801 resultados para Restructuring and Delayering FACT


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A series of new columnar discotic liquid crystalline materials based on the superphenalene (C96) core has been synthesized by oxidative cyclodehydrogenation with iron(III) chloride of suitable three-dimensional oligophenylene precursors. These compounds were investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarized optical microscopy (POM) and wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), and showed highly ordered supramolecular arrays and mesophase behavior over a broad temperature range. Good solubility, through the introduction of long alkyl chains, and the fact that these new superphenalene derivatives were found to be liquid crystalline at room temperature enabled the formation of highly ordered films (using the zone-casting technique), a requirement for application in organic electronic devices. The one-dimensional, intracolumnar charge carrier mobilities of superphenalene derivatives were determined using the pulse-radiolysis time-resolved microwave conductivity technique (PR-TRMC). Electrical properties of different C96-C12 architectures on mica surfaces were examined by using Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM). Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (C42) derivatives substituted at the periphery with six branched alkyl ether chains were also synthesized. It was found that the introduction of ether groups within the side chains enhances the affinity of the discotic molecules towards polar surfaces, resulting in homeotropic self-assembly (as shown by POM and 2D-WAXS) when the compounds are processed from the isotropic state between two surfaces. A new, insoluble, superphenalene building block bearing six reactive sites was prepared, and was further used for the preparation of dendronized superphenalenes with bulky dendritic substituents around the core. UV/Vis and fluorescence experiments suggest reduced π-π stacking of the superphenalene cores as a result of steric hindrance between the peripheral dendritic units. A new family of graphitic molecules with partial ”zig-zag” periphery has been established. The incorporation of ”zig-zag” edges was shown to have a strong influence on the electronic properties of the new molecules (as studied by solution and solid-state UV/Vis, and fluorescence spectroscopy), leading to a significant bathochromic shift with respect to the parent PAHs (C42 and C96). The reactivity of the additional double bonds was examined. The attachment of long alkyl chains to a ”zig-zag” superphenalene core afforded a new, processable, liquid crystalline material.


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The future hydrogen demand is expected to increase, both in existing industries (including upgrading of fossil fuels or ammonia production) and in new technologies, like fuel cells. Nowadays, hydrogen is obtained predominantly by steam reforming of methane, but it is well known that hydrocarbon based routes result in environmental problems and besides the market is dependent on the availability of this finite resource which is suffering of rapid depletion. Therefore, alternative processes using renewable sources like wind, solar energy and biomass, are now being considered for the production of hydrogen. One of those alternative methods is the so-called “steam-iron process” which consists in the reduction of a metal-oxide by hydrogen-containing feedstock, like ethanol for instance, and then the reduced material is reoxidized with water to produce “clean” hydrogen (water splitting). This kind of thermochemical cycles have been studied before but currently some important facts like the development of more active catalysts, the flexibility of the feedstock (including renewable bio-alcohols) and the fact that the purification of hydrogen could be avoided, have significantly increased the interest for this research topic. With the aim of increasing the understanding of the reactions that govern the steam-iron route to produce hydrogen, it is necessary to go into the molecular level. Spectroscopic methods are an important tool to extract information that could help in the development of more efficient materials and processes. In this research, ethanol was chosen as a reducing fuel and the main goal was to study its interaction with different catalysts having similar structure (spinels), to make a correlation with the composition and the mechanism of the anaerobic oxidation of the ethanol which is the first step of the steam-iron cycle. To accomplish this, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was used to study the surface composition of the catalysts during the adsorption of ethanol and its transformation during the temperature program. Furthermore, mass spectrometry was used to monitor the desorbed products. The set of studied materials include Cu, Co and Ni ferrites which were also characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, surface area measurements, Raman spectroscopy, and temperature programmed reduction.


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The most relevant thermo-mechanical properties of SiC or C based CFCCs are high strength, high toughness, low weight, high reliability, thermal shock and fatigue resistance. Thanks to these special characteristics, the CFCCs are the best candidates to substitute metals and monolithic ceramics, traditionally employed to realize components in energy, aeronautic and nuclear fields. Among the commonly techniques for the CFCCs production, CVI still represents the most significant one. Its main advantages are the versatility, the high quality deposits and the fact that it is conducted under mild temperature conditions. On the other hand, this technique is quite complex, therefore the set up of all process parameters needs long development time. The main purpose of the present study was to analyze the parameters controlling the CVD and CVI processes. Specifically, deposition and infiltration of SiC and Py-C tests were conducted on non-porous and porous substrates. The experiments were performed with a pilot size Isothermal/Isobaric CVI plant, designed and developed by ENEA. To guarantee the control of the process parameters, a previously optimization of the plant was needed. Changing temperature, pressure, flow rates and methane/hydrogen ratio, the Py-C deposition rate value, for an optimal fibre/matrix interphase thickness, was determined. It was also underlined the hydrogen inhibiting effect over the Py-C deposition rate. Regarding SiC morphologies, a difference between the inner and outer substrate surfaces was observed, as a consequence of a flow rate non-uniformity. In the case of the Cf/C composites development, the key parameter of the CVI process was the gas residence time. In fact, the hydrogen inhibiting effect was evident only with high value of residence time. Furthermore, lower the residence time more homogeneous the Py-C deposition rate was obtained along the reaction chamber axis. Finally, a CVD and CVI theoretical modelling was performed.


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In many communities, supplying water for the people is a huge task and the fact that this essential service can be carried out by the private sector respecting the right to water, is a debated issue. This dissertation investigates the mechanisms through which a 'perceived rights violation' - which represents a specific form of perceived injustice which derives from the violation of absolute moral principles – can promote collective action. Indeed, literature on morality and collective action suggests that even if many people apparently sustain high moral principles (like human rights), only a minority decides to act in order to defend them. Taking advantage of the political situation in Italy, and the recent mobilization for "public water" we hypothesized that, because of its "sacred value", the perceived violation of the right to water facilitates identification with the social movement and activism. Through five studies adopting qualitative and quantitative methods, we confirmed our hypotheses demonstrating that the perceived violation of the right to water can sustain activism and it can influence vote intentions at the referendum for 'public water'. This path to collective action coexists with other 'classical' predictors of collective action, like instrumental factors (personal advantages, efficacy beliefs) and anger. The perceived rights violation can derive both from personal values (i.e. universalism) and external factors (i.e. a mobilization campaign). Furthermore, we demonstrated that it is possible to enhance the perceived violation of the right to water and anger through a specifically designed communication campaign. The final chapter summarizes the main findings and discusses the results, suggesting some innovative line of research for collective action literature.


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Il tema relativo al potere di esternazione del Presidente di Assemblea parlamentare rappresenta un aspetto problematico del diritto costituzionale a causa delle sue diverse implicazioni nonché delle numerose intersezioni tra dato costituzionale e legislativo, dottrina e prassi configurando, dunque, un ambito di ricerca di indubbia rilevanza e attualità all’interno del dibattito costituzionalistico.È chiaro che l’analisi di tale problematica necessita dell’assunzione di un punto di vista che non potrà essere strettamente tecnico-giuridica, ma che necessariamente dovrà confrontarsi con elementi della prassi politico-costituzionale.


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Das allergische Asthma ist eine weit verbreitete, immunologische Erkrankung, deren Prävalenz in den vergangenen 20 Jahren vor allem in industrialisierten Regionen drastisch zugenommen hat. Trotz intensiver Forschung und Entwicklung medikamentöser Therapien steigt die Zahl der Patienten stetig an. Charakteristisch für diese Erkrankung sind entzündliche Veränderungen in der Lunge, erhöhte Atemwegsüberempfindlichkeit (AHR), Mukusproduktion und in chronischen Fällen auch Atemwegsobstruktion. Bei der Entstehung des allergischen Asthmas wird ein anfälliges Individuum durch die Inhalation eines normalerweise unschädlichen, in der Umwelt vorkommenden Antigens (Allergen) sensibilisiert, wodurch im Körper eine eigentlich unangebrachte Immunreaktion in Gang gesetzt wird. CD4+ T-Lymphozyten und ganz besonders die Subpopulationen der T-Helfer 1 (Th1) und Th2 Zellen spielen in dem Prozess eine zentrale Rolle. Obwohl ein Großteil der Asthmatiker mit einer Atemwegseosinophilie und erhöhter Expression der Th2-typischen Zytokine IL-4 und IL-13 ein Th2-typisches Krankheitsbild aufweisen, wurden weitere Asthmaphänotypen identifiziert. Vornehmlich in Patienten, die an schwerem Asthma leiden, sind dominierende Neutrophilie und erhöhte Mengen IFN-γ in den Atemwegen nachweisbar, was auf eine Th1-gesteuerte Immunreaktion hindeutet. Eine effektive, heilende Therapie des Asthmas wurde bislang nicht entwickelt. Die Inhibition der T-Zellantwort etwa durch Applikation allergenspezifischer, regulatorischer T-Zellen (Tregs) gilt als ein vielversprechender, aber nicht vollständig erforschter Ansatz zur Kontrolle der Krankheitssymptome. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Mechanismen und Effekte natürlich vorkommender CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatorischer T-Zellen (nTregs) auf eine Th1 bzw. Th2-induzierte allergische Atemwegserkrankung untersucht. Anhand eines adoptiven Zelltransfermodells unter Einsatz lymphozytendefizienter Rag2-/- Mäuse konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl Th1 als auch Th2 Zellen, kombiniert mit mehrfacher, inhalativer Allergenprovokation, eine erhöhte AHR induzieren. Während der Transfer allergenspezifischer Th2 Zellen eine Eosinophilie in der bronchoalveolären Lavage (BAL) und vermehrte Mukusproduktion in den Atemwegen hervorrief, war in Th1-transferierten Tieren zwar eine massive Infiltration neutrophiler Granulozyten zu beobachten, eine Becherzellmetaplasie mit vermehrten, mukusproduzierenden Atemwegsepithelzellen blieb allerdings aus. In vitro und in vivo waren voraktivierte nTregs (preTregs) nur eingeschränkt in der Lage, die Th2-gesteuerte Atemwegserkrankung zu inhibieren. Im Gegensatz dazu konnten die Th1-Effektorfunktionen in vitro und die Th1-induzierte AHR und Atemwegsentzündung in vivo durch preTregs effektiv gehemmt werden, was auf eine unterschiedliche Empfindlichkeit der Th-Subpopulationen weist. Innerhalb der nTreg-vermittelten Suppression wird der sekundäre Botenstoff cAMP auf die zu supprimierende Zelle übertragen und führt zur Hemmung von Proliferation und Zytokinproduktion. Dass dieser Mechanismus nicht nur in vitro, sondern auch in der Suppression der Th2-gesteuerten allergischen Atemwegserkrankung eine Rolle spielt, konnte durch die Störung des intrazellulären cAMP-Abbaus mittels PDE4-Inhibitoren verdeutlicht werden. Sowohl die prophylaktische, als auch die therapeutische Applikation der PDE4-Inhibitoren verstärkte den regulativen Effekt der nTregs auf AHR und Entzündung, korrelierend mit erhöhten, zytosolischen cAMP-Konzentrationen in den Th2 Zellen der Lunge. Trotz des Fortschritts in der Isolation und In vitro-Expansion humaner nTregs ist die Ausbeute an Zellen äußerst limitiert und die Übertragbarkeit größerer Zellmengen nicht zuletzt aufgrund von hohem Kontaminationsrisiko während mehrtägiger In vitro-Expansion fragwürdig. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen, dass eine Behandlung mit dem PDE4-Inhibitor die suppressive Kapazität der allergenspezifischen nTregs deutlich erhöhte. Den nTreg-vermittelten Suppressionsmechanismus durch den Einsatz von Pharmazeutika zu unterstützen bietet einen viel versprechenden und realistischen Ansatz zur Therapie des allergischen Asthmas.


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Während der Schwangerschaft kommt es häufig zu einer spontanen Verbesserung von klinischen Symptomen der autoimmunen Hepatitis und anderen Th1-vermittelten Autoimmunerkrankungen. Die Gründe hierfür sind bis heute noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt. Eines der wichtigsten Hormone in der Schwangerschaft ist das humane Choriogonadotropin (hCG), welches schon in der frühen Schwangerschaft eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Es sorgt für die Stimulation des Corpus luteums, wodurch es zur Ausschüttung von Progesteron kommt und somit die Einnistung der Blastozyte gewährleistet und die Abstoßung des Embryos verhindert wird. In dieser Arbeit wurden Effekt und Signalweg von hCG in primären murinen und humanen Hepatozyten sowie in Mausmodellen mit T-Zell-abhängigem Leberschaden untersucht. hCG führte sowohl bei akuten als auch bei chronischen Leberschäden zu einer drastischen Senkung der Aspartat-Aminotransferase, einem Indikator für Lebererkrankungen. Die Histologie der Leber hCG-behandelter Tiere wies außerdem signifikant weniger apoptotische Zellen und eine deutliche Reduktion infiltrierender CD4+ T-Zellen auf. Die Analyse des hCG-Signalweges zeigte, dass hCG die Langlebigkeitsproteine Foxo3a und Sirt1 reguliert. Die Aktivierung des PI3-Kinase/Akt-Signalweges durch hCG führte zu einem Transport des Transkriptionsfaktors Foxo3a aus dem Zellkern, wodurch die proapoptotischen Zielgene Bim und Puma nicht mehr transkribiert werden können. Eine zusätzliche Hemmung von Foxo3a erfolgte durch die Aktivierung der Deacetylase Sirt1, indem diese phosphoryliert wird und in den Zellkern transloziert. In weiteren Untersuchungen wurde der immunsuppressive Effekt von hCG näher betrachtet. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass hCG effektiv die proteolytische Aktivität der Caspase-3 in Hepatozyten hemmt, wodurch die Ausschüttung der biologisch aktiven Form von Interleukin-16, einem chemotaktischen Faktor für CD4+ Zellen, herabgesetzt wird. Dadurch wird die Leber erfolgreich vor der Infiltration durch autoaggressive CD4+ Zellen geschützt. IL-16 spielt bei vielen inflammatorischen Krankheiten eine Rolle, was auch in dieser Arbeit durch den Nachweis hoher IL-16-Konzentrationen in Seren von Patienten mit autoimmuner Hepatitis bestätigt werden konnte. Die in dieser Studie beschriebene Wirkung von hCG und die Tatsache, dass hCG ein bereits bewährtes und auf Nebenwirkungen getestetes Medikament bei Infertilität ist, macht es zu einem idealen Kandidaten für immunsuppressive Therapieansätze bei akuten und chronisch entzündlichen Lebererkrankungen.


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The risk to have a stroke during childhood is at least as frequent as to suffer from a brain tumour. Unlike adults, in whom ischaemic strokes overweigh haemorrhagic strokes, ischaemic and haemorrhagic strokes are equally frequent in children, occurring with an incidence of 2 - 3/100'000 children/year. Even though the clinical presentation of arterial-ischaemic stroke in children (pedAIS) is similar to adults, time to diagnosis is longer. The delay to diagnosis is mainly explained by the low index of suspicion of both the general population and the medical personnel, a broad range of differential diagnoses, and the fact that diagnostic imaging in children often requires sedation, which is not always readily available. PedAIS is a multiple risk problem, usually occurring due to a combination of risk factors, such as infectious diseases, dehydration, trauma or an underlying condition such as congenital heart disease. Still little is known about the appropriate management of pedAIS. Supportive measures are considered to be the mainstay of therapy. The use of antithrombotic medication depends on pedAIS aetiology. In an ongoing multicenter trial, the safety and effectiveness of thrombolysis are currently being investigated. PedAIS carries an important mortality and morbidity, with neurological and neuropsychological deficits persisting in two thirds of the affected children.


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Recombinant human group II phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) added to human platelets in the low microg/ml range induced platelet activation, as demonstrated by measurement of platelet aggregation, thromboxane A2 generation and influx of intracellular free Ca2+ concentration and by detection of time-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of platelet proteins. The presence of Ca2+ at low millimolar concentrations is a prerequisite for the activation of platelets by sPLA2. Mg2+ cannot replace Ca2+. Mg2+, given in addition to the necessary Ca2+, inhibits sPLA2-induced platelet activation. Pre-exposure to sPLA2 completely blocked the aggregating effect of a second dose of sPLA2. Albumin or indomethacin inhibited sPLA2-induced aggregation, similarly to the inhibition of arachidonic acid-induced aggregation. Platelets pre-treated with heparitinase or phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C lost their ability to aggregate in response to sPLA2, although they still responded to other agonists. This suggests that a glycophosphatidylinositol-anchored platelet-membrane heparan sulphate proteoglycan is the binding site for sPLA2 on platelets. Previous reports have stated that sPLA2 is unable to activate platelets. The inhibitory effect of albumin and Mg2+, frequently used in aggregation studies, and the fact that isolated platelets lose their responsiveness to sPLA2 relatively quickly, may explain why the platelet-activating effects of sPLA2 have not been reported earlier.


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The meteorological circumstances that led to the Blizzard of March 1888 that hit New York are analysed in Version 2 of the “Twentieth Century Reanalysis” (20CR). The potential of this data set for studying historical extreme events has not yet been fully explored. A detailed analysis of 20CR data alongside other data sources (including historical instrumental data and weather maps) for historical extremes such as the March 1888 blizzard may give insights into the limitations of 20CR. We find that 20CR reproduces the circulation pattern as well as the temperature development very well. Regarding the absolute values of variables such as snow fall or minimum and maximum surface pressure, there is anunderestimation of the observed extremes, which may be due to the low spatial resolution of 20CR and the fact that only the ensemble mean is considered. Despite this drawback, the dataset allows us to gain new information due to its complete spatial and temporal coverage.


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Two healthy dogs were anaesthetized to undergo elective orthopaedic procedures. After premedication with methadone and acepromazine, general anaesthesia was induced with midazolam and S-ketamine. Immediately after anaesthetic induction, seizures occurred in both dogs. In the first dog the syndrome was characterized by tonic and clonic motor activity, muscular hypertone, hypersalivation, urination, defecation and hyperthermia. In the second dog muscular twitches of the temporal and masseter regions were observed, followed by increased skeletal muscles tone, hypersalivation, spontaneous urination and increase in body temperature. Recoveries from anaesthesia were uneventful and no seizures were observed. Considering the temporal association between anaesthetic induction and occurrence of seizures, and the fact that other causative factors could not be identified, it is hypothesized that S-ketamine played a role in determining the convulsive phenomena observed in these patients. S-ketamine might carry the potential for inducing seizures in otherwise healthy dogs, despite the concomitant use of GABA-ergic drugs.


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This chapter explores cultural protectionism 2.0, i.e. the normative dimensions of cultural diversity policies in the global digital space, asking what adjustments are needed and in fact, how feasible the entire project of diversity regulation in this environment may be. The complexities of the shift from offline to online and from analogue to digital, and the inherent policy challenges are illustrated with some (positive and negative) instances of existing media initiatives. Taking into account the specificities of cyberspace and in a forward-looking manner, the chapter suggests some adjustments to current media policy practices in order to better serve the goal of sustainably diverse cultural environment.


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The treatment of neuropathic pain challenges not only doctors but also hand therapists, since a majority of patients don't experience a significant pain relief despite systemic pain treatment. Early diagnosis of neuropathic pain and a therapeutic concept is crucial to meet the individual needs of the patient. The complexity of a pain syndrome calls for a multidisciplinary approach using patient education, pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, such as graded motor imagery or somatosensory rehabilitation, behavioral therapy and physical measures. The evidence of the above mentioned therapies with regards to neuropathic pain is not yet completely established. Possible reasons are the lack of complete understanding of the pain causing mechanisms and the fact of treating the symptoms rather than the cause.


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Stepwise uncertainty reduction (SUR) strategies aim at constructing a sequence of points for evaluating a function  f in such a way that the residual uncertainty about a quantity of interest progressively decreases to zero. Using such strategies in the framework of Gaussian process modeling has been shown to be efficient for estimating the volume of excursion of f above a fixed threshold. However, SUR strategies remain cumbersome to use in practice because of their high computational complexity, and the fact that they deliver a single point at each iteration. In this article we introduce several multipoint sampling criteria, allowing the selection of batches of points at which f can be evaluated in parallel. Such criteria are of particular interest when f is costly to evaluate and several CPUs are simultaneously available. We also manage to drastically reduce the computational cost of these strategies through the use of closed form formulas. We illustrate their performances in various numerical experiments, including a nuclear safety test case. Basic notions about kriging, auxiliary problems, complexity calculations, R code, and data are available online as supplementary materials.


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Logical theories for representing knowledge are often plagued by the so-called Logical Omniscience Problem. The problem stems from the clash between the desire to model rational agents, which should be capable of simple logical inferences, and the fact that any logical inference, however complex, almost inevitably consists of inference steps that are simple enough. This contradiction points to the fruitlessness of trying to solve the Logical Omniscience Problem qualitatively if the rationality of agents is to be maintained. We provide a quantitative solution to the problem compatible with the two important facets of the reasoning agent: rationality and resource boundedness. More precisely, we provide a test for the logical omniscience problem in a given formal theory of knowledge. The quantitative measures we use are inspired by the complexity theory. We illustrate our framework with a number of examples ranging from the traditional implicit representation of knowledge in modal logic to the language of justification logic, which is capable of spelling out the internal inference process. We use these examples to divide representations of knowledge into logically omniscient and not logically omniscient, thus trying to determine how much information about the reasoning process needs to be present in a theory to avoid logical omniscience.