856 resultados para Science and Mathematics Teaching
Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa na modalidade narrativa, que se baseia nas experiências de formação de professores de Ciências e Matemática a distância na Amazônia, vividas no contexto de um curso via Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA). Objetivo investigar em que termos essa experiência formativa é catalisadora de reflexões docentes sobre o contexto amazônico de ensino de Ciências e Matemática e que outras aprendizagens resultantes dessa formação repercutem em percepções diferenciadas da prática docente desta área específica no ensino fundamental. Foram nove os sujeitos envolvidos na investigação, os quais foram selecionados segundo os critérios: serem professores-alunos, oriundos do curso de Especialização em Educação em Ciências e Matemática do Programa EDUCIMAT, que ensinam/ensinaram Ciências e Matemática; mantiveram um elevado nível de envolvimento nas interações ocorridas no AVA; expressaram ideias completas de modo reflexivo. Como instrumento investigativo, optei por ouvir depoimentos dos sujeitos por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, que foram gravadas em áudio e, posteriormente, transcritas. Além das entrevistas, lancei mão de meu diário de campo como fonte de informação, que foi construído ao longo da pesquisa por meio de percepções sobre os sujeitos e seus contextos, além dos registros de ocorrências diversas no âmbito da pesquisa. Buscando produzir novas compreensões das narrativas investigadas, aproprio-me da Análise Textual Discursiva como metodologia de análise do material empírico. Assim, ao sistematizar as manifestações dos sujeitos, levando em consideração as recorrências e as singularidades, tais análises deram forma a três eixos temáticos, que trato nesta investigação, assumindo os seguintes títulos: i) Formar-se no contexto amazônico: obstáculos e enfrentamentos; ii) Tecnologias e AVA: sentido(s) da experiência formativa; e iii) As repercussões da experiência nas percepções da prática e da formação docente. A análise dos resultados revela as dificuldades de acesso à formação, à informação, às tecnologias e aos municípios no interior da Amazônia, além do fator custo, como enfrentamentos para formar-se nesse contexto. Além disso, os sujeitos revelam que, ao trocarem, experimentarem e interagirem no AVA, atribuíram sentidos de autoconhecimento apontando indicativos para a (re)invenção de si, de constituição docente num mundo marcado pelos avanços tecnológicos e de superação no uso das tecnologias que surpreendem e (trans)formam. Ainda como resultado das análises, os sujeitos anunciam conhecimentos elaborados por meio da experiência formativa que incidem em outras/novas percepções de suas práticas educativas: a utilização de tecnologias de informação e comunicação como possíveis ferramentas pedagógicas, além da interatividade, troca de experiências e diálogo em situações de ensino. O AVA, sendo percebido pelos sujeitos como um dos recursos incorporados pela formação docente a distância, apresenta-se como oportunidade de contínua formação tecida pela diversidade de ideias e como forma de aproximar-se das tecnologias educacionais frente às dificuldades na região, expressas pelos próprios sujeitos.
New information technologies and new forms of documentary production have led archivists to rethink the role of archival science in the so-called information age. Since the late 1980s, the principles, methods and concepts stated by the well-known manuals of the 19th and the 20th centuries have been reconsidered along with their application to the organic sets of document in the 21st century. In this new scenario of reformulation and reinterpretation regarding the perspectives on archival knowledge organization, two trends with different approaches have emerged in North America and Europe: postmodern archival science and contemporary diplomatics, respectively. The first one was introduced by Terry Cook, who proposed a reformulation of the basic concepts and the functional analysis method focusing on the process and context of document creation. The second approach originated in Italy and incorporated all the theoretical and methodological models of classic diplomatics. The studies following this new trend were disseminated by Luciana Duranti and aimed to ensure the production, access and use of the documentation generated in the present times focusing on document typology, as opposed by the postmodern approach. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the connection points and distinct features between the two trends concerning the organization of archival knowledge.
The majority of the population knows their role in dengue control, preventing the accumulation of water in containers as potential breeding sites of Aedes aegypti, the main vector of dengue. Also known chemical control, widely used by the institutions responsible for the control of endemic diseases. On the other hand, unaware that an alternative measure such biological control through a microbial biopesticide, safe, harmless to health and the environment, can be adopted. Thus, this work reported for elementary school students, simply and clearly, the biological control of mosquitoes through bacterial biopesticide produced locally. Moreover, promoted the interdisciplinary teaching of science and mathematics through the data tabulation and charting on interviews conducted by students, about the level of knowledge of the population about dengue and other related variables.
In this action research study of my Class I School’s 5th and 8th grade mathematics, I investigated students’ connections between communication of math skills and their math abilities. I discovered that students can increase their math abilities with the opportunities to discuss their thinking as well as evaluate thinking and strategies of other students. Electronic communication can be a valuable source for students to communicate further to other students.
In this action research study of my classroom of 5th grade mathematics, I investigate how to improve students’ written explanations to and reasoning of math problems. For this, I look at journal writing, dialogue, and collaborative grouping and its effects on students’ conceptual understanding of the mathematics. In particular, I look at its effects on students’ written explanations to various math problems throughout the semester. Throughout the study students worked on math problems in cooperative groups and then shared their solutions with classmates. Along with this I focus on the dialogue that occurred during these interactions and whether and how it moved students to a deeper level of conceptual understanding. Students also wrote responses about their learning in a weekly math journal. The purpose of this journal is two-fold. One is to have students write out their ideas. Second, is for me to provide the students with feedback on their responses. My research reveals that the integration of collaborative grouping, journaling, and active dialogue between students and teacher helps students develop a deeper understanding of mathematics concepts as well as an increase in their confidence as problem solvers. The use of journaling, dialogue, and collaborative grouping reveals themselves as promising learning tasks that can be integrated in a mathematics curriculum that seeks to cultivate students’ thinking and reasoning.
This action research project describes a research project designed and implemented specifically with an emphasis on the instruction of mathematical vocabulary. The targeted population was my second period classroom of sixth grade students. This group of seventeen students represented diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and abilities. The school is located in a community of a population of approximately 5,000 people in the Midwest. My research investigation focused on the use of specific methods of vocabulary instruction and students’ use of precise mathematical vocabulary in writing and speaking. I wanted to see what effects these strategies would have on student performance. My research suggested that students who struggle with retention of mathematical knowledge have inadequate language skills. My research also revealed that students who have a sound knowledge of vocabulary and are engaged in the specific use of content language performed more successfully. Final analysis indicated that students believed the use of specific mathematical language helped them to be more successful and they made moderate progress in their performance on assessments.
In this action research study of my teaching of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated the importance of showing work on daily assignments. I wanted to find out what happens when I ask students to show their work, specifically, whether it would improve students’ grades or not and whether I could help the students to understand the importance of showing their work. I discovered that students need to be shown the proper way to show their work, how to look at a problem and then how to show all of their steps to get to the answer. They need to be encouraged and be held accountable for showing their work when asked. Once they were able to show work, they could start to see the value in showing their work and they tended to show their work more often. Students became more confident in themselves as mathematics students and, in some cases, their grades improved. As a result of this research, I plan to teach and explain to my future classes about how showing their work can benefit them in a variety of ways. They will be able to use the knowledge that they gain in my classroom in their future math classes in middle and high school.
In this action research study of my fifth grade high-ability mathematics class, I investigated student attitudes of mathematics and their confidence in mathematics. Student achievement was compared to two different confidence scales to identify a relationship between confidence and achievement. Six boys and eleven girls gave their consent to the study. I discovered there seems to be a connection between confidence and achievement and that boys are generally more confident than girls. Most students liked math and were comfortable sharing answers and methods of solving problems with other students. As a result of this study I plan to use my survey and interview questions at the beginning of the school year with my new class in order to assess their attitudes and confidence in math. I can use this information to identify potential struggles and better plan for student instruction.
In this action research study of two classrooms of 7th grade mathematics, I investigated how requiring written explanations of problem solving would affect students ability to problem solve, their ability to write good explanations, and how it would affect their attitudes toward mathematics and problem solving. I studied a regular 7th grade mathematics class and a lower ability 7th grade class to see if there would be any difference in what was gained by each group or any group. I discovered that there were no large gains made in the short time period of my action research. Some gains were made in ability to problem solve by my lower ability students over the 7 weeks that they did a weekly problem solving assignment. Some individual students felt that the writing had helped them in their problem solving because they needed to think and write each step. As a result of this research I plan to continue implementing writing in my classroom over the entire school year requiring a little more from students each time we problem solve and write.
In this action research study of a 9th grade Algebra classroom, I investigated the influence of having students present homework solutions and what effect it had on student learning and student confidence. Students were asked to present solutions to homework problems each day and were rated on how well they did. The students were also surveyed about their confidence and feelings about mathematics. Students were also observed for information about who they asked questions of when presented with a math problem they did not understand. In this classroom, two teachers were involved in instruction and this study examines what affect this had on student learning and who was asked for help. As a result of presentations, students’ confidence increased and students reacted positively to both the presentations and their own mathematical learning. The students felt the presentations were a benefit to the class and watching their peers solve mathematical equations helped them to better understand the mathematics.
In this action research study, I investigated the careless errors made by my seventh-grade mathematics students on their homework and tests. Beyond analyzing the types of careless errors and the frequency at which they were made, I also analyzed my students’ attitudes toward reviewing their work before they turn it in and self-reflection about the quality of work that they were producing. I found that many students did not know how to review their test before turning it in; no one had ever taught them how to do so. However, when students were given tools to help them with this task, they were able to make strides towards reducing the number of careless errors that they made and began to turn in high quality work that demonstrated their understanding of the content that had been taught. As a result of this research, I plan to teach my students how to go back over their homework and tests before turning them in. I also intend to continue to use the tools that I have produced to encourage students to self-reflect on the work that they have done. Assessment is such an important piece of educating my students and the careless errors made on these assessments needed to be addressed.
In this action research of my 6th grade math class, I investigated whether or not my students would improve their ability to reflect on their learning process when they received descriptive feedback from a peer. I discovered the process of giving and receiving feedback was challenging for the students to initially learn, but eventually using the feedback was highly beneficial. Descriptive feedback allowed the students to learn and understand their mistakes immediately, which in turn improved their learning. In my action research, I also began to discover more ways to implement descriptive feedback in my instruction so it could be more effectively for the students and efficiently so there would be less time taken out from instruction. As a result of this research, I plan to continue having students provide and receive descriptive feedback and to find more evidence of how descriptive feedback could influence student achievement.
In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics, I investigated if cooperative learning could be an effective teaching method with the Saxon curriculum. Saxon curriculum is largely individualized in that most lessons could be completed without much group interaction. I discovered that cooperative learning was very successful with the curriculum as long as it was structured. Ninety-five percent of the students in the study preferred to work in groups, and I observed mathematical communication grow with most of the students. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to incorporate cooperative learning into my mathematics classroom. I will use cooperative learning with all of my mathematics classes, even the ones that do not use the Saxon curriculum. I believe in the power of working together.
In this action research study of my classroom of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated the impact of cooperative learning on the engagement, participation, and attitudes of my students. I also investigated the impact of cooperative learning upon my own teaching. I discovered that my students not only preferred to learn in cooperative groups, but that their levels of engagement and participation, their attitudes toward math, and their quality of work all improved greatly. My teaching also changed, and I found that I began to enjoy teaching more. As a result of this research, I plan to continue and expand the amount of cooperative group work that happens in my classroom.
In this action research study of my classroom of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated the use of communication of mathematics through both written and oral expression. Giving my students the opportunity to communicate mathematics both in writing and orally helped to deepen the students’ understanding of mathematics. The students’ levels of comprehension were increased when they were presented with a variety of instructional methods. Through discussion and reflection the students were able to find methods that worked best for them and their learning ability. Students’ understanding increased from probing questions that made the students reflect and re-evaluate their solutions. This learning took place when students were made aware of different solutions or ways of doing things from the class discussions that were held. I discovered that when students are challenged to express their thinking both in writing and orally, the students found that they could communicate their thinking in a new way. Some of my students were only comfortable expressing their thoughts in one of the two ways but by the time the project was completed, they all expressed that they enjoyed both ways, and maybe changed the original way they preferred doing mathematics. As a result of this research, I will continue to require students to communicate their thinking and reasoning both in writing and orally.