido en diagnosticar la situación actual, identificar los puntos críticos menos eficientes y establecer una serie de medidas destinadas a gestionar de forma más eficiente y sostenible los recursos energéticos. Estas medidas se han estudiado cuantificando el impacto energético y económico que supondría su implantación, así como su viabilidad.


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S’ha estudiat l’eficiència energètica del sector “D” de la Comunitat de Regants de Carrassumada, amb l’objectiu de trobar els punts crítics de funcionament de les instal·lacions per tal de poder plantejar diferents alternatives com per exemple el dur a terme torns amb la mateixa demanda energètica, recalcular les pressions de consigna per les necessitats actuals o introduir una pressió de consigna variable en funció de la demanda, aquest diagnosi és realitza mitjançant una sèrie d’indicadors. D’altra banda, s’ha estudiat l’impacte que aquestes mesures suposarien, així com la seva viabilitat econòmica i tècnica per a dur-les a terme.


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El valor nutritiu dels aliments en l’alimentació dels remugants es mostra majoritàriament a les taules INRA (2007) i NRC (2001). Actualment, la valoració nutritiva en zones diferents de les d’estudi és escassa, considerant-ne representatius de tots els aliments els valors d’aquestes taules. Però la valoració nutritiva dels aliments emprats a les explotacions lleteres catalanes, ens demostra el contrari. L’anàlisi estadística de 44 aliments amb els valors de les taules INRA (2007) en mostrà que en 19 d’aquestos el valor nutritiu fou diferent, podent establir una taula de valoració nutritiva pròpia del sector català.


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The patent system was created for the purpose of promoting innovation by granting the inventors a legally defined right to exclude others in return for public disclosure. Today, patents are being applied and granted in greater numbers than ever, particularly in new areas such as biotechnology and information andcommunications technology (ICT), in which research and development (R&D) investments are also high. At the same time, the patent system has been heavily criticized. It has been claimed that it discourages rather than encourages the introduction of new products and processes, particularly in areas that develop quickly, lack one-product-one-patent correlation, and in which theemergence of patent thickets is characteristic. A further concern, which is particularly acute in the U.S., is the granting of so-called 'bad patents', i.e. patents that do not factually fulfil the patentability criteria. From the perspective of technology-intensive companies, patents could,irrespective of the above, be described as the most significant intellectual property right (IPR), having the potential of being used to protect products and processes from imitation, to limit competitors' freedom-to-operate, to provide such freedom to the company in question, and to exchange ideas with others. In fact, patents define the boundaries of ownership in relation to certain technologies. They may be sold or licensed on their ownor they may be components of all sorts of technology acquisition and licensing arrangements. Moreover, with the possibility of patenting business-method inventions in the U.S., patents are becoming increasingly important for companies basing their businesses on services. The value of patents is dependent on the value of the invention it claims, and how it is commercialized. Thus, most of them are worth very little, and most inventions are not worth patenting: it may be possible to protect them in other ways, and the costs of protection may exceed the benefits. Moreover, instead of making all inventions proprietary and seeking to appropriate as highreturns on investments as possible through patent enforcement, it is sometimes better to allow some of them to be disseminated freely in order to maximize market penetration. In fact, the ideology of openness is well established in the software sector, which has been the breeding ground for the open-source movement, for instance. Furthermore, industries, such as ICT, that benefit from network effects do not shun the idea of setting open standards or opening up their proprietary interfaces to allow everyone todesign products and services that are interoperable with theirs. The problem is that even though patents do not, strictly speaking, prevent access to protected technologies, they have the potential of doing so, and conflicts of interest are not rare. The primary aim of this dissertation is to increase understanding of the dynamics and controversies of the U.S. and European patent systems, with the focus on the ICT sector. The study consists of three parts. The first part introduces the research topic and the overall results of the dissertation. The second part comprises a publication in which academic, political, legal and business developments that concern software and business-method patents are investigated, and contentiousareas are identified. The third part examines the problems with patents and open standards both of which carry significant economic weight inthe ICT sector. Here, the focus is on so-called submarine patents, i.e. patentsthat remain unnoticed during the standardization process and then emerge after the standard has been set. The factors that contribute to the problems are documented and the practical and juridical options for alleviating them are assessed. In total, the dissertation provides a good overview of the challenges and pressures for change the patent system is facing,and of how these challenges are reflected in standard setting.


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En este trabajo, se comparan, para el sector frutero de Lleida, si existen diferencias substanciales entre las cooperativas y las sociedades mercantiles. Los aspectos que se analizan son los referidos a las estructuras financieras y los resultados obtenidos por ambos tipos de entidades.


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El trabajo analiza la problemática de la consulta de las fuentes estadísticas para los estudios industriales. Para ello primero plantea unas reflexiones sobre las dificultades generales con los que se tiene que enfrentar el investigador en relación con el tema. Después examina las principales fuentes a las que se puede acudir para el análisis de las localizaciones industriales, tomando como referencia las existentes para la región aragonesa. En cada una plantea su nivel de acceso, sus contenidos y sus problemas.