932 resultados para São José do Rio Pardo


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Cecropia pachystachya is a plant native to the states of Mato Grosso and São Paulo, usually found in rubber tree plantations. The goals of this study were to verify: a) whether the presence of C. pachystachya in rubber tree plantations influences the occurrence of mites in rubber trees; b) whether it can be used as a reservoir of predaceous mites; c) whether it serves as an alternative host for Leptopharsa heveae during the natural senescence of rubber trees. This study was conducted in two rubber tree plantations in São José do Rio Preto, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. One of them had numerous naturally growing individuals of C. pachystachya, while the other was free of spontaneous plants. We registered high richness of predaceous mites on C. pachystachya, but only 37.5% of them were found on rubber trees, which reveals low displacement rate of mites between the plants. Among the species that were common to both plants, only the predaceous Zetzellia agistzellia and the phytophagous mites Allonychus brasiliensis and Eutetranychus banksi were influenced by the presence of C. pachystachya. The incidence of L. heveae did not differ between the plantations under study and, moreover, C. pachystachya was not used as an alternative host by this insect, since no individuals were registered on its leaves during the natural senescence of rubber trees.


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This paper aims to present the representations of the working world of high school students, the State School Prof. Dr. João Deoclécio da Silva Ramos, Distrito de Talhado, São José do Rio Preto (SP), through the use of virtual media, specifically the Blog de Aula – Mutirão de Sociologia (www.mutiraodesociologia.com.br). Understanding the representations of the world work enables students to think of a profession which identify themselves, and stimulate reflection as future professionals. The virtual media, especially blogs, allow students to express their ways of living and thinking the world of work. In the context of the city of Rio Preto, is especially relevant these representations of the world’s rural work, so this project is to collaborate in the development of research concerned with the description and understanding of processes that involve relationships between work, education and rural.


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Objetiva discutir os aspectos determinantes da descentralização da Educação Básica brasileira no período pós-1988 (nova Constituição Federal), com um enfoque na municipalização do Ensino Fundamental a partir da instituição do Fundef (Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorização do Magistério). Investiga os sistemas de ensino de quatorze municípios que compõem a Diretoria Regional de São José do Rio Preto (SP). A partir desta amostra, busca identificar quais aderem à municipalização por meio da análise da evolução das matrículas nos sistemas municipais de ensino no período compreendido entre 1997 e 2007, visto que grande parte da literatura aponta o Fundef como um fator indutor do processo de municipalização do Ensino Fundamental. Os resultados indicam que uma parte desses municípios inicia um processo de municipalização das matrículas do Ensino Fundamental com a implementação do Fundef. No caso específico da Região Administrativa estudada, é no ano de 2002 que ocorre a inversão do contexto anterior, qual seja, a partir deste ano o número de matrículas nos sistemas municipais de Ensino Fundamental supera o total de alunos matriculados na rede estadual de ensino.


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This paper describes a project called “Development of educational workshops on text reading, interpretation and writing in elementary school”, which took place at the São Paulo State University (UNESP) with financial support given by the PROEX-UNESP (Pro-Rectorate of Extension). This project aimed to organize and run educational workshops on reading, interpreting and writing different genres for students enrolled at a public elementary school in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo state. The analysis of the texts produced by the students unfolded the project into two essential approaches. In the first one, it was possible to identify problems and inaccuracies in language usage, which was the starting point to prepare the minicourses that would be offered. These mini-courses promoted a deep involvement of undergraduate students (in Portuguese Language and Literature) with the practice of Portuguese teaching at the school. In the second one, 5.468 texts, which were produced during the four-year project, founded researches whose goal is to describe processes in which there is a relation between speech and writing, and are based on a theoretical framework that values the multiplicity of literacies associated with social practices experienced by the students. Thus, this extension project aimed to articulate the service to the external community – in this case, public school students - to the internal community – undergraduate students in Portuguese Language and Literature.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este texto tem por objetivo apresentar as representações do mundo do trabalho dos alunos do Ensino Médio, da Escola Estadual Prof. Dr. João Deoclécio da Silva Ramos, Distrito de Talhado, São José do Rio Preto (SP), através do uso de mídias virtuais, especificamente o Blog de Aula - Mutirão de Sociologia (www.mutiraodesociologia.com.br). Compreender as representações de mundo trabalho possibilita aos alunos pensar em uma profissão a qual se identifiquem, além de estimular a reflexão enquanto futuros profissionais. As mídias virtuais, especialmente os blogs, possibilitam aos alunos expressar seus modos de viver e pensar o mundo do trabalho. No contexto da cidade de Rio Preto, é especialmente relevante aquelas representações do mundo do trabalho rural, de modo que este projeto vem a colaborar na elaboração de pesquisas interessadas na descrição e compreensão de processos que envolvem relações entre trabalho, educação e mundo rural.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aims at investigating the existence of a Greek terminological legacy in the Brazilian grammatical organization, taking into account that the initial Greek grammar is the source of our grammar, through the Latin grammar, and that the field defined by it is a reference point for studying the evolution of Western thought about language. The theoretical and methodological approach is based on Historical Linguistics along the lines that guided the extensive research on the emergence of grammar in the West, which is the source of the information organized here (NEVES, 2005). The reflections focus on the examination of nomenclature, considering that it conceptually maps the set of positions assumed, and in general maintained, that deserve consideration. Among other things, the survey compared both Greek terms inherited in the continuous current of the grammatical thinking with Greek terms introduced later, and terms transliterated from the Greek with terms modeled on the Latin translation. In addition, there have been cases of names that were changed while the concept was kept and cases of concepts that were changed while the name was kept. Anyway, the examination of the nomenclature reveals the undeniable existence of a Greek legacy in the organization of the Portuguese grammar.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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The present study focuses on the presence of covert contrasts in the speech of children with a phonological disorder. The hypothesis is that children with phonological disorders manipulate secondary acoustic cues in an attempt to distinguish the phonological contrasts. We used five audio recordings of the speech of five children with speech disorders, between four and five years of age, who showed the so-called “phonic substitution” involving the sound group of the fricatives. The data were edited and analyzed using the software PRAAT. A phonetic transcription of the first repetition of each child was performed by three evaluators, reaching a 66% agreement level. After the transcription, we carried out a contrastive phonological analysis of the production of the five children and, finally, an acoustic analysis of all the “substitutions”, based on six parameters. We discovered the existence of covert contrasts in the productions auditorily regarded as homophones by the evaluators, representing a total of 54% of total substitutions identified through an impressionistic approach by the evaluators. Children with phonological disorders are seen to rely on secondary acoustic cues in an attempt to distinguish fricative phonemes. The data obtained in this study allow us to reflect on the importance of considering the phonetic detail within the phonological models.


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Based on a functionalist approach, this paper analyzes the modalized expression pode ser as a complement-taking predicate which embeds a proposition (pode ser1) and as an independent structure (pode ser2), in contemporary written and spoken Brazilian Portuguese texts. We aim to identify degrees of (inter)subjectivity, revealing a process of (inter)subjectification (TRAUGOTT, 2010 among others). The analysis carried out in this paper is supported by parameters of (inter)subjectivity of modal elements (TRAUGOTT; DASHER, 2002) and by the notion of modality as a multifunctional category, serving not only to encodethe speaker’s attitude regarding the modalized content, but also as a pragmatic strategy, as a regulator of communicative situation. The exam reveals pode ser as a strongly demanded structure in interaction, a fairly requested set and also productive and useful for interpersonal relationships. The examination of semantic, discursive and morphosyntactic properties indicates a shift from syntax (pode ser1) to discourse (pode ser2), interpreted as a development of (inter)subjectification.