630 resultados para SEROTYPE ENTERITIDIS
Os vírus entéricos são importantes agentes de doenças de veiculação hídrica. Entre esses, os adenovirus humanos (HAdV) assumiram importância por serem um dos principais causadores de gastrenterite em crianças menores de cinco anos e pela sua maior resistência a fatores físicos e químicos em detrimento a outros vírus no ambiente. Várias pesquisas têm demonstrado ausência de relação entre a presença de bactérias indicadoras e vírus. Diante disso, diversos autores têm sugerido a inclusão desses agentes como potenciais indicadores de contaminação viral e fecal da água. O objetivo desse trabalho foi detectar a presença de HAdV em amostras de água e esgoto não tratado oriundas de diversos ecossistemas aquáticos da cidade de Belém-PA. Foram selecionados seis pontos de amostragem, dentre eles um esgoto não tratado: Esgoto do UNA e cinco coleções hídricas: Porto do Açaí, Ver-o-Peso, Igarapé Tucunduba, Lago Bolonha e Lago Água Preta. Foi feita uma coleta mensal de dois litros de água em cada ponto durante 24 meses consecutivos, de nov/2008 a out/2010, totalizando 144 amostras. Foi utilizada água destilada autoclavada para controle negativo de cada ponto em todos os testes utilizados. As amostras foram concentradas pelo método de adsorção-eluição e posteriormente centrifugadas para a obtenção de dois mL. O DNA foi extraído pelo kit comercial Qiagen. Para a detecção molecular foram empregadas a Reação em Cadeia Mediada pela Polimerase (PCR convencional) e a PCR em tempo real, sendo utilizados iniciadores e sondas específicos que amplificam um gene do hexon de 301 e 96 pb, respectivamente. Visando-se melhorar o produto amplificado para sequenciamento genômico, algumas amostras positivas pela PCR convencional foram submetidas à Nested-PCR com a utilização de mais um par de iniciadores que amplificam uma região interna de 171 pb. Amostras de água e esgoto foram sequenciadas, analisadas e comparadas a outras obtidas no GeneBank. Os HAdV foram detectados em 59% (85/144) das amostras de água superficial e esgoto não tratado, sendo que a positividade obtida pela PCR convencional foi de 22,9% (33/144) e pela PCR em tempo real de 58,7% (84/143). A primeira detectou o agente apenas nas amostras do igarapé Tucunduba (62,5%) e do esgoto do UNA (75%) e a segunda em amostras provenientes dos seis pontos de coleta (com uma variação de 25 a 100%). O agente foi detectado em todos os 24 meses do estudo, estando presentes em pelo menos dois pontos, mensalmente. A PCR em tempo real se mostrou mais sensível nesse estudo, tendo encontrado o agente em 36,4% (52/143) das amostras não detectadas pela PCR convencional. Das oito amostras genotipadas todas pertencem à espécie F, sendo quatro referentes ao sorotipo 40 e quatro ao 41. Nossos resultados confirmam a alta circulação desse patógeno nas águas superficiais e esgoto da cidade, sugerindo a inclusão dos HAdV como bons indicadores de contaminação viral e fecal da água. A pesquisa desses vírus em ambientes aquáticos é pioneira em Belém e tais resultados são de relevante importância para as políticas de saúde pública e ambiental, servindo como base para estudos complementares nessa área.
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
The present invention relates to a mutant of Salmonella gallinarum that is defective in the CobS and CbiA (SGCobSCbiA) genes, which are associated with the production of cobalamin by the bacterium in anaerobic conditions, for use as vaccines. The present invention also relates to the use of said mutant Salmonella gallinarum strain for inducing protection in birds against infection by the homologous natural strain and Salmonella enteritidis strain by means of a vaccine.
Streptococcus suis is considered worldwide as one of the pathogens of biggest health and economic impact in the swine industry. Among the serotypes described as zoonotic, serotype 2 is the most frequently isolated from diseased animals and humans in most countries. The study of the epidemiology of S. suis infections in Brazil is important and may help in the development of effective control measures. The aim of this study was to conduct a critical review of Brazilian literature, with support of the world literature, addressing the diagnosis of the agent and its prevalence in clinically ill animals and healthy carriers, especially regarding to the prevalence of the serotype 2 in the country.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia - IBILCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Candida albicans is classified into different serotypes according to cell wall mannan composition and cell surface hydrophobicity. Since the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy (PDT) depends on the cell wall structure of microorganisms, the objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity of in vitro biofilms of C. albicans serotypes A and B to antimicrobial PDT. Reference strains of C. albicans serotype A (ATCC 36801) and serotype B (ATCC 36802) were used for the assays. A gallium-aluminum-arsenide laser (660 nm) was used as the light source and methylene blue (300 mu M) as the photosensitizer. After biofilm formation on the bottom of a 96-well microplate for 48 h, each Candida strain was submitted to assays: PDT consisting of laser and photosensitizer application (L + P+), laser application alone (L + P-), photosensitizer application alone (L-P+), and application of saline as control (L-P-). After treatment, biofilm cells were scraped off and transferred to tubes containing PBS. The content of the tubes was homogenized, diluted, and seeded onto Sabouraud agar plates to determine the number of colony-forming units (CFU/mL). The results were compared by analysis of variance and Tukey test (p < 0.05). The two strains studied were sensitive to PDT (L + P+), with a log reduction of 0.49 for serotype A and of 2.34 for serotype B. Laser application alone only reduced serotype B cells (0.53 log), and the use of the photosensitizer alone had no effect on the strains tested. It can be concluded that in vitro biofilms of C. albicans serotype B were more sensitive to PDT.
The genus Salmonella was characterized in 1885. It is divided into two species and six subspecies or subgenera. Belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae is composed of Gram-negative rods, usually producing mobile gas from glucose, except in those serovars S. gallinarum and S. Pullorum. Salmonela is one of the biggest problems in public health for its wide occurrence in humans and in animals, where they occupy the center of the epidemiology of enteric salmonelosis. These are responsible for significant rates of morbidity and mortality. Several outbreaks of food transmitted diseases are described involving meat birds. Sources of salmonela in broiler chicks infected stem, feed and farm environment. Currently, S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium are the two most prevalent serovars. In this context, the sum is increased resistance to antimicrobial drugs is including the latest generation of its indiscriminate use in veterinary medicine. This fact represents risk to human and animal health. New strategies have been adopted by the Brazilian poultry industry to control salmonela in broilers, but the contamination by this pathogen is still present in slaughterhouses putting public health at risk
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study was to study the seroepidemiological profile of brucellosis and leptospirosis in horses traction Island Maiandeua, state of Para. In two distinct periods, blood samples were collected from 52 animals of both sexes and different ages (2 to 17 years), totaling 104 samples. For the research of antibodies anti-Brucella abortus were used in rapid agglutination test in plate. In the first harvest, none animal was positive, however in the second harvest there were three animals reactive serum. The research of antibodies anti-Leptospira spp. was performed with the use of the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), the first harvest was 23.07% reacting animals and 15.38% at the second harvest, for one or more Leptospira spp. with titers ranging from 100 to 200. The predominant serotype at first and second harvest was the Autumnalis 40% and 37.5% respectively. According to age, it was observed in group 1 (2 to 7 years) 27.78% and 13.89% respectively in the two samples and the second group (> 7 years) was found 12.50% and 18 75% of reactive serum. The results observed in this study demonstrated that the island of Maiandeua, state of Para, there is the presence of Leptospira spp, with the most frequent serovar autumnalis and possible exposure of animals to brucella smooth, suggesting low risk of infection in the population of horses examined.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The antimicrobials products from plants have increased in importance due to the therapeutic potential in the treatment of infectious diseases. Therefore, we aimed to examine the chemical characterisation (GC-MS) of essential oils (EO) from seven plants and measure antibacterial activities against bacterial strains isolated from clinical human specimens (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and sensitive (MSSA), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella Typhimurium) and foods (Salmonella Enteritidis). Assays were performed using the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC and MIC90%) (mg/mL) by agar dilution and time kill curve methods (log CFU/mL) to aiming synergism between EO. EO chemical analysis showed a predominance of terpenes and its derivatives. The highest antibacterial activities were with Cinnamomun zeylanicum (0.25 mg/mL on almost bacteria tested) and Caryophyllus aronzaticus EO (2.40 mg/mL on Salmonella Enteritidis), and the lowest activity was with Eugenia uniflora (from 50.80 mg/mL against MSSA to 92.40 mg/mL against both Salmonella sources and P aeruginosa) EO. The time kill curve assays revealed the occurrence of bactericide synergism in combinations of C. aromaticus and C. zeylanicum with Rosmarinus. officinalis. Thus, the antibacterial activities of the EO were large and this can also be explained by complex chemical composition of the oils tested in this study and the synergistic effect of these EO, yet requires further investigation because these interactions between the various chemical compounds can increase or reduce (antagonism effect) the inhibitory effect of essential oils against bacterial strains.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)