998 resultados para Saíra-de-chapéu-preto


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CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Injuries are an important cause of morbidity during adolescence, but can be avoided through learning about some of their characteristics. This study aimed to identify the most frequent injuries among adolescents attended at an emergency service. DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective descriptive study on adolescents attended at the emergency service of the Teaching Health Center, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (FMRP), between January 1, 2009, and September 30, 2009. METHODS: Age, sex, type of injury, site, day and time of occurrence, part of body involved, care received, whether the adolescent was accompanied at the time of injury and whether any type of counseling regarding injury prevention had been given were analyzed. RESULTS: Among 180 adolescents attended, 106 (58.8%) were boys and 74 (41.1%) were girls. Their ages were: 10 to 12 (66/36.6%), 12 to 14 (60/33.3%) and 14 to 16 years (54/30%). The injuries had occurred in public places (47.7%) and at home (21.1%). The main types were bruises (45.1%) and falls (39.2%), involving upper limbs (46.1%), lower limbs (31%) and head/neck (13.1%). The injuries occurred in the afternoon (44.4%) and morning (30%), on Mondays (17.7%) and Thursdays (16.6%). Radiological examinations were performed on 53.8%. At the time of injury, 76.1% of the adolescents were accompanied. Some type of counseling about injury prevention had been received by 39.4%. CONCLUSIONS: Although the injuries were of low severity, preventive attitudes need to be incorporated in order to reduce the risks and provide greater safety for adolescents.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the frequency of positive results for hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis in blood donations at the Centro Regional de Hemoterapia de Ribeirão Preto, to describe donors with positive results according to some demographic and socioeconomic variables, to identify risk factors associated to these donors and the reasons that they were not detected during clinical screening. METHODS: A descriptive study was performed between July 1st 2005 and July 31st 2006 by interviewing 106 donors after medical consultations where they were informed of positive results for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV or syphilis. RESULTS: There was a predominance of first-time donors, males, under 50-year olds, married individuals, from Ribeirão Preto, with elementary education, low economic status and of people who donated at the request of friends or relatives. Hepatitis C was the most frequently detected infection (56.6%), followed by hepatitis B (20.7%), HIV (12.3%) and syphilis(10.4%). About 40% of donors had omitted risk factors for different reasons: because they trusted the results of serological tests, did not feel comfortable about talking of risk factors or did not consider them relevant. Other justifications were the duration of the interview, the interviewer was unskilled, embarrassment and doubts about confidentiality. CONCLUSION: The results indicate the need for changes in the approach to clinical screening and a review of methods to attract and guide potential donors.


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Global dengue virus spread in tropical and sub-tropical regions has become a major international public health concern. It is evident that DENV genetic diversity plays a significant role in the immunopathology of the disease and that the identification of polymorphisms associated with adaptive responses is important for vaccine development. The investigation of naturally occurring genomic variants may play an important role in the comprehension of different adaptive strategies used by these mutants to evade the human immune system. In order to elucidate this role we sequenced the complete polyprotein-coding region of thirty-three DENV-3 isolates to characterize variants circulating under high endemicity in the city of São José de Rio Preto, Brazil, during the onset of the 2006-07 epidemic. By inferring the evolutionary history on a local-scale and estimating rates of synonymous (dS) and nonsynonimous (dN) substitutions, we have documented at least two different introductions of DENV-3 into the city and detected 10 polymorphic codon sites under significant positive selection (dN/dS > 1) and 8 under significant purifying selection (dN/dS < 1). We found several polymorphic amino acid coding sites in the envelope (15), NS1 (17), NS2A (11), and NS5 (24) genes, which suggests that these genes may be experiencing relatively recent adaptive changes. Furthermore, some polymorphisms correlated with changes in the immunogenicity of several epitopes. Our study highlights the existence of significant and informative DENV variability at the spatio-temporal scale of an urban outbreak.


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The results from the Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA) experiment onboard Chandrayaan-1 have revealed several hitherto unknown and interesting aspects about the interaction of solar wind with the Moon. The SARA experiment had two sensors — CENA and SWIM. The Chandrayaan-1 energetic neutrals analyzer (CENA), detected energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), and the Solar Wind Monitor (SWIM) measured ions of solar wind origin. In this review, we summarize the observations made by the SARA experiment, which are: (1) substantial (~20%) and sustained backscattering of solar wind protons from lunar surface as energetic neutral hydrogen,1 (2) minimagnetosphere around magnetic anomalies on Moon using the backscattered ENAs,2 (3) reflection of solar wind protons from the Moon surface,3 (4) huge (~50%) deflection of solar wind protons over strong magnetic anomalies,4 and (5) presence of protons in the near-lunar plasma wake.5 These results have implications on the lunar plasma environment, implantation of solar wind hydrogen on lunar surface, and behavior of small scale magnetic anomalies on planetary bodies. The SARA observations suggest that similar processes may happen on other airless bodies covered with regolith in the solar system as well as in extra-solar system. This paper presents a review of the results obtained from the SARA observation.


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Scan von Monochrom-Mikroform


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W. Schirmer


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F01450


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/G03793


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A proposta da Educaçao Física Escolar, conforme os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN's) é trabalhar a diversidade de manifestaçoes da cultura corporal de movimentos, entre elas a riqueza de estilos e possibilidades de expressao em dança. Contudo, é comum observarmos no cotidiano escolar da disciplina Educaçao Física a hegemonia de alguns jogos populares e esportes, em detrimento dos outros conteúdos. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo diagnosticar e analisar o ensino da dança, nas aulas de EFE de até três escolas de Ensino Fundamental Anos Iniciais na cidade de Ouro Preto/MG, segundo discussao no PCN- Educaçao Física. E utilizada a abordagem qualitativa do tipo descritiva, pautada na pesquisa documental e pesquisa de campo com aplicaçao de entrevista semiestruturada. Observa-se que o ensino/prática da dança no contexto escolar ouro-pretano se apresenta ou pautado no padrao veiculado em mídia ou restrito a um estilo específico, lidando com reproduçoes de movimentos com vistas às apresentaçoes em datas comemorativas, e em ambos os casos desvinculados de uma proposta educativa. Isso aponta precariedade no ato educacional na disciplina educaçao física, negligência sobre os conhecimentos oriundos desse conteúdo da EFE, desconsideraçao ao direito e à autonomia dos discentes, e imprudência sobre a legitimidade de descobertas individuais inerentes às propostas educativas através da dança


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Aunque resuenen más sus ficciones, Sara Gallardo debutó desde muy joven en el periodismo argentino. Atlántida, La Nación, Primera Plana, Confirmado son algunos de los medios gráficos en los que colaboró. Su participación en el periodismo es simultánea a su producción literaria, y comienza a mediados de 1950 y continúa con altibajos hasta 1988. Más allá de sus intentos de separación de lo estrictamente vocacional (la literatura) del oficio (el periodismo), Sara Gallardo construye su figura de autora en la articulación de la literatura y el periodismo, dos discursos, registros y tonos que entran, en el marco de su producción, en un circuito de préstamos, rechazos e interdependencias. En este trabajo se analizan esos tráficos discursivos y sus resonancias de figuración autoral en un corpus de columnas del semanario Confirmado de los 60 y 70, donde la escritora de Los galgos, los galgos (1968) se convierte en periodista estrella