505 resultados para SPUTUM EOSINOPHILS
Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is transmitted mainly through aerosolization of infected sputum which puts laboratory workers at risk in spite of the laboratory workers’ risk of infection being at 3 to 9 times higher than the general public. Laboratory safety should therefore be prioritized and optimized to provide sufficient safety to laboratory workers. Objective To assess the safety for the laboratory workers in TB primary microscopy centres in Blantyre urban. Methodology TB primary microscopy centers in Blantyre urban were assessed in aspects of equipment availability, facility layout, and work practice, using a standardized WHO/AFRO ISO 15189 checklist for the developing countries which sets the minimum safety score at ≥80%. Each center was graded according to the score it earned upon assessment. Results Only one (1) microscopy center out nine (9) reached the minimum safety requirement. Four (4) centers were awarded 1 star level, four (4) centers were awarded 2 star level and only one (1) center was awarded 3 star level. Conclusion In Blantyre urban, 89% of the Tuberculosis microscopy centers are failing to provide the minimum safety to the laboratory workers. Government and other stake holders should be committed in addressing the safety challenges of TB microscopy centres in the country to ensure safety for the laboratory workers. Recommendations It is recommended that the study be conducted at the regional or national level for both public and private laboratories in order to have a general picture of safety in Tb microscopy centres possibly across the country.
We report a case of a 61-year-old woman who presented with acute psychosis as a major manifestation of Legionnaires’ disease in the absence of other neuropsychiatric symptoms. Clinical history revealed dry cough and nausea. Observation showed fever and auscultation crackles in the lower lobe of the right lung. Laboratory testing demonstrated elevated C-reactive protein and lung chest radiograph showed patchy peribronchial and right lower lobe consolidation. Soon after admission, she started producing purulent sputum. Epidemiological data suggested Legionella pneumophila as possible cause of the clinical picture that was confirmed by urinary antigen detection and polymerase chain reaction of the sputum. She was treated with levofloxacin 750 mg/day for 10 days with complete remission of pulmonary and psychiatric symptoms. She has not had further psychotic symptoms.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Patologia Molecular, 2015.
Aim To determine the distribution of haematological parameters in healthy individuals residing in Blantyre, Malawi. We also examined the effect of sociodemographic and nutritional factors on the haematological variables. Methods We conducted a proof-of-concept cross-sectional study, involving 105 healthy blood donors at Malawi Blood Transfusion Service in Blantyre. Eligible participants were HIV-negative males and females, aged 19 to 35 years, who did not have any evidence of acute or chronic illness, or bloodborne infection. We performed the haematological tests at the Malawi-Liverpool Wellcome Trust laboratory in Blantyre, and the screening tests at Malawi Blood Transfusion Service laboratories. Results Out of 170 consenting healthy volunteers, haematological results were available for 105 participants. The proportions of results which were below the lower limit of the manufacturer’s reference ranges were 35.2% (37/105) for haemoglobin, 15.2% (16/105) for neutrophils, 23.8% (25/105) for eosinophils, and 88.6 % (93/105) for basophils. The proportions of results that were above the upper limit of the manufacturer’s reference ranges were 9.5% (10/105) for platelets and 12.4% (13/105) for monocytes. We also observed that the mean leucocyte and basophil counts were significantly higher in males than females (p = 0.042 and p = 0.015, respectively). There were no statistically significant differences in haematological results observed among different ethnic, age, and body mass index groups. Conclusions Over half of otherwise healthy study participants had at least one abnormal haematological result, using previously established foreign standards. More detailed studies are needed to establish locally relevant normal ranges for different age groups and other demographic characteristics of the Malawian population. This will lead to accurate interpretation of laboratory results.
Controlling iron distribution is important for all organisms, and is key in bacterial pathogenesis. It has long been understood that cystic fibrosis (CF) patient sputum contains elevated iron concentrations. However, anaerobic bacteria have been isolated from CF sputum and hypoxic zones in sputum have been measured. Because ferrous iron [Fe(II)] is stable in reducing, acidic conditions, it could exist in the CF lung. I show that a two-component system, BqsRS, specifically responds to Fe(II) in the CF pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Concurrently, a clinical study found that Fe(II) is present in CF sputum at all stages of lung function decline. Fe(II), not Fe(III) correlates with patients in the most severe disease state. Furthermore, transcripts of the newly identified BqsRS were detected in sputum. Two component systems are the main method bacteria interact with their extracellular environment. A typical two-component system contains a sensor histidine kinase, which upon activation phosphorylates a response regulator that then acts as a transcription factor to elicit a cellular response to stimuli. To explore the mechanism of BqsRS, I describe the Fe(II)-sensing RExxE motif in the sensor BqsS and determine the consensus DNA sequence BqsR binds. With the BqsR binding sequence, I identify novel regulon members through bioinformatic and molecular biology techniques. From the predicted function of new BqsR regulon members, I find that Fe(II) elicits a response that globally protects the cells against cationic stressors, including clinically relevant antibiotics. Subsequently, I use BqsR as a case study to determine if promoter outputs can accurately be predicted based only on a deep understanding of a transcriptional activator’s operator or if a broader regulatory context is required for accurate predictions at all genomic loci. This work highlights the importance of Fe(II) as a (micro)environmental factor, even in conditions typically thought of as aerobic. Since the presence of Fe(II) can alter P. aeruginosa’s antibiotic susceptibility, combining the current strategy of targeting Fe(III) with a new approach targeting Fe(II) may help eradicate infections in the CF lung in the future.
Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF), a life-limiting autosomal recessive disorder, is considered a monogenic disease that is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. According to several studies, mutation analysis of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene alone is insufficient to predict the phenotypic manifestations observed in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. In addition, some patients with a milder CF phenotype do not carry any pathogenic mutation. Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α) contributes to the pathophysiology of CF by causing cachexia. There is a reverse association between TNF-α concentration in patient's sputum and their pulmonary function. Objectives: To assess the effect of non-CFTR genes on the clinical phenotype of CF, two polymorphic sites (-1031T/C and -308G/A) of the TNF-α gene, as a modifier, were studied. Patients and Methods: Focusing on the lung and gastrointestinal involvement as well as the poor growth, we first investigated the role of TNF-α gene in the clinical manifestation of CF. Furthermore, based on the hypothesis that the cumulative effect of specific alleles of multiple CF modifier genes, such as TNF-α, may create the final phenotype, we also investigated the potential role of TNF-α in non-classic CF patients without a known pathogenic mutation. In all, 80 CF patients and 157 healthy control subjects of Azeri Turkish ethnicity were studied by the PCR–RFLP method. The chi-square test with Yates' correction and Fisher's exact test were used for statistical analysis. Results: The allele and genotype distribution of the investigated polymorphisms, and their associated haplotypes were similar in all groups. Conclusions: There was no evidence that supported the association of TNF-α gene polymorphisms with non-classic CF disease or the clinical presentation of classic CF.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Pós-graduação em Medicina Tropical, 2015.
Purpose: Infections caused by AmpC-positive bacteria results in high patient morbidity and mortality making their detection clinically important as they cannot be detected in routine susceptibility testing. This study aim to determine the prevalence of AmpC β-lactamase among Gram negative bacteria recovered from clinical specimens in Benin City, Nigeria. Methods: A total of 256 consecutive and non-repetitive Gram negative bacteria were recovered from various clinical specimens. The prevalence of AmpC β-lactamase was determined using a combination of disc antagonism test and cefoxitin-cloxacillin inhibition test. Disc susceptibility test was performed on all isolates using standard techniques. Results: Cefoxitin-cloxacillin inhibition test detected more AmpC β-lactamase than other tests. The prevalence of AmpC β-lactamase did not differ significantly between both genders and between inpatients and out-patients (p>0.05). Isolates recovered from sputum had significantly higher prevalence of AmpC β-lactamase producers compared with isolates from other clinical specimens (p=0.0484). The prevalence of AmpC production was significantly higher among isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa than other isolates (p = 0.0085). Isolates that produced AmpC β-lactamase were more susceptible to the test cephalosoprins. Conclusion: An overall prevalence of AmpC β-lactamase (15.23 %) was observed in this study. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most prevalent producer of AmpC enzymes. Prudent use of antibiotics is advocated.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resposta fisiológica (cortisol, glicemia e parâmetros sanguineos) de girinos de rã-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus) em diferentes densidades e após exposição aérea. Os animais utilizados no experimento estavam entre os estágios 31 a 39, na fase de pró-metamorfose sendo testados 1 girino/L (Tratamento 1), 5 girinos/L (Tratamento 2) e 10 girinos/L (Tratamento 3), conduzidos em 3 réplicas simultâneas durante 12 dias. O sangue foi retirado por rompimento do vaso caudal na condição de Normóxia - N (tempo zero) e Hipóxia - H (tempo de 15 minutos de exposição ao ar). Foi observado um aumento nos valores de cortisol, aos 4 e 8 dias de exposição aérea retornando aos valores basais ao final do experimento, apesar de não haver diferenças significativas. A glicemia não apresentou diferenças significativas quanto aos estressores aplicados. Os parâmetros hematológicos da série branca, principalmente, o número de linfócitos, neutrófilos e eosinófilos mostraram diferença significativa aos 12 dias de experimentação quando comparados com o momento zero; concluindo-se que, em condições controladas, o adensamento de até 10 girinos/litro e a exposição aérea por 15 minutos não apresentou danos aos girinos de rã-touro durante o período experimental. O padrão de resposta a estes estímulos talvez seja expresso em outro nível hormonal (corticosterona).
La tuberculosis TB es una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo en individuos con infección por VIH. En Colombia esta coinfección soporta una carga importante en la población general convirtiéndose en un problema de salud pública. En estos pacientes las pruebas diagnósticas tienen sensibilidad inferior y la enfermedad evoluciona con mayor frecuencia hacia formas diseminadas y rápidamente progresivas y su diagnóstico oportuno representa un reto en Salud. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar el desempeño de las pruebas diagnósticas convencionales y moleculares, para la detección de TB latente y activa pacientes con VIH, en dos hospitales públicos de Bogotá. Para TB latente se evaluó la concordancia entre las pruebas QuantiFERON-TB (QTF) y Tuberculina (PPD), sugiriendo superioridad del QTF sobre la PPD. Se evaluaron tres pruebas diagnósticas por su sensibilidad y especificidad, baciloscopia (BK), GenoType®MTBDR plus (Genotype) y PCR IS6110 teniendo como estándar de oro el cultivo. Los resultados de sensibilidad (S) y especificidad (E) de cada prueba con una prevalencia del 19,4 % de TB pulmonar y extrapulmonar en los pacientes que participaron del estudio fue: BK S: 64% E: 99,1%; Genotype S: 77,8% E: 94,5%; PCRIS6110 S: 73% E: 95,5%, de la misma forma se determinaron los valores predictivos positivos y negativos (VPP y VPN) BK: 88,9% y 94,8%, Genotype S: 77,8% E: 94,5%; PCRIS6110 S: 90% y 95,7%. Se concluyó bajo análisis de curva ROC que las pruebas muestran un rendimiento diagnóstico similar por separado en el diagnóstico de TB en pacientes con VIH, aumentando su rendimiento diagnostico cuando se combinan