571 resultados para Saguinus bicolor
El sorgo anual ha sido clasificado por de Wet (1978) como Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (2n=20) subespecie bicolor, con 5 razas básicas: bicolor, guinea, caudatum, kafir y durra, las que incluyen los distintos tipos de sorgo existentes en el mercado como los graniferos, los forrajeros tipo sudán, dulces y escoberos (Giorda y Cordes, 2005).
Amidases [EC] capable of converting indole-3-acetamide (IAM) into the major plant growth hormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) are assumed to be involved in auxin de novo biosynthesis. With the emerging amount of genomics data, it was possible to identify over forty proteins with substantial homology to the already characterized amidases from Arabidopsis and tobacco. The observed high conservation of amidase-like proteins throughout the plant kingdom may suggest an important role of theses enzymes in plant development. Here, we report cloning and functional analysis of four, thus far, uncharacterized plant amidases from Oryza sativa, Sorghum bicolor, Medicago truncatula, and Populus trichocarpa. Intriguingly, we were able to demonstrate that the examined amidases are also capable of converting phenyl-2-acetamide (PAM) into phenyl-2-acetic acid (PAA), an auxin endogenous to several plant species including Arabidopsis. Furthermore, we compared the subcellular localization of the enzymes to that of Arabidopsis AMI1, providing further evidence for similar enzymatic functions. Our results point to the presence of a presumably conserved pathway of auxin biosynthesis via IAM, as amidases, both of monocot, and dicot origins, were analyzed.
La especie Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench., perteneciente a la familia de las gramíneas (Poaceae), es una planta de origen tropical, sensible al fotoperiodo y a la temperatura, que muestra una alta eficiencia fotosintética en condiciones adecuadas de cultivo.
Mutant sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) deficient in functional phytochrome B exhibits reduced photoperiodic sensitivity and constitutively expresses a shade-avoidance phenotype. Under relatively bright, high red:far-red light, ethylene production by seedlings of wild-type and phytochrome B-mutant cultivars progresses through cycles in a circadian rhythm; however, the phytochrome B mutant produces ethylene peaks with approximately 10 times the amplitude of the wild type. Time-course northern blots show that the mutant's abundance of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase mRNA SbACO2 is cyclic and is commensurate with ethylene production, and that ACC oxidase activity follows the same pattern. Both SbACO2 abundance and ACC oxidase activity in the wild-type plant are very low under this regimen. ACC levels in the two cultivars did not demonstrate fluctuations coincident with the ethylene produced. Simulated shading caused the wild-type plant to mimic the phenotype of the mutant and to produce high amplitude rhythms of ethylene evolution. The circadian feature of the ethylene cycle is conditionally present in the mutant and absent in the wild-type plant under simulated shading. SbACO2 abundance in both cultivars demonstrates a high-amplitude diurnal cycle under these conditions; however, ACC oxidase activity, although elevated, does not exhibit a clear rhythm correlated with ethylene production. ACC levels in both cultivars show fluctuations corresponding to the ethylene rhythm previously observed. It appears that at least two separate mechanisms may be involved in generating high-amplitude ethylene rhythms in sorghum, one in response to the loss of phytochrome B function and another in response to shading.
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activity was detected in aleurone-endosperm extracts of barley (Hordeum vulgare) seeds during germination, and specific anti-sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) C4 PEPC polyclonal antibodies immunodecorated constitutive 103-kD and inducible 108-kD PEPC polypeptides in western analysis. The 103- and 108-kD polypeptides were radiolabeled in situ after imbibition for up to 1.5 d in 32P-labeled inorganic phosphate. In vitro phosphorylation by a Ca2+-independent PEPC protein kinase (PK) in crude extracts enhanced the enzyme's velocity and decreased its sensitivity to l-malate at suboptimal pH and [PEP]. Isolated aleurone cell protoplasts contained both phosphorylated PEPC and a Ca2+-independent PEPC-PK that was partially purified by affinity chromatography on blue dextran-agarose. This PK activity was present in dry seeds, and PEPC phosphorylation in situ during imbibition was not affected by the cytosolic protein-synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide, by weak acids, or by various pharmacological reagents that had proven to be effective blockers of the light signal transduction chain and PEPC phosphorylation in C4 mesophyll protoplasts. These collective data support the hypothesis that this Ca2+-independent PEPC-PK was formed during maturation of barley seeds and that its presumed underlying signaling elements were no longer operative during germination.
Two glutathione S-transferase (GST) isozymes, A1/A1 and B1/B2, were purified from etiolated, O-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl-methyl-2,2,2,-trifluoro-4′-chloroacetophenone-oxime-treated sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) shoots. GST A1/A1, a constitutively expressed homodimer, had a subunit molecular mass of 26 kD and an isoelectric point of 4.9. GST A1/A1 exhibited high activity with 1-chloro-2, 4,dinitrobenzene (CDNB) but low activity with the chloroacetanilide herbicide metolachlor. For GST A1/A1, the random, rapid-equilibrium bireactant kinetic model provided a good description of the kinetic data for the substrates CDNB and glutathione (GSH). GST B1/B2 was a heterodimer with subunit molecular masses of 26 kD (designated the B1 subunit) and 28 kD (designated the B2 subunit) and a native isoelectric point of 4.8. GST B1/B2 exhibited low activity with CDNB and high activity with metolachlor as the substrate. The kinetics of GST B1/B2 activity with GSH and metolachlor fit a model describing a multisite enzyme having two binding sites with different affinities for these substrates. Both GST A1/A1 and GST B1/B2 exhibited GSH-conjugating activity with ethacrynic acid and GSH peroxidase activity with cumene hydroperoxide, 9-hydroperoxy-trans-10,cis-12-octadecadienoic acid and 13-hydroperoxy-cis-9,trans-11-octadecadienoic acid. Both GST A1/A1 and GST B1/B2 are glycoproteins, as indicated by their binding of concanavalin A. Polyclonal antibodies raised against GST A1/A1 exhibited cross-reactivity with the B1 subunit of GST B1/B2. Comparisons of the N-terminal amino acid sequences of the GST A1, B1, and B2 subunits with other type I θ-GSTs indicated a high degree of homology with the maize GST I subunit and a sugarcane GST.
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) has two isozymes of the cyanogenic β-glucosidase dhurrinase: dhurrinase-1 (Dhr1) and dhurrinase-2 (Dhr2). A nearly full-length cDNA encoding dhurrinase was isolated from 4-d-old etiolated seedlings and sequenced. The cDNA has a 1695-nucleotide-long open reading frame, which codes for a 565-amino acid-long precursor and a 514-amino acid-long mature protein, respectively. Deduced amino acid sequence of the sorghum Dhr showed 70% identity with two maize (Zea mays) β-glucosidase isozymes. Southern-blot data suggested that β-glu-cosidase is encoded by a small multigene family in sorghum. Northern-blot data indicated that the mRNA corresponding to the cloned Dhr cDNA is present at high levels in the node and upper half of the mesocotyl in etiolated seedlings but at low levels in the root—only in the zone of elongation and the tip region. Light-grown seedling parts had lower levels of Dhr mRNA than those of etiolated seedlings. Immunoblot analysis performed using maize-anti-β-glucosidase sera detected two distinct dhurrinases (57 and 62 kD) in sorghum. The distribution of Dhr activity in different plant parts supports the mRNA and immunoreactive protein data, suggesting that the cloned cDNA corresponds to the Dhr1 (57 kD) isozyme and that the dhr1 gene shows organ-specific expression.
Regulation of rhythmic peaks in levels of endogenous gibberellins (GAs) by photoperiod was studied in the short-day monocot sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench). Comparisons were made between three maturity (Ma) genotypes: 58M (Ma1Ma1, Ma2Ma2, phyB-1phyB-1, and Ma4Ma4 [a phytochrome B null mutant]); 90M (Ma1Ma1, Ma2Ma2, phyB-2phyB-2, and Ma4Ma4); and 100M (Ma1Ma1, Ma2Ma2, PHYBPHYB, and Ma4Ma4). Plants were grown for 14 d under 10-, 14-, 16-, 18-, and 20-h photoperiods, and GA levels were assayed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry every 3 h for 24 h. Under inductive 10-h photoperiods, the peak of GA20 and GA1 levels in 90M and 100M was shifted from midday, observed earlier with 12-h photoperiods, to an early morning peak, and flowering was hastened. In addition, the early morning peaks in levels of GA20 and GA1 in 58M under conditions allowing early flowering (10-, 12-, and 14-h photoperiods) were shifted to midday by noninductive (18- and 20-h) photoperiods, and flowering was delayed. These results are consistent with the possibility that the diurnal rhythm of GA levels plays a role in floral initiation and may be one way by which the absence of phytochrome B causes early flowering in 58M under most photoperiods.
Dichloroacetamide safeners protect maize (Zea mays L.) against injury from chloroacetanilide and thiocarbamate herbicides. Etiolated maize seedlings have a high-affinity cytosolic-binding site for the safener [3H](R,S)-3-dichloroacetyl-2,2,5-trimethyl-1,3-oxazol-idine ([3H]Saf), and this safener-binding activity (SafBA) is competitively inhibited by the herbicides. The safener-binding protein (SafBP), purified to homogeneity, has a relative molecular weight of 39,000, as shown by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and an isoelectric point of 5.5. Antiserum raised against purified SafBP specifically recognizes a 39-kD protein in etiolated maize and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), which have SafBA, but not in etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), or Arabidopsis, which lack SafBA. SafBP is most abundant in the coleoptile and scarcest in the leaves, consistent with the distribution of SafBA. SBP1, a cDNA encoding SafBP, was cloned using polymerase chain reaction primers based on purified proteolytic peptides. Extracts of Escherichia coli cells expressing SBP1 have strong [3H]Saf binding, which, like binding to the native maize protein, is competitively inhibited by the safener dichlormid and the herbicides S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate, alachlor, and metolachlor. SBP1 is predicted to encode a phenolic O-methyltransferase, but SafBP does not O-methylate catechol or caffeic acid. The acquisition of its encoding gene opens experimental approaches for the evaluation of the role of SafBP in response to the relevant safeners and herbicides.
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) accumulates the anthocyanin cyanidin 3-dimalonyl glucoside in etiolated mesocotyls in response to light. Inoculation with the nonpathogenic fungus Cochliobolus heterostrophus drastically reduced the light-induced accumulation of anthocyanin by repressing the transcription of the anthocyanin biosynthesis genes encoding flavanone 3-hydroxylase, dihydroflavonol 4-reductase, and anthocyanidin synthase. In contrast to these repression effects, fungal inoculation resulted in the synthesis of the four known 3-deoxyanthocyanidin phytoalexins and a corresponding activation of genes encoding the key branch-point enzymes in the phenylpropanoid pathway, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and chalcone synthase. In addition, a gene encoding the pathogenesis-related protein PR-10 was strongly induced in response to inoculation. The accumulation of phytoalexins leveled off by 48 h after inoculation and was accompanied by a more rapid increase in the rate of anthocyanin accumulation. The results suggest that the plant represses less essential metabolic activities such as anthocyanin synthesis as a means of compensating for the immediate biochemical and physiological needs for the defense response.
The sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cultivar 58M, which contains the null mutant phytochrome B gene, shows reduced photoperiodic sensitivity and exhibits a shade-avoidance phenotype. Ethylene production by seedlings of wild-type and phytochrome B mutant cultivars was monitored every 3 h, and both cultivars were found to produce ethylene in a circadian rhythm, with peak production occurring during the day. The phytochrome B mutant produces rhythmic peaks of ethylene with approximately 10 times the amplitude of the wild-type counterpart with the same period and diurnal timing. The source of the mutant's additional ethylene is the shoot. The diurnal rhythm can be produced with either light or temperature cycles; however, both light and temperature cycles are required for circadian entrainment. The temperature signal overrides the light signal in the production of diurnal rhythms, because seedlings grown under thermoperiods reversed with the photoperiod produced ethylene peaks during the warm nights. To examine the effect of extreme shading on ethylene production, seedlings were grown under dim, far-red-enriched light. This treatment duplicated the phytochrome B mutant's shade-avoidance phenotype in the wild type and caused the wild type to produce ethylene peaks similar to those observed in the mutant. The results confirm that phytochrome B is not required for proper function of circadian timing, but it may be involved in modulating physiological rhythms driven by the biological clock oscillator.
Self-recognition has been explored in nonlinguistic organisms by recording whether individuals touch a dye-marked area on visually inaccessible parts of their face while looking in a mirror or inspect parts of their body while using the mirror's reflection. Only chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and humans over the age of approximately 2 years consistently evidence self-directed mirror-guided behavior without experimenter training. To evaluate the inferred phylogenetic gap between hominoids and other animals, a modified dye-mark test was conducted with cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus), a New World monkey species. The white hair on the tamarins' head was color-dyed, thereby significantly altering a visually distinctive species-typical feature. Only individuals with dyed hair and prior mirror exposure touched their head while looking in the mirror. They looked longer in the mirror than controls, and some individuals used the mirror to observe visually inaccessible body parts. Prior failures to pass the mirror test may have been due to methodological problems, rather than to phylogenetic differences in the capacity for self-recognition. Specifically, an individual's sensitivity to experimentally modified parts of its body may depend crucially on the relative saliency of the modified part (e.g., face versus hair). Moreover, and in contrast to previous claims, we suggest that the mirror test may not be sufficient for assessing the concept of self or mental state attribution in nonlinguistic organisms.
Acid extracts and a resultant fraction from solid-phase extraction (SPE) of Romalea guttata crop and midgut tissues induce sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. Rio) coleoptile growth in 24-h incubations an average of 49% above untreated controls. When combined with plant auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), the SPE fraction shows a synergistic reaction, yielding increases in coleoptile growth that average 295% above untreated controls and 8% above IAA standards. The interaction lowered the point of maximum sensitivity of IAA 3 orders of magnitude, resulting in a new IAA physiological set point at 10(-7) g/ml. This synergism suggests that contents in animal regurgitants making their way into plant tissue during feeding may produce a positive feedback in plant growth and development following herbivory. Such a process, also known as reward feedback, may exert major controls on ecosystem-level relationships in nature.
A estrutura populacional e o desequilíbrio de ligação são dois processos fundamentais para estudos evolutivos e de mapeamento associativo. Tradicionalmente, ambos têm sido investigados por meio de métodos clássicos comumente utilizados. Tais métodos certamente forneceram grandes avanços no entendimento dos processos evolutivos das espécies. No entanto, em geral, nenhum deles utiliza uma visão genealógica de forma a considerar eventos genéticos ocorridos no passado, dificultando a compreensão dos padrões de variação observados no presente. Uma abordagem que possibilita a investigação retrospectiva com base no atual polimorfismo observado é a teoria da coalescência. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar, com base na teoria da coalescência, a estrutura populacional e o desequilíbrio de ligação de um painel mundial de acessos de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor). Para tanto, análises de mutação, migração com fluxo gênico e recombinação foram realizadas para cinco regiões genômicas relacionadas à altura de plantas e maturidade (Dw1, Dw2, Dw4, Ma1 e Ma3) e sete populações previamente selecionadas. Em geral, elevado fluxo gênico médio (Μ = m/μ = 41,78 − 52,07) foi observado entre as populações considerando cada região genômica e todas elas simultaneamente. Os padrões sugeriram intenso intercâmbio de acessos e história evolutiva específica para cada região genômica, mostrando a importância da análise individual dos locos. A quantidade média de migrantes por geração (Μ) não foi simétrica entre pares recíprocos de populações, de acordo com a análise individual e simultânea das regiões. Isso sugere que a forma pela qual as populações se relacionaram e continuam interagindo evolutivamente não é igual, mostrando que os métodos clássicos utilizados para investigar estrutura populacional podem ser insatisfatórios. Baixas taxas médias de recombinação (ρL = 2Ner = 0,030 − 0,246) foram observadas utilizando o modelo de recombinação constante ao longo da região. Baixas e altas taxas médias de recombinação (ρr = 2Ner = 0,060 − 3,395) foram estimadas utilizando o modelo de recombinação variável ao longo da região. Os métodos tradicional (r2) e via coalescência (E[r2 rhomap]) utilizados para a estimação do desequilíbrio de ligação mostraram resultados próximos para algumas regiões genômicas e populações. No entanto, o r2 sugeriu padrões descontínuos de desequilíbrio em várias ocasiões, dificultando o entendimento e a caracterização de possíveis blocos de associação. O método via coalescência (E[r2 rhomap]) forneceu resultados que pareceram ter sido mais consistentes, podendo ser uma estratégia eventualmente importante para um refinamento dos padrões não-aleatórios de associação. Os resultados aqui encontrados sugerem que o mapeamento genético a partir de um único pool gênico pode ser insuficiente para detectar associações causais importantes para características quantitativas em sorgo.