989 resultados para Riis, Jacob A. (Jacob August), 1849-1914.


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A letter to “my dear Mr. Collver and co.” The writer mentions the “circuit” that she has traveled, and a conference which she attended. In regard to the circuit, she talks about her interest in the Welland Canal. The references all seem to be religious in nature. She asks Mr. Collver how he likes the new preacher and says that in a letter that the preacher published in the newspaper he refers to the “breaking of Jordan Chapel”. She says that a society of teetotalers has been established in her town and they are known as “Sons of Temperance”. She also mentions “my man Brown” who was there but has left, leaving her to have the circuit by herself. She signs off with “I am yours affectionately [Eleanor Corman]. The second part of the letter is addressed to “my dear Mr. Roberts”. She asks him for some music that she would like, but cannot find in Kingston. She would like him to “come down and teach singing” this winter. She also asks him to give her regards to Mr. P. Beamer and family. She ends this part of the letter with “Nothing further yours affectionately [Eleanor Corman]”. There are 4 red postmarks on the outside of the letter and they are: Picton, July 31, 1849 Cobourg, August 2, 1849 St. Catharines, August 4, 1849 There is one other postmark which is too faded to be legible.


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Lorsque la guerre européenne éclate en août 1914, les États-Unis adoptent officiellement une position de stricte neutralité. Le pays n’en est pas moins tiraillé de l’intérieur pour autant. Au cours des quelque deux années et demi de neutralité, plusieurs moments forts et thématiques ont redéfini le rapport des États-Unis à la guerre européenne, jusqu’à justifier l’entrée en guerre en avril 1917, et propulsant par le fait même le pays à l’avant de la scène internationale. Cependant, les analyses relatives à la couverture de la guerre par la presse américaine pendant cette période sont pratiquement inexistantes. En se penchant sur les articles en une et les éditoriaux du quotidien The New York Times, il est possible de suivre l’évolution des thématiques liées au conflit et de comparer certains évènements que l’historiographie a ciblés comme étant à l’origine de l’entrée en guerre. Le but est de voir comment le NYT présente le conflit européen, de quelles faons le journal cherche à influencer son lectorat et, surtout, comment il « voit » peu à peu le conflit s’immiscer dans la vie des Américains. Certains thèmes comme le mouvement du preparedness et le traitement de la communauté germano-américaine nous renseignent sur les changements de perception qui s’opèrent dans la couverture du NYT. L’historiographie classique présente le torpillage du paquebot Lusitania le 7 mai 1915 comme le point à l’origine de la rupture officieuse de la neutralité américaine, au profit d’un sentiment proallié. Notre analyse tend à nuancer fortement cette affirmation. D’autres moments-clés et thématiques présentées dans le NYT ont eu plus d’impact sur la neutralité américaine. Nos résultats de recherche questionnent en fait la nature et la temporalité de la « neutralité » américaine. Est-ce réellement, comme le souhaitait au départ le président américain Wilson une « neutralité bienveillante », ou de la poudre aux yeux?


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Data caching is an important technique in mobile computing environments for improving data availability and access latencies particularly because these computing environments are characterized by narrow bandwidth wireless links and frequent disconnections. Cache replacement policy plays a vital role to improve the performance in a cached mobile environment, since the amount of data stored in a client cache is small. In this paper we reviewed some of the well known cache replacement policies proposed for mobile data caches. We made a comparison between these policies after classifying them based on the criteria used for evicting documents. In addition, this paper suggests some alternative techniques for cache replacement


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Concentrations of peroxy radicals (HO2+ΣiRiO2) in addition to other trace gases were measured onboard the UK Meteorological Office/Natural Environment Research Council British Aerospace 146-300 atmospheric research aircraft during the Intercontinental Transport of Ozone and Precursors (ITOP) campaign based at Horta Airport, Faial, Azores (38.58° N, 28.72° W) in July/August 2004. The overall peroxy radical altitude profile displays an increase with altitude that is likely to have been impacted by the effects of long-range transport. The peroxy radical altitude profile for air classified as of marine origin shows no discernable altitude profile. A range of air-masses were intercepted with varying source signatures, including those with aged American and Asian signatures, air-masses of biomass burning origin, and those that originated from the east coast of the United States. Enhanced peroxy radical concentrations have been observed within this range of air-masses indicating that long-range transported air-masses traversing the Atlantic show significant photochemical activity. The net ozone production at clear sky limit is in general negative, and as such the summer mid-Atlantic troposphere is at limit net ozone destructive. However, there is clear evidence of positive ozone production even at clear sky limit within air masses undergoing long-range transport, and during ITOP especially between 5 and 5.5 km, which in the main corresponds to a flight that extensively sampled air with a biomass burning signature. Ozone production was NOx limited throughout ITOP, as evidenced by a good correlation (r2=0.72) between P(O3) and NO. Strong positive net ozone production has also been seen in varying source signature air-masses undergoing long-range transport, including but not limited to low-level export events, and export from the east coast of the United States.


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O audiograma ou o relato do paciente não é suficiente para determinar a presença ou não de zonas mortas na cóclea (ZMC), nem identificar sua extensão. OBJETIVO: Investigar, utilizando o teste TEN, ZMC de indivíduos com perda auditiva neurossensorial (PANS). CEDALVI/ HRAC-USP-Bauru, de agosto de 2003 a fevereiro de 2004. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Estudo de coorte contemporânea com corte transversal. Casuística e Métodos: O TEN foi aplicado nos grupos G1 (5 mulheres com limiares tonais areos dentro do padrão de normalidade); G2 (4 mulheres e 5 homens com PANS moderada plana); G3 (19 mulheres e 24 homens com PANS com o grau variando entre leve a profundo). RESULTADOS: Para G1, o valor de TEN para eliminar o tom de teste foi, em média, próximo ao limiar absoluto para todas as freqüências. Não foi observada ZMC em nenhuma das orelhas testadas do G2. Para as 76 orelhas do G3, 6 não apresentaram indício de ZM. CONCLUSÕES: O TEN é efetivo para indicar ZMC em indivíduos com PANS descendente. Há evidência de diferença na detecção do tom puro na presença de ruído entre indivíduos com PANS em altas freqüências e com PANS plana, pois se observou diferença significativa entre o limiar mascarado e absoluto apenas para PANS descendentes e não para as planas.


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BACKGROUND It is unknown why patients with extensive ulcerative colitis (UC) have a higher risk of colorectal cancer compared with patients with left-sided UC. This study characterizes the inflammatory processes in left-sided UC, pancolitis, and UC-associated dysplasia at the transcriptional level to identify potential biomarkers and transcripts of importance for the carcinogenic behavior of chronic inflammation. METHODS The Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 was applied on colonic biopsies from UC patients with left-sided UC, pancolitis, dysplasia, and controls. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry were performed for validating selected transcripts in the initial cohort and in 2 independent cohorts of patients with UC. Microarray data were analyzed by principal component analysis, and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry data by the Wilcoxon's rank-sum test. RESULTS The principal component analysis results revealed separate clusters for left-sided UC, pancolitis, dysplasia, and controls. Close clustering of dysplastic and pancolitic samples indicated similarities in gene expression. Indeed, 101 and 656 parallel upregulated and downregulated transcripts, respectively, were identified in specimens from dysplasia and pancolitis. Validation of selected transcripts hereof identified insulin receptor alpha (INSRA) and MAP kinase interacting serine/threonine kinase 2 (MKNK2) with an enhanced expression in dysplasia compared with left-sided UC and controls, whereas laminin γ2 (LAMC2) was found with a lower expression in dysplasia compared with the remaining 3 groups. CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates pancolitis and left-sided UC as distinct inflammatory processes at the transcriptional level, and identifies INSRA, MKNK2, and LAMC2 as potential critical transcripts in the inflammation-driven preneoplastic process of UC.


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door J. S. da Silva Rosa


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Boberach: Das Dreikönigsbündnis widerspricht der immer noch gültigen Deutschen Bundesakte und gibt Preußen eine zu schwache Stellung im Fürstenkollegium. Deshalb ist die Politik der Regierung nur bedingt zu unterstützen. Sie soll für eine Reichsverfassung sorgen, die Preußen stark läßt, und das Verhältnis Preußens zu Österreich festlegen. Die Annahme des Antrags von Camphausen, vorab der Verfassung zuzustimmen, bindet die Kammern in unvertretbarer Weise. - Wentzke: [Der konservative Staatsrechtler Stahl] Vermißt in der Darstellung der Regierung die Beleuchtung des staatsrechtlichen Verhältnisses Preußens: Schwache Stellung im Fürstenkollegium; es fehlt jeder Hinweis auf das Verhältnis zu Österreich. Erörtert den Widerspruch zwischen der Drei-Königsverfassung und der Bundesakte, die auch Preußen noch als gültig anerkennt. Unter diesen Umständen können die Kammern der Regierung keine unbedingte Vollmacht ausstellen. Die Regierung hat eine Verbindlichkeit der deutschen Nation gegenüber übernommen, die sie erfüllen muß, aber in freier Stellung wie die anderen Staaten. So doktrinär auch das Programm ist, so muß Preußen doch den Versuch machen, es zu verwirklichen. Man gebe uns eine deutsche Verfassung, in welcher Preußens Königmacht hinreichend gewahrt bleibt, und es soll uns an Eifer für sie keiner überbieten!


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Boberach: Die Angeklagten haben innerhalb des damals gesetzlichen Systems für die Verfassung gehandelt, weil die Frankfurter Reichsverfassung mit ihren Grundrechten des deutschen Volkes in Sachsen galt. Die sächsische Gerichtsbarkeit übte politische Siegerjustiz


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Antrag des Abgeordneten Simon auf eine Erklärung der Deutschen Nationalversammlung, da die preußische oktroyierte Verfassung die Rechte der preußischen Bevölkerung verletze. Hintergrund: Auflösung der preußischen Nationalversammlung und Oktroyierung einer Verfassung am 5. Dez. 1848