948 resultados para SUPER-TOUGHNESS
Autor tomado de la h. 2
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Quarta pars abulensis Super Mattheum a duodecimo usqz ad decimumseptimum capitulum inclusive (XVI/198).
Texto fechado en Valencia, 25 de septiembre 1741
Inicial grab. xil
Inicial grab. xil
En el verso de A3 grab. xil
Pie de imp. to mado de colofón
Sign.: A-O8, P2
Copia digital: Biblioteca valenciana, 2010
Copia digital: Biblioteca valenciana, 2010
Texto paralelo latín-español
The sparse differential resultant dres(P) of an overdetermined system P of generic nonhomogeneous ordinary differential polynomials, was formally defined recently by Li, Gao and Yuan (2011). In this note, a differential resultant formula dfres(P) is defined and proved to be nonzero for linear "super essential" systems. In the linear case, dres(P) is proved to be equal, up to a nonzero constant, to dfres(P*) for the supper essential subsystem P* of P.
While static fracture toughness is a widely studied and standardised parameter, its dynamic counterpart has not been exhaustively examined. Therefore, in this research a series of quasi-static and different loading-rate dynamic tests were carried out to determine the evolution of fracture toughness with the velocity of the application of the load on aluminium 7017-T73 alloy. Three-point bending tests of pre-fatigued standard specimens (ASTM E399) at four loading-rates were carried out. The experiments were conducted by employing the subsequent apparatus ordered from lowest to highest load application velocity: a servo-hydraulic universal testing machine, a free-drop tower, a modified Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar and an explosive load testing device. In order to perform the dynamic fracture toughness tests, it was necessary to design and develop some experimental devices. The fracture-initiation toughness of the aluminium 7017-T73 alloy did not exhibit a significant variation for the studied cases. As a conclusion, the research showed that fracture-initiation toughness remained constant regardless of the velocity at which the load was applied.
Constitutio super Congregationibus Generalibus Clericorum Regularium Societatis Iesu [Texto impreso]
Precede al tít. : "Sanctissimi in Christo Patris et Domini Nostri Domini Benedicti Diuina Prouidentia Papae XIV"