878 resultados para Respiratory muscle strength, SNIP.
BACKGROUND Patients after primary hip or knee replacement surgery can benefit from postoperative treatment in terms of improvement of independence in ambulation, transfers, range of motion and muscle strength. After discharge from hospital, patients are referred to different treatment destination and modalities: intensive inpatient rehabilitation (IR), cure (medically prescribed stay at a convalescence center), or ambulatory treatment (AT) at home. The purpose of this study was to 1) measure functional health (primary outcome) and function relevant factors in patients with hip or knee arthroplasty and to compare them in relation to three postoperative management strategies: AT, Cure and IR and 2) compare the post-operative changes in patient's health status (between preoperative and the 6 month follow-up) for three rehabilitation settings. METHODS Natural observational, prospective two-center study with follow-up. Sociodemographic data and functional mobility tests, Timed Up and Go (TUG) and Iowa Level of Assistance Scale (ILOAS) of 201 patients were analysed before arthroplasty and at the end of acute hospital stay (mean duration of stay: 9.7 days +/- 3.9). Changes in health state were measured with the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) before and 6 months after arthroplasty. RESULTS Compared to patients referred for IR and Cure, patients referred for AT were significantly younger and less comorbid. Patients admitted to IR had the highest functional disability before arthroplasty. Before rehabilitation, mean TUG was 40.0 s in the IR group, 33.9 s in the Cure group, and 27.5 s in the AT group, and corresponding mean ILOAS was 16.0, 13.0 and 12.2 (50.0 = worst). At the 6 months follow-up, the corresponding effect sizes of the WOMAC global score were 1.32, 1.87, and 1.51 (>0 means improvement). CONCLUSIONS Age, comorbidity and functional disability are associated with referral for intensive inpatient rehabilitation after hip or knee arthroplasty and partly affect health changes after rehabilitation.
Firefighting is widely known to be one of the most physically demanding civilian occupations. A subset of this is Industrial Firefighting, which places similarly high physical demands on Industrial Firefighters. Although there are some studies on community firefighters, literature is scant on Industrial Firefighters and their physical fitness. ^ A cross-sectional study of Industrial Firefighters in Petrochemical companies in Texas was carried out in 1996–98 to assess their physical fitness and to develop a set of physical agility criteria useful in their selection and ongoing fitness for duty evaluations. ^ A physical agility criteria and a fitness scorecard was developed based on seven parameters (resting heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, aerobic capacity, muscle strength, muscle endurance, trunk flexibility and total body fat) of musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory fitness. Each indicator received a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 20 points, based on individual performance. Therefore a minimum and maximum achievable score for the entire battery of tests was 0 and 140 respectively. Of the 111 study subjects, 5 (4.5%) were far above average, 31 (28%) above average, 46 (41.5 %) average, 29 (26%) below average and 0 (0%) far below average as deemed by the physical fitness scorecard. The mean score was 77 (±23) with a minimum and maximum score of 35 and 135 respectively. ^ Following univariate analysis an exploratory factor analysis to group variables and to assess the overall role of constituent variables in total fitness of a firefighter was developed. This was followed by a stepwise linear regression analysis using aerobic capacity as a dependent variable. ^ Finally, a graded implementation strategy was devised, such that all existing Industrial Firefighters would have an opportunity to improve or maintain their physical fitness at or above average level as deemed by the fitness scorecard. ^
Background: The negative effects of dehydration on aerobic activities are well established. However, it is unknown how dehydration affects intermittent sports performance. The purpose of this study was to identify the level of dehydration in elite badminton players and its relation to muscle strength and power production. Methodology: Seventy matches from the National Spanish badminton championship were analyzed (46 men?s singles and 24 women?s singles). Before and after each match, jump height and power production were determined during a countermovement jump on a force platform. Participants? body weight and a urine sample were also obtained before and after each match. The amount of liquid that the players drank during the match was also calculated by weighing their individual drinking bottles. Results and Discussion: Sweat rate during the game was 1.1460.46 l/h in men and 1.0260.64 l/h in women. The players rehydrated at a rate of 1.1060.55 l/h and 1.0160.44 l/h in the male and female groups respectively. Thus, the dehydration attained during the game was only 0.3760.50% in men and 0.3260.83% in women. No differences were found in any of the parameters analyzed during the vertical jump (men: from 31.8265.29 to 32.9064.49 W/kg; p.0.05, women: from 26.3664.73 to 27.2564.44 W/kg; p.0.05). Post-exercise urine samples revealed proteinuria (60.9% of cases in men and 66.7% in women), leukocyturia (men = 43.5% and women = 50.0%) and erythrocyturia (men = 50.0% and women = 21.7%). Conclusions: Despite a moderate sweat rate, badminton players adequately hydrated during a game and thus the dehydration attained was low. The badminton match did not cause muscle fatigue but it significantly increased the prevalence of proteinuria, leukocyturia and erythrocyturia.
Introdução: Evidências epidemiológicas mostram que a obesidade sarcopênica (OS) em idosos está associada a um acelerado declínio funcional e alto risco de morbimortalidade, sendo que seu impacto tem se tornado grande preocupação dos profissionais de saúde. Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência e a incidência de obesidade sarcopênica, em coorte de idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo/Brasil 2000 e 2010. Casuística e Métodos: Foram utilizados dados do Estudo SABE (Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento), realizado no município de São Paulo em 2000 (2.143 idosos), e em 2010 (795 idosos). A população deste estudo foi constituída por idosos ( 70 anos), de ambos os sexos, que apresentaram todos os dados necessários para este estudo e que concordaram em participar, totalizando 871 idosos analisados em 2000 e 656 idosos em 2010. As variáveis de estudo foram: 1. Dependente - obesidade sarcopênica, identificada segundo: obesidade, diagnosticada pelo valor da circunferência da cintura (CC 94 cm e CC 80 cm para homens e mulheres, respectivamente); sarcopenia, identificada por: 1- força muscular, pelo teste de preensão manual (FPM - kg) (baixa P25; normal > P25, da mesma população), 2- massa muscular (MM), obtida pelo índice de massa muscular (IMM=MM/altura²) (baixa P20; normal > P20, da mesma população) e 3- desempenho físico, identificado pelo teste (tempo dependente segundos) de sentar e levantar 5 vezes de uma cadeira (SeL) , com os braços cruzados sobre o peito (baixo P75; normal < P75); 2. Explanatórias - sexo e grupos etários (70 79 e 80). Foram classificados com OS idosos que apresentaram, simultaneamente, valores de CC adotados e baixo desempenho e baixa MM, ou então, desempenho normal, mas baixas FPM e MM. A prevalência de obesidade sarcopênica em 2000 e em 2010 foi estimada pelo número de casos de OS identificados nos dois momentos, onde foram realizadas comparações entre os intervalos de confiança, para verificar diferença estatística em idosos ( por cento ) com OS, segundo variáveis explanatórias, com nível de significância de 5 por cento . Para o cálculo do coeficiente de incidência de OS, em 2010, foi considerado o tempo de observação de cada indivíduo, determinado de maneira específica para cada caso. Para os cálculos foi utilizado o programa: Stata/SE ® 10.0 for Windows. Resultados: Dos 871 idosos analisados em 2000, 85 (7,4 por cento ) foram identificados com OS [6,5 por cento mulheres (IC 5,08,4) e 4,8 por cento 80 anos (IC 3,6-6,4)] (p 5 por cento ), e, em 2010, (n=656), 73 (9,2 por cento ) foram identificados com OS [7,2 por cento mulheres (IC 5,5-9,4) e 5,3 por cento 80 anos (IC 4,0-7,0)] (p 5 por cento ). Em 10 anos, foram identificados 43 novos casos de OS. O coeficiente de incidência foi 15,29/1000 pessoas/ano entre 2000 e 2010. Conclusões: A prevalência de OS em 2000 e 2010 foi maior nas mulheres e nos idosos mais longevos, sendo que, em ambos os casos, foi maior em 2010, quando comparada a 2000. Não houve diferença significativa entre os coeficientes de incidência, segundo as variáveis explanatórias.
O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o efeito de diferentes volumes de treinamento de força na força máxima de membros inferiores e na hipertrofia do reto femoral e do vasto lateral após quatro, oito e doze semanas em indivíduos treinados em força. Vinte e seis indivíduos jovens saudáveis do sexo masculino (idade 23,6 ± 4,6 anos, massa corporal 76,6 ± 7,5 kg, estatura 1,75 ± 0,1 cm), com tempo médio de treinamento de força (4,7 ± 4,1 anos) foram divididos em três grupos experimentais, treinamento de força alto volume (TFAV, n = 8), treinamento de força médio volume (TFMV, n = 9) e treinamento de força baixo volume (TFBV, n = 9). As medidas de força dinâmica máxima (1RM) e de área de secção transversa muscular (ASTM) do reto femoral (RF) e do vasto lateral (VL) foram realizadas nos momentos pré- treinamento, pós quatro semanas, pós oito semanas e pós-treinamento. O volume total de treinamento apresentou aumento estatístico para todos os grupos TFAV (p < 0,0001), TFMV (p < 0,0001) e TFBV (p < 0,0001) ao longo do período experimental. Os valores de 1RM aumentaram de maneira significativa após a oitava semana de treinamento TFAV (11,8 ± 4,7%; p < 0,0001) e TFMV (12,1 ± 8,5%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (9,6 ± 7,3%; p < 0,001) e no pós-treinamento TFAV (13,9 ± 3,9%; p < 0,0001), TFMV (16,7 ± 10,8%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (14,0 ± 8,1%; p < 0,0001) para todos os grupos, porém não foi observado diferença entre os grupos. A ASTM do RF apresentou aumento estatístico no pós-treinamento somente para o grupo TFAV (15,0 ± 11,9%; p < 0,0001). Apenas o grupo TFAV aumentou estatisticamente a ASTM do VL após quatro semanas de treinamento (7,71 ± 4,42%; p < 0,0001), porém todos os grupos aumentaram significativamente a ASTM do VL após oito semanas de treinamento TFAV (11,37 ± 3,88%; p < 0,0001), TFMV (9,68 ± 9,36%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (7,26 ± 3,15%; p < 0,01) e no pós-treinamento TFAV (14,54 ± 4,07%; p < 0,0001), TFMV (14,77 ± 8,24%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (8,66 ± 3,97%; p < 0,001), porém não foi observado diferença entre os grupos. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que, independente do volume adotado, os ganhos de força máxima foram semelhantes. Por outro lado, a ASTM foi influenciada pelo volume de treinamento, dado que o grupo TFAV foi o único que apresentou aumento significativo da ASTM do RF no pós-treinamento e aumentou a ASTM do VL com apenas quatro semanas de treinamento
O presente estudo investigou o efeito de diferentes intensidades do treinamento de força (TF), aplicadas com volume total de treino (VTT) equalizado, nos ganhos de força dinâmica máxima (1RM) e massa muscular dos membros superiores e inferiores. Trinta voluntários do sexo masculino, com idade entre 18 e 30 anos, participaram de 12 semanas de TF com uma frequência semanal de duas sessões. Foi utilizado um protocolo de treinamento unilateral com um dos lados do corpo realizando o exercício com intensidade equivalente a 20% 1RM (G20) e o lado contralateral utilizando uma das três intensidades 40%, 60% ou 80% 1RM (G40, G60 e G80, respectivamente). O grupo G20 realizava três séries compostas de repetições até a falha concêntrica e o VTT era calculado e replicado para os demais grupos. A força dinâmica máxima e a área de secção transversa (AST) dos músculos flexores do cotovelo e do vasto lateral foram avaliadas nos momentos pré, 6 semanas e pós-treinamento. Os resultados demonstraram que os grupos G40, G60 e G80 apresentaram ganhos similares de AST (25%, 25,1% e 25%, flexores do cotovelo e 20,5%, 20,4% e 19,5% vasto lateral, respectivamente, p<0,05). Somente o grupo G80 demonstrou diferença significante com o grupo G20 na comparação do período pós-treinamento (25% e 14,4%, respectivamente para os flexores do cotovelo e 19,5% e 7,9%, respectivamente para vasto lateral, p<0,05). Para os ganhos de 1RM o grupo G80 demonstrou maiores aumentos após 12 semanas de TF para a flexão unilateral do cotovelo na posição em pé (54,2% p<0,05) e para o leg press 45º os grupos G60 e G80 demonstraram os maiores aumentos (55,4% e 45,7%, respectivamente, p<0,05). Assim, quando o VTT foi equalizado entre diferentes intensidades (40, 60 e 80% 1RM) os ganhos da AST tanto dos flexores do cotovelo quanto o vasto lateral foram semelhantes e a intensidade de 20% 1RM não causou aumento significante da AST. No que diz respeito a força muscular as intensidades mais elevadas (60% e 80% 1RM) foram superiores em promover ganhos de força do que as demais intensidades utilizadas. Esses dados sugerem que ao equalizar o VTT os ganhos de massa muscular são semelhantes para as intensidades de treinamento entre 40- 80% 1RM. Além disso, a intensidade de 20% 1RM, mesmo com o VTT equalizado com as intensidades maiores, não promove aumentos de massa muscular para ambos os segmentos corporais. Por outro lado, intensidades altas de treinamento produzem os maiores ganhos de força máxima em membros superiores e inferiores
OBJETIVO: Investigar a relação entre força muscular e função motora, em pacientes com DMD, em um período de 4 anos consecutivos, a partir de avaliações semestrais. MÉTODO: A força muscular foi medida por meio de testes manuais e o cálculo por grupo muscular seguiu o proposto pelo Medical Research Council (MRC) e a função motora pelo método de Medida da Função Motora (MFM), em 43 pacientes (8-30 anos). Foi realizada uma análise descritiva e o teste de correlação de Spearman. Foram investigadas as relações entre pontuações totais e parciais da MRC e da MFM. RESULTADOS: O estudo evidenciou correlações classificadas de moderada a forte relação entre a força muscular e função motora, principalmente com o escore total da MFM e a dimensão D2 (musculatura axial e função motora proximal). Foi encontrada relação negativa moderada entre idade e essas variáveis. CONCLUSÃO: A perda progressiva da função motora tem relação direta e proporcional com a diminuição da força muscular. Quanto maior a idade do paciente, pior sua função motora e força muscular, fornecendo com essa informação, indicadores adicionais da progressão da doença
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Galvao, D.A., and D.R. Taaffe. Single- vs. multiple-set resistance training: recent developments in the controversy. J. Strength Cond. Res. 18(3):660-667. 2004.-The number of sets in a resistance training program remains a major point of discussion and controversy. Studies prior to 1998 demonstrated inconsistent findings between single-set and multiple-set programs; however, recent evidence suggests that multiple sets promote additional benefits following short- and long-term training. The rationale supporting multiple sets is that the number of sets is part of the exercise volume equation, and the volume of exercise is crucial in producing the stimulus necessary to elicit specific physiological adaptations. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of recent resistance training studies comparing single and multiple sets. However, it should be noted that studies to date have been conducted in young and middle-aged adults, and it remains to be determined if the additional benefits accrued with multiple-set training also occurs for older adults, especially the frail elderly.
Before puberty, there are only small sex differences in body shape and composition. During adolescence, sexual dimorphism in bone, lean, and fat mass increases, giving rise to the greater size and strength of the male skeleton. The question remains as to whether there are sex differences in bone strength or simply differences in anthropometric dimensions. To test this, we applied hip structural analysis (HSA) to derive strength and geometric indices of the femoral neck using bone densitometry scans (DXA) from a 6-year longitudinal study in Canadian children. Seventy boys and sixty-eight girls were assessed annually for 6 consecutive years. At the femoral neck, cross-sectional area (CSA, an index of axial strength), subperiosteal width (SPW), and section modulus (Z, an index of bending strength) were determined, and data were analyzed using a hierarchical (random effects) modeling approach. Biological age (BA) was defined as years from age at peak height velocity (PHV). When BA, stature, and total-body lean mass (TB lean) were controlled, boys had significantly higher Z than girls at all maturity levels (P < 0.05). Controlling height and TB lean for CSA demonstrated a significant independent sex by BA interaction effect (P < 0.05). That is, CSA was greater in boys before PHV but higher in girls after PHV The coefficients contributing the greatest proportion to the prediction of CSA, SPW, and Z were height and lean mass. Because the significant sex difference in Z was relatively small and close to the error of measurement, we questioned its biological significance. The sex difference in bending strength was therefore explained by anthropometric differences. In contrast to recent hypotheses, we conclude that the CSA-lean ratio does not imply altered mechanosensitivity in girls because bending dominates loading at the neck, and the Z-lean ratio remained similar between the sexes throughout adolescence. That is, despite the greater CSA in girls, the bone is strategically placed to resist bending; hence, the bones of girls and boys adapt to mechanical challenges in a similar way. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Acetazolamide (Acz) is used at altitude to prevent acute mountain sickness, but its effect on exercise capacity under hypoxic conditions is uncertain. Nine healthy men completed this double-blind, randomized, crossover study. All subjects underwent incremental exercise to exhaustion with an inspired O-2 fraction of 0.13, hypoxic ventilatory responses, and hypercapnic ventilatory responses after Acz (500 mg twice daily for 5 doses) and placebo. Maximum power of 203 +/- 38 (SD) Won Acz was less than the placebo value of 225 +/- 40 W (P < 0.01). At peak exercise, arterialized capillary pH was lower and PO2 higher on Acz (P < 0.01). Ventilation was 118.6 +/- 20.0 l/min at the maximal power on Acz and 102.4 +/- 20.7 l/min at the same power on placebo (P < 0.02), and Borg score for leg fatigue was increased on Acz (P < 0.02), with no difference in Borg score for dyspnea. Hypercapnic ventilatory response on Acz was greater (P < 0.02), whereas hypoxic ventilatory response was unchanged. During hypoxic exercise, Acz reduced exercise capacity associated with increased perception of leg fatigue. Despite increased ventilation, dyspnea was not increased.
Background: The age-related loss of muscle power in older adults is greater than that of muscle strength and is associated with a decline in physical performance. Objective: To investigate the effects of a short-term high-velocity varied resistance training programme on physical performance in healthy community-dwelling adults aged 60-80 years. Methods: Subjects undertook exercise (EX; n = 15) or maintained customary activity (controls, CON; n = 10) for 8 weeks. The EX group trained 2 days/week using machine weights for three sets of eight repetitions at 35, 55, and 75% of their one-repetition maximum (the maximal weight that an individual can lift once with acceptable form) for seven upper- and lower-body exercises using explosive concentric movements. Results: Fourteen EX and 10 CON subjects completed the study. Dynamic muscle strength significantly increased (p = 0.001) in the EX group for all exercises (from 21.4 +/- 9.6 to 82.0 +/- 59.2%, mean +/- SD) following training, as did knee extension power (p < 0.01). Significant improvement occurred for the EX group in the floor rise to standing (10.4 &PLUSMN; 11.5%, p = 0.004), usual 6-metre walk (6.6 &PLUSMN; 8.2%, p = 0.010), repeated chair rise (10.4 &PLUSMN; 15.6%, p = 0.013), and lift and reach (25.6 &PLUSMN; 12.1%, p = 0.002) performance tasks but not in the CON group. Conclusions: Progressive resistance training that incorporates rapid rate-of-force development movements may be safely undertaken in healthy older adults and results in significant gains in muscle strength, muscle power, and physical performance. Such improvements could prolong functional independence and improve the quality of life. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Crohn's disease (CD) is associated with a number of secondary conditions including osteoporosis, which increases the risk of bone fracture. The cause of metabolic bone disease in this Population is believed to be multifactorial and may include the disease itself and associated inflammation, high-close corticosteroid use, weight loss and malabsorption, a lack of exercise and physical activity, and all underlying genetic predisposition to bone loss. Reduced bone mineral density has been reported in between 5% to 80% of CD sufferers, although it is generally believed that approximately 40% of patients suffer from osteopenia and 15% from osteoporosis. Recent studies Suggest a small but significantly increased risk of fracture compared with healthy controls and, perhaps, sufferers of other gastrointestinal disorders Such as ulcerative colitis. The role of physical activity and exercise in the prevention and treatment of CD-related bone loss has received little attention, despite the benefits of specific exercises being well documented in healthy populations. This article reviews the prevalence of and risk factors for low bone mass in CD patients and examines various treatments for osteoporosis in these patients, with a particular focus on physical activity.
Animal experiments have shown that Vitamin D plays a role in both brain development and adult brain function. The adult Vitamin D receptor null mutant mouse (VDR -/-) is reported to be less active and more anxious than wild-type litter mate controls and to have poor swimming ability. However, an anxious behavioural phenotype is inferred from differences in locomotor behaviour. This is a general problem in behavioural phenotyping where a neurological phenotype is inferred from changes in locomotion which will be affected by non-neurological factors, such as muscle fatigue. In this study of VDR -/-, we conducted a detailed examination of one form of motor behaviour, swimming, compared to wildtype littermate controls. Swimming was assessed using a forced swim test, a laneway swimming test and a watermaze test using a visible platform. Post-swimming activity was assessed by comparing grooming and rearing behaviour before, and 5 min after, the forced swimming test. We replicated previous findings in which VDR -/- mice demonstrate more sinking episodes than wildtype controls in the forced swim test but they were similar to controls in the time taken to swim a 1 m laneway, and in the time taken to reach a visible platform in the watermaze. Thus, the VDR -/- mice were able to swim but were not able to float. Grooming and rearing behaviour of the VDR -/- mice was similar to wildtype controls before the forced swim but the VDR -/- were much less active after the swim compared with wildtype mice which displayed high levels of grooming and rearing. We conclude that VDR -/- mice have muscular and motor impairments that do not affect their ability to swim but significantly alters the ability to float as well as their post-swimming activity. Differences in muscle strength may confound tests of activity that are used to infer an anxious phenotype. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.