566 resultados para SAHA
OBJECTIVE: This report presents data from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network on care of and morbidity and mortality rates for very low birth weight infants, according to gestational age (GA). METHODS: Perinatal/neonatal data were collected for 9575 infants of extremely low GA (22-28 weeks) and very low birth weight (401-1500 g) who were born at network centers between January 1, 2003, and December 31, 2007. RESULTS: Rates of survival to discharge increased with increasing GA (6% at 22 weeks and 92% at 28 weeks); 1060 infants died at CONCLUSION: Although the majority of infants with GAs of >or=24 weeks survive, high rates of morbidity among survivors continue to be observed.
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) overexpression occurs in about 90% of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) cases. Aberrant EGFR signaling has been implicated in the malignant features of HNSCC. Thus, EGFR appears to be a logical therapeutic target with increased tumor specificity for the treatment of HNSCC. Erlotinib, a small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor, specifically inhibits aberrant EGFR signaling in HNSCC. Only a minority of HNSCC patients were able to derive a substantial clinical benefit from erlotinib. ^ This dissertation identifies Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) as the biological marker that distinguishes EGFR-dependent (erlotinib-sensitive) tumors from the EGFR-independent (erlotinib-resistant) tumors. This will allow us to prospectively identify the patients who are most likely to benefit from EGFR-directed therapy. More importantly, our data identifies the transcriptional repressor DeltaEF1 as the mesenchymal marker that controls EMT phenotype and resistance to erlotinib in human HNSCC lines. si-RNA mediated knockdown of DeltaEF1 in the erlotinib-resistant lines resulted in reversal of the mesenchymal phenotype to an epithelial phenotype and significant increase in sensitivity to erlotinib. ^ DeltaEF1 represses the expression of the epithelial markers by recruiting HDACs to chromatin. This observation allows us to translate our findings into clinical application. To test whether the transcriptional repression by DeltaEF1 underlines the mechanism responsible for erlotinib resistance, erlotinib-resistant lines were treated with an HDAC inhibitor (SAHA) followed by erlotinib. This resulted in a synergistic effect and substantial increase in sensitivity to erlotinib in the resistant cell lines. Thus, combining an HDAC inhibitor with erlotinib represents a novel promising pharmacologic strategy for reversing resistance to erlotinib in HNSCC patients. ^
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) are sarcomas driven by gain-of-function mutations of KIT or PDGFRA. Although, the introduction of tyrosine kinase inhibitors has dramatically changed the history of this disease, evidences emerge that inhibition of KIT or PDGFRA are not sufficient to cure patients. The developmental pathway Notch has a critical role in the cell fate, regulating cell proliferation and differentiation. Dysregulation of Notch pathway has been implicated in a wide variety of cancers functioning as a tumor promoter or a tumor suppressor in a cell context dependent manner. Given that Notch activation deregulates the morphogenesis of mesenchymal cells in the GI track, that Notch acts as a tumor suppressor in neuroendocrine tumors, and finally that the cell of origin of GIST are the Interstitial Cell of Cajal that arise from a mesenchymal origin with some neuroendocrine features, we hypothesized that Notch pathway signaling may play a role in growth, survival and differentiation of GIST cells. To test this hypothesis, we genetically and pharmacologically manipulated the Notch pathway in human GIST cells. In this study, we demonstrated that constitutively active intracellular domain of Notch1 (ICN-1) expression potently induced growth arrest and downregulated KIT expression. We have performed a retrospective analysis of 15 primary GIST patients and found that high mRNA level of Hes1, a major target gene of Notch pathway, correlated with a significantly longer relapse-free survival. Therefore, we have established that treatment with the FDA approved histone deacetylase inhibitor SAHA (Vorinostat) caused dose-dependent upregulation of Notch1 expression and a parallel decrease in viability in these cells. Retroviral silencing of downstream targets of Notch with dominant negative Hes-1 as well as pharmacological inhibition of Notch pathway with a γ-secretase inhibitor partially rescued GIST cells from SAHA treatment. Taken together these results identify anti-tumor effect of Notch1 and a negative cross-talk between Notch1 and KIT pathways in GIST. Consequently, we propose that activation of this pathway with HDAC inhibitors may be a potential therapeutic strategy for GIST patients.
Large scale patterns of ecologically relevant traits may help identify drivers of their variability and conditions beneficial or adverse to the expression of these traits. Antimicrofouling defenses in scleractinian corals regulate the establishment of the associated biofilm as well as the risks of infection. The Saudi Arabian Red Sea coast features a pronounced thermal and nutritional gradient including regions and seasons with potentially stressful conditions to corals. Assessing the patterns of antimicrofouling defenses across the Red Sea may hint at the susceptibility of corals to global change. We investigated microfouling pressure as well as the relative strength of 2 alternative antimicrofouling defenses (chemical antisettlement activity, mucus release) along the pronounced environmental gradient along the Saudi Arabian Red Sea coast in 2 successive years. Microfouling pressure was exceptionally low along most of the coast but sharply increased at the southernmost sites. Mucus release correlated with temperature. Chemical defense tended to anti-correlate with mucus release. As a result, the combined action of mucus release and chemical antimicrofouling defense seemed to warrant sufficient defense against microbes along the entire coast. In the future, however, we expect enhanced energetic strain on corals when warming and/or eutrophication lead to higher bacterial fouling pressure and a shift towards putatively more costly defense by mucus release.
The goals of this study were (1) to investigate whether Fucus vesiculosus regulates the production of its antifouling defence chemicals against microfoulers in response to light limitation and temperature shifts and (2) to investigate if different surface concentrations of defence compounds shape epibacterial communities. F. vesiculosus was incubated in indoor mesocosms at five different temperature conditions (5 to 25°C) and in outdoor mesocosms under six differently reduced sunlight conditions (0 to 100%), respectively. Algal surface concentrations of previously identified antifouling compounds - dimethylsulphopropionate (DMSP), fucoxanthin and proline - were determined and the bacterial community composition was characterized by in-depth sequencing of the 16S-rRNA gene. Altogether, the effect of different treatment levels upon defence compound concentrations was limited. Under all conditions DMSP alone appeared to be sufficiently concentrated to warrant for at least a partial inhibitory action against epibiotic bacteria of F. vesiculosus. In contrast, proline and fucoxanthin rarely reached the necessary concentration ranges for self-contained inhibition. Nonetheless, in both experiments along with the direct influence of temperature and light, all three compounds apparently affected (and thereby shaped) the overall bacterial community composition associated with F. vesiculosus since tendencies for insensitivity towards all three compounds were observed among bacterial taxa that typically dominate those communities. Given that the concentrations of at least one of the compounds (in most cases DMSP) were always high enough to inhibit bacterial settlement, we conclude that the capacity of F. vesiculosus for such defence will hardly be compromised by shading or warming to temperatures up to 25°C.
The Stark full widths at half of the maximal line intensity (FWHM, ω) have been measured for 25 spectrallines of PbIII (15 measured for the first time) arising from the 5d106s8s, 5d106s7p, 5d106s5f and 5d106s5g electronic configurations, in a lead plasma produced by ablation with a Nd:YAG laser. The optical emission spectroscopy from a laser-induced plasma generated by a 10 640 Å radiation, with an irradiance of 2 × 1010 W cm− 2 on a lead target (99.99% purity) in an atmosphere of argon was analysed in the wavelength interval between 2000 and 7000 Å. The broadening parameters were obtained with the target placed in argon atmosphere at 6 Torr and 400 ns after each laser light pulse, which provides appropriate measurement conditions. A Boltzmann plot was used to obtain the plasma temperature (21,400 K) and published values of the Starkwidths in Pb I, Pb II and PbIII to obtain the electron number density (7 × 1016 cm− 3); with these values, the plasma composition was determined by means of the Saha equation. Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) conditions and plasma homogeneity has been checked. Special attention was dedicated to the possible self-absorption of the different transitions. Comparison of the new results with recent available data is also presented.
Desde el año 2004 el código ARWEN ha sido utilizado con éxito para simular y diseñar experimentos relacionados con blancos para fusión por confinamiento inercial [146], astrofísica de laboratorio [145], plasmas como amplificadores de láseres de rayos X [107] o plasmas creados por láser para la medición de espectros de transmisión. Para la realización de estas simulaciones es necesario, además de métodos de alto orden precisos y que presenten buenas propiedades conservativas, conocer ciertas propiedades de los plasmas. En el caso de la fluidodinámica y la conducción electrónica necesitaremos conocer la ecuación de estado [94, 49, 36], y para el transporte de la radiación será preciso disponer de los datos de absorción y emisión [104, 95, 40]. Hasta el año 2009 ARWEN dependía de códigos externos para la generación de estas tablas de opacidad, careciendo de control sobre los métodos empleados para su generación. Además estos códigos asumían equilibrio local termodinámico (LTE), limitando su validez a rangos de alta densidad y baja temperatura. En el marco de esta tesis se ha desarrollado el código BIGBART para la generación de tablas detalladas de opacidad y emisividad para su uso en el módulo de transporte de radiación. De esta forma el grupo dispondrá de su propia herramienta de generación de propiedades radiativas. El código desarrollado es capaz de tratar plasmas en estado fuera de equilibrio (non-LTE) mediante el modelo colisional-radiativo, extendiendo así el rango de validez de las tablas generadas. El trabajo desarrollado para implementar un código LTE/non-LTE estacionario es el siguiente Cálculo de estructura y datos atómicos. Se ha acoplado en código FAC a BIGBART, incorporando la capacidad para generar potenciales atómicos para una configuración y el cálculo de funciones de onda de electrones en orbitales ligados y libres. Aproximaciones y métodos para la obtención de tasas y secciones eficaces de procesos. Se han incluido y programado los modelos implementados en FAC para el cálculo de secciones eficaces de fotoionización, y tasas de decaimiento de emisión espontánea y autoionización. Además se ha incluido el modelo Plane-Wave Born (PWBA) para el cálculo de las secciones eficaces de ionización y excitación colisional. Modelos para la obtención de la distribución de estados iónicos dentro del plasma. Se ha programado un solver LTE basado en la ecuación de Saha-Boltzmann con efectos de ionización por presión debida a los iones adyacentes. También se ha implementado un modelo non-LTE colisionalradiativo para la resolución del sistema de ecuaciones que nos permite obtener la densidad de estados iónicos fuera de equilibrio. Modelo non-LTE RADIOM. Se ha implementado el modelo RADIOM para aproximar efectos de no-equilibrio mediante cálculos LTE a una temperatura equivalente, menor o igual que la temperatura electrónica real. Cálculo de las propiedades espectrales de absorción y emisión. Se han implementado los modelos para el cálculo de los perfiles espectrales de absorción y emisión para procesos entre niveles ligados, ligado-libre y librelibre. Aprovechando el trabajo realizado en este sentido, durante el transcurso de esta tesis se amplió el código BIGBART para tratar problemas con dependencia temporal. La extensión para tratar este tipo de problemas se orientó a la simulación numérica de la interacción de láseres ultra intensos en el rango XUV/rayos X. Para ello, además de adaptar el modelo non-LTE colisionalradiativo se incluyeron procesos adicionales asociados a la interacción de la materia con fotones altamente energéticos. También se han incluido modelos para el cálculo de las propiedades ópticas, y por ende las propiedades dieléctricas de la materia irradiada, de gran interés en algunas aplicaciones novedosas de estos láseres intensos. Debido a la naturaleza fuertemente fuera de equilibrio en la interacción de fotones de alta energía con la materia, se incluyó el tratamiento de la distribución de electrones libres fuera de equilibrio en la aproximación de Fokker-Planck, tanto para condiciones degeneradas como no degeneradas. El trabajo desarrollado en el código non-LTE con dependencia temporal es el siguiente Procesos asociados a láseres intensos XUV/rayos X. Se ha implementado el cálculo de procesos radiativos estimulados de absorción y emisión por el láser. También se han incluido procesos asociados a la creación de vacantes en capas internas electrónicas (Shake), además de doble autoionización y doble fotoionización. Cálculo de propiedades ópticas y dieléctricas en blancos sólidos. Se ha implementado un modelo para la absorción por bremsstrahlung inverso en blancos en estado sólido. Con el coeficiente de extinción debido a procesos de fotoabsorción resonante, fotoionización y bremsstrahlung inverso se obtiene el ´ındice de refracción mediante la relación de Kronig-Kramers. Electrones fuera de equilibrio. Se ha tratado la evolución de la distribución de electrones, cuando no está justificado asumir que es Maxwelliana o de Fermi-Dirac, mediante la aproximación de Fokker-Planck para la colisión entre electrones libres. En la resolución de la ecuación de Fokker-Planck se han incluido los procesos inelásticos por colisiones con iones y términos fuente por interacción con el láser y otros procesos. ABSTRACT Since 2004 the ARWEN code has been successfully used to simulate and design targets for inertial confinement fusion experiments [146], laboratory astrophysics [145], plasmas as X-ray lasers amplifiers [107] or laser created plasmas for measuring transmission spectra. To perform these simulations it is necessary, in addition to high order precise methods with good conservative properties, to know certain properties of plasmas. For fluid dynamic and electronic conduction we need to know the equation of state [94, 49, 36], and for radiation transport it will be necessary to have the data of the absorption and emission [104, 95, 40]. Until 2009 ARWEN depended on external codes to generate these opacity tables, lacking of control over the methods used for their generation. Besides, these codes assumed local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), limiting their validity ranges to high densities and low temperatures. As part of this thesis it has been developed the BIGBART code for generating detailed opacity and emissivity tables for use in the radiation transport module. This group will have its own tool for the generation of radiative properties. The developed code is capable of treating plasmas out of equilibrium (non-LTE) by means of a collisional-radiative model, extending the range of validity of the generated tables. The work to implement an LTE/non-LTE steady-state code is as follows Calculation of structure and atomic data. the FAC code was coupled to BIGBART, incorporating the ability to generate atomic potentials for calculating configuration wave functions for bound and free electrons. Approaches and methods for obtaining cross sections and processes rates. We have included and reprogrammed in Fortran the models implemented in FAC for calculation of photoionization cross sections and decay rates of spontaneous emission and autoionization. We also included the Plane- Wave Born (PWBA) model to calculate the cross sections of ionization and collisional excitation. Models for the obtention of the distribution of ionic states within the plasma. We programmed a LTE solver based on the Saha-Boltzmann equation with pressure ionization effects due to adjacent ions. It has also been implemented a non-LTE collisional-radiative model for solving the system of equations that allows us to obtain the density of ionic states out of equilibrium. Non-LTE RADIOM model. We have implemented the non-LTE RADIOM model to approximate non-equilibrium effects with LTE data at an equivalent temperature, lower or equal to the actual electronic temperature. Calculation of the spectral absorption and emission properties. Models have been implemented for the calculation of the spectral profiles of absorption and emission processes between bound levels, free-bound and free-free. Taking advantage of the work done in this direction throughout the course of this thesis the code BIGBART was extended to treat time-dependent problems. The extension to treat such problems is oriented to the numerical simulation of the interaction of ultra intense lasers in the XUV/X-ray range. For this range, in addition to adapting the non-LTE collisional-radiative model, additional processes associated with the interaction of matter with high energy photons. We also included models for calculation of the optical properties, and therefore the dielectric properties of the irradiated material, of great interest in some novel applications of these intense lasers. Due to the strong non-equilibrium nature of the interaction of high energy photons with matter, we included the treatment of the distribution of free electrons out of equilibrium in the Fokker-Planck approximation for both degenerate and non-degenerate conditions. The work in the non-LTE time-dependent code is as follows Processes associated with intense XUV/X-ray lasers. We have implemented the calculation of stimulated radiative processes in absorption and emission. Also we included processes associated with the creation of electronic vacancies in inner shells (Shake), double autoionization and double photoionization. Calculation of optical and dielectric properties in solid targets. We have implemented a model for inverse bremsstrahlung absorption in solid targets. With the extinction coefficient from resonant photoabsorption, photoionization and inverse bremsstrahlung the refractive index is obtained by the Kramers-Kronig relation. Electrons out of equilibrium. We treat the evolution of the electron distribution, when it is not justified to assume a Maxwellian or Fermi-Dirac distribution, by the Fokker-Planck approximation for collisions between electrons. When solving the Fokker-Planck equation we included inelastic collision processes with ions and source terms by interaction with the laser and other processes.
In prokaryotes, in the absence of protein serine/threonine/tyrosine kinases, protein histidine kinases play a major role in signal transduction involved in cellular adaptation to various environmental changes and stresses. Histidine kinases phosphorylate their cognate response regulators at a specific aspartic acid residue with ATP in response to particular environmental signals. In this His-Asp phosphorelay signal transduction system, it is still unknown how the histidine kinase exerts its enzymatic function. Here we demonstrate that the cytoplasmic kinase domain of EnvZ, a transmembrane osmosensor of Escherichia coli can be further divided into two distinct functional subdomains: subdomain A [EnvZ(C)⋅(223–289); 67 residues] and subdomain B [EnvZ(C)⋅(290–450); 161 residues]. Subdomain A, with a high helical content, contains the autophosphorylation site, H–243, and forms a stable dimer having the recognition site for OmpR, the cognate response regulator of EnvZ. Subdomain B, an α/β-protein, exists as a monomer. When mixed, the two subdomains reconstitute the kinase function to phosphorylate subdomain A at His-243 in the presence of ATP. Subsequently, the phosphorylated subdomain A is able to transfer its phosphate group to OmpR. The two-domain structure of this histidine kinase provides an insight into the structural arrangement of the enzyme and its transphosphorylation mechanism.
The question surrounding the colonization of Polynesia has remained controversial. Two hypotheses, one postulating Taiwan as the putative homeland and the other asserting a Melanesian origin of the Polynesian people, have received considerable attention. In this work, we present haplotype data based on the distribution of 19 biallelic polymorphisms on the Y chromosome in a sample of 551 male individuals from 36 populations living in Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia. Surprisingly, nearly none of the Taiwanese Y haplotypes were found in Micronesia and Polynesia. Likewise, a Melanesian-specific haplotype was not found among the Polynesians. However, all of the Polynesian, Micronesian, and Taiwanese haplotypes are present in the extant Southeast Asian populations. Evidently, the Y-chromosome data do not lend support to either of the prevailing hypotheses. Rather, we postulate that Southeast Asia provided a genetic source for two independent migrations, one toward Taiwan and the other toward Polynesia through island Southeast Asia.
Histone deacetylases (HDACs) catalyze the removal of acetyl groups on the amino-terminal lysine residues of core nucleosomal histones. This activity is associated generally with transcriptional repression. We have reported previously that inhibition of HDAC activity by hydroxamic acid-based hybrid polar compounds, such as suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA), induces differentiation and/or apoptosis of transformed cells in vitro and inhibits tumor growth in vivo. SAHA is a potentially new therapeutic approach to cancer treatment and is in Phase I clinical trials. In several tumor cell lines examined, HDAC inhibitors alter the expression of less than 1% of expressed genes, including the cell cycle kinase inhibitor p21WAF1. In T24 bladder carcinoma cells, SAHA induces up to a 9-fold increase in p21WAF1 mRNA and protein, which is, at least in part, because of an increase in the rate of transcription of the gene. SAHA causes an accumulation of acetylated histones H3 and H4 in total cellular chromatin by 2 h, which is maintained through 24 h of culture. An increase in the accumulation of acetylated H3 and H4 was detected throughout the p21WAF1 promoter and the structural gene after culture with SAHA. The level of histone acetylation did not change in chromatin associated with the actin and p27 genes, and their mRNA expression was not altered during culture of T24 cells with SAHA. Thus, the present findings indicate that the induction of p21WAF1 by SAHA is regulated, at least in part, by the degree of acetylation of the gene-associated histones and that this induced increase in acetylation is gene selective.